/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** TQt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ void KbfxConfigDlgButton::init() { connect ( this, TQT_SIGNAL ( KbfxConfigDlgButtonChanged ( const char *, const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( ChangeForm ( const char *, const TQString & ) ) ); } /* actions performed when url is selected */ void KbfxConfigDlgButton::KbfxURLRequesterNormalUrlSelected ( const TQString &selected_img_path ) { emit KbfxConfigDlgButtonChanged ( "normal", selected_img_path ); } void KbfxConfigDlgButton::KbfxURLRequesterPressedUrlSelected ( const TQString &selected_img_path ) { emit KbfxConfigDlgButtonChanged ( "pressed", selected_img_path ); } void KbfxConfigDlgButton::KbfxURLRequesterHoverUrlSelected ( const TQString &selected_img_path ) { emit KbfxConfigDlgButtonChanged ( "hover", selected_img_path ); } void KbfxConfigDlgButton::KbfxButtonToggled ( bool ) { if ( KbfxButton->state() == 2 ) KbfxButton->setPixmap ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxPressedButtonPath ); if ( KbfxButton->state() == 0 ) KbfxButton->setPixmap ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxNormalButtonPath ); } /* url processing */ void KbfxConfigDlgButton::ChangeForm ( const char *name, const TQString &path ) { kdDebug() << "Received: " << name << " + " << path << endl; TQString tmppath = path; if ( tmppath.startsWith ( "file://" ) ) tmppath.remove ( "file://" ); TQImage tmp ( tmppath ); TQString tmpname = name; if ( tmpname == "pressed" ) { if ( tmp.isNull() ) { KMessageBox::error ( 0, tr2i18n ( "<p align='center'>Image cannot be used as a pressed button skin!</p>" "<p align='center'>Will use default pressed button skin.</p>" ), tr2i18n ( "Error loading image" ) ); tmppath = ConfigInit().m_KbfxPressedButtonPathDefault; } kdDebug() << tmpname << " :: " << tmppath << endl; KbfxURLRequesterPressed->setURL ( tmppath ); KbfxPixmapLabelPressed->setPixmap ( tmppath ); ConfigInit().m_KbfxPressedButtonPath = tmppath; if ( KbfxButton->state() == 2 ) KbfxButton->setPixmap ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxPressedButtonPath ); } if ( tmpname == "normal" ) { if ( tmp.isNull() ) { KMessageBox::error ( 0, tr2i18n ( "<p align='center'>Image cannot be used as a normal button skin!</p>" "<p align='center'>Will use default normal button skin.</p>" ), tr2i18n ( "Error loading image" ) ); tmppath = ConfigInit().m_KbfxNormalButtonPathDefault; } kdDebug() << tmpname << " :: " << tmppath << endl; KbfxURLRequesterNormal->setURL ( tmppath ); KbfxPixmapLabelNormal->setPixmap ( tmppath ); ConfigInit().m_KbfxNormalButtonPath = tmppath; if ( KbfxButton->state() == 0 ) KbfxButton->setPixmap ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxNormalButtonPath ); } if ( tmpname == "hover" ) { if ( tmp.isNull() ) { KMessageBox::error ( 0, tr2i18n ( "<p align='center'>Image cannot be used as a hover button skin!</p>" "<p align='center'>Will use default hover button skin.</p>" ), tr2i18n ( "Error loading image" ) ); tmppath = ConfigInit().m_KbfxHoverButtonPathDefault; } kdDebug() << tmpname << " :: " << tmppath << endl; KbfxURLRequesterHover->setURL ( tmppath ); KbfxPixmapLabelHover->setPixmap ( tmppath ); ConfigInit().m_KbfxHoverButtonPath = tmppath; } } /* initialize Button page at the beginning or after "Default" pressed */ void KbfxConfigDlgButton::ChangeForm() { KbfxURLRequesterNormal->setURL ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxNormalButtonPath ); KbfxURLRequesterPressed->setURL ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxPressedButtonPath ); KbfxURLRequesterHover->setURL ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxHoverButtonPath ); KbfxPixmapLabelNormal->setPixmap ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxNormalButtonPath ); KbfxPixmapLabelPressed->setPixmap ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxPressedButtonPath ); KbfxPixmapLabelHover->setPixmap ( ConfigInit().m_KbfxHoverButtonPath ); KbfxButtonToggled ( 1 ); if ( ConfigInit().m_fadeTime == 0 ) KbfxFadeButton->setChecked ( FALSE ); else KbfxFadeButton->setChecked ( TRUE ); if ( ConfigInit().m_ToolBarResize == TRUE && KbfxResizeKicker->state() == 0 ) KbfxResizeKicker->toggle(); if ( ConfigInit().m_ToolBarResize == FALSE && KbfxResizeKicker->state() == 2 ) KbfxResizeKicker->toggle(); KbfxFadeTime->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_fadeTime ) ); } void KbfxConfigDlgButton::KbfxResizeKickerToggled ( bool ) { if ( KbfxResizeKicker->state() == 2 ) { KbfxResizeKicker->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Panel Resize is 'ON'" ) ); ConfigInit().m_ToolBarResize = TRUE; } if ( KbfxResizeKicker->state() == 0 ) { KbfxResizeKicker->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Panel Resize is 'OFF'" ) ); ConfigInit().m_ToolBarResize = FALSE; } kdDebug() << "Panel Resize is: " << ConfigInit().m_ToolBarResize << endl; } void KbfxConfigDlgButton::KbfxFadeButton_toggled( bool _state ) { if ( _state ) { KbfxFadeTime->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_fadeTimeDefault ) ); ConfigInit().m_fadeTime = ConfigInit().m_fadeTimeDefault; } else { ConfigInit().m_fadeTime = 0; } } void KbfxConfigDlgButton::KbfxFadeTime_lostFocus() { int _value = ( KbfxFadeTime->text () ).toInt(); ConfigInit().m_fadeTime = _value; ConfigInit().checkValues(); KbfxFadeTime->setText ( TQString::number ( ConfigInit().m_fadeTime ) ); }