/* * Copyright (C) 2006 * Siraj Razick <siraj@kdemail.net> * PhobosK <phobosk@mail.kbfx.org> * see Also AUTHORS * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include "kbfxspinx.h" bool KbfxSpinx::m_horizontal_position = TRUE; KbfxSpinx::KbfxSpinx ( const TQString& configFile, Type type, int actions, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KPanelApplet ( configFile, type, actions, parent, name ),DCOPObject ( "KBFXInterface" ) { m_parent = parent; createKbfx(); } KbfxSpinx::~KbfxSpinx() { } void KbfxSpinx::dirtyReaload(const TQString & dir) { TQString _dir=dir; notifyConfigChange(); } void KbfxSpinx::createKbfx() { m_menu = 0; // Set to NULL m_tooltip = ConfigInit().m_ToolTip; m_kicker_auto_adjust = ConfigInit().m_ToolBarResize; m_KbfxWatcher = ConfigInit().m_KbfxWatcher; m_dcopClient = new DCOPClient (); m_dcopClient->attach (); kbfxBtn = new KbfxButton ( this,"Kbfx Button" ); if ( ConfigInit ().m_KbfxMenuType == "kmenu" ) { kbfxBtn->show(); kbfxBtn->repaint(); } else { createRMenu(); connect ( m_menu,TQT_SIGNAL ( aboutToHide () ),kbfxBtn,TQT_SLOT ( toggle() ) ); } kmenu_timer = new TQTimer ( this,"Fade Timer" ); connect ( kmenu_timer, TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout() ), kbfxBtn, TQT_SLOT ( toggleKMenu () ) ); connect ( kbfxBtn , TQT_SIGNAL ( pressed() ),this,TQT_SLOT ( showKbfxMenu() ) ); connect ( kbfxBtn , TQT_SIGNAL ( showToolTip() ),this,TQT_SLOT ( ToolTip() ) ); if ( m_kicker_auto_adjust ) m_parent->resize ( m_parent->width(),kbfxBtn->height() ); resizeRequest(); if (m_KbfxWatcher) { l_watch = new KDirWatch(TQT_TQOBJECT(this),"SyscocaWatch"); KUser * l_user = new KUser(); TQString l_path("/var/tmp/tdecache-"); l_path.append(l_user->loginName()); l_path.append("/"); l_watch->addDir(l_path); l_watch->startScan( TRUE, FALSE); connect ( l_watch, TQT_SIGNAL ( dirty(const TQString&) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( dirtyReaload(const TQString&) ) ); delete l_user; } } void KbfxSpinx::notifyConfigChange() { kdDebug() << "Got DCOP Call notifyConfigChange" << endl; /* FIXME The delete here does not reload everything. Only the button and the parent menu. Carefull memory de-allocation is needed before deleteing further :-( Else be ready for a nice backtrace. Memleak is obvious. */ /* bool _KbfxButton_m_sizeHeight = KbfxButton::m_sizeHeight; int _KbfxButton_m_size = KbfxButton::m_size; zap ( l_watch ); zap ( kmenu_timer ); zap ( kbfxBtn ); zap ( m_menu ); zap ( m_dcopClient ); ConfigInit().read(); KbfxPlasmaPixmapProvider::rebuildCache(); createKbfx(); KbfxButton::m_sizeHeight = _KbfxButton_m_sizeHeight; KbfxButton::m_size = _KbfxButton_m_size; kbfxBtn->loadSkins(); */ kbfxBtn -> reloadConfig(); } void KbfxSpinx::createRMenu() { m_menu = new KbfxSpinxPopUp ( this,"KbfxOpop" ); m_menuWidget = new KbfxSpinxMenuWidget ( m_menu,"KbfxSpinxMenu" ); m_menu->addItem ( m_menuWidget,0 ); kbfxBtn->show(); kbfxBtn->repaint(); menuPosition(); } void KbfxSpinx::showKbfxMenu() { if ( ConfigInit ().m_KbfxMenuType == "kmenu" ) { showKmenu (); } else { m_menu->popup ( menuPosition() ); } } void KbfxSpinx::ToolTip () { if ( !m_tooltip ) return; KbfxToolTip *tooltip = new KbfxToolTip (); TQPoint xpoint = ( this->mapToGlobal ( TQPoint ( 0, 0 ) ) ); int popx = xpoint.x (); int popy = xpoint.y (); if ( position () == pTop ) { popy += this->height(); } if ( position () == pBottom ) { popy -= tooltip->height(); } if ( position () == pLeft ) { popx += this->width(); } if ( position () == pRight ) { popx -= tooltip->width(); } connect ( kbfxBtn, TQT_SIGNAL ( leave () ), tooltip, TQT_SLOT ( hideToolTip () ) ); connect ( kbfxBtn, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), tooltip, TQT_SLOT ( hideToolTip () ) ); tooltip->setStartPos ( popx, popy ); tooltip->show (); } void KbfxSpinx::showKmenu() { /* Import of old KBFX code */ /** Note that there is no real way to know the height of the K-menu **/ this->setCursor ( TQt::BlankCursor ); TQByteArray data, rdata; TQDataStream arg ( data, IO_WriteOnly ); TQCString replytype; TQPoint _tmp ( TQCursor::pos () ); if ( position () == pTop || position () == pBottom ) { if ( _tmp.y () > 128 ) { TQCursor::setPos ( this->mapToGlobal ( TQPoint ( 0, 0 ) ) ); } else { TQCursor::setPos ( this->mapToGlobal ( this->geometry ().bottomLeft () ) ); } } else { if ( _tmp.x () > 128 ) { TQCursor::setPos ( this->mapToGlobal ( TQPoint ( 0, 0 ) ) ); } else { TQCursor::setPos ( this->mapToGlobal ( this->geometry ().topRight () ) ); } } arg << TQPoint ( TQCursor::pos () ); if ( !m_dcopClient-> call ( "kicker", "kicker", "popupKMenu(TQPoint)", data, replytype, rdata, FALSE, -1 ) ) { kdWarning () << "**KBFX-APPLET-FATAL_ERROR:Could not send DCOP command" << endl; } this->setCursor ( TQt::ArrowCursor ); TQCursor::setPos ( _tmp ); if ( !kmenu_timer->isActive ()) kmenu_timer->start(5000,true); kdDebug () << "Kmenu Called" << endl; } void KbfxSpinx::showMenu() { showKbfxMenu(); } void KbfxSpinx::about() { // KMessageBox::information ( 0, i18n ( "This is an about box" ) ); KRun::runCommand ( "kbfxconfigapp --about" ); } void KbfxSpinx::help() { kapp->invokeHelp ( "", "kbfxconfigapp" ); } void KbfxSpinx::preferences() { KRun::runCommand ( "kbfxconfigapp" ); } int KbfxSpinx::widthForHeight ( int height ) const { static int width_for_height = 0; if ( width_for_height != height || !m_horizontal_position ) { if ( m_kicker_auto_adjust ) kbfxBtn->readjust( TRUE ); // Readjust for height KbfxButton::m_sizeHeight = TRUE; KbfxButton::m_size = height; kbfxBtn->loadSkins(); width_for_height = height; } m_horizontal_position = TRUE; return kbfxBtn->width(); } int KbfxSpinx::heightForWidth ( int width ) const { static int height_for_width = 0; if ( height_for_width != width || m_horizontal_position) { if ( m_kicker_auto_adjust ) kbfxBtn->readjust( FALSE ); // Readjust for width KbfxButton::m_sizeHeight = FALSE; KbfxButton::m_size = width; kbfxBtn->loadSkins(); height_for_width = width; } m_horizontal_position = FALSE; return kbfxBtn->height(); } TQPoint KbfxSpinx::menuPosition() { TQPoint xpoint = ( this->mapToGlobal ( TQPoint ( 0, 0 ) ) ); int popx = xpoint.x (); int popy = xpoint.y (); if ( position () == pTop ) { return TQPoint ( popx, ( popy + this->height() ) ); } if ( position () == pBottom ) { return TQPoint ( popx, ( popy - m_menuWidget->height() ) ); } if ( position () == pLeft ) { return TQPoint ( ( popx + this->width() ), popy ); } if ( position () == pRight ) { return TQPoint ( ( popx - m_menuWidget->width() ), popy ); } return xpoint; // Should never be reached? } extern "C" { KPanelApplet* init ( TQWidget *parent, const TQString& configFile ) { TDEGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue ( "KbfxSpinx" ); return new KbfxSpinx ( configFile, KPanelApplet::Normal, KPanelApplet::About | KPanelApplet::Help | KPanelApplet::Preferences, parent, "KbfxSpinx" ); } } #include "kbfxspinx.moc"