# translation of kipiplugins.po to Maltese
# translation of kipiplugins.po to
# translation of kipiplugins.po to
# translation of kipiplugins.po to
# translation of kipiplugins.po to
# translation of kipiplugins.po to
# Kevin Attard Compagno \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Did you know that you could brighten up your images using Batch Color Images "
"plugin for increased contrast?\n"
" \n"
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li tista' ddawwal l-istampi tiegħek bill tuża l-plug-in \"Batch Color " "Images\" biex iżżid il-kuntrast?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Did you know that you could abort a slideshow using ESC?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li tista' twaqqaf preżentazzjoni bl-islajds billi tagħfas ESC?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that Kipi library provide a scanner plugin that gives you direct " "access to your scanner?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li l-librerija Kipi tfornik bi plugin għal aċċess dirett " "għall-iskaner?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Did you know that you can take a screenshot with the Kipi library and save the " "result to an Album with some comments?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li tista' tieħu kopja tal-iskrin bil-librerija Kipi u tissejvja " "r-riżultat ġo Album bil-kummenti tiegħek megħmużin?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that you can use the LZW compression to reduce the size of " "the TIFF image files in the Convert Images plugin?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li tista' ċċekken id-daqs tal-fajls TIFF bil-kompressjoni " "LZW bil-plugin Konverti Stampi?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that all image operations in the batch processing images plugins " "run without losing the Exif information in the JPEG files?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Kont taf li l-operazzjonijiet kollha fil-plugins tal-iproċessar simultanju " "tal-istampi jaħdmu mingħajr telf tal-informazzjoni Exif fil-fajls " "JPEG?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that the Noise Reduction option in the Filter Images " "plugin can be used to improve the rendering of images taken with an analog " "camera?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li l-għażla \"Tnaqqis ta' l-interferenza\" fil-plugin \"" "Filtra l-Istampi\" tista ssebbaħ ritratti meħudin minn kamera " "tradizzjonali?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that you can use the drag and drop feature in e-mail images to add " "some items to the list?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li tista' tuża \"mexxi-u-qiegħed\" bi stampi tal-imejl biex iżżid " "elementi fil-lista?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that if you want to reduce the space disk used by your images in " "the Albums database, you could try using the Recompress Images plugin?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf illi tista tuża l-plugin \"Erġa kkompressa l-istampi\" biex tnaqqas " "l-ispazju meħud mill-istampi fl-Album?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that if you want to resize images to prepare them for printing on " "photographic paper sizes, you could use the Resize Images plugin?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Kont taf li jekk trid tbiddel id-daqs ta' stampi biex isiru daqs ritratti qabel " "jiġu stampati, tista' tuża l-plugin \"Daqqas Stampi\"?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that you could use image files from different Albums in the " "'batch-process images' \n" "plugin? The processed results will then be merged in the selected target " "Album.\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Kont taf li tista' tuża stampi minn bosta Albums fil-plugin \"proċessar " "simultanju ta' stampi\"?\n" "Ir-riżultati jinġabru fl-Album magħżul bħala destinazzjoni.\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that you can change the time stamp of the target images files in " "the batch-rename images plugin?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li tista' tibdel il-firma tal-ħin tal-fajls ta' l-istampi bil-plugin " "\"ibdel ismijiet ta' fajls simultanjament\"?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that you can navigate on the slideshow with the left and right " "mouse buttons?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li tista tinnaviga fil-presentazzjoni b' l-islajds bil-buttuni " "tal-maws?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Did you know that Kipi plugins can be used also in Digikam, KPhotoalbum, " "Showimg, and Gwenview programs?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
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"\n" "Kont taf li l-plugins Kipi jistgħu jintużaw ukoll fil-programmi Digikam, " "Kimdaba, Showing, u Gwenview?\n" " | \n" "