 *   Copyright (C) 2006 by Ken Werner                                      *
 *   ken.werner@web.de                                                     *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.             *

#ifndef SOURCE_H
#define SOURCE_H
#include <tqstring.h>

#include "sourceprefs.h"
#include <kconfig.h>

// Forward Declarationss
class TQVBoxLayout;

 * This abstract Source is the super class of all sources and provides just the basics.
 * @author Ken Werner
class Source : public TQObject {
	TQ_OBJECT //macro which activates signals and slots (tqmoc)
	 * Creates a new Source
	Source(TQWidget* inParent);
	virtual ~Source();

	 * Returns the internal Name of this source
	const TQString& getID() const;

	 * Returns the position of this source in the layout
	int getPosition() const;

	 * Sets the position of this source in the layout
	void setPosition(int inPosition, KConfig* inKConfig);

	 * Returns the Name of this source
	const TQString& getName() const;

	 * Returns the Description of this source
	const TQString& getDescription() const;

	 * Returns true if this source is currently enabled otherwise false
	bool isEnabled() const;

	 * Returns true if this source is shown on the kicker applet (taskbar) otherwise false
	bool showOnApplet() const;

	 * Returns true if this source shows it's name in kicker otherwise false
	bool showName() const;

	 * Returns true if this source is currently enabled otherwise false
	bool isToolTipEnabled() const;

	 * Returns the widget of this source that is displayed in the kicker
	virtual TQWidget* getWidget() = 0;

	 * Returns the formatted value of this source
	virtual TQString getValue() const = 0;

	 * Creates the preference panel of this source and calls createSubPrefs
	virtual TQWidget* createPrefs(TQWidget* inParent);

	 * returnes the preference panel of this source
	virtual SourcePrefs* getPrefs();

	 * fills the prefs gui with appropriate values
	virtual void updatePrefsGUI();

     * realizes the event. this function will be called
     * by the applet to tell the Source to actually create
     * its widget. it will always be called from the GUI thread.
    virtual void realizeWidget() = 0;

public slots:
	 * Might enable or disable the source
	 * Source is only enabled/disabled if applyPrefs is called afterwards
	virtual void setMaybeEnabled(bool inMaybeEnabled);

	 * Applies the preferences
	virtual void applyPrefs();

	 * Saves the preferences (implicit apply)
	virtual void savePrefs(KConfig* inKConfig);

	 * Loads the preferences
	virtual void loadPrefs(KConfig* inKConfig);

	 * This signal is emitted whenever the enabled flag (mEnabled) of this source has changed
	void enabledChanged(bool inEnabled, Source* inSource); // needed by kima.cpp to add sources to its tqlayout
	 * This signal is emitted whenever this Source should be added or removed from the display (layout) of the kicker applet
	void displaySource(bool inDisplay, Source* inSource);

	 * This method can be overridden in sub classes to add specific the preference panels
	virtual void addPrefs(TQWidget* inParent);

	 * Allows subclasses adding their own preferences using the addPrefs method
	virtual void createSubPrefs(TQWidget* inParent) = 0;

	 * This method enables or disables various widgets of the preferences dialog depending on isEnabled and isShownOnApplet
	 * This method can be extended in sub classes
	virtual void setPrefsWidgetsEnabled(bool isEnabled, bool isShownOnApplet);

	 * returns true if the measure system is set metric, false if imperial
	bool isMetric() const;

	 * The ID of the source
	 * must be unique among the sources 
	TQString mID;
	 * The Position of the source in the layout
	int mPosition;
	 * The name of that source showed in the kicker
	TQString mName;
	 * The description of that source
	TQString mDescription;
	 * Indicates whether that source is enabled (showed on the kicker) or not
	bool mEnabled;
	 * stores the SourcListItem checkbox value
	 * and is updated through SourceListItem
	bool mMaybeEnabled;
	 * Indicates whether to show that source on the kicker applet (taskbar) or not
	 * mEnabled controls whether this source is displayed or not, see mIsDisplayed
	bool mShowOnApplet;
	 * Indicates whether that source is shown on the kicker applet (taskbar) or not. this is temporary and stores only what the user configured in the preferences dialog. it is applied to mShowOnApplet in applyPrefs
	bool mMaybeShowOnApplet;
	 * Indicates whether to show the name in kicker or not
	bool mShowName;
	 * Indicates whether that source is showed on the tooltip or not
	bool mToolTipEnabled;

	// utility methods
	 * formats the given temperature into a string which has
	 * a degree sign / fahrenheit sign depending on the locale used.
	TQString formatTemperature(const TQString& temp) const;
	 * Translates a given frequency in KHz to a human readable string
	TQString KHzinHumanReadable(uint value) const;
	 * Translates degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit
	int celsiusToFahrenheit(int inCelsius) const;
	 * Returns inValue rounded to inDigits
	double round(double inValue, int inDigits=0) const;

	 * The preference panel of that source
	SourcePrefs* mSourcePrefs;

	 * indicates whether the measure system is set metric or imperial
	bool mIsMetric;
#endif //SOURCE_H