#                                          #
#     INSTALL file for KBFX >      #
#                                          #
Last update: 03/03/2007

Installation Notes by PhobosK

1. Requirements :

- Cmake  ( http://www.cmake.org ) - min. version 2.4.2
- KDE3 and Qt3 sources - header files/devel packages
- Strigi ( http://strigi.sf.net )  - header files/devel packages needed too
				     (optional package)

2. Compilation Instructions :

 2.1. Unpack the sources of KBFX with (x.y.z-XXXXXXXX represents the version of
      the KBFX package, for example :

    > tar xjvf kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX.tar.bz2

 2.2. Change into the new directory:

    > cd kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX/

 2.3. Start the configuration and the compilation using the command:

    > ./build.sh

	Note for Mandriva < 2007 users:
	The build script (by default) enables the use of "menudrake"
	instead of "kmenuedit". If you want to prevent this behavior then
	pass ONE of these options to the build script:
	"--menudrake-off" OR "-m"

	Notes for other building options:
	"--prefix" OR "-p"  to install KBFX in a different than the default folder
			    (default is KDE install folder) for example:
			    > ./build.sh -p /home/user
	"--strigi" OR "-s"  to enable Strigi support in KBFX
			    (default is no Strigi support)
	"--kde4" OR "-k"    to build KBFX for KDE4
			    (default is for KDE3)
	"--verbose" OR "-v" to make the build script give more verbose information
	"--nocheck" OR "-n" to make the build script not to check if an old KBFX
			    version is installed (default is to check)

3. Using the "checkinstall" application for building KBFX packages :

"checkinstall" DOES NOT work with cmake correctly up to this moment. :(
It can be used with additional commands in order to "work properly".
Here is the procedure to follow as user (NOT as ROOT) in order to obtain
the necessary distribution package.
NOTE: - x.y.z-XXXXXXXX represents the version of the KBFX package,
        in this example it is:
      - in the example here the version string is replaced only in the
        checkinstall comand but you have to do that everywhere the
        "x.y.z-XXXXXXXX" string is met

    > cd /tmp
    > tar xjvf kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX.tar.bz2
    > cd kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX/
    > mkdir -p build/package
    > cd build
    > export DESTDIR=/tmp/kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX/build/package
    > cmake  ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`tde-config --prefix`
    > make install DESTDIR=/tmp/kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX/build/package
    > find package/|sed s#^package/#./# > installed_files.txt
    > cd package/
    > su
    > checkinstall -nodoc --pkgname="kbfx" --pkgversion="" --pkgrelease="20070117" \
      --exclude="/" --include=../installed_files.txt --pakdir=/tmp/kbfx- sleep 1

When ready, "checkinstall" will show you the folder where the prepared package
is, like in this Mandriva Example:


 Done. The new package has been saved to

 You can install it in your system anytime using:

      rpm -i kbfx-


Of course the best way to make RPM packages is to use the "kbfx.spec" file provided
in the KBFX sources like described bellow.

4. RPM Building Instructions (Mandriva, Fedora, Suse) :

If you prefer manipulate a RPM, you can build it with the following commands:

 4.1. Build the RPM

    > rpmbuild -tb kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX.tar.bz2

   or (for Mandriva)

    > rpmbuild --rebuild kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX-mdv20070.src.rpm

   or (for Fedora)

    > rpmbuild --rebuild kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX-FCx.src.rpm

   or (for SuSe)

    > rpmbuild --rebuild kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX-suseXXX.src.rpm

 4.2. If succeed, you will found the rpm in /usr/src/rpm/RPMS (for Mandriva)
      or /usr/src/redhat/RPMS (for Fedora) or /usr/src/packages/RPMS (for Suse)
      according to the platform you have.

 4.3. Install the rpm as usually by:
    > rpm -Uvh kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX.rpm

	Notes for building RPM from KBFX SVN versions :
	- Follow these commands in the sources directory:
		> ./build.sh
		> Answer "N" to the question if you want to install KBFX
		> cd build
		> make dist
	- A file "kbfx-x.y.z-XXXXXXXX.tar.bz2" will be created in the build
	- Proceed with the steps described in 4.1., 4.2., 4.3.

5. Gentoo users:

In order to use the strigi engine in KBFX you have to do these steps:
 - Copy the "strigi-X.X.X.ebuild" and the "kbfx-0.4.9.X.ebuild" (from the sources
   directory) to your local portage tree as needed
   OR use the "kbfx-0.4.9.X-portage-overlay.tar.bz2"
 - Set the flag "strigi" for the kbfx ebuild
 - Emerge "clucene"
 - Emerge "kbfx"

There is a Layman overlay resource on the SourceForge SVN.
You can add it by this command:
    > layman -f -o https://kbfx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kbfx/layman/kbfx-overlay.xml \
      -a kbfx
After you add the "kbfx" overlay you can use it as usual.

6. Getting SVN version:

To download the latest development source, you need to go to KDE SVN
and download it from there. The current SVN address of the repository is:

Here are the instructions on how to get a copy of the SVN Repository:

 6.1. Install your distribution's package named "subversion"
      OR download and install it from: http://subversion.tigris.org

 6.2. Create a folder where you will compile/install KBFX and enter in it.
      For example do this:

    > mkdir -p ~/usr/src/svn
    > cd ~/usr/src/svn

 6.3. Checkout the SVN version of KBFX in this way and proceed as follows:

    > svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/kbfx_plasma
    > cd  kbfx_plasma

 6.4. Proceed with the compilation/installation of KBFX as described in 2.3.

    > ./build.sh

 6.5. If you want always to have the latest version of KBFX you may leave
      the folder ~/usr/src/svn/kbfx_plasma intact for future use.
      When you want to update the source files of KBFX you just need to do
      "svn up" in this folder, delete the folder ~/usr/src/svn/kbfx_plasma/build
      and do the step described in 2.3. i.e:

    > cd ~/usr/src/svn/kbfx_plasma
    > svn up
    > rm -fR build
    > ./build.sh