/* * File name: kdirstatsettings.cpp * Summary: Settings dialog for KDirStat * License: GPL - See file COPYING for details. * Author: Stefan Hundhammer * * Updated: 2003-01-30 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kdirtreeview.h" #include "ktreemapview.h" #include "kdirstatsettings.h" using namespace KDirStat; KSettingsDialog::KSettingsDialog( KDirStatApp *mainWin ) : KDialogBase( Tabbed, // dialogFace i18n( "Settings" ), // caption Ok | Apply | Default | Cancel | Help, // buttonMask Ok, // defaultButton 0, // parent 0, // name false ) // modal , _mainWin( mainWin ) { /** * This may seem like overkill, but I didn't find any other way to get * geometry management right with KDialogBase, yet maintain a modular and * object-oriented design: * * Each individual settings page is added with 'addVBoxPage()' to get some * initial geometry management. Only then can some generic widget be added * into this - and I WANT my settings pages to be generic widgets. I want * them to be self-sufficient - no monolithic mess of widget creation in my * code, intermixed with all kinds of layout objects. * * The ordinary KDialogBase::addPage() just creates a TQFrame which is too * dumb for any kind of geometry management - it cannot even handle one * single child right. So, let's have KDialogBase create something more * intelligent: A TQVBox (which is derived from TQFrame anyway). This TQVBox * gets only one child - the KSettingsPage. This KSettingsPage handles its * own layout. **/ TQWidget * page; page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "&Cleanups" ) ); _cleanupsPageIndex = pageIndex( page ); new KCleanupPage( this, page, _mainWin ); page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "&Tree Colors" ) ); _treeColorsPageIndex = pageIndex( page ); new KTreeColorsPage( this, page, _mainWin ); page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "Tree&map" ) ); _treemapPageIndex = pageIndex( page ); new KTreemapPage( this, page, _mainWin ); page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "&General" ) ); _generalSettingsPageIndex = pageIndex( page ); new KGeneralSettingsPage( this, page, _mainWin ); // resize( sizeHint() ); } KSettingsDialog::~KSettingsDialog() { // NOP } void KSettingsDialog::show() { emit aboutToShow(); KDialogBase::show(); } void KSettingsDialog::slotDefault() { if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n( "Really revert all settings to their default values?\n" "You will lose all changes you ever made!" ), i18n( "Please Confirm" ), // caption i18n( "&Really Revert to Defaults" ) // continueButton ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) { emit defaultClicked(); emit applyClicked(); } } void KSettingsDialog::slotHelp() { TQString helpTopic = ""; if ( activePageIndex() == _cleanupsPageIndex ) helpTopic = "configuring_cleanups"; else if ( activePageIndex() == _treeColorsPageIndex ) helpTopic = "tree_colors"; else if ( activePageIndex() == _treemapPageIndex ) helpTopic = "treemap_settings"; else if ( activePageIndex() == _generalSettingsPageIndex) helpTopic = "general_settings"; // kdDebug() << "Help topic: " << helpTopic << endl; kapp->invokeHelp( helpTopic ); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KSettingsPage::KSettingsPage( KSettingsDialog * dialog, TQWidget * parent ) : TQWidget( parent ) { connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow ( void ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( setup ( void ) ) ); connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( okClicked ( void ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( apply ( void ) ) ); connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( applyClicked ( void ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( apply ( void ) ) ); connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( defaultClicked ( void ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( revertToDefaults( void ) ) ); } KSettingsPage::~KSettingsPage() { // NOP } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KTreeColorsPage::KTreeColorsPage( KSettingsDialog * dialog, TQWidget * parent, KDirStatApp * mainWin ) : KSettingsPage( dialog, parent ) , _mainWin( mainWin ) , _treeView( mainWin->treeView() ) , _maxButtons( KDirStatSettingsMaxColorButton ) { // Outer layout box TQHBoxLayout * outerBox = new TQHBoxLayout( this, 0, // border dialog->spacingHint() ); // Inner layout box with a column of color buttons TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout( _maxButtons, // rows _maxButtons + 1, // cols dialog->spacingHint() ); outerBox->addLayout( grid, 1 ); grid->setColStretch( 0, 0 ); // label column - dont' stretch for ( int i=1; i < _maxButtons; i++ ) { grid->setColStretch( i, 1 ); // all other columns stretch as you like } for ( int i=0; i < _maxButtons; i++ ) { TQString labelText; labelText=i18n( "Tree Level %1" ).arg(i+1); _colorLabel[i] = new TQLabel( labelText, this ); grid->addWidget( _colorLabel [i], i, 0 ); _colorButton[i] = new KColorButton( this ); _colorButton[i]->setMinimumSize( TQSize( 80, 10 ) ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( _colorButton [i], i, i, i+1, _maxButtons ); grid->setRowStretch( i, 1 ); } // Vertical slider _slider = new TQSlider( 1, // minValue _maxButtons, // maxValue 1, // pageStep 1, // value Qt::Vertical, this ); outerBox->addWidget( _slider, 0 ); outerBox->activate(); connect( _slider, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( enableColors( int ) ) ); } KTreeColorsPage::~KTreeColorsPage() { // NOP } void KTreeColorsPage::apply() { _treeView->setUsedFillColors( _slider->value() ); for ( int i=0; i < _maxButtons; i++ ) { _treeView->setFillColor( i, _colorButton [i]->color() ); } _treeView->triggerUpdate(); } void KTreeColorsPage::revertToDefaults() { _treeView->setDefaultFillColors(); setup(); } void KTreeColorsPage::setup() { for ( int i=0; i < _maxButtons; i++ ) { _colorButton [i]->setColor( _treeView->rawFillColor(i) ); } _slider->setValue( _treeView->usedFillColors() ); enableColors( _treeView->usedFillColors() ); } void KTreeColorsPage::enableColors( int maxColors ) { for ( int i=0; i < _maxButtons; i++ ) { _colorButton [i]->setEnabled( i < maxColors ); _colorLabel [i]->setEnabled( i < maxColors ); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KCleanupPage::KCleanupPage( KSettingsDialog * dialog, TQWidget * parent, KDirStatApp * mainWin ) : KSettingsPage( dialog, parent ) , _mainWin( mainWin ) , _currentCleanup( 0 ) { // Copy the main window's cleanup collection. _workCleanupCollection = *mainWin->cleanupCollection(); // Create layout and widgets. TQHBoxLayout * layout = new TQHBoxLayout( this, 0, // border dialog->spacingHint() ); // spacing _listBox = new KCleanupListBox( this ); _props = new KCleanupPropertiesPage( this, mainWin ); // Connect list box signals to reflect changes in the list // selection in the cleanup properties page - whenever the user // clicks on a different cleanup in the list, the properties page // will display that cleanup's values. connect( _listBox, TQT_SIGNAL( selectCleanup( KCleanup * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( changeCleanup( KCleanup * ) ) ); // Fill list box so it can determine a reasonable startup geometry - that // doesn't work if it happens only later. setup(); // Now that _listBox will (hopefully) have determined a reasonable // default geometry, add the widgets to the layout. layout->addWidget( _listBox, 0 ); layout->addWidget( _props , 1 ); layout->activate(); } KCleanupPage::~KCleanupPage() { // NOP } void KCleanupPage::changeCleanup( KCleanup * newCleanup ) { if ( _currentCleanup && newCleanup != _currentCleanup ) { storeProps( _currentCleanup ); } _currentCleanup = newCleanup; _props->setFields( _currentCleanup ); } void KCleanupPage::apply() { exportCleanups(); } void KCleanupPage::revertToDefaults() { _mainWin->revertCleanupsToDefaults(); setup(); } void KCleanupPage::setup() { importCleanups(); // Fill the list box. _listBox->clear(); KCleanupList cleanupList = _workCleanupCollection.cleanupList(); KCleanupListIterator it( cleanupList ); while ( *it ) { _listBox->insert( *it ); ++it; } // (Re-) Initialize list box. // _listBox->resize( _listBox->sizeHint() ); _listBox->setSelected( 0, true ); } void KCleanupPage::importCleanups() { // Copy the main window's cleanup collecton to _workCleanupCollection. _workCleanupCollection = * _mainWin->cleanupCollection(); // Pointers to the old collection contents are now invalid! _currentCleanup = 0; } void KCleanupPage::exportCleanups() { // Retrieve any pending changes from the properties page and store // them in the current cleanup. storeProps( _currentCleanup ); // Copy the _workCleanupCollection to the main window's cleanup // collection. * _mainWin->cleanupCollection() = _workCleanupCollection; } void KCleanupPage::storeProps( KCleanup * cleanup ) { if ( cleanup ) { // Retrieve the current fields contents and store them in the current // cleanup. *cleanup = _props->fields(); // Update the list box accordingly - the cleanup's title may have // changed, too! _listBox->updateTitle( cleanup ); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KCleanupListBox::KCleanupListBox( TQWidget *parent ) : TQListBox( parent ) { _selection = 0; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged( TQListBoxItem *) ), TQT_SLOT ( selectCleanup ( TQListBoxItem *) ) ); } TQSize KCleanupListBox::sizeHint() const { // FIXME: Is this still needed with TQt 2.x? if ( count() < 1 ) { // As long as the list is empty, sizeHint() would default to // (0,0) which is ALWAYS just a pain in the ass. We'd rather // have an absolutely random value than this. return TQSize( 100, 100 ); } else { // Calculate the list contents and take 3D frames (2*2 pixels) // into account. return TQSize ( maxItemWidth() + 5, count() * itemHeight( 0 ) + 4 ); } } void KCleanupListBox::insert( KCleanup * cleanup ) { // Create a new listbox item - this will insert itself (!) automatically. // It took me half an afternoon to figure _this_ out. Not too intuitive // when there is an insertItem() method, too, eh? new KCleanupListBoxItem( this, cleanup ); } void KCleanupListBox::selectCleanup( TQListBoxItem * listBoxItem ) { KCleanupListBoxItem * item = (KCleanupListBoxItem *) listBoxItem; _selection = item->cleanup(); emit selectCleanup( _selection ); } void KCleanupListBox::updateTitle( KCleanup * cleanup ) { KCleanupListBoxItem * item = (KCleanupListBoxItem *) firstItem(); while ( item ) { if ( ! cleanup || item->cleanup() == cleanup ) item->updateTitle(); item = (KCleanupListBoxItem *) item->next(); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KCleanupListBoxItem::KCleanupListBoxItem( KCleanupListBox * listBox, KCleanup * cleanup ) : TQListBoxText( listBox ) , _cleanup( cleanup ) { CHECK_PTR( cleanup ); setText( cleanup->cleanTitle() ); } void KCleanupListBoxItem::updateTitle() { setText( _cleanup->cleanTitle() ); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KCleanupPropertiesPage::KCleanupPropertiesPage( TQWidget * parent, KDirStatApp * mainWin ) : TQWidget( parent ) , _mainWin( mainWin ) { TQVBoxLayout *outerBox = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 0, 0 ); // border, spacing // The topmost check box: "Enabled". _enabled = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "&Enabled" ), this ); outerBox->addWidget( _enabled, 0 ); outerBox->addSpacing( 7 ); outerBox->addStretch(); connect( _enabled, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled ( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( enableFields( bool ) ) ); // All other widgets of this page are grouped together in a // separate subwidget so they can all be enabled / disabled // together. _fields = new TQWidget( this ); outerBox->addWidget( _fields, 1 ); TQVBoxLayout *fieldsBox = new TQVBoxLayout( _fields ); // Grid layout for the edit fields, their labels, some // explanatory text and the "recurse?" check box. TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout( 7, // rows 2, // cols 4 ); // spacing fieldsBox->addLayout( grid, 0 ); fieldsBox->addStretch(); fieldsBox->addSpacing( 5 ); grid->setColStretch( 0, 0 ); // column for field labels - dont' stretch grid->setColStretch( 1, 1 ); // column for edit fields - stretch as you like // Edit fields for cleanup action title and command line. TQLabel *label; _title = new TQLineEdit( _fields ); grid->addWidget( _title, 0, 1 ); _command = new TQLineEdit( _fields ); grid->addWidget( _command, 1, 1 ); label = new TQLabel( _title, i18n( "&Title:" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( label, 0, 0 ); label = new TQLabel( _command, i18n( "&Command Line:" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( label, 1, 0 ); label = new TQLabel( i18n( "%p Full Path" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( label, 2, 1 ); label = new TQLabel( i18n( "%n File / Directory Name Without Path" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( label, 3, 1 ); label = new TQLabel( i18n( "%t TDE Trash Directory" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( label, 4, 1 ); // "Recurse into subdirs" check box _recurse = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "&Recurse into Subdirectories" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( _recurse, 5, 1 ); // "Ask for confirmation" check box _askForConfirmation = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "&Ask for Confirmation" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( _askForConfirmation, 6, 1 ); // The "Works for..." check boxes, grouped together in a button group. TQButtonGroup *worksFor = new TQButtonGroup( i18n( "Works for..." ), _fields ); TQVBoxLayout *worksForBox = new TQVBoxLayout( worksFor, 15, 2 ); fieldsBox->addWidget( worksFor, 0 ); fieldsBox->addSpacing( 5 ); fieldsBox->addStretch(); _worksForDir = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "&Directories" ), worksFor ); _worksForFile = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "&Files" ), worksFor ); _worksForDotEntry = new TQCheckBox( i18n( " P&seudo Entries"), worksFor ); worksForBox->addWidget( _worksForDir , 1 ); worksForBox->addWidget( _worksForFile , 1 ); worksForBox->addWidget( _worksForDotEntry , 1 ); worksForBox->addSpacing( 5 ); _worksForProtocols = new TQComboBox( false, worksFor ); worksForBox->addWidget( _worksForProtocols, 1 ); _worksForProtocols->insertItem( i18n( "On Local Machine Only ('file:/' Protocol)" ) ); _worksForProtocols->insertItem( i18n( "Network Transparent (ftp, smb, tar, ...)" ) ); // Grid layout for combo boxes at the bottom grid = new TQGridLayout( 1, // rows 2, // cols 4 ); // spacing fieldsBox->addLayout( grid, 0 ); fieldsBox->addSpacing( 5 ); fieldsBox->addStretch(); int row = 0; // The "Refresh policy" combo box _refreshPolicy = new TQComboBox( false, _fields ); grid->addWidget( _refreshPolicy, row, 1 ); label = new TQLabel( _refreshPolicy, i18n( "Refresh &Policy:" ), _fields ); grid->addWidget( label, row++, 0 ); // Caution: The order of those entries must match the order of // 'enum RefreshPolicy' in 'kcleanup.h'! // // I don't like this one bit. The ComboBox should provide something better // than mere numeric IDs. One of these days I'm going to rewrite this // thing! _refreshPolicy->insertItem( i18n( "No Refresh" ) ); _refreshPolicy->insertItem( i18n( "Refresh This Entry" ) ); _refreshPolicy->insertItem( i18n( "Refresh This Entry's Parent" ) ); _refreshPolicy->insertItem( i18n( "Assume Entry Has Been Deleted" ) ); outerBox->activate(); setMinimumSize( sizeHint() ); } void KCleanupPropertiesPage::enableFields( bool active ) { _fields->setEnabled( active ); } void KCleanupPropertiesPage::setFields( const KCleanup * cleanup ) { _id = cleanup->id(); _enabled->setChecked ( cleanup->enabled() ); _title->setText ( cleanup->title() ); _command->setText ( cleanup->command() ); _recurse->setChecked ( cleanup->recurse() ); _askForConfirmation->setChecked ( cleanup->askForConfirmation() ); _worksForDir->setChecked ( cleanup->worksForDir() ); _worksForFile->setChecked ( cleanup->worksForFile() ); _worksForDotEntry->setChecked ( cleanup->worksForDotEntry() ); _worksForProtocols->setCurrentItem ( cleanup->worksLocalOnly() ? 0 : 1 ); _refreshPolicy->setCurrentItem ( cleanup->refreshPolicy() ); enableFields( cleanup->enabled() ); } KCleanup KCleanupPropertiesPage::fields() const { KCleanup cleanup( _id ); cleanup.setEnabled ( _enabled->isChecked() ); cleanup.setTitle ( _title->text() ); cleanup.setCommand ( _command->text() ); cleanup.setRecurse ( _recurse->isChecked() ); cleanup.setAskForConfirmation ( _askForConfirmation->isChecked() ); cleanup.setWorksForDir ( _worksForDir->isChecked() ); cleanup.setWorksForFile ( _worksForFile->isChecked() ); cleanup.setWorksLocalOnly ( _worksForProtocols->currentItem() == 0 ? true : false ); cleanup.setWorksForDotEntry ( _worksForDotEntry->isChecked() ); cleanup.setRefreshPolicy ( (KCleanup::RefreshPolicy) _refreshPolicy->currentItem() ); return cleanup; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KGeneralSettingsPage::KGeneralSettingsPage( KSettingsDialog * dialog, TQWidget * parent, KDirStatApp * mainWin ) : KSettingsPage( dialog, parent ) , _mainWin( mainWin ) , _treeView( mainWin->treeView() ) { // Create layout and widgets. TQVBoxLayout * layout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 5, // border dialog->spacingHint() ); // spacing TQVGroupBox * gbox = new TQVGroupBox( i18n( "Directory Reading" ), this ); layout->addWidget( gbox ); _crossFileSystems = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Cross &File System Boundaries" ), gbox ); _enableLocalDirReader = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Use Optimized &Local Directory Read Methods" ), gbox ); connect( _enableLocalDirReader, TQT_SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( checkEnabledState() ) ); layout->addSpacing( 10 ); gbox = new TQVGroupBox( i18n( "Animation" ), this ); layout->addWidget( gbox ); _enableToolBarAnimation = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "P@cM@n Animation in Tool &Bar" ), gbox ); _enableTreeViewAnimation = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "P@cM@n Animation in Directory &Tree" ), gbox ); } KGeneralSettingsPage::~KGeneralSettingsPage() { // NOP } void KGeneralSettingsPage::apply() { TDEConfig * config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup( "Directory Reading" ); config->writeEntry( "CrossFileSystems", _crossFileSystems->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "EnableLocalDirReader", _enableLocalDirReader->isChecked() ); config->setGroup( "Animation" ); config->writeEntry( "ToolbarPacMan", _enableToolBarAnimation->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "DirTreePacMan", _enableTreeViewAnimation->isChecked() ); _mainWin->initPacMan( _enableToolBarAnimation->isChecked() ); _treeView->enablePacManAnimation( _enableTreeViewAnimation->isChecked() ); } void KGeneralSettingsPage::revertToDefaults() { _crossFileSystems->setChecked( false ); _enableLocalDirReader->setChecked( true ); _enableToolBarAnimation->setChecked( true ); _enableTreeViewAnimation->setChecked( false ); } void KGeneralSettingsPage::setup() { TDEConfig * config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup( "Directory Reading" ); _crossFileSystems->setChecked ( config->readBoolEntry( "CrossFileSystems" , false) ); _enableLocalDirReader->setChecked ( config->readBoolEntry( "EnableLocalDirReader" , true ) ); _enableToolBarAnimation->setChecked ( _mainWin->pacManEnabled() ); _enableTreeViewAnimation->setChecked( _treeView->doPacManAnimation() ); checkEnabledState(); } void KGeneralSettingsPage::checkEnabledState() { _crossFileSystems->setEnabled( _enableLocalDirReader->isChecked() ); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KTreemapPage::KTreemapPage( KSettingsDialog * dialog, TQWidget * parent, KDirStatApp * mainWin ) : KSettingsPage( dialog, parent ) , _mainWin( mainWin ) { // kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; TQVBoxLayout * layout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 0, 0 ); // parent, border, spacing TQVBox * vbox = new TQVBox( this ); vbox->setSpacing( dialog->spacingHint() ); layout->addWidget( vbox ); _squarify = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "S&quarify Treemap" ), vbox ); _doCushionShading = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Use C&ushion Shading" ), vbox ); // Cushion parameters TQVGroupBox * gbox = new TQVGroupBox( i18n( "Cushion Parameters" ), vbox ); _cushionParams = gbox; gbox->addSpace( 7 ); gbox->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ) ); TQLabel * label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Ambient &Light" ), gbox ); TQHBox * hbox = new TQHBox( gbox ); _ambientLight = new TQSlider ( MinAmbientLight, MaxAmbientLight, 10, // min, max, pageStep DefaultAmbientLight,Qt::Horizontal, hbox ); _ambientLightSB = new TQSpinBox( MinAmbientLight, MaxAmbientLight, 1, // min, max, step hbox ); _ambientLightSB->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); label->setBuddy( _ambientLightSB ); gbox->addSpace( 7 ); label = new TQLabel( i18n( "&Height Scale" ), gbox ); hbox = new TQHBox( gbox ); _heightScalePercent = new TQSlider( MinHeightScalePercent, MaxHeightScalePercent, 10, // min, max, pageStep DefaultHeightScalePercent,Qt::Horizontal, hbox ); _heightScalePercentSB = new TQSpinBox( MinHeightScalePercent, MaxHeightScalePercent, 1, // min, max, step hbox ); _heightScalePercentSB->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); label->setBuddy( _heightScalePercentSB ); gbox->addSpace( 10 ); _ensureContrast = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Draw Lines if Lo&w Contrast" ), gbox ); hbox = new TQHBox( gbox ); _forceCushionGrid = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Always Draw &Grid" ), hbox ); addHStretch( hbox ); _cushionGridColorL = new TQLabel( " " + i18n( "Gr&id Color: " ), hbox ); _cushionGridColor = new KColorButton( hbox ); _cushionGridColorL->setBuddy( _cushionGridColor ); _cushionGridColorL->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter ); // addVStretch( vbox ); // Plain treemaps parameters _plainTileParams = new TQHGroupBox( i18n( "Colors for Plain Treemaps" ), vbox ); _plainTileParams->addSpace( 7 ); label = new TQLabel( i18n( "&Files: " ), _plainTileParams ); _fileFillColor = new KColorButton( _plainTileParams ); label->setBuddy( _fileFillColor ); label->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter ); label = new TQLabel( " " + i18n( "&Directories: " ), _plainTileParams ); _dirFillColor = new KColorButton( _plainTileParams ); label->setBuddy( _dirFillColor ); label->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter ); label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Gr&id: " ), _plainTileParams ); _outlineColor = new KColorButton( _plainTileParams ); label->setBuddy( _outlineColor ); label->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter ); // Misc TQWidget * gridBox = new TQWidget( vbox ); TQGridLayout * grid = new TQGridLayout( gridBox, 2, 3, dialog->spacingHint() ); // rows, cols, spacing grid->setColStretch( 0, 0 ); // (col, stretch) don't stretch this column grid->setColStretch( 1, 0 ); // don't stretch grid->setColStretch( 2, 1 ); // stretch this as you like label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Hi&ghlight R&ectangle: " ), gridBox ); _highlightColor = new KColorButton( gridBox ); label->setBuddy( _highlightColor ); grid->addWidget( label, 0, 0 ); grid->addWidget( _highlightColor, 0, 1 ); label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Minim&um Treemap Tile Size: " ), gridBox ); _minTileSize = new TQSpinBox( 0, 30, 1, gridBox ); // min, max, step, parent label->setBuddy( _minTileSize ); grid->addWidget( label, 1, 0 ); grid->addWidget( _minTileSize, 1, 1 ); _autoResize = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Auto-&Resize Treemap" ), vbox ); // Connections connect( _ambientLight, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), _ambientLightSB, TQT_SLOT ( setValue (int) ) ); connect( _ambientLightSB, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), _ambientLight, TQT_SLOT ( setValue (int) ) ); connect( _heightScalePercent, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), _heightScalePercentSB, TQT_SLOT ( setValue (int) ) ); connect( _heightScalePercentSB, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), _heightScalePercent, TQT_SLOT ( setValue (int) ) ); connect( _doCushionShading, TQT_SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( checkEnabledState() ) ); connect( _forceCushionGrid, TQT_SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( checkEnabledState() ) ); checkEnabledState(); } KTreemapPage::~KTreemapPage() { // NOP } void KTreemapPage::apply() { TDEConfig * config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup( "Treemaps" ); config->writeEntry( "Squarify", _squarify->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "CushionShading", _doCushionShading->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "AmbientLight", _ambientLight->value() ); config->writeEntry( "HeightScaleFactor", _heightScalePercent->value() / 100.0 ); config->writeEntry( "EnsureContrast", _ensureContrast->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "ForceCushionGrid", _forceCushionGrid->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "MinTileSize", _minTileSize->value() ); config->writeEntry( "AutoResize", _autoResize->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "CushionGridColor", _cushionGridColor->color() ); config->writeEntry( "OutlineColor", _outlineColor->color() ); config->writeEntry( "FileFillColor", _fileFillColor->color() ); config->writeEntry( "DirFillColor", _dirFillColor->color() ); config->writeEntry( "HighlightColor", _highlightColor->color() ); if ( treemapView() ) { treemapView()->readConfig(); treemapView()->rebuildTreemap(); } } void KTreemapPage::revertToDefaults() { _squarify->setChecked( true ); _doCushionShading->setChecked( true ); _ambientLight->setValue( DefaultAmbientLight ); _heightScalePercent->setValue( DefaultHeightScalePercent ); _ensureContrast->setChecked( true ); _forceCushionGrid->setChecked( false ); _minTileSize->setValue( DefaultMinTileSize ); _autoResize->setChecked( true ); _cushionGridColor->setColor ( TQColor( 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ) ); _outlineColor->setColor ( black ); _fileFillColor->setColor ( TQColor( 0xde, 0x8d, 0x53 ) ); _dirFillColor->setColor ( TQColor( 0x10, 0x7d, 0xb4 ) ); _highlightColor->setColor ( red ); } void KTreemapPage::setup() { TDEConfig * config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup( "Treemaps" ); _squarify->setChecked ( config->readBoolEntry( "Squarify" , true ) ); _doCushionShading->setChecked ( config->readBoolEntry( "CushionShading" , true ) ); _ambientLight->setValue ( config->readNumEntry( "AmbientLight" , DefaultAmbientLight ) ); _heightScalePercent->setValue( (int) ( 100 * config->readDoubleNumEntry ( "HeightScaleFactor", DefaultHeightScaleFactor ) ) ); _ensureContrast->setChecked ( config->readBoolEntry( "EnsureContrast" , true ) ); _forceCushionGrid->setChecked ( config->readBoolEntry( "ForceCushionGrid" , false ) ); _minTileSize->setValue ( config->readNumEntry ( "MinTileSize" , DefaultMinTileSize ) ); _autoResize->setChecked ( config->readBoolEntry( "AutoResize" , true ) ); _cushionGridColor->setColor ( readColorEntry( config, "CushionGridColor" , TQColor( 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ) ) ); _outlineColor->setColor ( readColorEntry( config, "OutlineColor" , black ) ); _fileFillColor->setColor ( readColorEntry( config, "FileFillColor" , TQColor( 0xde, 0x8d, 0x53 ) ) ); _dirFillColor->setColor ( readColorEntry( config, "DirFillColor" , TQColor( 0x10, 0x7d, 0xb4 ) ) ); _highlightColor->setColor ( readColorEntry( config, "HighlightColor" , red ) ); _ambientLightSB->setValue( _ambientLight->value() ); _heightScalePercentSB->setValue( _heightScalePercent->value() ); checkEnabledState(); } void KTreemapPage::checkEnabledState() { _cushionParams->setEnabled( _doCushionShading->isChecked() ); _plainTileParams->setEnabled( ! _doCushionShading->isChecked() ); if ( _doCushionShading->isChecked() ) { _cushionGridColor->setEnabled ( _forceCushionGrid->isChecked() ); _cushionGridColorL->setEnabled( _forceCushionGrid->isChecked() ); _ensureContrast->setEnabled ( ! _forceCushionGrid->isChecked() ); } } TQColor KTreemapPage::readColorEntry( TDEConfig * config, const char * entryName, TQColor defaultColor ) { return config->readColorEntry( entryName, &defaultColor ); } void addHStretch( TQWidget * parent ) { TQWidget * stretch = new TQWidget( parent ); stretch->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, // hor TQSizePolicy::Minimum, // vert 1, // hstretch 0 ) ); // vstretch } void addVStretch( TQWidget * parent ) { TQWidget * stretch = new TQWidget( parent ); stretch->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, // hor TQSizePolicy::Expanding, // vert 0, // hstretch 1 ) ); // vstretch } #include "kdirstatsettings.moc" // EOF