#ifndef __COMMON_H__ #define __COMMON_H__ #define KDIALOGD_APP #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include "config.h" #ifdef __KDIALOGD_H__ #include <kstandarddirs.h> #endif typedef enum { OP_NULL = 0, OP_FILE_OPEN = 1, OP_FILE_OPEN_MULTIPLE = 2, OP_FILE_SAVE = 3, OP_FOLDER = 4 } Operation; #define PID_DIR "tde-" #define PID_NAME "kdialogd.pid" static const char * getPidFileName() { static char *pidfile=NULL; if(!pidfile) { char *user=getenv("USER"); if(!user) user=getenv("LOGNAME"); if(user) { char *tmp=getenv("TDETMP"); if(!tmp || !tmp[0]) tmp=getenv("TMPDIR"); if(!tmp || !tmp[0]) tmp=(char *)"/tmp"; pidfile=(char *)malloc(strlen(tmp)+strlen(PID_DIR)+strlen(user)+strlen(PID_NAME)+1); pidfile=(char *)malloc(strlen(tmp)+strlen("/")+strlen(PID_DIR)+strlen(user)+strlen("/")+strlen(PID_NAME)+1); #ifdef __KDIALOGD_H__ // We are kdialogd - so create socket folder if it does not exist... sprintf(pidfile, "%s/%s%s", tmp, PID_DIR, user); TDEStandardDirs::makeDir(TQString::fromAscii(pidfile)); #endif /* CPD: TODO get dispaly number! */ sprintf(pidfile, "%s/%s%s/%s", tmp, PID_DIR, user, PID_NAME); } } return pidfile; } #define SOCK_DIR "tdesocket-" #define SOCK_NAME "kdialogd" static const char * getSockName() { static char *sock=NULL; if(!sock) { char *user=getenv("USER"); if(!user) user=getenv("LOGNAME"); if(user) { char *tmp=getenv("TDETMP"); if(!tmp || !tmp[0]) tmp=getenv("TMPDIR"); if(!tmp || !tmp[0]) tmp=(char *)"/tmp"; sock=(char *)malloc(strlen(tmp)+strlen("/")+strlen(SOCK_DIR)+strlen(user)+strlen("/")+strlen(SOCK_NAME)+strlen("18446744073709551616")+1); #ifdef __KDIALOGD_H__ // We are kdialogd - so create socket folder if it does not exist... sprintf(sock, "%s/%s%s", tmp, SOCK_DIR, user); TDEStandardDirs::makeDir(TQString::fromAscii(sock)); #endif /* CPD: TODO get dispaly number! */ sprintf(sock, "%s/%s%s/%s-%d", tmp, SOCK_DIR, user, SOCK_NAME, 1); } } return sock; } static int readBlock(int fd, char* pData, int size) { int bytesToRead=size; do { fd_set fdSet; FD_ZERO(&fdSet); FD_SET(fd, &fdSet); if(select(fd + 1, &fdSet, NULL, NULL, NULL)<0) return 0; if(FD_ISSET(fd, &fdSet)) { int bytesRead=read(fd, &pData[size-bytesToRead], bytesToRead); if (bytesRead>0) bytesToRead-=bytesRead; else return 0; } } while(bytesToRead>0); return 1; } static int writeBlock(int fd, const char *pData, int size) { int bytesToWrite=size; do { fd_set fdSet; FD_ZERO(&fdSet); FD_SET(fd, &fdSet); if(select(fd + 1, NULL, &fdSet, NULL, NULL)<0) return 0; if(FD_ISSET(fd, &fdSet)) { int bytesWritten=write(fd, (char *)&pData[size-bytesToWrite], bytesToWrite); if (bytesWritten>0) bytesToWrite-=bytesWritten; else return 0; } } while(bytesToWrite>0); return 1; } #ifdef KDIALOGD_APP /* So that kdailogd can terminate when the last app exits, need a way of synchronising the Gtk/TQt apps that may wish to connect, and the removal of the socket. To this en, a lockfile is created,and used to guard around the critical sections */ static int lockFd=-1; #define LOCK_EXT ".lock" const char * getLockName() { static char *lockName=NULL; if(!lockName) { const char *sock=getSockName(); if(sock) { lockName=(char *)malloc(strlen(sock)+strlen(LOCK_EXT)+1); sprintf(lockName, "%s%s", sock, LOCK_EXT); } } return lockName; } /* Lock is stale if it does not exist or is older than 2 seconds */ static int isStale(const char *fname) { struct stat stat_buf; return 0!=stat(fname, &stat_buf) || abs(stat_buf.st_mtime-time(NULL))>2; } static int grabLock(int tries) { do { lockFd=open(getLockName(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777); if (lockFd<0 && errno==EEXIST) { /* Hmm, lock file already exists. Is it stale? */ if(isStale(getLockName())) { tries++; /* Increment tries so that we try again... */ unlink(getLockName()); } else if(tries) usleep(100000); } } while(lockFd<0 && --tries); return lockFd; } static void releaseLock() { if(lockFd>0) { close(lockFd); unlink(getLockName()); } } #endif #endif