path: root/src/kmplayer_smil.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kmplayer_smil.h')
1 files changed, 898 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kmplayer_smil.h b/src/kmplayer_smil.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ecfd18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kmplayer_smil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Koos Vriezen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include "kmplayerplaylist.h"
+class QTextStream;
+class QImage;
+class QPainter;
+namespace KIO {
+ class Job;
+struct TransTypeInfo;
+namespace KMPlayer {
+struct KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT ImageData {
+ ImageData( const QString & img);
+ ~ImageData();
+ QImage *image;
+ QString url;
+typedef SharedPtr <ImageData> ImageDataPtr;
+typedef WeakPtr <ImageData> ImageDataPtrW;
+struct KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT CachedImage {
+ void setUrl (const QString & url);
+ bool isEmpty ();
+ ImageDataPtr data;
+class TextRuntimePrivate;
+ * Event signaled before the actual starting takes place. Use by SMIL::Excl
+ * to stop possible other children
+ */
+class ToBeStartedEvent : public Event {
+ ToBeStartedEvent (NodePtr n);
+ NodePtrW node;
+ * Interpretation of sizes
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT SizeType {
+ SizeType ();
+ SizeType (const QString & s);
+ void reset ();
+ SizeType & operator = (const QString & s);
+ SizeType & operator += (const SizeType & s);
+ SizeType & operator -= (const SizeType & s);
+ SizeType & operator /= (const int i)
+ { perc_size /= i; abs_size /= i; return *this; }
+ SizeType & operator *= (const float f)
+ { perc_size *= f; abs_size *= f; return *this; }
+ Single size (Single relative_to = 100) const;
+ bool isSet () const { return isset; }
+ Single perc_size;
+ Single abs_size;
+ bool isset;
+ * For RegPoint, RegionRuntime and MediaRuntime, having sizes
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT CalculatedSizer {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT CalculatedSizer () {}
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~CalculatedSizer () {}
+ void resetSizes ();
+ void calcSizes (Node *, Single w, Single h,
+ Single & xoff, Single & yoff, Single & w1, Single & h1);
+ bool applyRegPoints (Node *, Single w, Single h,
+ Single & xoff, Single & yoff, Single & w1, Single & h1);
+ SizeType left, top, width, height, right, bottom;
+ QString reg_point, reg_align;
+ bool setSizeParam (const TrieString &name, const QString &value, bool &dim);
+ void move (const SizeType &x, const SizeType &y);
+ * Live representation of a SMIL element having timings
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Runtime {
+ enum TimingState {
+ timings_reset = 0, timings_began, timings_started, timings_stopped
+ };
+ enum DurationTime { begin_time = 0, duration_time, end_time, durtime_last };
+ enum Duration {
+ dur_infinite = -1, dur_timer = 0, dur_media,
+ dur_activated, dur_inbounds, dur_outbounds,
+ dur_end, dur_start, dur_last_dur
+ };
+ Runtime (NodePtr e);
+ virtual ~Runtime ();
+ /**
+ * Called when element is pulled in scope, from Node::activate()
+ */
+ virtual void begin ();
+ virtual void beginAndStart (); // skip start timer (if any)
+ /**
+ * Reset all data, called from end() and init()
+ */
+ virtual void reset ();
+ virtual bool parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ TimingState state () const { return timingstate; }
+ void propagateStop (bool forced);
+ void propagateStart ();
+ void processEvent (unsigned int event);
+ /**
+ * Duration items, begin/dur/end, length information or connected element
+ */
+ struct DurationItem {
+ DurationItem () : durval (dur_timer), offset (0) {}
+ Duration durval;
+ int offset;
+ ConnectionPtr connection;
+ } durations [(const int) durtime_last];
+ virtual void started ();
+ virtual void stopped ();
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT DurationItem & beginTime () { return durations[begin_time]; }
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT DurationItem & durTime () { return durations[duration_time]; }
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT DurationItem & endTime () { return durations [end_time]; }
+ void setDurationItem (DurationTime item, const QString & val);
+ TimingState timingstate;
+ NodePtrW element;
+ TimerInfoPtrW start_timer;
+ TimerInfoPtrW duration_timer;
+ int repeat_count;
+ * Some common runtime data for all mediatype classes
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT MediaTypeRuntime : public RemoteObject,public Runtime {
+ ~MediaTypeRuntime ();
+ virtual void reset ();
+ virtual void stopped ();
+ virtual void postpone (bool b);
+ virtual void clipStart ();
+ virtual void clipStop ();
+ PostponePtr postpone_lock;
+ MediaTypeRuntime (NodePtr e);
+ ConnectionPtr document_postponed; // pause audio/video accordantly
+ * Data needed for audio/video clips
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT AudioVideoData : public MediaTypeRuntime {
+ AudioVideoData (NodePtr e);
+ virtual bool isAudioVideo ();
+ virtual bool parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ virtual void started ();
+ virtual void postpone (bool b);
+ virtual void clipStart ();
+ virtual void clipStop ();
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT ImageRuntime : public QObject,public MediaTypeRuntime {
+ ImageRuntime (NodePtr e);
+ ~ImageRuntime ();
+ virtual bool parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ virtual void postpone (bool b);
+ virtual void clipStart ();
+ virtual void clipStop ();
+ QMovie * img_movie;
+ CachedImage cached_img;
+ int frame_nr;
+ virtual void started ();
+ virtual void remoteReady (QByteArray &);
+private slots:
+ void movieUpdated (const QRect &);
+ void movieStatus (int);
+ void movieResize (const QSize &);
+ * Data needed for text
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT TextRuntime : public MediaTypeRuntime {
+ TextRuntime (NodePtr e);
+ ~TextRuntime ();
+ void reset ();
+ virtual bool parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ int font_size;
+ unsigned int font_color;
+ unsigned int background_color;
+ int bg_opacity;
+ enum { align_left, align_center, align_right } halign;
+ QString text;
+ TextRuntimePrivate * d;
+ virtual void started ();
+ virtual void remoteReady (QByteArray &);
+ * Stores runtime data of elements from animate group set/animate/..
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT AnimateGroupData : public Runtime {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~AnimateGroupData () {}
+ virtual bool parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ virtual void reset ();
+ void restoreModification ();
+ AnimateGroupData (NodePtr e);
+ NodePtrW target_element;
+ TrieString changed_attribute;
+ QString change_to;
+ int modification_id;
+ virtual void stopped ();
+ * Stores runtime data of set element
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT SetData : public AnimateGroupData {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT SetData (NodePtr e) : AnimateGroupData (e) {}
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~SetData () {}
+ virtual void started ();
+ * Stores runtime data of animate element
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT AnimateData : public AnimateGroupData {
+ AnimateData (NodePtr e);
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~AnimateData () {}
+ virtual bool parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ virtual void reset ();
+ virtual void started ();
+ virtual void stopped ();
+ bool timerTick();
+ void applyStep ();
+ TimerInfoPtrW anim_timer;
+ enum { acc_none, acc_sum } accumulate;
+ enum { add_replace, add_sum } additive;
+ int change_by;
+ enum { calc_discrete, calc_linear, calc_paced, calc_spline } calcMode;
+ QString change_from;
+ QStringList change_values;
+ int steps;
+ float change_delta, change_to_val, change_from_val;
+ QString change_from_unit;
+ * Stores runtime data of animate element
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT AnimateMotionData : public AnimateGroupData {
+ AnimateMotionData (NodePtr e);
+ ~AnimateMotionData ();
+ virtual bool parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ virtual void reset ();
+ virtual void started ();
+ virtual void stopped ();
+ bool timerTick();
+ bool checkTarget (Node *n);
+ bool setInterval ();
+ void applyStep ();
+ bool getCoordinates (const QString &coord, SizeType &x, SizeType &y);
+ TimerInfoPtrW anim_timer;
+ enum { acc_none, acc_sum } accumulate;
+ enum { add_replace, add_sum } additive;
+ enum { calc_discrete, calc_linear, calc_paced, calc_spline } calcMode;
+ QString change_from;
+ QString change_by;
+ QStringList values;
+ float *keytimes;
+ int keytime_count;
+ QStringList splines;
+ float control_point[4];
+ unsigned int steps;
+ unsigned int cur_step;
+ unsigned int keytime_steps;
+ unsigned int interval;
+ SizeType begin_x, begin_y;
+ SizeType cur_x, cur_y;
+ SizeType delta_x, delta_y;
+ SizeType end_x, end_y;
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT MouseListeners {
+ MouseListeners();
+ NodeRefListPtr listeners (unsigned int event_id);
+ NodeRefListPtr m_ActionListeners; // mouse clicked
+ NodeRefListPtr m_OutOfBoundsListeners; // mouse left
+ NodeRefListPtr m_InBoundsListeners; // mouse entered
+ * Translates string to deci-seconds or 'special' high number
+ */
+bool parseTime (const QString & val, int & dur /*,const QString & dateformat*/);
+namespace SMIL {
+const short id_node_smil = 100;
+const short id_node_head = 101;
+const short id_node_layout = 103;
+const short id_node_root_layout = 104;
+const short id_node_region = 105;
+const short id_node_regpoint = 106;
+const short id_node_transition = 107;
+const short id_node_body = 110;
+const short id_node_par = 111;
+const short id_node_seq = 112;
+const short id_node_switch = 113;
+const short id_node_excl = 114;
+const short id_node_img = 120;
+const short id_node_audio_video = 121;
+const short id_node_text = 122;
+const short id_node_ref = 123;
+const short id_node_brush = 124;
+const short id_node_set = 132;
+const short id_node_animate = 133;
+const short id_node_title = 140;
+const short id_node_param = 141;
+const short id_node_meta = 142;
+const short id_node_anchor = 150;
+const short id_node_area = 151;
+const short id_node_first = id_node_smil;
+const short id_node_first_timed_mrl = id_node_body;
+const short id_node_last_timed_mrl = id_node_animate;
+const short id_node_first_mediatype = id_node_img;
+const short id_node_last_mediatype = id_node_brush;
+const short id_node_first_group = id_node_body;
+const short id_node_last_group = id_node_excl;
+const short id_node_last = 200; // reserve 100 ids
+ * '<smil>' tag
+ */
+class Smil : public Mrl {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Smil (NodePtr & d) : Mrl (d, id_node_smil) {}
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "smil"; }
+ PlayType playType () { return play_type_video; }
+ void activate ();
+ void deactivate ();
+ void closed ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ bool expose () const;
+ bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
+ void accept (Visitor *);
+ void jump (const QString & id);
+ static Smil * findSmilNode (Node * node);
+ /**
+ * Hack to mark the currently playing MediaType as finished
+ * FIXME: think of a descent callback way for this
+ */
+ Mrl * linkNode ();
+ NodePtrW current_av_media_type;
+ NodePtrW layout_node;
+ * Represents optional 'head' tag of SMIL document as in
+ * &lt;smil&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body/&gt;&lt;/smil&gt;
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Head : public Element {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Head (NodePtr & d) : Element (d, id_node_head) {}
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "head"; }
+ void closed ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ bool expose () const;
+ * Base class for SMIL::Region, SMIL::RootLayout and SMIL::Layout
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT RegionBase : public RemoteObject, public Element {
+ enum ShowBackground { ShowAlways, ShowWhenActive };
+ ~RegionBase ();
+ bool expose () const { return false; }
+ void activate ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ void deactivate ();
+ virtual void parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ /**
+ * repaints region, calls scheduleRepaint(x,y,w,h) on view
+ */
+ void repaint ();
+ void repaint (const SRect & rect);
+ /**
+ * calculate the relative x,y,w,h on the child region elements
+ * given this element's w and h value
+ * and child's left/top/right/width/height/bottom attributes
+ */
+ virtual void updateDimensions ();
+ void boundsUpdate (); // recalculates and repaint old and new bounds
+ virtual Surface *surface ();
+ SurfacePtrW region_surface;
+ CachedImage cached_img;
+ CalculatedSizer sizes;
+ Single x, y, w, h; // unscaled values
+ int z_order;
+ unsigned int background_color;
+ QString background_image;
+ ShowBackground show_background;
+ RegionBase (NodePtr & d, short id);
+ PostponePtr postpone_lock; // pause while loading bg image
+ virtual void remoteReady (QByteArray &); // image downloaded
+ * Defines region layout, should reside below 'head' element
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Layout : public RegionBase {
+ Layout (NodePtr & d);
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "layout"; }
+ void activate ();
+ void closed ();
+ virtual void accept (Visitor *);
+ /**
+ * recursively calculates dimensions of this and child regions
+ */
+ virtual void updateDimensions ();
+ virtual Surface *surface ();
+ NodePtrW rootLayout;
+ * Represents a rectangle on the viewing area
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Region : public RegionBase {
+ Region (NodePtr & d);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "region"; }
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ void calculateBounds (Single w, Single h);
+ virtual NodeRefListPtr listeners (unsigned int event_id);
+ virtual void accept (Visitor *);
+ /**
+ * boolean for check if pointerEntered/pointerLeft should be called by View
+ */
+ bool has_mouse;
+ NodeRefListPtr m_AttachedMediaTypes; // active attached mediatypes
+ MouseListeners mouse_listeners;
+ * Represents the root area for the other regions
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT RootLayout : public RegionBase {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT RootLayout (NodePtr & d)
+ : RegionBase (d, id_node_root_layout) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "root-layout"; }
+ * Represents a regPoint element for alignment inside regions
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT RegPoint : public Element {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT RegPoint (NodePtr & d) : Element(d, id_node_regpoint) {}
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~RegPoint () {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "regPoint"; }
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT bool expose () const { return false; }
+ void parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ CalculatedSizer sizes;
+ * Represents a transition element for starting media types
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Transition : public Element {
+ enum TransType {
+ TransTypeNone = 0,
+ BarWipe, IrisWipe, ClockWipe, SnakeWipe, // required, TODO
+ BoxWipe, FourBoxWipe, BarnDoorWipe, DiagonalWipe, BowTieWipe,
+ MiscDiagonalWipe, VeeWipe, BarnVeeWipe, ZigZagWipe, BarnZigZagWipe,
+ TriangleWipe, ArrowHeadWipe, PentagonWipe, HexagonWipe, EllipseWipe,
+ EyeWipe, RoundRectWipe, StarWipe, MiscShapeWipe,
+ PinWheelWipe, SingleSweepWipe, FanWipe, DoubleFanWipe,
+ DoubleSweepWipe, SaloonDoorWipe, WindShieldWipe,
+ SpiralWipe, ParallelSnakesWipe, BoxSnakesWipe, WaterFallWipe,
+ PushWipe, SideWipe, Fade,
+ TransLast
+ };
+ enum TransSubType {
+ SubTransTypeNone = 0,
+ SubLeftToRight, SubTopToBottom, SubTopLeft, SubTopRight,
+ SubBottomRight, SubBottomLeft,
+ SubTopCenter, SubRightCenter, SubBottomCenter, SubLeftCenter,
+ SubCornersIn, SubCornersOut,
+ SubCircle, SubVertical, SubHorizontal,
+ SubFromLeft, SubFromTop, SubFromRight, SubFromBottom,
+ SubCrossfade, SubFadeToColor, SubFadeFromColor,
+ SubRectangle, SubDiamond,
+ SubClockwiseTwelve, SubClockwiseThree, SubClockwiseSix,
+ SubClockwiseNine,
+ // and lots more .. TODO
+ SubTransLast
+ };
+ Transition (NodePtr & d);
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~Transition () {}
+ void activate ();
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT void accept (Visitor * v) { v->visit (this); }
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "transition"; }
+ void parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT bool expose () const { return false; }
+ bool supported ();
+ TransType type;
+ TransSubType sub_type;
+ TransTypeInfo *type_info;
+ enum { dir_forward, dir_reverse } direction;
+ int dur; // deci seconds
+ float start_progress, end_progress;
+ unsigned int fade_color;
+ * Base for all SMIL media elements having begin/dur/end/.. attributes
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT TimedMrl : public Mrl {
+ enum Fill {
+ fill_default, fill_inherit, fill_remove, fill_freeze,
+ fill_hold, fill_transition, fill_auto
+ };
+ ~TimedMrl ();
+ void closed ();
+ void activate ();
+ void begin ();
+ void finish ();
+ void deactivate ();
+ void reset ();
+ bool expose () const { return false; }
+ void childBegan (NodePtr child);
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ virtual bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
+ virtual NodeRefListPtr listeners (unsigned int event_id);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT void accept (Visitor * v) { v->visit (this); }
+ void init ();
+ virtual void parseParam (const TrieString &, const QString &);
+ Runtime * runtime ();
+ static Runtime::DurationItem * getDuration (NodePtr n);
+ static bool isTimedMrl (const Node *n);
+ static bool keepContent (Node *n);
+ static Fill getDefaultFill (NodePtr n);
+ unsigned int begin_time;
+ unsigned int finish_time;
+ Fill fill;
+ Fill fill_def;
+ Fill fill_active;
+ TimedMrl (NodePtr & d, short id);
+ virtual Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+ NodeRefListPtr m_StartListeners; // Element about to be started
+ NodeRefListPtr m_StartedListeners; // Element is started
+ NodeRefListPtr m_StoppedListeners; // Element stopped
+ Runtime * m_runtime;
+KDE_NO_EXPORT inline Runtime * TimedMrl::runtime () {
+ if (!m_runtime)
+ m_runtime = getNewRuntime ();
+ return m_runtime;
+KDE_NO_EXPORT inline bool TimedMrl::isTimedMrl (const Node *n) {
+ return n &&
+ n->id >= id_node_first_timed_mrl &&
+ n->id <= id_node_last_timed_mrl;
+ * Abstract base for the group elements (par/seq/excl/..)
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT GroupBase : public TimedMrl {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~GroupBase () {}
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ PlayType playType () { return play_type_none; }
+ void finish ();
+ void deactivate ();
+ void setJumpNode (NodePtr);
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT GroupBase (NodePtr & d, short id) : TimedMrl (d, id) {}
+ NodePtrW jump_node;
+ * A Par represents parallel processing of all its children
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Par : public GroupBase {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Par (NodePtr & d) : GroupBase (d, id_node_par) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "par"; }
+ void begin ();
+ void reset ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ * A Seq represents sequential processing of all its children
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Seq : public GroupBase {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Seq (NodePtr & d) : GroupBase(d, id_node_seq) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "seq"; }
+ void begin ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Seq (NodePtr & d, short id) : GroupBase(d, id) {}
+ * Represents the 'body' tag of SMIL document as in
+ * &lt;smil&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body/&gt;&lt;/smil&gt;
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Body : public Seq {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Body (NodePtr & d) : Seq (d, id_node_body) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "body"; }
+ * An Excl represents exclusive processing of one of its children
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Excl : public GroupBase {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Excl (NodePtr & d) : GroupBase (d, id_node_excl) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "excl"; }
+ void begin ();
+ void deactivate ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ virtual bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
+ typedef ListNode <ConnectionPtr> ConnectionStoreItem;
+ List <ConnectionStoreItem> started_event_list;
+ * An automatic selection between child elements based on a condition
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Switch : public GroupBase {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Switch (NodePtr &d) : GroupBase (d, id_node_switch) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "switch"; }
+ // Condition
+ void begin ();
+ void deactivate ();
+ void reset ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ NodePtrW chosenOne;
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT LinkingBase : public Element {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~LinkingBase () {}
+ void deactivate ();
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT bool expose () const { return false; }
+ void parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ ConnectionPtr mediatype_activated;
+ ConnectionPtr mediatype_attach;
+ QString href;
+ enum { show_new, show_replace } show;
+ LinkingBase (NodePtr & d, short id);
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Anchor : public LinkingBase {
+ Anchor (NodePtr & d);
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~Anchor () {}
+ void activate ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "a"; }
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT void accept (Visitor * v) { v->visit (this); }
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Area : public LinkingBase {
+ Area (NodePtr & d, const QString & tag);
+ ~Area ();
+ void activate ();
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return tag.ascii (); }
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT void accept (Visitor * v) { v->visit (this); }
+ void parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ NodeRefListPtr listeners (unsigned int event_id);
+ SizeType * coords;
+ int nr_coords;
+ const QString tag;
+ MouseListeners mouse_listeners;
+ * Abstract base for the MediaType classes (video/audio/text/img/..)
+ */
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT MediaType : public TimedMrl {
+ MediaType (NodePtr & d, const QString & t, short id);
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return m_type.latin1 (); }
+ void closed ();
+ void activate ();
+ void deactivate ();
+ void begin ();
+ void finish ();
+ void childDone (NodePtr child);
+ virtual SurfacePtr getSurface (NodePtr node);
+ /* (new) sub-region or NULL if not displayed */
+ Surface *surface ();
+ void resetSurface ();
+ SRect calculateBounds ();
+ void boundsUpdate (); // recalculates and repaint old and new bounds
+ virtual void parseParam (const TrieString & name, const QString & value);
+ virtual bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
+ NodeRefListPtr listeners (unsigned int event_id);
+ bool needsVideoWidget (); // for 'video' and 'ref' nodes
+ SurfacePtrW sub_surface;
+ NodePtrW external_tree; // if src points to playlist, the resolved top node
+ NodePtrW trans_in;
+ NodePtrW trans_out;
+ NodePtrW active_trans;
+ NodePtrW region_node;
+ QString m_type;
+ CalculatedSizer sizes;
+ Fit fit;
+ int opacity;
+ unsigned int bitrate;
+ unsigned int trans_step;
+ unsigned int trans_steps;
+ enum { sens_opaque, sens_transparent, sens_percentage } sensitivity;
+ bool trans_out_active;
+ MouseListeners mouse_listeners;
+ NodeRefListPtr m_MediaAttached; // mouse entered
+ ConnectionPtr region_paint; // attached region needs painting
+ ConnectionPtr region_mouse_enter; // attached region has mouse entered
+ ConnectionPtr region_mouse_leave; // attached region has mouse left
+ ConnectionPtr region_mouse_click; // attached region is clicked
+ ConnectionPtr region_attach; // attached to region
+ TimerInfoPtrW trans_timer;
+ TimerInfoPtrW trans_out_timer;
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT AVMediaType : public MediaType {
+ AVMediaType (NodePtr & d, const QString & t);
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ virtual Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+ virtual void defer ();
+ virtual void undefer ();
+ virtual void endOfFile ();
+ virtual void accept (Visitor *);
+ virtual bool expose () const;
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT ImageMediaType : public MediaType {
+ ImageMediaType (NodePtr & d);
+ Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+ NodePtr childFromTag (const QString & tag);
+ PlayType playType () { return play_type_image; }
+ virtual void accept (Visitor *);
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT TextMediaType : public MediaType {
+ TextMediaType (NodePtr & d);
+ Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+ PlayType playType () { return play_type_info; }
+ virtual void accept (Visitor *);
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT RefMediaType : public MediaType {
+ RefMediaType (NodePtr & d);
+ Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+ virtual void accept (Visitor *);
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Brush : public MediaType {
+ Brush (NodePtr & d);
+ virtual void accept (Visitor *);
+ virtual Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Set : public TimedMrl {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Set (NodePtr & d) : TimedMrl (d, id_node_set) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "set"; }
+ virtual Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+ PlayType playType () { return play_type_none; }
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Animate : public TimedMrl {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Animate (NodePtr & d) : TimedMrl (d, id_node_animate) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "animate"; }
+ virtual Runtime * getNewRuntime ();
+ PlayType playType () { return play_type_none; }
+ bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT AnimateMotion : public TimedMrl {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT AnimateMotion (NodePtr & d)
+ : TimedMrl (d, id_node_animate) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "animateMotion"; }
+ virtual Runtime *getNewRuntime ();
+ PlayType playType () { return play_type_none; }
+ bool handleEvent (EventPtr event);
+// TODO animateColor transitionFilter
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT Param : public Element {
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT Param (NodePtr & d) : Element (d, id_node_param) {}
+ KDE_NO_EXPORT const char * nodeName () const { return "param"; }
+ void activate ();
+ bool expose () const { return false; }
+} // SMIL namespace
+} // KMPlayer namespace
+#endif //_KMPLAYER_SMIL_H_