/*************************************************************************** begin : Fri Aug 1 2003 edit : Fri April 6 2007 copyright : (C) 2003 by Jeroen Wijnhout, 2006 - 2007 by Thomas Braun email : Jeroen.Wijnhout@kdemail.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* dani 2005-11-22 - add some new symbols - rearranged source tbraun 2006-07-01 - added tooltips which show the keys, copied from kfileiconview - reorganized the hole thing, more flexible png loading, removing the old big code_array, more groups tbraun 2007-06-04 - Send a warning in the logwidget if needed packages are not included for the command tbraun 2007-06-13 - Added Most frequently used symbolview, including remembering icons upon restart, removing of least popular item and configurable max item count */ #include "symbolview.h" #include "kileconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kiledebug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include SymbolView::SymbolView(TQWidget *tqparent, int type, const char *name): KIconView( tqparent, name ),m_toolTip(0L) { setGridX( 36 ); setGridY( 36); setSpacing(5); setWordWrapIconText (false); setShowToolTips (false); setResizeMode( Adjust ); setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff ); setVScrollBarMode( Auto ); setAutoArrange(true); setSorting(false); setItemsMovable(false); setArrangement(LeftToRight); setAcceptDrops(false); initPage(type); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( onItem( TQIconViewItem * ) ),TQT_SLOT( showToolTip( TQIconViewItem * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( onViewport() ),TQT_SLOT( removeToolTip() ) ); } SymbolView::~SymbolView() { removeToolTip(); } void SymbolView::extract(const TQString& key, int& refCnt) { if(!key.isEmpty()) refCnt = key.section('%',0,0).toInt(); return; } void SymbolView::extract(const TQString& key, int& refCnt, TQString &cmd, TQStringList &args, TQStringList &pkgs) { if(key.isEmpty()) return; extract(key,refCnt); TQRegExp rePkgs("(?:\\[(.*)\\])?\\{(.*)\\}"); args.clear(); pkgs.clear(); cmd = key.section('%',1,1); TQString text = key.section('%',2,2); if( text.find(rePkgs) != -1 ) { args = TQStringList::split(",",rePkgs.cap(1)); pkgs = TQStringList::split(",",rePkgs.cap(2)); } } void SymbolView::showToolTip( TQIconViewItem *item ) { removeToolTip(); if ( !item ) return; TQString cmd, label; TQStringList pkgs, args; int refCnt; extract(item->key(),refCnt,cmd,args,pkgs); label = i18n("Command: ") + cmd + "\n"; if( pkgs.count() > 0 ) { if(pkgs.count() == 1) label += i18n("Package: "); else label += i18n("Packages: "); for( uint i = 0; i < pkgs.count() ; i++ ) { if( i < args.count() ) label = label + "[" + args[i] + "]" + pkgs[i] + "\n"; else label = label + pkgs[i] + "\n"; } } m_toolTip = new TQLabel(label, 0,"myToolTip", WStyle_StaysOnTop | WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_Tool | WX11BypassWM ); m_toolTip->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Plain | TQFrame::Box ); m_toolTip->setLineWidth( 1 ); m_toolTip->tqsetAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignTop ); m_toolTip->move( TQCursor::pos() + TQPoint( 14, 14 ) ); m_toolTip->adjustSize(); TQRect screen = TQApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( TQApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(TQCursor::pos())); if (m_toolTip->x()+m_toolTip->width() > screen.right()) { m_toolTip->move(m_toolTip->x()+screen.right()-m_toolTip->x()-m_toolTip->width(), m_toolTip->y()); } if (m_toolTip->y()+m_toolTip->height() > screen.bottom()) { m_toolTip->move(m_toolTip->x(), screen.bottom()-m_toolTip->y()-m_toolTip->height()+m_toolTip->y()); } m_toolTip->setFont( TQToolTip::font() ); m_toolTip->tqsetPalette( TQToolTip::palette(), true ); m_toolTip->show(); } void SymbolView::removeToolTip() { delete m_toolTip; m_toolTip = 0; } void SymbolView::hideEvent( TQHideEvent *e ) { removeToolTip(); KIconView::hideEvent( e ); } void SymbolView::initPage(int page) { switch (page) { case MFUS: fillWidget(MFUSprefix); break; case Relation: fillWidget("relation"); break; case Operator: fillWidget("operators"); break; case Arrow: fillWidget("arrows"); break; case MiscMath: fillWidget("misc-math"); break; case MiscText: fillWidget("misc-text"); break; case Delimiters: fillWidget("delimiters"); break; case Greek: fillWidget("greek"); break; case Special: fillWidget("special"); break; case Cyrillic: fillWidget("cyrillic"); break; case User: fillWidget("user"); break; default: kdWarning() << "wrong argument in initPage()" << endl; break; } } void SymbolView::contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { KILE_DEBUG() << "===SymbolView::contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e)===" << endl; TQString code_symbol; TQStringList args, pkgs; TQIconViewItem *item = NULL; int count; bool math=false, bracket=false; if( (e->button() & Qt::LeftButton) == Qt::LeftButton && ( item = findItem( e->pos() ) ) ) { bracket = (e->state() & TQt::ControlButton) == TQt::ControlButton; math = (e->state() & TQt::ShiftButton) == TQt::ShiftButton; extract(item->key(),count,code_symbol,args,pkgs); if (math == bracket) ; else if(math) code_symbol = '$' + code_symbol + '$'; else if(bracket) code_symbol = '{' + code_symbol + '}'; emit(insertText(code_symbol,pkgs)); emit(addToList(item)); } KILE_DEBUG() << "math is " << math << ", bracket is " << bracket << " and item->key() is " << ( item ? item->key() : "" ) << endl; } void SymbolView::fillWidget(const TQString& prefix) { KILE_DEBUG() << "===SymbolView::fillWidget(const TQString& " << prefix << " )===" << endl; TQImage image; KIconViewItem* item; TQStringList refCnts,paths; if( prefix == MFUSprefix) { KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup(MFUSGroup); TQString configPaths = config->readEntry("paths"); TQString configrefCnts = config->readEntry("counts"); paths = TQStringList::split(',',configPaths); refCnts = TQStringList::split(',',configrefCnts); KILE_DEBUG() << "Read " << paths.count() << " paths and " << refCnts.count() << " refCnts" << endl; if( paths.count() != refCnts.count() ) { KILE_DEBUG() << "error in saved LRU list" << endl; paths.clear(); refCnts.clear(); } } else { paths = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("app_symbols", prefix + "/*.png",false,true); paths.sort(); for( uint i = 0 ; i < paths.count() ; i++ ) refCnts.append("1"); } for ( uint i = 0; i < paths.count(); i++ ) { if ( image.load(paths[i]) ) { // KILE_DEBUG() << "path is " << paths[i] << endl; item = new KIconViewItem(this); item->setPixmap(image); item->setKey( refCnts[i] + '%' + image.text("Command") + '%' + image.text("Packages") + '%' + paths[i] ); image = KImageEffect::blend(tqcolorGroup().text(), image, 1); // destroys our png comments, so we do it after reading the comments } else KILE_DEBUG() << "Loading file " << paths[i] << " failed" << endl; } } void SymbolView::writeConfig() { TQIconViewItem *item; TQStringList paths,refCnts; KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup(MFUSGroup); if( KileConfig::clearMFUS() ) { config->deleteEntry("paths"); config->deleteEntry("counts"); } else { for ( item = this->firstItem(); item; item = item->nextItem() ) { refCnts.append(item->key().section('%',0,0)); paths.append(item->key().section('%',3,3)); KILE_DEBUG() << "path=" << paths.last() << ", count is " << refCnts.last() << endl; } config->writeEntry("paths",paths); config->writeEntry("counts",refCnts); } } void SymbolView::slotAddToList(const TQIconViewItem *item) { if( !item || !item->pixmap() ) return; TQIconViewItem *tmpItem; bool found=false; const TQRegExp reCnt("^\\d+"); KILE_DEBUG() << "===void SymbolView::slotAddToList(const TQIconViewItem *" << item << " )===" << endl; for ( tmpItem = this->firstItem(); tmpItem; tmpItem = tmpItem->nextItem() ) { if( item->key().section('%',1) == tmpItem->key().section('%',1) ) { found=true; break; } } if( !found && ( this->count() + 1 ) > KileConfig::numSymbolsMFUS() ) // we check before adding the symbol { int refCnt, minRefCnt=10000; TQIconViewItem *unpopularItem = 0L; KILE_DEBUG() << "Removing most unpopular item" << endl; for ( tmpItem = this->firstItem(); tmpItem; tmpItem = tmpItem->nextItem() ) { extract(tmpItem->key(),refCnt); if( refCnt < minRefCnt ) { refCnt = minRefCnt; unpopularItem = tmpItem; } } KILE_DEBUG() << " minRefCnt is " << minRefCnt << endl; delete unpopularItem; } if( found ) { KILE_DEBUG() << "item is already in the iconview" << endl; int refCnt; extract(tmpItem->key(),refCnt); TQString key = tmpItem->key(); key.replace(reCnt,TQString::number(refCnt+1)); tmpItem->setKey(key); } else { tmpItem = new KIconViewItem(this,TQString(),*(item->pixmap())); tmpItem->setKey(item->key()); } } #include "symbolview.moc"