#include <kdialog.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
** Form implementation generated from reading ui file './prefs.ui'
** Created: Thu Jun 21 19:16:50 2007
**      by: The User Interface Compiler ($Id: qt/main.cpp   3.3.7   edited Aug 31 2005 $)
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

#include "prefs.h"

#include <tqvariant.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tdelistview.h>
#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>

 *  Constructs a Prefs as a child of 'parent', with the
 *  name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'.
Prefs::Prefs( TQWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
    : TQWidget( parent, name, fl )
    if ( !name )
	setName( "Prefs" );
    PrefsLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 0, 6, "PrefsLayout"); 

    splitter3 = new TQSplitter( this, "splitter3" );
    splitter3->setOrientation( TQSplitter::Horizontal );

    sourceListView = new TDEListView( splitter3, "sourceListView" );
    sourceListView->addColumn( tr2i18n( "Source" ) );
    sourceListView->header()->setClickEnabled( FALSE, sourceListView->header()->count() - 1 );
    sourceListView->header()->setResizeEnabled( FALSE, sourceListView->header()->count() - 1 );
    sourceListView->setResizeMode( TDEListView::AllColumns );

    widgetStack = new TQWidgetStack( splitter3, "widgetStack" );

    WStackPage = new TQWidget( widgetStack, "WStackPage" );
    widgetStack->addWidget( WStackPage, 0 );
    PrefsLayout->addWidget( splitter3 );
    resize( TQSize(340, 73).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );
    clearWState( WState_Polished );

 *  Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
    // no need to delete child widgets, TQt does it all for us

 *  Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current
 *  language.
void Prefs::languageChange()
    setCaption( tr2i18n( "Preferences" ) );
    sourceListView->header()->setLabel( 0, tr2i18n( "Source" ) );

#include "prefs.moc"