path: root/cert-updater
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-07-01 19:05:32 +0000
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-07-01 19:05:32 +0000
commit2a0b3a4f1d16ad0afa36cf62ddce4f8eb44f287c (patch)
treec8679034447d54ad52409e7b2f19bc4b31055393 /cert-updater
parentf5f1d1557d02a5cd1b1beb407ba553cbc01a0047 (diff)
Add initial support for realm-wide certificate authority certificates
Diffstat (limited to 'cert-updater')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/cert-updater/main.cpp b/cert-updater/main.cpp
index adb21dd..e4acaa5 100644
--- a/cert-updater/main.cpp
+++ b/cert-updater/main.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,18 @@ static const char description[] =
static const char version[] = "v0.0.1";
+static const TDECmdLineOptions options[] =
+ { "force", I18N_NOOP("Force certificate update"), 0 },
+ TDECmdLineLastOption // End of options.
+void chown_safe(const char * file, uid_t user, gid_t group) {
+ if (chown(file, user, group) < 0) {
+ printf("[ERROR] Chown call to '%s' for %d:%d failed!\n\r", file, user, group);
+ }
int uploadKerberosCAFileToLDAP(LDAPManager* ldap_mgr, TQString* errstr) {
// Upload the contents of KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE to the LDAP server
@@ -61,15 +73,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
TDEAboutData aboutData( "primaryrccertupdater", I18N_NOOP("Realm Certificate Updater"),
version, description, TDEAboutData::License_GPL,
- "(c) 2012, Timothy Pearson");
+ "(c) 2012-2013, Timothy Pearson");
aboutData.addAuthor("Timothy Pearson",0, "[email protected]");
TDECmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
+ TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options);
TDEApplication app(false, false);
+ TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
+ bool force_update = false;
+ if (args->isSet("force")) {
+ force_update = true;
+ }
// Updater code follows
@@ -107,33 +127,133 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ldap_certfile.replace("@@@ADMINSERVER@@@", m_realmconfig[m_defaultRealm].admin_server);
// Certificate Authority
- if (TQFile::exists(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE)) {
- certExpiry = LDAPManager::getCertificateExpiration(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE);
- if (certExpiry >= now) {
- printf("Certificate %s expires %s\n", TQString(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE).ascii(), certExpiry.toString().ascii()); fflush(stdout);
- }
- if ((certExpiry < now) || ((certExpiry >= now) && (certExpiry < soon))) {
- printf("Regenerating certificate %s...\n", TQString(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
- LDAPManager::generatePublicKerberosCACertificate(m_certconfig);
- TQString realmname = m_defaultRealm.upper();
- LDAPCredentials* credentials = new LDAPCredentials;
- credentials->username = "";
- credentials->password = "";
- credentials->realm = realmname;
- LDAPManager* ldap_mgr = new LDAPManager(realmname, "ldapi://", credentials);
- // Upload the contents of KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE to the LDAP server
- TQString errorstring;
- if (uploadKerberosCAFileToLDAP(ldap_mgr, &errorstring) != 0) {
- printf("[ERROR] Unable to upload new certificate to LDAP server!\n%s\n", errorstring.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ TQString fqdn = LDAPManager::getMachineFQDN();
+ TQString defaultRealm = m_systemconfig->readEntry("DefaultRealm");
+ // Connect to LDAP
+ TQString realmname = defaultRealm.upper();
+ LDAPCredentials* credentials = new LDAPCredentials;
+ credentials->username = "";
+ credentials->password = "";
+ credentials->realm = realmname;
+ LDAPManager* ldap_mgr = new LDAPManager(realmname, "ldapi://", credentials);
+ TQString errorstring;
+ TQString basedn = ldap_mgr->basedn();
+ // Get certificate settings from LDAP
+ TQString realmCAMaster = ldap_mgr->getRealmCAMaster(&errorstring);
+ delete ldap_mgr;
+ delete credentials;
+ if (realmCAMaster == fqdn) {
+ printf("This server is the realm CA master\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ if (TQFile::exists(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE)) {
+ certExpiry = LDAPManager::getCertificateExpiration(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE);
+ if (certExpiry >= now) {
+ printf("Certificate %s expires %s\n", TQString(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE).ascii(), certExpiry.toString().ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ if (force_update || (certExpiry < now) || ((certExpiry >= now) && (certExpiry < soon))) {
+ printf("Regenerating certificate %s...\n", TQString(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ LDAPManager::generatePublicKerberosCACertificate(m_certconfig);
+ TQString realmname = m_defaultRealm.upper();
+ LDAPCredentials* credentials = new LDAPCredentials;
+ credentials->username = "";
+ credentials->password = "";
+ credentials->realm = realmname;
+ LDAPManager* ldap_mgr = new LDAPManager(realmname, "ldapi://", credentials);
+ // Upload the contents of KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE to the LDAP server
+ TQString errorstring;
+ if (uploadKerberosCAFileToLDAP(ldap_mgr, &errorstring) != 0) {
+ printf("[ERROR] Unable to upload new certificate to LDAP server!\n%s\n", errorstring.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ delete ldap_mgr;
- delete ldap_mgr;
+ // Set permissions
+ chown_safe(KERBEROS_PKI_PEMKEY_FILE, 0, 0);
+ chown_safe(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("[WARNING] Certificate file %s not found!\n", TQString(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
else {
- printf("[WARNING] Certificate file %s not found!\n", TQString(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE).ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ printf("This server is a realm CA slave\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ // Connect to LDAP
+ TQString realmname = defaultRealm.upper();
+ LDAPCredentials* credentials = new LDAPCredentials;
+ credentials->username = "cn=admin," + basedn;
+ m_systemconfig->setGroup("Replication");
+ credentials->password = m_systemconfig->readEntry("Password");
+ m_systemconfig->setGroup(NULL);
+ credentials->realm = realmname;
+ LDAPManager* ldap_mgr = new LDAPManager(realmname, TQString("ldaps://%1/").arg(realmCAMaster), credentials);
+ TQString errorstring;
+ if (ldap_mgr->getTDECertificate("privateRootCertificateKey", KERBEROS_PKI_PEMKEY_FILE ".tmp", &errorstring) != 0) {
+ printf("[ERROR] Unable to get private CA certificate key from LDAP server!\n%s\n", errorstring.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ if (ldap_mgr->getTDECertificate("publicRootCertificate", KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE ".tmp", &errorstring) != 0) {
+ printf("[ERROR] Unable to get public CA certificate from LDAP server!\n%s\n", errorstring.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ delete ldap_mgr;
+ delete credentials;
+ TQByteArray originalPemKeyFile;
+ TQByteArray originalPemFile;
+ TQByteArray newPemKeyFile;
+ TQByteArray newPemFile;
+ TQFile* cafile;
+ cafile = new TQFile(KERBEROS_PKI_PEMKEY_FILE);
+ if (cafile->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ originalPemKeyFile = cafile->readAll();
+ }
+ delete cafile;
+ cafile = new TQFile(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE);
+ if (cafile->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ originalPemFile = cafile->readAll();
+ }
+ delete cafile;
+ cafile = new TQFile(KERBEROS_PKI_PEMKEY_FILE ".tmp");
+ if (cafile->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ newPemKeyFile = cafile->readAll();
+ }
+ delete cafile;
+ cafile = new TQFile(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE ".tmp");
+ if (cafile->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ newPemFile = cafile->readAll();
+ }
+ delete cafile;
+ if ((originalPemKeyFile == newPemKeyFile) && (originalPemFile == newPemFile)) {
+ unlink(KERBEROS_PKI_PEMKEY_FILE ".tmp");
+ unlink(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE ".tmp");
+ printf("Certificates have not changed since last update\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ force_update = true;
+ printf("Certificates have changed, forcing certificate regeneration\n");
+ }
+ // Set permissions
+ chown_safe(KERBEROS_PKI_PEMKEY_FILE, 0, 0);
+ chown_safe(KERBEROS_PKI_PEM_FILE, 0, 0);
// Kerberos
@@ -142,7 +262,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (certExpiry >= now) {
printf("Certificate %s expires %s\n", kdc_certfile.ascii(), certExpiry.toString().ascii()); fflush(stdout);
- if ((certExpiry < now) || ((certExpiry >= now) && (certExpiry < soon))) {
+ if (force_update || (certExpiry < now) || ((certExpiry >= now) && (certExpiry < soon))) {
printf("Regenerating certificate %s...\n", kdc_certfile.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
LDAPManager::generatePublicKerberosCertificate(m_certconfig, m_realmconfig[m_defaultRealm]);
@@ -157,7 +277,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (certExpiry >= now) {
printf("Certificate %s expires %s\n", ldap_certfile.ascii(), certExpiry.toString().ascii()); fflush(stdout);
- if ((certExpiry < now) || ((certExpiry >= now) && (certExpiry < soon))) {
+ if (force_update || (certExpiry < now) || ((certExpiry >= now) && (certExpiry < soon))) {
printf("Regenerating certificate %s...\n", ldap_certfile.ascii()); fflush(stdout);
uid_t slapd_uid = 0;
gid_t slapd_gid = 0;