README for the Documentation
Author: Joachim Eibl, 2004-02-22

The following text contains some info about how the docs are created.
It helps me remember certain details. Most users probably aren't 
interested in these things.

Docbook references:

Each directory contains the documentation for a different translation.
The textual information is in the index.docbook of every subdirectory.

I wrote the English version in en/index.docbook. The other translations
were done by the KDE-Internationalization-Team. They are doing a great

The command meinproc (which is part of KDE) can be used to convert this 
file into HTML.

meinproc index.docbook

If you prefer everything in one big HTML/Postscript/PDF-file:
   LANG=de_DE meinproc --check index.docbook --stylesheet /opt/trinity/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/tde-nochunk.xsl
   (The LANG=de_DE prevents that meinproc writes the file in UTF-8 encoding, which isn't understood by html2ps.)
Create ps-file:
   html2ps -D -u -n index.html >
      (For the -D to work add the line "Ghostscript: 1;" in the "package"-section of file /usr/lib/html2ps/html2psrc.)
Create pdf-file:
   ps2pdf index.pdf

The script createpdfdoc does these steps for all subdirectories.

During normal installation on KDE a compressed file is generated:
meinproc --check --cache index.cache.bz2 index.docbook

As a service for non-KDE-users the en-directory also contains the 
HTML-version of the English documentation.

After running meinproc the HTML-files contain some references to files 
in help:/common/ which contains stylesheets and KDE-graphics which make
the result look much prettier. Because on non-KDE-systems this is not 
available, I placed a copy of these files in doc/en/common. 
To correct the references, I run the following command, which removes 
the "help:/"-part of the references, and only the "common/"-part remains.

for i in *.html; do sed -i "s/help:\///g" $i; done

(sed-option "-i" means in-place, "s/orig/repl/" is the replacement-command,
"g" replaces every occurance in the line, not only the first.)

The screenshots were made with the English KDE-version and therefore are
placed in the en-directory. But since for the other translations no new
screenshots were made yet, they only contain links to the English 
screenshots. These links are created en-bloc with this command. (But
first you must cd into each subdirectory.)

for i in `ls ../en | grep png`; do ln -s ../en/$i $i; done

Command to retrieve other translations from cvs:

cvs co tde-i18n/subdirs
#for i in `cat tde-i18n/subdirs`; do  cvs co tde-i18n/$i/docs/kdeextragear-1/kdiff3/index.docbook; done
for i in `cat subdirs`; do wget*checkout*/trunk/l10n/$i/docs/extragear-utils/kdiff3/index.docbook -O $i.docbook; done

If a new translation is available, 
- create a new directory, 
- copy the index.docbook file there,
- copy a there and correct it, 
- edit the doc/ to include the new subdir,
- create the links for the graphics,
- and don't forget to run make -f Makefile.cvs in the top directory.