<chapter id="rawconverter">

>Raw Converter</title>

> <surname
> <affiliation
> <address
>caulier dot gilles at free.fr</email
> <date
> <releaseinfo
> <abstract
> <para
>The Kipi RAW converter plugin is a tool for RAW images convertion operations. </para>



>This plugin can convert quite a few RAW file images from differents digital cameras (Canon, Nikon, Sigma, Olympus, Minolta, etc.). It uses the Dave Coffin RAW photo decoder program "dcraw". </para>

>This plugin provide two user interface for process on one RAW image (single mode) or a on a list of RAW images (batch mode). </para>

>The "dcraw" program can be found at this <ulink url="http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/"
> <citetitle
> </ulink
> </para>


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