# Copyright (c) 2006, Peter Kuemmel, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. if (WIN32) # check if GNUWIN32_DIR is already set # (e.g. by command line argument or the calling script) if(NOT GNUWIN32_DIR) # check for enviroment variable file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{GNUWIN32_DIR}" GNUWIN32_DIR) if(NOT GNUWIN32_DIR) # search in the default program install folder file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{PROGRAMFILES}" _progFiles) find_file(GNUWIN32_DIR_tmp gnuwin32 win32libs PATHS "${_progFiles}" "C:/" "D:/" "E:/" "F:/" "G:/" ) set(GNUWIN32_DIR ${GNUWIN32_DIR_tmp}) endif(NOT GNUWIN32_DIR) endif(NOT GNUWIN32_DIR) if (GNUWIN32_DIR) set(GNUWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR ${GNUWIN32_DIR}/include) set(GNUWIN32_LIBRARY_DIR ${GNUWIN32_DIR}/lib) set(GNUWIN32_BINARY_DIR ${GNUWIN32_DIR}/bin) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} ${GNUWIN32_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} ${GNUWIN32_LIBRARY_DIR}) set(GNUWIN32_FOUND TRUE) else (GNUWIN32_DIR) set(GNUWIN32_FOUND) endif (GNUWIN32_DIR) if (GNUWIN32_FOUND) if (NOT GNUWIN32_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found GNUWIN32: ${GNUWIN32_DIR}") endif (NOT GNUWIN32_FIND_QUIETLY) else (GNUWIN32_FOUND) if (GNUWIN32_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find GNUWIN32") endif (GNUWIN32_FIND_REQUIRED) endif (GNUWIN32_FOUND) endif (WIN32)