/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2006 by Robby Stephenson email : robby@periapsis.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This file has been modified to match the requirements of KBibTeX. * * In case of problems or bugs arising from this implementation, please * * contact the KBibTeX team first. * * Thomas Fischer <fischer@unix-ag.uni-kl.de> * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ // This class is adapted from Iso5426ToUnicode from the MARC4J project, available // from http://marc4j.tigris.org, with the following notice: // * Copyright (C) 2002 Bas Peters (mail@bpeters.com) // * Copyright (C) 2002 Yves Pratter (ypratter@club-internet.fr) // // That source was released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License, version 2.1. In accordance with Condition 3 of that license, // I am applying the terms of the GNU General Public License to the source // code, and including a large portion of it here #include "iso5426converter.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <ntqstring.h> using KBibTeX::Iso5426Converter; TQString Iso5426Converter::toUtf8(const TQCString& text_) { const uint len = text_.length(); TQString result; result.reserve(len); uint pos = 0; for(uint i = 0; i < len; ++i) { uchar c = text_[i]; if(isAscii(c)) { result[pos++] = c; } else if(isCombining(c) && hasNext(i, len)) { // this is a hack // use the diaeresis instead of umlaut // works for SUDOC if(c == 0xC9) { c = 0xC8; } TQChar d = getCombiningChar(c * 256 + text_[i + 1]); if(!d.isNull()) { result[pos++] = d; ++i; } else { result[pos++] = getChar(c); } } else { result[pos++] = getChar(c); } } result.squeeze(); return result; } inline bool Iso5426Converter::hasNext(uint pos, uint len) { return pos < (len - 1); } inline bool Iso5426Converter::isAscii(uchar c) { return c <= 0x7F; } inline bool Iso5426Converter::isCombining(uchar c) { return c >= 0xC0 && c <= 0xDF; } // Source : http://www.itscj.ipsj.or.jp/ISO-IR/053.pdf TQChar Iso5426Converter::getChar(uchar c) { switch(c) { case 0xA1: return 0x00A1; // 2/1 inverted exclamation mark case 0xA2: return 0x201C; // 2/2 left low double quotation mark case 0xA3: return 0x00A3; // 2/3 pound sign case 0xA4: return 0x0024; // 2/4 dollar sign case 0xA5: return 0x00A5; // 2/5 yen sign case 0xA6: return 0x2020; // 2/6 single dagger case 0xA7: return 0x00A7; // 2/7 paragraph (section) case 0xA8: return 0x2032; // 2/8 prime case 0xA9: return 0x2018; // 2/9 left high single quotation mark case 0xAA: return 0x201C; // 2/10 left high double quotation mark case 0xAB: return 0x00AB; // 2/11 left angle quotation mark case 0xAC: return 0x266D; // 2/12 music flat case 0xAD: return 0x00A9; // 2/13 copyright sign case 0xAE: return 0x2117; // 2/14 sound recording copyright sign case 0xAF: return 0x00AE; // 2/15 trade mark sign case 0xB0: return 0x0639; // 3/0 ayn [ain] case 0xB1: return 0x0623; // 3/1 alif/hamzah [alef with hamza above] case 0xB2: return 0x2018; // 3/2 left low single quotation mark // 3/3 (this position shall not be used) // 3/4 (this position shall not be used) // 3/5 (this position shall not be used) case 0xB6: return 0x2021; // 3/6 double dagger case 0xB7: return 0x00B7; // 3/7 middle dot case 0xB8: return 0x2033; // 3/8 double prime case 0xB9: return 0x2019; // 3/9 right high single quotation mark case 0xBA: return 0x201D; // 3/10 right high double quotation mark case 0xBB: return 0x00BB; // 3/11 right angle quotation mark case 0xBC: return 0x266F; // 3/12 musical sharp case 0xBD: return 0x02B9; // 3/13 mjagkij znak case 0xBE: return 0x02BA; // 3/14 tverdyj znak case 0xBF: return 0x00BF; // 3/15 inverted question mark // 4/0 to 5/15 diacritic characters // 6/0 (this position shall not be used) case 0xE1: return 0x00C6; // 6/1 CAPITAL DIPHTHONG A WITH E case 0xE2: return 0x0110; // 6/2 CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE // 6/3 (this position shall not be used) // 6/4 (this position shall not be used) // 6/5 (this position shall not be used) case 0xE6: return 0x0132; // 6/6 CAPITAL LETTER IJ // 6/7 (this position shall not be used) case 0xE8: return 0x0141; // 6/8 CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE case 0xE9: return 0x00D8; // 6/9 CAPITAL LETTER O WITH SOLIDUS [oblique stroke] case 0xEA: return 0x0152; // 6/10 CAPITAL DIPHTONG OE // 6/11 (this position shall not be used) case 0xEC: return 0x00DE; // 6/12 CAPITAL LETTER THORN // 6/13 (this position shall not be used) // 6/14 (this position shall not be used) // 6/15 (this position shall not be used) // 7/0 (this position shall not be used) case 0xF1: return 0x00E6; // 7/1 small diphthong a with e // 7/4 (this position shall not be used) case 0xF5: return 0x0131; // 7/5 small letter i without dot case 0xF6: return 0x0133; // 7/6 small letter ij // 7/7 (this position shall not be used) case 0xF8: return 0x0142; // 7/8 small letter l with stroke case 0xF9: return 0x00F8; // 7/9 small letter o with solidus (oblique stroke) case 0xFA: return 0x0153; // 7/10 small diphtong oe case 0xFB: return 0x00DF; // 7/11 small letter sharp s case 0xFC: return 0x00FE; // 7/12 small letter thorn // 7/13 (this position shall not be used) // 7/14 (this position shall not be used) default: return c; } } TQChar Iso5426Converter::getCombiningChar(uint c) { switch(c) { // 4/0 low rising tone mark case 0xC041: return 0x1EA2; // CAPITAL A WITH HOOK ABOVE case 0xC045: return 0x1EBA; // CAPITAL E WITH HOOK ABOVE case 0xC049: return 0x1EC8; // CAPITAL I WITH HOOK ABOVE case 0xC04F: return 0x1ECE; // CAPITAL O WITH HOOK ABOVE case 0xC055: return 0x1EE6; // CAPITAL U WITH HOOK ABOVE case 0xC059: return 0x1EF6; // CAPITAL Y WITH HOOK ABOVE case 0xC061: return 0x1EA3; // small a with hook above case 0xC065: return 0x1EBB; // small e with hook above case 0xC069: return 0x1EC9; // small i with hook above case 0xC06F: return 0x1ECF; // small o with hook above case 0xC075: return 0x1EE7; // small u with hook above case 0xC079: return 0x1EF7; // small y with hook above // 4/1 grave accent case 0xC141: return 0x00C0; // CAPITAL A WITH GRAVE ACCENT case 0xC145: return 0x00C8; // CAPITAL E WITH GRAVE ACCENT case 0xC149: return 0x00CC; // CAPITAL I WITH GRAVE ACCENT case 0xC14F: return 0x00D2; // CAPITAL O WITH GRAVE ACCENT case 0xC155: return 0x00D9; // CAPITAL U WITH GRAVE ACCENT case 0xC157: return 0x1E80; // CAPITAL W WITH GRAVE case 0xC159: return 0x1EF2; // CAPITAL Y WITH GRAVE case 0xC161: return 0x00E0; // small a with grave accent case 0xC165: return 0x00E8; // small e with grave accent case 0xC169: return 0x00EC; // small i with grave accent case 0xC16F: return 0x00F2; // small o with grave accent case 0xC175: return 0x00F9; // small u with grave accent case 0xC177: return 0x1E81; // small w with grave case 0xC179: return 0x1EF3; // small y with grave // 4/2 acute accent case 0xC241: return 0x00C1; // CAPITAL A WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC243: return 0x0106; // CAPITAL C WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC245: return 0x00C9; // CAPITAL E WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC247: return 0x01F4; // CAPITAL G WITH ACUTE case 0xC249: return 0x00CD; // CAPITAL I WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC24B: return 0x1E30; // CAPITAL K WITH ACUTE case 0xC24C: return 0x0139; // CAPITAL L WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC24D: return 0x1E3E; // CAPITAL M WITH ACUTE case 0xC24E: return 0x0143; // CAPITAL N WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC24F: return 0x00D3; // CAPITAL O WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC250: return 0x1E54; // CAPITAL P WITH ACUTE case 0xC252: return 0x0154; // CAPITAL R WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC253: return 0x015A; // CAPITAL S WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC255: return 0x00DA; // CAPITAL U WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC257: return 0x1E82; // CAPITAL W WITH ACUTE case 0xC259: return 0x00DD; // CAPITAL Y WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC25A: return 0x0179; // CAPITAL Z WITH ACUTE ACCENT case 0xC261: return 0x00E1; // small a with acute accent case 0xC263: return 0x0107; // small c with acute accent case 0xC265: return 0x00E9; // small e with acute accent case 0xC267: return 0x01F5; // small g with acute case 0xC269: return 0x00ED; // small i with acute accent case 0xC26B: return 0x1E31; // small k with acute case 0xC26C: return 0x013A; // small l with acute accent case 0xC26D: return 0x1E3F; // small m with acute case 0xC26E: return 0x0144; // small n with acute accent case 0xC26F: return 0x00F3; // small o with acute accent case 0xC270: return 0x1E55; // small p with acute case 0xC272: return 0x0155; // small r with acute accent case 0xC273: return 0x015B; // small s with acute accent case 0xC275: return 0x00FA; // small u with acute accent case 0xC277: return 0x1E83; // small w with acute case 0xC279: return 0x00FD; // small y with acute accent case 0xC27A: return 0x017A; // small z with acute accent case 0xC2E1: return 0x01FC; // CAPITAL AE WITH ACUTE case 0xC2F1: return 0x01FD; // small ae with acute // 4/3 circumflex accent case 0xC341: return 0x00C2; // CAPITAL A WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT case 0xC343: return 0x0108; // CAPITAL C WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC345: return 0x00CA; // CAPITAL E WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT case 0xC347: return 0x011C; // CAPITAL G WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC348: return 0x0124; // CAPITAL H WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC349: return 0x00CE; // CAPITAL I WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT case 0xC34A: return 0x0134; // CAPITAL J WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC34F: return 0x00D4; // CAPITAL O WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT case 0xC353: return 0x015C; // CAPITAL S WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC355: return 0x00DB; // CAPITAL U WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC357: return 0x0174; // CAPITAL W WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC359: return 0x0176; // CAPITAL Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC35A: return 0x1E90; // CAPITAL Z WITH CIRCUMFLEX case 0xC361: return 0x00E2; // small a with circumflex accent case 0xC363: return 0x0109; // small c with circumflex case 0xC365: return 0x00EA; // small e with circumflex accent case 0xC367: return 0x011D; // small g with circumflex case 0xC368: return 0x0125; // small h with circumflex case 0xC369: return 0x00EE; // small i with circumflex accent case 0xC36A: return 0x0135; // small j with circumflex case 0xC36F: return 0x00F4; // small o with circumflex accent case 0xC373: return 0x015D; // small s with circumflex case 0xC375: return 0x00FB; // small u with circumflex case 0xC377: return 0x0175; // small w with circumflex case 0xC379: return 0x0177; // small y with circumflex case 0xC37A: return 0x1E91; // small z with circumflex // 4/4 tilde case 0xC441: return 0x00C3; // CAPITAL A WITH TILDE case 0xC445: return 0x1EBC; // CAPITAL E WITH TILDE case 0xC449: return 0x0128; // CAPITAL I WITH TILDE case 0xC44E: return 0x00D1; // CAPITAL N WITH TILDE case 0xC44F: return 0x00D5; // CAPITAL O WITH TILDE case 0xC455: return 0x0168; // CAPITAL U WITH TILDE case 0xC456: return 0x1E7C; // CAPITAL V WITH TILDE case 0xC459: return 0x1EF8; // CAPITAL Y WITH TILDE case 0xC461: return 0x00E3; // small a with tilde case 0xC465: return 0x1EBD; // small e with tilde case 0xC469: return 0x0129; // small i with tilde case 0xC46E: return 0x00F1; // small n with tilde case 0xC46F: return 0x00F5; // small o with tilde case 0xC475: return 0x0169; // small u with tilde case 0xC476: return 0x1E7D; // small v with tilde case 0xC479: return 0x1EF9; // small y with tilde // 4/5 macron case 0xC541: return 0x0100; // CAPITAL A WITH MACRON case 0xC545: return 0x0112; // CAPITAL E WITH MACRON case 0xC547: return 0x1E20; // CAPITAL G WITH MACRON case 0xC549: return 0x012A; // CAPITAL I WITH MACRON case 0xC54F: return 0x014C; // CAPITAL O WITH MACRON case 0xC555: return 0x016A; // CAPITAL U WITH MACRON case 0xC561: return 0x0101; // small a with macron case 0xC565: return 0x0113; // small e with macron case 0xC567: return 0x1E21; // small g with macron case 0xC569: return 0x012B; // small i with macron case 0xC56F: return 0x014D; // small o with macron case 0xC575: return 0x016B; // small u with macron case 0xC5E1: return 0x01E2; // CAPITAL AE WITH MACRON case 0xC5F1: return 0x01E3; // small ae with macron // 4/6 breve case 0xC641: return 0x0102; // CAPITAL A WITH BREVE case 0xC645: return 0x0114; // CAPITAL E WITH BREVE case 0xC647: return 0x011E; // CAPITAL G WITH BREVE case 0xC649: return 0x012C; // CAPITAL I WITH BREVE case 0xC64F: return 0x014E; // CAPITAL O WITH BREVE case 0xC655: return 0x016C; // CAPITAL U WITH BREVE case 0xC661: return 0x0103; // small a with breve case 0xC665: return 0x0115; // small e with breve case 0xC667: return 0x011F; // small g with breve case 0xC669: return 0x012D; // small i with breve case 0xC66F: return 0x014F; // small o with breve case 0xC675: return 0x016D; // small u with breve // 4/7 dot above case 0xC742: return 0x1E02; // CAPITAL B WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC743: return 0x010A; // CAPITAL C WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC744: return 0x1E0A; // CAPITAL D WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC745: return 0x0116; // CAPITAL E WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC746: return 0x1E1E; // CAPITAL F WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC747: return 0x0120; // CAPITAL G WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC748: return 0x1E22; // CAPITAL H WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC749: return 0x0130; // CAPITAL I WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC74D: return 0x1E40; // CAPITAL M WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC74E: return 0x1E44; // CAPITAL N WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC750: return 0x1E56; // CAPITAL P WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC752: return 0x1E58; // CAPITAL R WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC753: return 0x1E60; // CAPITAL S WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC754: return 0x1E6A; // CAPITAL T WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC757: return 0x1E86; // CAPITAL W WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC758: return 0x1E8A; // CAPITAL X WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC759: return 0x1E8E; // CAPITAL Y WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC75A: return 0x017B; // CAPITAL Z WITH DOT ABOVE case 0xC762: return 0x1E03; // small b with dot above case 0xC763: return 0x010B; // small c with dot above case 0xC764: return 0x1E0B; // small d with dot above case 0xC765: return 0x0117; // small e with dot above case 0xC766: return 0x1E1F; // small f with dot above case 0xC767: return 0x0121; // small g with dot above case 0xC768: return 0x1E23; // small h with dot above case 0xC76D: return 0x1E41; // small m with dot above case 0xC76E: return 0x1E45; // small n with dot above case 0xC770: return 0x1E57; // small p with dot above case 0xC772: return 0x1E59; // small r with dot above case 0xC773: return 0x1E61; // small s with dot above case 0xC774: return 0x1E6B; // small t with dot above case 0xC777: return 0x1E87; // small w with dot above case 0xC778: return 0x1E8B; // small x with dot above case 0xC779: return 0x1E8F; // small y with dot above case 0xC77A: return 0x017C; // small z with dot above // 4/8 trema, diaresis case 0xC820: return 0x00A8; // diaeresis case 0xC841: return 0x00C4; // CAPITAL A WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC845: return 0x00CB; // CAPITAL E WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC848: return 0x1E26; // CAPITAL H WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC849: return 0x00CF; // CAPITAL I WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC84F: return 0x00D6; // CAPITAL O WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC855: return 0x00DC; // CAPITAL U WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC857: return 0x1E84; // CAPITAL W WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC858: return 0x1E8C; // CAPITAL X WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC859: return 0x0178; // CAPITAL Y WITH DIAERESIS case 0xC861: return 0x00E4; // small a with diaeresis case 0xC865: return 0x00EB; // small e with diaeresis case 0xC868: return 0x1E27; // small h with diaeresis case 0xC869: return 0x00EF; // small i with diaeresis case 0xC86F: return 0x00F6; // small o with diaeresis case 0xC874: return 0x1E97; // small t with diaeresis case 0xC875: return 0x00FC; // small u with diaeresis case 0xC877: return 0x1E85; // small w with diaeresis case 0xC878: return 0x1E8D; // small x with diaeresis case 0xC879: return 0x00FF; // small y with diaeresis // 4/9 umlaut case 0xC920: return 0x00A8; // [diaeresis] // 4/10 circle above case 0xCA41: return 0x00C5; // CAPITAL A WITH RING ABOVE case 0xCAAD: return 0x016E; // CAPITAL U WITH RING ABOVE case 0xCA61: return 0x00E5; // small a with ring above case 0xCA75: return 0x016F; // small u with ring above case 0xCA77: return 0x1E98; // small w with ring above case 0xCA79: return 0x1E99; // small y with ring above // 4/11 high comma off centre // 4/12 inverted high comma centred // 4/13 double acute accent case 0xCD4F: return 0x0150; // CAPITAL O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE case 0xCD55: return 0x0170; // CAPITAL U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE case 0xCD6F: return 0x0151; // small o with double acute case 0xCD75: return 0x0171; // small u with double acute // 4/14 horn case 0xCE54: return 0x01A0; // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH HORN case 0xCE55: return 0x01AF; // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH HORN case 0xCE74: return 0x01A1; // latin small letter o with horn case 0xCE75: return 0x01B0; // latin small letter u with horn // 4/15 caron (hacek) case 0xCF41: return 0x01CD; // CAPITAL A WITH CARON case 0xCF43: return 0x010C; // CAPITAL C WITH CARON case 0xCF44: return 0x010E; // CAPITAL D WITH CARON case 0xCF45: return 0x011A; // CAPITAL E WITH CARON case 0xCF47: return 0x01E6; // CAPITAL G WITH CARON case 0xCF49: return 0x01CF; // CAPITAL I WITH CARON case 0xCF4B: return 0x01E8; // CAPITAL K WITH CARON case 0xCF4C: return 0x013D; // CAPITAL L WITH CARON case 0xCF4E: return 0x0147; // CAPITAL N WITH CARON case 0xCF4F: return 0x01D1; // CAPITAL O WITH CARON case 0xCF52: return 0x0158; // CAPITAL R WITH CARON case 0xCF53: return 0x0160; // CAPITAL S WITH CARON case 0xCF54: return 0x0164; // CAPITAL T WITH CARON case 0xCF55: return 0x01D3; // CAPITAL U WITH CARON case 0xCF5A: return 0x017D; // CAPITAL Z WITH CARON case 0xCF61: return 0x01CE; // small a with caron case 0xCF63: return 0x010D; // small c with caron case 0xCF64: return 0x010F; // small d with caron case 0xCF65: return 0x011B; // small e with caron case 0xCF67: return 0x01E7; // small g with caron case 0xCF69: return 0x01D0; // small i with caron case 0xCF6A: return 0x01F0; // small j with caron case 0xCF6B: return 0x01E9; // small k with caron case 0xCF6C: return 0x013E; // small l with caron case 0xCF6E: return 0x0148; // small n with caron case 0xCF6F: return 0x01D2; // small o with caron case 0xCF72: return 0x0159; // small r with caron case 0xCF73: return 0x0161; // small s with caron case 0xCF74: return 0x0165; // small t with caron case 0xCF75: return 0x01D4; // small u with caron case 0xCF7A: return 0x017E; // small z with caron // 5/0 cedilla case 0xD020: return 0x00B8; // cedilla case 0xD043: return 0x00C7; // CAPITAL C WITH CEDILLA case 0xD044: return 0x1E10; // CAPITAL D WITH CEDILLA case 0xD047: return 0x0122; // CAPITAL G WITH CEDILLA case 0xD048: return 0x1E28; // CAPITAL H WITH CEDILLA case 0xD04B: return 0x0136; // CAPITAL K WITH CEDILLA case 0xD04C: return 0x013B; // CAPITAL L WITH CEDILLA case 0xD04E: return 0x0145; // CAPITAL N WITH CEDILLA case 0xD052: return 0x0156; // CAPITAL R WITH CEDILLA case 0xD053: return 0x015E; // CAPITAL S WITH CEDILLA case 0xD054: return 0x0162; // CAPITAL T WITH CEDILLA case 0xD063: return 0x00E7; // small c with cedilla case 0xD064: return 0x1E11; // small d with cedilla case 0xD067: return 0x0123; // small g with cedilla case 0xD068: return 0x1E29; // small h with cedilla case 0xD06B: return 0x0137; // small k with cedilla case 0xD06C: return 0x013C; // small l with cedilla case 0xD06E: return 0x0146; // small n with cedilla case 0xD072: return 0x0157; // small r with cedilla case 0xD073: return 0x015F; // small s with cedilla case 0xD074: return 0x0163; // small t with cedilla // 5/1 rude // 5/2 hook to left // 5/3 ogonek (hook to right) case 0xD320: return 0x02DB; // ogonek case 0xD341: return 0x0104; // CAPITAL A WITH OGONEK case 0xD345: return 0x0118; // CAPITAL E WITH OGONEK case 0xD349: return 0x012E; // CAPITAL I WITH OGONEK case 0xD34F: return 0x01EA; // CAPITAL O WITH OGONEK case 0xD355: return 0x0172; // CAPITAL U WITH OGONEK case 0xD361: return 0x0105; // small a with ogonek case 0xD365: return 0x0119; // small e with ogonek case 0xD369: return 0x012F; // small i with ogonek case 0xD36F: return 0x01EB; // small o with ogonek case 0xD375: return 0x0173; // small u with ogonek // 5/4 circle below case 0xD441: return 0x1E00; // CAPITAL A WITH RING BELOW case 0xD461: return 0x1E01; // small a with ring below // 5/5 half circle below case 0xF948: return 0x1E2A; // CAPITAL H WITH BREVE BELOW case 0xF968: return 0x1E2B; // small h with breve below // 5/6 dot below case 0xD641: return 0x1EA0; // CAPITAL A WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD642: return 0x1E04; // CAPITAL B WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD644: return 0x1E0C; // CAPITAL D WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD645: return 0x1EB8; // CAPITAL E WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD648: return 0x1E24; // CAPITAL H WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD649: return 0x1ECA; // CAPITAL I WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD64B: return 0x1E32; // CAPITAL K WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD64C: return 0x1E36; // CAPITAL L WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD64D: return 0x1E42; // CAPITAL M WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD64E: return 0x1E46; // CAPITAL N WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD64F: return 0x1ECC; // CAPITAL O WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD652: return 0x1E5A; // CAPITAL R WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD653: return 0x1E62; // CAPITAL S WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD654: return 0x1E6C; // CAPITAL T WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD655: return 0x1EE4; // CAPITAL U WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD656: return 0x1E7E; // CAPITAL V WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD657: return 0x1E88; // CAPITAL W WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD659: return 0x1EF4; // CAPITAL Y WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD65A: return 0x1E92; // CAPITAL Z WITH DOT BELOW case 0xD661: return 0x1EA1; // small a with dot below case 0xD662: return 0x1E05; // small b with dot below case 0xD664: return 0x1E0D; // small d with dot below case 0xD665: return 0x1EB9; // small e with dot below case 0xD668: return 0x1E25; // small h with dot below case 0xD669: return 0x1ECB; // small i with dot below case 0xD66B: return 0x1E33; // small k with dot below case 0xD66C: return 0x1E37; // small l with dot below case 0xD66D: return 0x1E43; // small m with dot below case 0xD66E: return 0x1E47; // small n with dot below case 0xD66F: return 0x1ECD; // small o with dot below case 0xD672: return 0x1E5B; // small r with dot below case 0xD673: return 0x1E63; // small s with dot below case 0xD674: return 0x1E6D; // small t with dot below case 0xD675: return 0x1EE5; // small u with dot below case 0xD676: return 0x1E7F; // small v with dot below case 0xD677: return 0x1E89; // small w with dot below case 0xD679: return 0x1EF5; // small y with dot below case 0xD67A: return 0x1E93; // small z with dot below // 5/7 double dot below case 0xD755: return 0x1E72; // CAPITAL U WITH DIAERESIS BELOW case 0xD775: return 0x1E73; // small u with diaeresis below // 5/8 underline case 0xD820: return 0x005F; // underline // 5/9 double underline case 0xD920: return 0x2017; // double underline // 5/10 small low vertical bar case 0xDA20: return 0x02CC; // // 5/11 circumflex below // 5/12 (this position shall not be used) // 5/13 left half of ligature sign and of double tilde // 5/14 right half of ligature sign // 5/15 right half of double tilde default: kdDebug() << "Iso5426Converter::getCombiningChar() - no match for " << c << endl; return TQChar(); } }