path: root/tests/text.smil
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/text.smil')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/text.smil b/tests/text.smil
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..901a126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/text.smil
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- test for moving a region with the animate element -->
+ <head>
+ <layout>
+ <root-layout width="640" height="480" background-color="green"/>
+ <region id="region1" left="7%" top="10%" width="24%" height="10%" z-index="1" background-color="pink" showBackground="whenActive"/>
+ <region id="region2" left="38%" top="10%" width="24%" height="10%" z-index="2" background-color="yellow" showBackground="whenActive"/>
+ <region id="region3" left="69%" top="10%" width="24%" height="10%" z-index="3" background-color="cyan" showBackground="whenActive"/>
+ <region id="region4" left="25%" top="10%" width="50%" height="80%" z-index="4"/>
+ </layout>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <par dur="5">
+ <text id="text1" src="data:,Left Align" region="region1">
+ <param name="fontColor" value="blue"/>
+ <param name="fontPtSize" value="12"/>
+ </text>
+ <text id="text2" src="data:,Center Align" region="region2">
+ <param name="fontColor" value="blue"/>
+ <param name="fontPtSize" value="12"/>
+ <param name="hAlign" value="center"/>
+ </text>
+ <text id="text3" src="data:,Right Align" region="region3">
+ <param name="fontColor" value="blue"/>
+ <param name="fontPtSize" value="12"/>
+ <param name="hAlign" value="right"/>
+ </text>
+ <animate target="region1" attributeName="left" from="7%" to="69%" begin="2" dur="1.5" fill="freeze"/>
+ <animate target="region3" attributeName="left" from="69%" to="7%" begin="2" dur="1.5" fill="freeze"/>
+ <animate target="text3" attributeName="top" from="0%" to="-50%" begin="3.5" dur="1.5" fill="freeze"/>
+ </par>
+ <par dur="5">
+ <text id="text4" src="chapter2.txt" region="region4">
+ <param name="fontColor" value="blue"/>
+ <param name="fontPtSize" value="11"/>
+ </text>
+ <animate target="text4" attributeName="top" from="0%" to="-170%" begin=".5" dur="4" fill="freeze"/>
+ </par>
+ </body>