/** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Koos Vriezen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kmplayerview.h" #include "kmplayercontrolpanel.h" #include "kmplayersource.h" static const int button_height_with_slider = 15; static const int button_height_only_buttons = 11; extern const char * normal_window_xpm[]; extern const char * playlist_xpm[]; #include "kmplayerview.h" #include "kmplayercontrolpanel.h" using namespace KMPlayer; static char xpm_fg_color [32] = ". c #000000"; static const char * stop_xpm[] = { "5 7 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " ", ".....", ".....", ".....", ".....", ".....", " "}; static const char * play_xpm[] = { "5 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, ". ", ".. ", "... ", ".... ", ".....", ".... ", "... ", ".. ", ". "}; static const char * pause_xpm[] = { "7 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " ", ".. ..", ".. ..", ".. ..", ".. ..", ".. ..", ".. ..", ".. ..", " "}; static const char * forward_xpm[] = { "11 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, ". . ", ".. .. ", "... ... ", ".... .... ", "..... .....", ".... .... ", "... ... ", ".. .. ", ". . "}; static const char * back_xpm[] = { "11 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " . .", " .. ..", " ... ...", " .... ....", "..... .....", " .... ....", " ... ...", " .. ..", " . ."}; static const char * config_xpm[] = { "11 8 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " ", " ", "...........", " ......... ", " ....... ", " ..... ", " ... ", " . "}; const char * playlist_xpm[] = { "8 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " ", " ", "........", "........", " ", " ", "........", "........", " "}; const char * normal_window_xpm[] = { "7 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " ", ".......", ".......", ". .", ". .", ". .", ". .", ".......", " "}; static const char * record_xpm[] = { "7 7 3 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, "+ c #FF0000", " ", ".......", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".......", " "}; static const char * broadcast_xpm[] = { "21 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " ", " .. .. .. .. ", ".. .. ... .. ..", ".. .. ..... .. ..", ".. .. ..... .. ..", ".. .. ..... .. ..", ".. .. ... .. ..", " .. .. .. .. ", " "}; static const char * language_xpm [] = { "12 9 2 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".... ......", ".... ......", ".... ......", " "}; static const char * red_xpm[] = { "7 9 3 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, "+ c #FF0000", " ", ".......", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".......", " "}; static const char * green_xpm[] = { "7 9 3 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, "+ c #00FF00", " ", ".......", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".......", " "}; static const char * yellow_xpm[] = { "7 9 3 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, "+ c #FFFF00", " ", ".......", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".......", " "}; static const char * blue_xpm[] = { "7 9 3 1", " c None", xpm_fg_color, "+ c #0080FF00", " ", ".......", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".+++++.", ".......", " "}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static TQPushButton * ctrlButton (TQWidget * w, TQBoxLayout * l, const char ** p, int key = 0) { TQPushButton * b = new TQPushButton (TQIconSet (TQPixmap(p)), TQString (), w); b->setFocusPolicy (TQ_NoFocus); b->setFlat (true); if (key) b->setAccel (TQKeySequence (key)); l->addWidget (b); return b; } KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerMenuButton::KMPlayerMenuButton (TQWidget * parent, TQBoxLayout * l, const char ** p, int key) : TQPushButton (TQIconSet (TQPixmap(p)), TQString (), parent, "kde_kmplayer_control_button") { setFocusPolicy (TQ_NoFocus); setFlat (true); if (key) setAccel (TQKeySequence (key)); l->addWidget (this); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerMenuButton::enterEvent (TQEvent *) { emit mouseEntered (); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT KMPlayerPopupMenu::KMPlayerPopupMenu (TQWidget * parent) : TDEPopupMenu (parent, "kde_kmplayer_popupmenu") {} KDE_NO_EXPORT void KMPlayerPopupMenu::leaveEvent (TQEvent *) { emit mouseLeft (); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT VolumeBar::VolumeBar (TQWidget * parent, View * view) : TQWidget (parent), m_view (view), m_value (100) { setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy (TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Fixed)); setMinimumSize (TQSize (51, button_height_only_buttons + 2)); TQToolTip::add (this, i18n ("Volume is %1").arg (m_value)); } KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT VolumeBar::~VolumeBar () { } void VolumeBar::setValue (int v) { m_value = v; if (m_value < 0) m_value = 0; if (m_value > 100) m_value = 100; TQToolTip::remove (this); TQToolTip::add (this, i18n ("Volume is %1").arg (m_value)); repaint (true); emit volumeChanged (m_value); } void VolumeBar::wheelEvent (TQWheelEvent * e) { setValue (m_value + (e->delta () > 0 ? 2 : -2)); e->accept (); } void VolumeBar::paintEvent (TQPaintEvent * e) { TQWidget::paintEvent (e); TQPainter p; p.begin (this); TQColor color = paletteForegroundColor (); p.setPen (color); int w = width () - 6; int vx = m_value * w / 100; p.fillRect (3, 3, vx, 7, color); p.drawRect (vx + 3, 3, w - vx, 7); p.end (); //kdDebug () << "w=" << w << " vx=" << vx << endl; } void VolumeBar::mousePressEvent (TQMouseEvent * e) { setValue (100 * (e->x () - 3) / (width () - 6)); e->accept (); } void VolumeBar::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent * e) { setValue (100 * (e->x () - 3) / (width () - 6)); e->accept (); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ControlPanel::ControlPanel(TQWidget * parent, View * view) : TQWidget (parent), m_progress_mode (progress_playing), m_progress_length (0), m_popup_timer (0), m_popdown_timer (0), m_view (view), m_auto_controls (true), m_popup_clicked (false) { m_buttonbox = new TQHBoxLayout (this, 5, 4); TQColor c = paletteForegroundColor (); strncpy (xpm_fg_color, TQString(TQString().sprintf(". c #%02x%02x%02x", c.red(), c.green(),c.blue())).ascii(), 31); xpm_fg_color[31] = 0; m_buttons[button_config] = new KMPlayerMenuButton (this, m_buttonbox, config_xpm); m_buttons[button_playlist] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, playlist_xpm); m_buttons[button_back] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, back_xpm); m_buttons[button_play] = ctrlButton(this, m_buttonbox, play_xpm, TQt::Key_P); m_buttons[button_forward] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, forward_xpm); m_buttons[button_stop] = ctrlButton(this, m_buttonbox, stop_xpm, TQt::Key_S); m_buttons[button_pause]=ctrlButton(this, m_buttonbox, pause_xpm, TQt::Key_Space); m_buttons[button_record] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, record_xpm); m_buttons[button_broadcast] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, broadcast_xpm); m_buttons[button_language] = new KMPlayerMenuButton (this, m_buttonbox, language_xpm); m_buttons[button_red] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, red_xpm); m_buttons[button_green] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, green_xpm); m_buttons[button_yellow] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, yellow_xpm); m_buttons[button_blue] = ctrlButton (this, m_buttonbox, blue_xpm); m_buttons[button_play]->setToggleButton (true); m_buttons[button_stop]->setToggleButton (true); m_buttons[button_record]->setToggleButton (true); m_buttons[button_broadcast]->setToggleButton (true); m_posSlider = new TQSlider (0, 100, 1, 0, Qt::Horizontal, this); m_posSlider->setEnabled (false); m_buttonbox->addWidget (m_posSlider); setupPositionSlider (true); m_volume = new VolumeBar (this, m_view); m_buttonbox->addWidget (m_volume); m_popupMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_playerMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_popupMenu->insertItem (i18n ("&Play with"), m_playerMenu, menu_player); m_bookmarkMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_popupMenu->insertItem (i18n("&Bookmarks"), m_bookmarkMenu, menu_bookmark); m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("konsole"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("Con&sole"), menu_video); m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("player_playlist"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("Play&list"), menu_playlist); m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("empty"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("Minimal mode"), menu_minimal); m_popupMenu->setAccel (TQKeySequence (TQt::Key_M), menu_minimal); m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet (TQString ("view-fullscreen"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("&Full Screen"), menu_fullscreen); m_popupMenu->setAccel (TQKeySequence (TQt::Key_F), menu_fullscreen); m_zoomMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_zoomMenu->insertItem (i18n ("50%"), menu_zoom50); m_zoomMenu->insertItem (i18n ("100%"), menu_zoom100); m_zoomMenu->insertItem (i18n ("150%"), menu_zoom150); m_zoomMenu->insertItem (i18n ("200%"), menu_zoom200); m_zoomMenu->insertItem (i18n ("300%"), menu_zoom300); m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("viewmag"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, false), i18n ("&Zoom"), m_zoomMenu, menu_zoom); m_popupMenu->insertSeparator (); m_colorMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_languageMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_audioMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_subtitleMenu = new KMPlayerPopupMenu (this); m_languageMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("mime-sound"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("&Audio languages"), m_audioMenu); m_languageMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("view_text"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("&Subtitles"), m_subtitleMenu); TQLabel * label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Contrast:"), m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (label); m_contrastSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_contrastSlider); label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Brightness:"), m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (label); m_brightnessSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_brightnessSlider); label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Hue:"), m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (label); m_hueSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_hueSlider); label = new TQLabel (i18n ("Saturation:"), m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (label); m_saturationSlider = new TQSlider (-100, 100, 10, 0, Qt::Horizontal, m_colorMenu); m_colorMenu->insertItem (m_saturationSlider); m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("colorize"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("Co&lors"), m_colorMenu); m_popupMenu->insertSeparator (); m_popupMenu->insertItem (TDEGlobal::iconLoader ()->loadIconSet (TQString ("configure"), TDEIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n ("&Configure KMPlayer..."), menu_config); setAutoControls (true); connect (m_buttons [button_config], TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (buttonClicked ())); connect (m_buttons [button_language], TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (buttonClicked ())); connect (m_buttons [button_config], TQT_SIGNAL (mouseEntered ()), this, TQT_SLOT (buttonMouseEntered ())); connect (m_buttons [button_language], TQT_SIGNAL (mouseEntered ()), this, TQT_SLOT (buttonMouseEntered ())); connect (m_popupMenu, TQT_SIGNAL (mouseLeft ()), this, TQT_SLOT (menuMouseLeft ())); connect (m_playerMenu, TQT_SIGNAL (mouseLeft ()), this, TQT_SLOT(menuMouseLeft ())); connect (m_zoomMenu, TQT_SIGNAL (mouseLeft ()), this, TQT_SLOT (menuMouseLeft ())); connect (m_colorMenu, TQT_SIGNAL (mouseLeft ()), this, TQT_SLOT (menuMouseLeft ())); connect (m_languageMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(mouseLeft ()), this, TQT_SLOT(menuMouseLeft())); connect (m_subtitleMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(mouseLeft ()), this, TQT_SLOT(menuMouseLeft())); connect (m_audioMenu, TQT_SIGNAL (mouseLeft ()), this, TQT_SLOT (menuMouseLeft ())); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::setPalette (const TQPalette & pal) { TQWidget::setPalette (pal); TQColor c = paletteForegroundColor (); strncpy (xpm_fg_color, TQString(TQString().sprintf(". c #%02x%02x%02x", c.red(), c.green(),c.blue())).ascii(), 31); xpm_fg_color[31] = 0; m_buttons[button_config]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (config_xpm))); m_buttons[button_playlist]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (playlist_xpm))); m_buttons[button_back]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (back_xpm))); m_buttons[button_play]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (play_xpm))); m_buttons[button_forward]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (forward_xpm))); m_buttons[button_stop]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (stop_xpm))); m_buttons[button_pause]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (pause_xpm))); m_buttons[button_record]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (record_xpm))); m_buttons[button_broadcast]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (broadcast_xpm))); m_buttons[button_language]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (language_xpm))); m_buttons[button_red]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (red_xpm))); m_buttons[button_green]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (green_xpm))); m_buttons[button_yellow]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (yellow_xpm))); m_buttons[button_blue]->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (blue_xpm))); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::timerEvent (TQTimerEvent * e) { if (e->timerId () == m_popup_timer) { m_popup_timer = 0; if (m_button_monitored == button_config) { if (m_buttons [button_config]->hasMouse() && !m_popupMenu->isVisible ()) showPopupMenu (); } else if (m_buttons [button_language]->hasMouse() && !m_languageMenu->isVisible ()) { showLanguageMenu (); } } else if (e->timerId () == m_popdown_timer) { m_popdown_timer = 0; if (m_popupMenu->isVisible () && !m_popupMenu->hasMouse () && !m_playerMenu->hasMouse () && !m_zoomMenu->hasMouse () && !m_colorMenu->hasMouse () && !m_bookmarkMenu->hasMouse ()) { if (!(m_bookmarkMenu->isVisible () && static_cast (m_bookmarkMenu) != TQWidget::keyboardGrabber ())) { // not if user entered the bookmark sub menu or if I forgot one m_popupMenu->hide (); if (m_buttons [button_config]->isOn ()) m_buttons [button_config]->toggle (); } } else if (m_languageMenu->isVisible () && !m_languageMenu->hasMouse () && !m_audioMenu->hasMouse () && !m_subtitleMenu->hasMouse ()) { m_languageMenu->hide (); if (m_buttons [button_language]->isOn ()) m_buttons [button_language]->toggle (); } } killTimer (e->timerId ()); } void ControlPanel::setAutoControls (bool b) { m_auto_controls = b; if (m_auto_controls) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) button_broadcast; i++) m_buttons [i]->show (); for (int i = button_broadcast; i < (int) button_last; i++) m_buttons [i]->hide (); showPositionSlider (false); m_volume->show (); if (m_buttons [button_broadcast]->isOn ()) // still broadcasting m_buttons [button_broadcast]->show (); } else { // hide everything for (int i = 0; i < (int) button_last; i++) m_buttons [i]->hide (); m_posSlider->hide (); m_volume->hide (); } m_view->updateLayout (); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::showPopupMenu () { m_view->updateVolume (); m_popupMenu->exec (m_buttons [button_config]->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (0, maximumSize ().height ()))); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::showLanguageMenu () { m_languageMenu->exec (m_buttons [button_language]->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (0, maximumSize ().height ()))); } void ControlPanel::showPositionSlider (bool show) { if (!m_auto_controls || show == m_posSlider->isShown ()) return; setupPositionSlider (show); if (isVisible ()) m_view->updateLayout (); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::setupPositionSlider (bool show) { int h = show ? button_height_with_slider : button_height_only_buttons; m_posSlider->setEnabled (false); m_posSlider->setValue (0); if (show) { m_posSlider->show (); m_buttonbox->setMargin (4); m_buttonbox->setSpacing (4); setEraseColor (m_view->topLevelWidget ()->paletteBackgroundColor ()); } else { m_posSlider->hide (); m_buttonbox->setMargin (1); m_buttonbox->setSpacing (1); setEraseColor (TQColor (0, 0, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < (int) button_last; i++) { m_buttons[i]->setMinimumSize (15, h-1); m_buttons[i]->setMaximumSize (750, h); } setMaximumSize (2500, h + (show ? 8 : 2 )); } KDE_NO_EXPORT int ControlPanel::preferedHeight () { return m_posSlider->isVisible () ? button_height_with_slider + 8 : button_height_only_buttons + 2; } void ControlPanel::enableSeekButtons (bool enable) { if (!m_auto_controls) return; if (enable) { m_buttons[button_back]->show (); m_buttons[button_forward]->show (); } else { m_buttons[button_back]->hide (); m_buttons[button_forward]->hide (); } } void ControlPanel::enableRecordButtons (bool enable) { if (!m_auto_controls) return; if (enable) m_buttons[button_record]->show (); else m_buttons[button_record]->hide (); } void ControlPanel::setPlaying (bool play) { if (play != m_buttons[button_play]->isOn ()) m_buttons[button_play]->toggle (); m_posSlider->setEnabled (false); m_posSlider->setValue (0); if (!play) { showPositionSlider (false); enableSeekButtons (true); } } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::setRecording (bool record) { if (record != m_buttons[button_record]->isOn ()) m_buttons[button_record]->toggle (); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::setPlayingProgress (int pos, int len) { m_posSlider->setEnabled (false); m_progress_length = len; showPositionSlider (len > 0); if (m_progress_mode != progress_playing) { m_posSlider->setMaxValue (m_progress_length); m_progress_mode = progress_playing; } if (pos < len && len > 0 && len != m_posSlider->maxValue ()) m_posSlider->setMaxValue (m_progress_length); else if (m_progress_length <= 0 && pos > 7 * m_posSlider->maxValue ()/8) m_posSlider->setMaxValue (m_posSlider->maxValue() * 2); else if (m_posSlider->maxValue() < pos) m_posSlider->setMaxValue (int (1.4 * m_posSlider->maxValue())); m_posSlider->setValue (pos); m_posSlider->setEnabled (true); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::setLoadingProgress (int pos) { if (pos > 0 && pos < 100 && !m_posSlider->isVisible ()) showPositionSlider (true); m_posSlider->setEnabled (false); if (m_progress_mode != progress_loading) { m_posSlider->setMaxValue (100); m_progress_mode = progress_loading; } m_posSlider->setValue (pos); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::buttonClicked () { if (m_popup_timer) { killTimer (m_popup_timer); m_popup_timer = 0; } m_popup_clicked = true; if (sender () == m_buttons [button_language]) showLanguageMenu (); else showPopupMenu (); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::buttonMouseEntered () { if (!m_popup_timer) { if (sender () == m_buttons [button_config]) { if (!m_popupMenu->isVisible ()) { m_button_monitored = button_config; m_popup_clicked = false; m_popup_timer = startTimer (400); } } else if (!m_languageMenu->isVisible ()) { m_button_monitored = button_language; m_popup_clicked = false; m_popup_timer = startTimer (400); } } } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::menuMouseLeft () { if (!m_popdown_timer && !m_popup_clicked) m_popdown_timer = startTimer (400); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::setLanguages (const TQStringList & alang, const TQStringList & slang) { int sz = (int) alang.size (); bool showbutton = (sz > 0); m_audioMenu->clear (); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) m_audioMenu->insertItem (alang [i], i); sz = (int) slang.size (); showbutton |= (sz > 0); m_subtitleMenu->clear (); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) m_subtitleMenu->insertItem (slang [i], i); if (showbutton) m_buttons [button_language]->show (); else m_buttons [button_language]->hide (); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::selectSubtitle (int id) { if (m_subtitleMenu->isItemChecked (id)) return; int size = m_subtitleMenu->count (); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) if (m_subtitleMenu->isItemChecked (i)) { m_subtitleMenu->setItemChecked (i, false); break; } m_subtitleMenu->setItemChecked (id, true); } KDE_NO_EXPORT void ControlPanel::selectAudioLanguage (int id) { kdDebug () << "ControlPanel::selectAudioLanguage " << id << endl; if (m_audioMenu->isItemChecked (id)) return; int sz = m_audioMenu->count (); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) if (m_audioMenu->isItemChecked (i)) { m_audioMenu->setItemChecked (i, false); break; } m_audioMenu->setItemChecked (id, true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "kmplayercontrolpanel.moc"