*   Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Thomas Fischer                             *
*   fischer@unix-ag.uni-kl.de                                             *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
*   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
*                                                                         *
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
*   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
*   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
*   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>

#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kwin.h>

#include <entry.h>
#include <entryfield.h>
#include <file.h>
#include <settings.h>
#include <entrywidgettab.h>
#include <entrywidgettitle.h>
#include <entrywidgetauthor.h>
#include <entrywidgetkeyword.h>
#include <entrywidgetpublication.h>
#include <entrywidgetmisc.h>
#include <entrywidgetexternal.h>
#include <entrywidgetuserdefined.h>
#include <entrywidgetother.h>
#include <entrywidgetwarningsitem.h>
#include <fieldlistview.h>
#include <idsuggestions.h>
#include <webqueryarxiv.h>
#include "entrywidget.h"

namespace KBibTeX
    QDialog::DialogCode EntryWidget::execute( BibTeX::Entry *entry, BibTeX::File *bibtexfile, bool isReadOnly, bool isNew, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
        EntryWidgetDialog *dlg = new EntryWidgetDialog( parent, name, TRUE, i18n( "Edit BibTeX Entry" ), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel );
        EntryWidget *entryWidget = new EntryWidget( entry, bibtexfile, isReadOnly, isNew, dlg, "entryWidget" );
        dlg->setMainWidget( entryWidget );

        QDialog::DialogCode result = ( QDialog::DialogCode ) dlg->exec();

        delete entryWidget;
        delete dlg;

        return result;

    EntryWidget::EntryWidget( BibTeX::File *bibtexfile, bool isReadOnly, bool isNew, QDialog *parent, const char *name )
            : QWidget( parent, name ), m_originalEntry( NULL ), m_bibtexfile( bibtexfile ), m_isReadOnly( isReadOnly ), m_isNew( isNew ), m_lastPage( NULL ), m_dlgParent( parent ), m_wqa( new WebQueryArXiv( NULL ) )
        setupGUI( parent, FALSE );

        Settings * settings = Settings::self();
        m_checkBoxEnableAll->setChecked( settings->editing_EnableAllFields );
        m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable = settings->idSuggestions_default >= 0;
        m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->setEnabled( !m_isReadOnly && m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable );
        m_pushButtonIdSuggestions->setEnabled( !m_isReadOnly );

        connect( m_wqa, SIGNAL( foundEntry( BibTeX::Entry*, bool ) ), this, SLOT( useExternalEntry( BibTeX::Entry*, bool ) ) );
        connect( m_wqa, SIGNAL( endSearch( WebQuery::Status ) ), this, SLOT( endExternalSearch( WebQuery::Status ) ) );

    EntryWidget::EntryWidget( BibTeX::Entry *entry, BibTeX::File *bibtexfile, bool isReadOnly, bool isNew, QDialog *parent, const char *name )
            : QWidget( parent, name ), m_originalEntry( entry ), m_bibtexfile( bibtexfile ), m_isReadOnly( isReadOnly ), m_isNew( isNew ), m_lastPage( NULL ), m_dlgParent( parent ), m_wqa( new WebQueryArXiv( NULL ) )
        setupGUI( parent );

        Settings * settings = Settings::self();
        m_checkBoxEnableAll->setChecked( settings->editing_EnableAllFields );
        m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable = settings->idSuggestions_default >= 0;
        m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->setEnabled( !m_isReadOnly && m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable );
        m_pushButtonIdSuggestions->setEnabled( !m_isReadOnly );


        connect( m_wqa, SIGNAL( foundEntry( BibTeX::Entry*, bool ) ), this, SLOT( useExternalEntry( BibTeX::Entry*, bool ) ) );
        connect( m_wqa, SIGNAL( endSearch( WebQuery::Status ) ), this, SLOT( endExternalSearch( WebQuery::Status ) ) );

        delete m_updateWarningsTimer;

        delete m_wqa;

        KConfig * config = kapp->config();
        config->setGroup( "EntryWidget" );
        saveWindowSize( config );

    void EntryWidget::showEvent( QShowEvent *showev )
        QWidget::showEvent( showev );
        EntryWidgetTitle *ewt = dynamic_cast<EntryWidgetTitle*>( m_tabWidget->page( 0 ) );
        if ( ewt != NULL )

        KConfig * config = kapp->config();
        config->setGroup( "EntryWidget" );
        restoreWindowSize( config );

    bool EntryWidget::queryClose()
        bool isModified = m_lineEditID->isModified();

        for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); !isModified && it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
            isModified = ( *it ) ->isModified();
        isModified |= m_sourcePage->isModified();

        KGuiItem discardBtn = KGuiItem( i18n( "Discard" ), "editshred" );
        return !isModified || KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n( "The current entry has been modified. Do you want do discard your changes?" ), i18n( "Discard changes" ), discardBtn ) == KMessageBox::Continue;

    void EntryWidget::apply()
        if ( !m_isReadOnly )
            apply( m_originalEntry );
            m_originalEntry->setId( IdSuggestions::resolveConflict( m_bibtexfile, m_originalEntry->id(), m_originalEntry ) );

            Settings * settings = Settings::self();
            settings->addToCompletion( m_originalEntry );

    void EntryWidget::apply( BibTeX::Entry *entry )
        internalApply( entry );
        if ( m_tabWidget->currentPage() == m_sourcePage )
            m_sourcePage->apply( entry );
            for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
                ( *it ) ->apply( entry );

    void EntryWidget::internalApply( BibTeX::Entry *entry )
        BibTeX::Entry::EntryType entryType = BibTeX::Entry::entryTypeFromString( m_comboBoxEntryType->currentText() );
        if ( entryType == BibTeX::Entry::etUnknown )
            entry->setEntryTypeString( m_comboBoxEntryType->currentText() );
            entry->setEntryType( entryType );

        entry->setId( m_lineEditID->text() );

    void EntryWidget::reset()
        reset( m_originalEntry );

    void EntryWidget::reset( BibTeX::Entry *entry )
        internalReset( entry );
        m_sourcePage->reset( entry );
        for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
            ( *it ) ->reset( entry );


    void EntryWidget::internalReset( BibTeX::Entry *entry )
        m_lineEditID->setText( entry->id() );
        Settings * settings = Settings::self();
        m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->setOn( m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable && settings->idSuggestions_forceDefault && m_isNew );
        m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->setEnabled( !m_isReadOnly && m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable );

        bool foundEntryType = FALSE;
        for ( int i = 0; !foundEntryType && i < m_comboBoxEntryType->count(); i++ )
            if (( BibTeX::Entry::EntryType ) i + BibTeX::Entry::etArticle == entry->entryType() )
                m_comboBoxEntryType->setCurrentItem( i );
                foundEntryType = TRUE;
        if ( !foundEntryType )
            m_comboBoxEntryType->setCurrentText( entry->entryTypeString() );

    void EntryWidget::slotEnableAllFields( )

    void EntryWidget::slotForceDefaultIdSuggestion()
        m_isNew = FALSE;
        m_lineEditID->setEnabled( !m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->isOn() );
        m_pushButtonIdSuggestions->setEnabled( !m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->isOn() && !m_isReadOnly );

    void EntryWidget::slotEntryTypeChanged( )

    void EntryWidget::slotCurrentPageChanged( QWidget* newPage )
        BibTeX::Entry temporaryEntry;

        if ( newPage == m_sourcePage )
            // switching to source tab
            internalApply( &temporaryEntry );
            for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
                ( *it ) ->apply( &temporaryEntry );
            m_sourcePage->reset( &temporaryEntry );

            m_comboBoxEntryType->setEnabled( FALSE );
            m_lineEditID->setEnabled( FALSE );
            m_pushButtonIdSuggestions->setEnabled( FALSE );
            m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->setEnabled( FALSE );
        else if ( m_lastPage == m_sourcePage )
            // switching from source tab away
            bool doApply = true;
            bool doChange = true;
            if ( !m_sourcePage->containsValidText() )
                if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n( "The source code does not contain valid BibTeX code.\n\nRestore previous version or continue editing?" ), i18n( "Invalid BibTeX code" ), KGuiItem( i18n( "Restore" ) ), KGuiItem( i18n( "Edit" ) ) ) == KMessageBox::No )
                    QString text = m_sourcePage->text();
                    m_tabWidget->showPage( m_sourcePage );
                    m_sourcePage->setText( text );
                    doChange = false;
                    newPage = m_sourcePage;
                    doApply = false;

            if ( doChange )
                if ( doApply )
                    m_sourcePage->apply( &temporaryEntry );
                    internalReset( &temporaryEntry );
                    for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
                        ( *it ) ->reset( &temporaryEntry );

                m_comboBoxEntryType->setEnabled( TRUE );
                m_lineEditID->setEnabled( !m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable || !m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->isOn() );
                m_pushButtonIdSuggestions->setEnabled(( !m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable || !m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->isOn() ) && !m_isReadOnly );
                m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->setEnabled( !m_isReadOnly && m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable );
                if ( !m_isReadOnly )
                    m_updateWarningsTimer->start( 500 );

        m_lastPage = newPage;

    void EntryWidget::warningsExecute( QListViewItem* item )
        EntryWidgetWarningsItem * ewwi = dynamic_cast<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem*>( item );
        if ( ewwi != NULL && ewwi->widget() != NULL )
            ewwi->widget() ->setFocus();
            // find and activate corresponding tab page
            QObject *parent = ewwi->widget();
            KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab *ewt = dynamic_cast<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>( parent );
            while ( ewt == NULL && parent != NULL )
                parent = parent->parent();
                ewt = dynamic_cast<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>( parent );
            m_tabWidget->setCurrentPage( m_tabWidget-> indexOf( ewt ) );

    void EntryWidget::setupGUI( QWidget *parent, bool showWarnings )
        QGridLayout * layout = new QGridLayout( this, 4, 6, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() );

        // in the top row on the left, put an entry type label and combobox
        QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n( "E&ntry Type:" ), this );
        layout->addWidget( label, 0, 0 );
        m_comboBoxEntryType = new QComboBox( TRUE, this, "m_comboBoxEntryType" );
        label->setBuddy( m_comboBoxEntryType );
        m_comboBoxEntryType->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
        m_comboBoxEntryType->setEnabled( !m_isReadOnly );
        layout->addWidget( m_comboBoxEntryType, 0, 1 );

        // in the top row on the left, put an identifier label and combobox
        label = new QLabel( i18n( "&Identifier" ), this );
        layout->addWidget( label, 0, 2 );
        m_lineEditID = new QLineEdit( this, "m_lineEditID" );
        label->setBuddy( m_lineEditID );
        m_lineEditID->setReadOnly( m_isReadOnly );
        m_lineEditID->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
        layout->addWidget( m_lineEditID, 0, 3 );

        m_pushButtonIdSuggestions = new QPushButton( QIconSet( BarIcon( "wizard" ) ), "", this, "m_pushButtonIdSuggestions" );
        m_menuIdSuggestions = new QPopupMenu( m_pushButtonIdSuggestions );
        connect( m_menuIdSuggestions, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( insertIdSuggestion( int ) ) );
        m_pushButtonIdSuggestions->setPopup( m_menuIdSuggestions );
        layout->addWidget( m_pushButtonIdSuggestions, 0, 4 );

        m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion = new QPushButton( QIconSet( BarIcon( "favorites" ) ), "", this, "m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion" );
        m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->setToggleButton( TRUE );
        layout->addWidget( m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion, 0, 5 );
        QToolTip::add( m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion, i18n( "Use the default id suggestion to set the entry id" ) );
        QWhatsThis::add( m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion, i18n( "Use the default id suggestion to set the entry id.\nYou can edit and select the default id suggestion in the configuration dialog." ) );

        // central tab widget for all the tabs
        m_tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this );
        layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_tabWidget, 1, 1, 0, 5 );

        // a check box if the user want to edit all fields
        m_checkBoxEnableAll = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Enable all &fields for editing" ), this );
        layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_checkBoxEnableAll, 2, 2, 0, 4 );

        m_pushButtonRefetch = new QPushButton( KGlobal::iconLoader() ->loadIconSet( "reload", KIcon::Small ), i18n( "Refetch" ), this );
        layout->addWidget( m_pushButtonRefetch, 2, 5 );
        connect( m_pushButtonRefetch, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( refreshFromURL() ) );

        if ( showWarnings )
            // list view for warnings, errors and suggestions
            m_listViewWarnings = new QListView( this );
            m_listViewWarnings->addColumn( i18n( "Message" ) );
            m_listViewWarnings->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
            layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_listViewWarnings, 3, 3, 0, 5 );
            connect( m_listViewWarnings, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int ) ), this, SLOT( warningsExecute( QListViewItem* ) ) );
            m_listViewWarnings = NULL;

        connect( m_checkBoxEnableAll, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotEnableAllFields( ) ) );
        connect( m_comboBoxEntryType, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotEntryTypeChanged( ) ) );
        connect( m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotForceDefaultIdSuggestion() ) );
        connect( m_comboBoxEntryType, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotEntryTypeChanged() ) );
        connect( m_tabWidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QWidget* ) ), this, SLOT( slotCurrentPageChanged( QWidget* ) ) );
        connect( parent, SIGNAL( okClicked() ), this, SLOT( apply() ) );
        connect( m_menuIdSuggestions, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( updateIdSuggestionsMenu() ) );

        m_updateWarningsTimer = new QTimer( this );
        connect( m_updateWarningsTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( updateWarnings() ) );
        if ( !m_isReadOnly )
            m_updateWarningsTimer->start( 500 );

    void EntryWidget::addTabWidgets()
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTitle( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetTitle" ), i18n( "Title" ) );
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetAuthor( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetAuthor" ), i18n( "Author/Editor" ) );
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetPublication( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetPublication" ), i18n( "Publication" ) );
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetMisc( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetMisc" ), i18n( "Misc" ) );
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetKeyword( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetKeyword" ), i18n( "Keywords" ) );
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetExternal( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetExternal" ), i18n( "External" ) );
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetUserDefined( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetUserDefined" ), i18n( "User Defined" ) );
        addTabWidget( new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetOther( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetOther" ), i18n( "Other Fields" ) );

        m_sourcePage = new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetSource( m_bibtexfile, m_isReadOnly, m_tabWidget, "EntryWidgetSource" );
        m_tabWidget->insertTab( m_sourcePage, i18n( "Source" ) );

    void EntryWidget::addTabWidget( EntryWidgetTab *widget, const QString& title )
        m_tabWidget->insertTab( widget, title );
        m_internalEntryWidgets.append( widget );

    void EntryWidget::setupEntryTypes()
        int i = ( int ) BibTeX::Entry::etArticle;
        BibTeX::Entry::EntryType entryType = ( BibTeX::Entry::EntryType ) i;
        while ( entryType != BibTeX::Entry::etUnknown )
            QString currentString = BibTeX::Entry::entryTypeToString( entryType );
            m_comboBoxEntryType->insertItem( currentString );
            entryType = ( BibTeX::Entry::EntryType ) ++i;

    void EntryWidget::updateGUI()
        BibTeX::Entry::EntryType entryType = BibTeX::Entry::entryTypeFromString( m_comboBoxEntryType->currentText() );
        for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
            ( *it ) ->updateGUI( entryType, m_checkBoxEnableAll->isChecked() );
        updateWarnings( );

    void EntryWidget::updateWarnings()
        if ( m_listViewWarnings == NULL )


        int p = 0;
        if ( m_defaultIdSuggestionAvailable && m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion->isOn() )
            BibTeX::Entry temporaryEntry;
            apply( &temporaryEntry );
            QString id = IdSuggestions::createDefaultSuggestion( m_bibtexfile, &temporaryEntry );
            if ( id.isNull() || id.isEmpty() )
                new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlWarning, i18n( "Please supply more fields to use the default id" ), m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion, m_listViewWarnings );
                new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlInformation, QString( i18n( "Using '%1' as entry id" ) ).arg( id ), m_pushButtonForceDefaultIdSuggestion, m_listViewWarnings );
                m_lineEditID->setText( id );
        else if ( m_lineEditID->text().isEmpty() )
            new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlError, i18n( "An entry has to have an identifier" ), m_lineEditID, m_listViewWarnings );
        else if (( p = m_lineEditID->text().find( Settings::noIdChars ) ) > 0 )
            new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlError, QString( i18n( "The identifier contains invalid characters at position %1" ) ).arg( p + 1 ), m_lineEditID, m_listViewWarnings );

        BibTeX::Entry::EntryType entryType = BibTeX::Entry::entryTypeFromString( m_comboBoxEntryType->currentText() );
        for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
            ( *it ) ->updateWarnings( entryType, m_listViewWarnings );

        QString text = m_lineEditID->text();
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ )
            if ( text.at( i ).unicode() > 127 )
                new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlWarning, QString( i18n( "The identifier contains non-ascii characters, first one is '%1'" ) ).arg( text.at( i ) ), m_lineEditID, m_listViewWarnings );

        BibTeX::Entry temporaryEntry;
        /** fetch data from GUI elements */
        for ( QValueList<KBibTeX::EntryWidgetTab*>::iterator it( m_internalEntryWidgets.begin() ); it != m_internalEntryWidgets.end(); ++it )
            ( *it ) ->apply( &temporaryEntry );
        internalApply( &temporaryEntry );

        /** check if entry with same id already exists */
        QString id = temporaryEntry.id();
        if ( m_bibtexfile != NULL && !id.isEmpty() )
            BibTeX::Entry *nameMatched = dynamic_cast<BibTeX::Entry*>( m_bibtexfile->containsKey( id ) );
            if ( nameMatched != NULL && nameMatched != m_originalEntry )
                new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlError, QString( i18n( "This BibTeX file already contains an entry with id '%1'." ) ).arg( id ), m_lineEditID, m_listViewWarnings );

        BibTeX::Entry *crossRefEntry = NULL;
        QString crossRefText = "";
        BibTeX::EntryField *crossRef = temporaryEntry.getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftCrossRef );
        if ( crossRef != NULL && m_bibtexfile != NULL )
            crossRefText = crossRef->value()->text();
            crossRefEntry = dynamic_cast<BibTeX::Entry*>( m_bibtexfile->containsKey( crossRefText ) );

        switch ( temporaryEntry.entryType() )
        case BibTeX::Entry::etProceedings:
            if ( temporaryEntry.getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftEditor ) == NULL && temporaryEntry.getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftOrganization ) == NULL && temporaryEntry.getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftKey ) == NULL )
                new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlWarning, i18n( "Require either 'Editor', 'Organization', or 'Key'" ), NULL, m_listViewWarnings );
        case BibTeX::Entry::etInProceedings:
            if ( crossRefEntry != NULL )
                if ( crossRefEntry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftEditor ) == NULL && crossRefEntry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftKey ) == NULL && crossRefEntry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftBookTitle ) == NULL )
                    new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlWarning, QString( i18n( "Cross referenced entry '%1' must contain either 'Editor', 'Key', or 'Book Title'" ) ).arg( crossRefText ), NULL, m_listViewWarnings );
        case BibTeX::Entry::etInBook:
            if ( crossRefEntry != NULL )
                if ( crossRefEntry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftVolume ) == NULL )
                    new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlWarning, QString( i18n( "Cross referenced entry '%1' must contain 'Volume'" ) ).arg( crossRefText ), NULL, m_listViewWarnings );
                if ( crossRefEntry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftEditor ) == NULL && crossRefEntry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftKey ) == NULL && crossRefEntry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftSeries ) == NULL )
                    new KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem( KBibTeX::EntryWidgetWarningsItem::wlWarning, QString( i18n( "Cross referenced entry '%1' must contain either 'Editor', 'Key', or 'Series'" ) ).arg( crossRefText ), NULL, m_listViewWarnings );
// nothing

    void EntryWidget::updateIdSuggestionsMenu()
        BibTeX::Entry temporaryEntry;

        apply( &temporaryEntry );
        QStringList suggestions = IdSuggestions::createSuggestions( m_bibtexfile, &temporaryEntry );
        for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = suggestions.begin(); it != suggestions.end(); ++it )
            m_idToSuggestion.insert( m_menuIdSuggestions->insertItem( *it ), *it );

        if ( m_idToSuggestion.count() == 0 )
            m_menuIdSuggestions->setItemEnabled( m_menuIdSuggestions->insertItem( i18n( "No suggestions available" ) ), FALSE );

    void EntryWidget::insertIdSuggestion( int id )
        m_lineEditID->setText( m_idToSuggestion[id] );

    /* This function was taken form KMainWindow of KDE 3.5 and modified to fit KBibTeX */
    void EntryWidget::saveWindowSize( KConfig *config ) const
        int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( parentWidget() );
        QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( scnum );
        int w, h;
#if defined Q_WS_X11
        // save maximalization as desktop size + 1 in that direction
        KWin::WindowInfo info = KWin::windowInfo( m_dlgParent->winId(), NET::WMState );
        w = info.state() & NET::MaxHoriz ? desk.width() + 1 : m_dlgParent->width();
        h = info.state() & NET::MaxVert ? desk.height() + 1 : m_dlgParent->height();
        if ( isMaximized() )
            w = desk.width() + 1;
            h = desk.height() + 1;
        //TODO: add "Maximized" property instead "+1" hack
        QRect size( desk.width(), w, desk.height(), h );
        bool defaultSize = false;//( size == d->defaultWindowSize );
        QString widthString = QString::fromLatin1( "Width %1" ).arg( desk.width() );
        QString heightString = QString::fromLatin1( "Height %1" ).arg( desk.height() );
        if ( !config->hasDefault( widthString ) && defaultSize )
            config->revertToDefault( widthString );
            config->writeEntry( widthString, w );

        if ( !config->hasDefault( heightString ) && defaultSize )
            config->revertToDefault( heightString );
            config->writeEntry( heightString, h );

    /* This function was taken form KMainWindow of KDE 3.5 and modified to fit KBibTeX */
    void EntryWidget::restoreWindowSize( KConfig *config )
        // restore the size
        int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( parentWidget() );
        QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( scnum );
//         if ( d->defaultWindowSize.isNull() ) // only once
//             d->defaultWindowSize = QRect( desk.width(), width(), desk.height(), height() ); // store default values
        QSize size( config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1( "Width %1" ).arg( desk.width() ), 0 ),
                    config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1( "Height %1" ).arg( desk.height() ), 0 ) );
        if ( size.isEmpty() )
            // try the KDE 2.0 way
            size = QSize( config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1( "Width" ), 0 ),
                          config->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1( "Height" ), 0 ) );
            if ( !size.isEmpty() )
                // make sure the other resolutions don't get old settings
                config->writeEntry( QString::fromLatin1( "Width" ), 0 );
                config->writeEntry( QString::fromLatin1( "Height" ), 0 );
        if ( !size.isEmpty() )
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
            int state = ( size.width() > desk.width() ? NET::MaxHoriz : 0 )
                        | ( size.height() > desk.height() ? NET::MaxVert : 0 );
            if (( state & NET::Max ) == NET::Max )
                ; // no resize
            else if (( state & NET::MaxHoriz ) == NET::MaxHoriz )
                m_dlgParent->resize( width(), size.height() );
            else if (( state & NET::MaxVert ) == NET::MaxVert )
                m_dlgParent->resize( size.width(), height() );
                m_dlgParent->resize( size );
            // QWidget::showMaximized() is both insufficient and broken
            KWin::setState( m_dlgParent->winId(), state );
            if ( size.width() > desk.width() || size.height() > desk.height() )
                m_dlgParent->setWindowState( WindowMaximized );
                m_dlgParent->resize( size );

    void EntryWidget::refreshFromURL()
        BibTeX::Entry *entry = new BibTeX::Entry();
        apply( entry );
        m_oldId = entry->id();
        BibTeX::EntryField * field = entry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftURL );
        KURL url = field != NULL ? KURL( field->value()->text().lower() ) : KURL();

        if ( url.isValid() && url.prettyURL().contains( "arxiv.org/abs/" ) )
            m_pushButtonRefetch->setEnabled( false );
            qDebug( "Refetching from url %s", url.prettyURL().latin1() );
            m_wqa->fetchFromAbstract( url );
            KMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Currently only refetching from ArXiv sources is supported.\n\nThis requires that the URL field points to an \"abstract\" page (i.e. the URL contains \"arxiv.org/abs/\")." ), i18n( "Refetching entry" ) );
            m_pushButtonRefetch->setEnabled( true );

    void EntryWidget::useExternalEntry( BibTeX::Entry* entry, bool )
        if ( entry != NULL )
            BibTeX::Entry *oldEntry = new BibTeX::Entry();
            apply( oldEntry );

            entry->setId( m_oldId );
            for ( BibTeX::Entry::EntryFields::ConstIterator it = oldEntry->begin(); it != oldEntry->end(); ++it )
                BibTeX::EntryField *oldField = *it;
                BibTeX::EntryField *field = entry->getField( oldField->fieldTypeName() );
                if ( field == NULL )
                    field = new BibTeX::EntryField( oldField->fieldTypeName() );
                    entry->addField( field );
                    field->setValue( new BibTeX::Value( oldField->value() ) );
            reset( entry );
            KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Fetching updated bibliographic data failed." ), i18n( "Refetching entry" ) );

    void EntryWidget::endExternalSearch( WebQuery::Status )
        m_pushButtonRefetch->setEnabled( true );

#include "entrywidget.moc"