*   Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Thomas Fischer                             *
*   fischer@unix-ag.uni-kl.de                                             *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
*   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
*                                                                         *
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
*   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
*   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
*   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqiodevice.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>

#include "settings.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "entry.h"
#include "element.h"
#include "macro.h"
#include "comment.h"
#include "fileexporter.h"

namespace BibTeX

    File::File( ) : TQObject( ), fileName( TQString::null )
        // nothing

        for ( ElementList::iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++ )
            delete * it;

    unsigned int File::count() const
        return elements.count();

    Element* File::at( const unsigned int index )
        return *( elements.at( index ) );

    void File::append( const File *other, const Element *after )
        for ( ElementList::ConstIterator it = other->constBegin(); it != other->constEnd(); it++ )
            appendElement( cloneElement( *it ), after );

    void File::appendElement( Element *element, const Element *after )
        if ( after == NULL )
            elements.append( element );
            for ( ElementList::iterator it = elements.begin() ; it != elements.end(); it++ )
                if (( *it ) == after )
                    elements.insert( ++it, element );

    void File::deleteElement( Element *element )
        bool found = false;
        for ( ElementList::iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++ )
            if ( ( found = ( *it == element ) ) )
                elements.remove( it );
                delete element;

        if ( !found )
            tqDebug( "BibTeX::File got told to delete an element which is not in this file." );

    Element* File::cloneElement( Element *element )
        Entry * entry = dynamic_cast<Entry*>( element );
        if ( entry )
            return new Entry( entry );
            Macro *macro = dynamic_cast<Macro*>( element );
            if ( macro )
                return new Macro( macro );
                Comment *comment = dynamic_cast<Comment*>( element );
                if ( comment )
                    return new Comment( comment );
                    return NULL;

    Element *File::containsKey( const TQString &key )
        for ( ElementList::iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++ )
            Entry* entry = dynamic_cast<Entry*>( *it );
            if ( entry != NULL )
                if ( entry->id() == key )
                    return entry;
                Macro* macro = dynamic_cast<Macro*>( *it );
                if ( macro != NULL )
                    if ( macro->key() == key )
                        return macro;

        return NULL;

    const Element *File::containsKeyConst( const TQString &key ) const
        for ( ElementList::const_iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++ )
            Entry* entry = dynamic_cast<Entry*>( *it );
            if ( entry != NULL )
                if ( entry->id() == key )
                    return entry;
                Macro* macro = dynamic_cast<Macro*>( *it );
                if ( macro != NULL )
                    if ( macro->key() == key )
                        return macro;

        return NULL;

    TQStringList File::allKeys()
        TQStringList result;

        for ( ElementList::iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++ )
            Entry* entry = dynamic_cast<Entry*>( *it );
            if ( entry != NULL )
                result.append( entry->id() );
                Macro* macro = dynamic_cast<Macro*>( *it );
                if ( macro != NULL )
                    result.append( macro->key() );

        return result;

    TQString File::text()
        TQString result;

        for ( ElementList::iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++ )
            result.append(( *it )->text() );
            result.append( "\n" );

        return result;

    File::ElementList::iterator File::begin()
        return elements.begin();

    File::ElementList::iterator File::end()
        return elements.end();

    File::ElementList::ConstIterator File::constBegin() const
        return elements.constBegin();

    File::ElementList::ConstIterator File::constEnd() const
        return elements.constEnd();

    TQStringList File::getAllValuesAsStringList( const EntryField::FieldType fieldType ) const
        TQStringList result;
        for ( ElementList::ConstIterator eit = elements.constBegin(); eit != elements.constEnd(); ++eit )
            Entry* entry = dynamic_cast<Entry*>( *eit );
            EntryField * field = NULL;
            if ( entry != NULL && ( field = entry->getField( fieldType ) ) != NULL )
                TQValueList<ValueItem*> valueItems = field->value()->items;
                for ( TQValueList<ValueItem*>::ConstIterator vit = valueItems.begin(); vit != valueItems.end(); ++vit )
                    switch ( fieldType )
                    case EntryField::ftKeywords :
                            KeywordContainer *container = dynamic_cast<KeywordContainer*>( *vit );
                            if ( container != NULL )
                                for ( TQValueList<Keyword*>::ConstIterator kit = container->keywords.constBegin(); kit != container->keywords.constEnd(); ++kit )
                                    TQString text = ( *kit )->text();
                                    if ( !result.contains( text ) )
                                        result.append( text );
                    case EntryField::ftEditor :
                    case EntryField::ftAuthor :
                            PersonContainer *container = dynamic_cast<PersonContainer*>( *vit );
                            if ( container != NULL )
                                for ( TQValueList<Person*>::ConstIterator pit = container->persons.constBegin(); pit != container->persons.constEnd(); ++pit )
                                    TQString text = ( *pit )->text();
                                    if ( !result.contains( text ) )
                                        result.append( text );
                            TQString text = ( *vit )->text();
                            if ( !result.contains( text ) )
                                result.append( text );

        return result;

    TQMap<TQString, int> File::getAllValuesAsStringListWithCount( const EntryField::FieldType fieldType ) const
        TQMap<TQString, int> result;
        for ( ElementList::ConstIterator eit = elements.begin(); eit != elements.end(); ++eit )
            Entry* entry = dynamic_cast<Entry*>( *eit );
            EntryField * field = NULL;
            if ( entry != NULL && ( field = entry->getField( fieldType ) ) != NULL )
                TQValueList<ValueItem*> valueItems = field->value()->items;
                for ( TQValueList<ValueItem*>::ConstIterator vit = valueItems.begin(); vit != valueItems.end(); ++vit )
                    switch ( fieldType )
                    case EntryField::ftKeywords :
                            KeywordContainer *container = dynamic_cast<KeywordContainer*>( *vit );
                            if ( container != NULL )
                                for ( TQValueList<Keyword*>::ConstIterator kit = container->keywords.constBegin(); kit != container->keywords.constEnd(); ++kit )
                                    TQString text = ( *kit )->text();
                                    if ( !result.contains( text ) )
                                        result[text] = 1;
                                        result[text] += 1;
                    case EntryField::ftEditor :
                    case EntryField::ftAuthor :
                            PersonContainer *container = dynamic_cast<PersonContainer*>( *vit );
                            if ( container != NULL )
                                for ( TQValueList<Person*>::ConstIterator pit = container->persons.constBegin(); pit != container->persons.constEnd(); ++pit )
                                    TQString text = ( *pit )->text();
                                    if ( !result.contains( text ) )
                                        result[text] = 1;
                                        result[text] += 1;
                            TQString text = ( *vit )->text();
                            if ( !result.contains( text ) )
                                result[text] = 1;
                                result[text] += 1;

        return result;

    void File::replaceValue( const TQString& oldText, const TQString& newText, const EntryField::FieldType fieldType )
        tqDebug( "Renaming all occurrences of '%s' to '%s' for fields of type '%s'", oldText.latin1(), newText.latin1(), EntryField::fieldTypeToString( fieldType ).latin1() );

        for ( ElementList::ConstIterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); it++ )
            Entry* entry = dynamic_cast<Entry*>( *it );
            if ( entry != NULL )
                if ( fieldType != EntryField::ftUnknown )
                    EntryField * field = entry->getField( fieldType );
                    if ( field != NULL )
                        field->value() ->replace( oldText, newText );

    BibTeX::Entry *File::completeReferencedFieldsConst( const BibTeX::Entry *entry ) const
        BibTeX::Entry *myEntry = new BibTeX::Entry( entry );
        completeReferencedFields( myEntry );
        return myEntry;

    void File::completeReferencedFields( BibTeX::Entry *entry ) const
        BibTeX::EntryField *crossRefField = entry->getField( BibTeX::EntryField::ftCrossRef );
        const BibTeX::Entry *parent = NULL;
        if ( crossRefField != NULL && ( parent = dynamic_cast<const BibTeX::Entry*>( containsKeyConst( crossRefField->value()->text() ) ) ) != NULL )
            for ( int ef = ( int )BibTeX::EntryField::ftAbstract; ef <= ( int )BibTeX::EntryField::ftYear; ++ef )
                BibTeX::EntryField *entryField = entry->getField(( BibTeX::EntryField::FieldType ) ef );
                if ( entryField == NULL )
                    BibTeX::EntryField *parentEntryField = parent->getField(( BibTeX::EntryField::FieldType ) ef );
                    if ( parentEntryField != NULL )
                        entryField = new BibTeX::EntryField(( BibTeX::EntryField::FieldType )ef );
                        entryField->setValue( parentEntryField->value() );
                        entry->addField( entryField );

            BibTeX::EntryField *entryField = entry->getField( EntryField::ftBookTitle );
            BibTeX::EntryField *parentEntryField = parent->getField( EntryField::ftTitle );
            if (( entry->entryType() == Entry::etInProceedings || entry->entryType() == Entry::etInBook ) && entryField == NULL && parentEntryField != NULL )
                entryField = new BibTeX::EntryField( EntryField::ftBookTitle );
                entryField->setValue( parentEntryField->value() );
                entry->addField( entryField );

        for ( int ef = ( int )BibTeX::EntryField::ftAbstract; ef <= ( int )BibTeX::EntryField::ftYear; ++ef )
            BibTeX::EntryField *entryField = entry->getField(( BibTeX::EntryField::FieldType ) ef );
            if ( entryField != NULL && entryField->value() != NULL && !entryField->value()->items.isEmpty() )
                MacroKey *macroKey = dynamic_cast<MacroKey*>( entryField->value()->items.first() );
                const Macro *macro = NULL;
                if ( macroKey != NULL && ( macro = dynamic_cast<const Macro*>( containsKeyConst( macroKey->text() ) ) ) != NULL )
                    entryField->setValue( macro->value() );


#include "file.moc"