diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-11-04 23:32:34 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-11-05 20:49:30 +0900
commitf29a95f68421b915be501407c13e2de51dc0dc93 (patch)
parentba4791737917ade2a36c669bf82e28dbc31b3fa7 (diff)
Replace Qt with TQt
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]> (cherry picked from commit 4ee90855df32a13209bd394b86d81446aa2e31ad)
6 files changed, 26 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/kmplayercontrolpanel.cpp b/src/kmplayercontrolpanel.cpp
index 7223afd..31ff93a 100644
--- a/src/kmplayercontrolpanel.cpp
+++ b/src/kmplayercontrolpanel.cpp
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ControlPanel::ControlPanel(TQWidget * parent, View * view)
m_buttons[button_stop]->setToggleButton (true);
m_buttons[button_record]->setToggleButton (true);
m_buttons[button_broadcast]->setToggleButton (true);
- m_posSlider = new TQSlider (0, 100, 1, 0, Qt::Horizontal, this);
+ m_posSlider = new TQSlider (0, 100, 1, 0, TQt::Horizontal, this);
m_posSlider->setEnabled (false);
m_buttonbox->addWidget (m_posSlider);
setupPositionSlider (true);
@@ -405,19 +405,19 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ControlPanel::ControlPanel(TQWidget * parent, View * view)
m_languageMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("view_text"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("&Subtitles"), m_subtitleMenu);
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Contrast:"), m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (label);
- m_contrastSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
+ m_contrastSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, TQt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_contrastSlider);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Brightness:"), m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (label);
- m_brightnessSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
+ m_brightnessSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, TQt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_brightnessSlider);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Hue:"), m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (label);
- m_hueSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
+ m_hueSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, TQt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_hueSlider);
label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Saturation:"), m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (label);
- m_saturationSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
+ m_saturationSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, TQt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu);
m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_saturationSlider);
m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("colorize"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("Co&lors"), m_colorMenu);
m_popupMenu->insertSeparator ();
diff --git a/src/kmplayerprocess.cpp b/src/kmplayerprocess.cpp
index 13959a9..6a77333 100644
--- a/src/kmplayerprocess.cpp
+++ b/src/kmplayerprocess.cpp
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ TQWidget * TypeNode::createWidget (TQWidget * parent) {
if (!strcmp (ctype, "range")) {
w = new TQSlider (getAttribute (TQString ("START")).toInt (),
getAttribute (StringPool::attr_end).toInt (),
- 1, value.toInt (), Qt::Horizontal, parent);
+ 1, value.toInt (), TQt::Horizontal, parent);
} else if (!strcmp (ctype, "num") || !strcmp (ctype, "string")) {
w = new TQLineEdit (value, parent);
} else if (!strcmp (ctype, "bool")) {
diff --git a/src/kmplayervdr.cpp b/src/kmplayervdr.cpp
index 09d18a4..8249ebd 100644
--- a/src/kmplayervdr.cpp
+++ b/src/kmplayervdr.cpp
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerPrefSourcePageVDR::KMPlayerPrefSourcePageVDR (TQWidg
gridlayout->addWidget (tcp_port, 0, 1);
layout->addWidget (xv_port);
layout->addLayout (gridlayout);
- scale = new TQButtonGroup (2, Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Scale"), this);
+ scale = new TQButtonGroup (2, TQt::Vertical, i18n ("Scale"), this);
new TQRadioButton (i18n ("4:3"), scale);
new TQRadioButton (i18n ("16:9"), scale);
TQWhatsThis::add (scale, i18n ("Aspects to use when viewing VDR"));
diff --git a/src/kmplayerview.cpp b/src/kmplayerview.cpp
index 2d8b391..caca084 100644
--- a/src/kmplayerview.cpp
+++ b/src/kmplayerview.cpp
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ KDE_NO_EXPORT void View::updateVolume () {
if (!m_mixer_init) {
TQLabel * mixer_label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Volume:"), m_control_panel->popupMenu ());
m_control_panel->popupMenu ()->insertItem (mixer_label, -1, 4);
- m_volume_slider = new TQSlider (0, 100, 10, volume, Qt::Horizontal, m_control_panel->popupMenu ());
+ m_volume_slider = new TQSlider (0, 100, 10, volume, TQt::Horizontal, m_control_panel->popupMenu ());
connect(m_volume_slider, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this,TQT_SLOT(setVolume(int)));
m_control_panel->popupMenu ()->insertItem (m_volume_slider, ControlPanel::menu_volume, 5);
m_control_panel->popupMenu ()->insertSeparator (6);
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ KDE_NO_EXPORT void Viewer::windowChanged (WId w) {
KDE_NO_EXPORT void Viewer::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent * e) {
- if (e->state () == Qt::NoButton) {
+ if (e->state () == TQt::NoButton) {
int cp_height = m_view->controlPanel ()->maximumSize ().height ();
m_view->delayedShowButtons (e->y () > height () - cp_height);
diff --git a/src/pref.cpp b/src/pref.cpp
index d0388f8..f3301b4 100644
--- a/src/pref.cpp
+++ b/src/pref.cpp
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageGeneral::PrefGeneralPageGeneral(TQWidget *par
TQVBoxLayout *layout = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 5, 2);
- TQGroupBox *windowbox = new TQGroupBox(1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Window"), this);
+ TQGroupBox *windowbox = new TQGroupBox(1, TQt::Vertical, i18n("Window"), this);
TQWidget * wbox = new TQWidget (windowbox);
TQWidget * bbox = new TQWidget (wbox);
TQGridLayout * gridlayout = new TQGridLayout (bbox, 2, 2);
@@ -217,14 +217,14 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageGeneral::PrefGeneralPageGeneral(TQWidget *par
gridlayout->addWidget (keepSizeRatio, 0, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (dockSysTray, 1, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (autoResize, 0, 1);
- sizesChoice = new TQButtonGroup (2, Qt::Vertical, wbox);
+ sizesChoice = new TQButtonGroup (2, TQt::Vertical, wbox);
new TQRadioButton (i18n("Remember window size on exit"), sizesChoice);
new TQRadioButton (i18n("Always start with fixed size"), sizesChoice);
TQVBoxLayout * vbox = new TQVBoxLayout (wbox, 2, 2);
vbox->addWidget (bbox);
vbox->addWidget (sizesChoice);
- TQGroupBox *playbox =new TQGroupBox(4, Qt::Vertical,i18n("Playing"),this);
+ TQGroupBox *playbox =new TQGroupBox(4, TQt::Vertical,i18n("Playing"),this);
loop = new TQCheckBox (i18n("Loop"), playbox);
TQWhatsThis::add(loop, i18n("Makes current movie loop"));
framedrop = new TQCheckBox (i18n ("Allow framedrops"), playbox);
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageGeneral::PrefGeneralPageGeneral(TQWidget *par
adjustcolors = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Auto set colors on start"), playbox);
TQWhatsThis::add (adjustcolors, i18n ("When a movie starts, the colors will be set according the sliders for colors"));
- TQGroupBox * gbox =new TQGroupBox (1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Control Panel"), this);
+ TQGroupBox * gbox =new TQGroupBox (1, TQt::Vertical, i18n("Control Panel"), this);
bbox =new TQWidget (gbox);
//TQGroupBox * bbox = gbox;
gridlayout = new TQGridLayout (bbox, 3, 2);
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageLooks::PrefGeneralPageLooks (TQWidget *parent
fonts (settings->fonts) {
TQVBoxLayout *layout = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 5, 2);
- TQGroupBox *colorbox= new TQGroupBox(2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Colors"), this);
+ TQGroupBox *colorbox= new TQGroupBox(2, TQt::Horizontal, i18n("Colors"), this);
colorscombo = new TQComboBox (colorbox);
for (int i = 0; i < int (ColorSetting::last_target); i++)
colorscombo->insertItem (colors[i].title);
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefGeneralPageLooks::PrefGeneralPageLooks (TQWidget *parent
connect (colorbutton, TQT_SIGNAL (changed (const TQColor &)),
this, TQT_SLOT (colorCanged (const TQColor &)));
- TQGroupBox *fontbox = new TQGroupBox (2,Qt::Horizontal, i18n ("Fonts"), this);
+ TQGroupBox *fontbox = new TQGroupBox (2,TQt::Horizontal, i18n ("Fonts"), this);
fontscombo = new TQComboBox (fontbox);
for (int i = 0; i < int (FontSetting::last_target); i++)
fontscombo->insertItem (fonts[i].title);
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefSourcePageURL::PrefSourcePageURL (TQWidget *parent)
gridlayout->addWidget (backendLabel, 0, 0);
gridlayout->addWidget (backend, 1, 0);
gridlayout->addMultiCell (new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum), 0, 1, 1, 1);
- TQGroupBox *cbox = new TQGroupBox(1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Network bandwidth"), this);
+ TQGroupBox *cbox = new TQGroupBox(1, TQt::Vertical, i18n("Network bandwidth"), this);
TQWidget * wbox = new TQWidget (cbox);
TQGridLayout * bitratelayout = new TQGridLayout (wbox, 2, 3, 5);
prefBitRate = new TQLineEdit (wbox);
@@ -408,13 +408,13 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefRecordPage::PrefRecordPage (TQWidget *parent, PartBase *
buttonlayout->addItem (new TQSpacerItem (0, 0, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Minimum));
buttonlayout->addWidget (recordButton);
source = new TQLabel (i18n ("Current source: ") + m_player->source ()->prettyName (), this);
- recorder = new TQButtonGroup (m_recorders_length, Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Recorder"), this);
+ recorder = new TQButtonGroup (m_recorders_length, TQt::Vertical, i18n ("Recorder"), this);
for (RecorderPage * p = m_recorders; p; p = p->next)
new TQRadioButton (p->name (), recorder);
if (m_player->source ())
sourceChanged (0L, m_player->source ());
recorder->setButton(0); // for now
- replay = new TQButtonGroup (4, Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Auto Playback"), this);
+ replay = new TQButtonGroup (4, TQt::Vertical, i18n ("Auto Playback"), this);
new TQRadioButton (i18n ("&No"), replay);
new TQRadioButton (i18n ("&When recording finished"), replay);
new TQRadioButton (i18n ("A&fter"), replay);
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ KDE_NO_EXPORT void RecorderPage::record () {
KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefMEncoderPage::PrefMEncoderPage (TQWidget *parent, PartBase * player) : RecorderPage (parent, player) {
TQVBoxLayout *layout = new TQVBoxLayout (this, 5, 5);
- format = new TQButtonGroup (3, Qt::Vertical, i18n ("Format"), this);
+ format = new TQButtonGroup (3, TQt::Vertical, i18n ("Format"), this);
new TQRadioButton (i18n ("Same as source"), format);
new TQRadioButton (i18n ("Custom"), format);
TQWidget * customopts = new TQWidget (format);
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefOPPagePostProc::PrefOPPagePostProc(TQWidget *parent) : T
TQWidget *presetSelectionWidget = new TQWidget( PostprocessingOptions, "presetSelectionWidget" );
TQGridLayout *presetSelectionWidgetLayout = new TQGridLayout( presetSelectionWidget, 1, 1, 1);
- TQButtonGroup *presetSelection = new TQButtonGroup(3, Qt::Vertical, presetSelectionWidget);
+ TQButtonGroup *presetSelection = new TQButtonGroup(3, TQt::Vertical, presetSelectionWidget);
defaultPreset = new TQRadioButton (i18n ("Default"), presetSelection);
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefOPPagePostProc::PrefOPPagePostProc(TQWidget *parent) : T
TQWidget *customFiltersWidget = new TQWidget( PostprocessingOptions, "customFiltersWidget" );
TQVBoxLayout *customFiltersWidgetLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( customFiltersWidget );
- TQGroupBox *customFilters = new TQGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, customFiltersWidget, "customFilters" );
+ TQGroupBox *customFilters = new TQGroupBox(0, TQt::Vertical, customFiltersWidget, "customFilters" );
customFilters->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy((TQSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)2));
customFilters->setEnabled( false );
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT PrefOPPagePostProc::PrefOPPagePostProc(TQWidget *parent) : T
TQWidget *deintSelectionWidget = new TQWidget( PostprocessingOptions, "deintSelectionWidget" );
TQVBoxLayout *deintSelectionWidgetLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( deintSelectionWidget);
- TQButtonGroup *deinterlacingGroup = new TQButtonGroup(5, Qt::Vertical, deintSelectionWidget, "deinterlacingGroup" );
+ TQButtonGroup *deinterlacingGroup = new TQButtonGroup(5, TQt::Vertical, deintSelectionWidget, "deinterlacingGroup" );
LinBlendDeinterlacer = new TQCheckBox (i18n ("Linear blend deinterlacer"), deinterlacingGroup);
LinIntDeinterlacer = new TQCheckBox (i18n ("Linear interpolating deinterlacer"), deinterlacingGroup);
diff --git a/src/viewarea.cpp b/src/viewarea.cpp
index ea1474d..6f291ba 100644
--- a/src/viewarea.cpp
+++ b/src/viewarea.cpp
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ static void followLink (SMIL::LinkingBase * link) {
KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::Anchor * anchor) {
if (event == event_pointer_moved)
- cursor.setShape (Qt::PointingHandCursor);
+ cursor.setShape (TQt::PointingHandCursor);
else if (event == event_pointer_clicked)
followLink (anchor);
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::Area * area) {
if (event == event_pointer_moved)
- cursor.setShape (Qt::PointingHandCursor);
+ cursor.setShape (TQt::PointingHandCursor);
else {
NodeRefListPtr nl = area->listeners (event);
if (nl)
@@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::fullScreen () {
TQPopupMenu * menu = m_view->controlPanel ()->popupMenu ();
TQLabel * lbl = new TQLabel (i18n ("Scale:"), menu);
scale_lbl_id = menu->insertItem (lbl, -1, 4);
- TQSlider * slider = new TQSlider (50, 150, 10, m_fullscreen_scale, Qt::Horizontal, menu);
+ TQSlider * slider = new TQSlider (50, 150, 10, m_fullscreen_scale, TQt::Horizontal, menu);
connect (slider, TQT_SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (scale (int)));
scale_slider_id = menu->insertItem (slider, -1, 5);
m_view->controlPanel ()->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist)->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (normal_window_xpm)));
@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::mouseDoubleClickEvent (TQMouseEvent *) {
KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent * e) {
- if (e->state () == Qt::NoButton) {
+ if (e->state () == TQt::NoButton) {
int vert_buttons_pos = height () - m_view->statusBarHeight ();
int cp_height = m_view->controlPanel ()->maximumSize ().height ();
m_view->delayedShowButtons (e->y() > vert_buttons_pos-cp_height &&