path: root/libkdchart/KDChartPropertySet.h
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authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
commitdadc34655c3ab961b0b0b94a10eaaba710f0b5e8 (patch)
tree99e72842fe687baea16376a147619b6048d7e441 /libkdchart/KDChartPropertySet.h
Added kmymoney
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'libkdchart/KDChartPropertySet.h')
1 files changed, 985 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libkdchart/KDChartPropertySet.h b/libkdchart/KDChartPropertySet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..306109c
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+++ b/libkdchart/KDChartPropertySet.h
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+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
+ */
+ ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDChart library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <KDChartEnums.h>
+#include <kdchart_export.h>
+#include <qdom.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qbrush.h>
+ \file KDChartPropertySet.h
+ \brief Property settings of a single KDChart data cell.
+ */
+ \class KDChartPropertySet KDChartPropertySet.h
+ \brief Property settings of a single KDChart data cell.
+ \note The property settings feature currently is supported by
+ normal (== not 3-dimensional!) Line Charts only. Future releases
+ of KDChart will offer a rich set of options to use cell-specific
+ properties for other chart types as well...
+ The KDChartPropertySet class stores several settings to be
+ used by the painter classes to decide how to visualize the
+ respective data cell.
+ Each of the settings may be specified either by giving a
+ value for it or by using the ID of another KDChartPropertySet
+instance: If the later the value of that instance is used
+instead of the value that is stored locally.
+\sa KDChartData::setPropertySet
+\sa KDChartParams::registerProperties
+class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartPropertySet :public QObject
+ Q_ENUMS( SpecialDataPropertyID )
+ // Required by QSA
+ Q_ENUMS( PenStyle )
+ friend class KDChartParams;
+ public:
+ /**
+ Special property IDs.
+ \li \c UndefinedID (the default value)
+ used to indicate that <b>no</b> ID was set for
+ members \c mIdLineWidth, \c mIdLineColor,
+ \c mIdLineStyle, \c mIdShowMarker and the like...
+ \li \c OwnID used for referencing a property set's *own* ID.
+ \sa KDChartPropertySet
+ */
+ enum SpecialDataPropertyID {
+ UndefinedID = -2,
+ OwnID = -1
+ };
+ /**
+ default constructor setting all values to undefined
+ and name to empty string
+ */
+ KDChartPropertySet() :
+ mOwnID( UndefinedID )
+ { fullReset(""); }
+ /**
+ Constructor setting all Property Set IDs to the same ID value.
+ This constructor may be used to initialize a property set
+ and let it have all property IDs set to a specific value,
+ e.g. you might pass KDCHART_PROPSET_NORMAL_DATA
+ as ID to make the default property set the parent of all
+ values.
+ \param name (may be empty) a name describing this property set.
+ \param idParent the ID of the parent property set. Skip this paramter
+ to define a property set without specifying a parent.
+ */
+ KDChartPropertySet( const QString& name, int idParent=KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID ) :
+ mOwnID( UndefinedID )
+ { fullReset( name, idParent ); }
+ /**
+ Copy the settings stored by property set \c source into this property set.
+ \note Use this method instead of using the assignment operator.
+ \sa clone, quickReset, fullReset
+ */
+ void deepCopy( const KDChartPropertySet* source );
+ /**
+ Create a new property set on the heap, copy the settings stored by
+ this property set into the newly created property set and return
+ the pointer to the new property set.
+ \note Use this method instead of using the copy constructor.
+ \sa deepCopy, quickReset, fullReset
+ */
+ const KDChartPropertySet* clone() const;
+ /**
+ Set the name,
+ set all of the ID settings to idParent,
+ but do NOT change the value settings,
+ and do NOT modify mOwnID.
+ \note Use this to quickly reset the ID settings: in most cases this should
+ be sufficient for resetting the property set.
+ \sa clone, fullReset
+ */
+ void quickReset( const QString& name, int idParent=KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID );
+ /**
+ Set the name,
+ set all of the ID settings to idParent,
+ set all of the value settings back to their default value,
+ but do NOT modify mOwnID.
+ \note Use this to entirely reset both the ID values and the value settings: one of
+ the very few reasons why you might want to do that might be your saving this property set
+ into a data stream. In most other cases just calling quickReset should be sufficient.
+ \sa clone, quickReset
+ */
+ void fullReset( const QString& name, int idParent=KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID );
+ /**
+ Save this property set's settings in a stream,
+ this stores the own property set ID as well.
+ \sa loadXML
+ */
+ QDomElement saveXML(QDomDocument& doc) const;
+ /**
+ Retrieves a property set and stores it in parameter set.
+ \note Since the property set's internal <b>ID</b> is also read
+ make sure to call KDChartParams::setProperties(, set )
+ after calling \c load() if you want to use the loaded
+ property set in the context of KDChartParam settings.
+ \returns TRUE if the property set could be read.
+ \sa id, saveXLM
+ */
+ static bool loadXML( const QDomElement& element, KDChartPropertySet& set );
+public slots:
+ /**
+ Returns the name of this property set.
+ */
+ int id() const { return mOwnID; }
+ /**
+ Change the descriptive name of this property set.
+ */
+ void setName( const QString& name )
+ {
+ mName = name;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns the name of this property set.
+ */
+ QString name() const { return mName; }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying a boolean flag indicating
+ whether this cell's bar is to be painted
+ <b>or</b> specifying this flag directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idShowBar ID of the property set specifying the flag
+ indicating whether this cell's bar is to be painted.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for this flag.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the flag by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param showBar Flag indicating whether this cell's bar is to be painted.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa hasOwnShowBar
+ \sa setBarColor
+ \sa hasOwnBarColor
+ */
+ void setShowBar( int idShowBar, bool showBar )
+ {
+ mIdShowBar = idShowBar;
+ mShowBar = showBar;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own flag indicating
+ whether this cell's bar is to be painted.
+ \note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own showBar flag,
+ FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
+ \note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
+ are to be used: in this case idShowBar will be KDChartParams::NormalData
+ \param idShowBar to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
+ If idShowBar is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ then neither a property set ID
+ nor an own flag were specified (so no special
+ enabeling/disabeling of bars is associated to the
+ respective data cell), else idShowBar contains the
+ ID of another property set that is specifying the flag
+ to be used.
+ \param showBar this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
+ Parameter showBar contains the showBar flag
+ associated with the respective data cell.
+ If return value is FALSE the showBar
+ flag is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
+ but this is to be overridden by the respective value
+ of another property set that is indicated
+ by the idShowBar parameter - unless this has the special
+ value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
+ \sa setShowBar
+ \sa setBarColor
+ \sa hasOwnBarColor
+ */
+ bool hasOwnShowBar( int& idShowBar, bool& showBar )
+ {
+ idShowBar = mIdShowBar;
+ if( OwnID == idShowBar ){
+ showBar = mShowBar;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying the bar color
+ to be used for this cell
+ <b>or</b> specify the bar color directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idBarColor ID of the property set specifying the bar color.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for the bar color.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the bar color by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param barColor The bar color to be used.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa hasOwnBarColor
+ */
+ void setBarColor( int idBarColor, const QColor& barColor )
+ {
+ mIdBarColor = idBarColor;
+ mBarColor = barColor;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own bar color settings.
+ \note This function should be used for Bar Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own bar color settings,
+ FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
+ \note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
+ are to be used: in this case idBarColor will be KDChartParams::NormalData
+ \param idBarColor to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
+ If idBarColor is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ then neither a property set ID
+ nor an own bar color were specified (so no special
+ Bar color is associated to the respective data cell),
+ else idBarColor contains the ID of another property set
+ that is specifying the Bar color to be used.
+ \param barColor this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
+ Parameter barColor contains the bar color value
+ associated with the respective data cell.
+ If return value is FALSE the barColor
+ value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
+ but this is to be overridden by the respective value
+ of another property set that is indicated
+ by the idBarColor parameter - unless this has the special
+ value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
+ \sa setBarColor
+ */
+ bool hasOwnBarColor( int& idBarColor, QColor& barColor )
+ {
+ idBarColor = mIdBarColor;
+ if( OwnID == mIdBarColor ){
+ barColor = mBarColor;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying the line width
+ to be used for drawing a line from this data point to the next one
+ <b>or</b> specify the line width directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idLineWidth ID of the property set specifying the line width.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for the line width.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the line width by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param lineWidth The line width to be used.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
+ \sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
+ */
+ void setLineWidth( int idLineWidth, int lineWidth )
+ {
+ mIdLineWidth = idLineWidth;
+ mLineWidth = lineWidth;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own line width settings.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only.
+ \returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own line width settings,
+ FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
+ \param idLineWidth to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
+ If idLineWidth is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ then neither a property set ID
+ nor an own line width were specified (so no special
+ line width is associated to the respective data cell),
+ else idLineWidth contains the ID of another property set
+ that is specifying the line width to be used.
+ \param lineWidth this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
+ Parameter lineWidth contains the line width value
+ associated with the respective data cell.
+ If return value is FALSE the lineWidth
+ value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
+ but this is to be overridden by the respective value
+ of another property set that is indicated
+ by the idLineWidth parameter - unless this has the special
+ value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
+ \sa hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
+ */
+ bool hasOwnLineWidth( int& idLineWidth, int& lineWidth )
+ {
+ idLineWidth = mIdLineWidth;
+ if( OwnID == mIdLineWidth ){
+ lineWidth = mLineWidth;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying the line color
+ to be used for drawing a line from this data point to the next one
+ <b>or</b> specify the line color directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idLineColor ID of the property set specifying the line color.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for the line color.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the line color by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param lineColor The line color to be used.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
+ \sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
+ */
+ void setLineColor( int idLineColor, const QColor& lineColor )
+ {
+ mIdLineColor = idLineColor;
+ mLineColor = lineColor;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own line color settings.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own line color settings,
+ FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
+ \note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
+ are to be used: in this case idLineColor will be KDChartParams::NormalData
+ \param idLineColor to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
+ If idLineColor is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ then neither a property set ID
+ nor an own line color were specified (so no special
+ line color is associated to the respective data cell),
+ else idLineColor contains the ID of another property set
+ that is specifying the line color to be used.
+ \param lineColor this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
+ Parameter lineColor contains the line color value
+ associated with the respective data cell.
+ If return value is FALSE the lineColor
+ value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
+ but this is to be overridden by the respective value
+ of another property set that is indicated
+ by the idLineColor parameter - unless this has the special
+ value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
+ \sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
+ */
+ bool hasOwnLineColor( int& idLineColor, QColor& lineColor )
+ {
+ idLineColor = mIdLineColor;
+ if( OwnID == mIdLineColor ){
+ lineColor = mLineColor;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying the line style
+ to be used for drawing a line from this data point to the next one
+ <b>or</b> specify the line width directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idLineStyle ID of the property set specifying the line style.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for the line style.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the line style by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param lineStyle The line style to be used.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setShowMarker
+ \sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle, hasOwnShowMarker
+ */
+ void setLineStyle( int idLineStyle, const PenStyle& lineStyle )
+ {
+ mIdLineStyle = idLineStyle;
+ mLineStyle = lineStyle;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own line style settings.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own line style settings,
+ FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
+ \note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
+ are to be used: in this case idLineStyle will be KDChartParams::NormalData
+ \param idLineStyle to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
+ If idLineStyle is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ then neither a property set ID
+ nor an own line style were specified (so no special
+ line style is associated to the respective data cell),
+ else idLineStyle contains the ID of another property set
+ that is specifying the line style to be used.
+ \param lineStyle this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
+ Parameter lineStyle contains the line style value
+ associated with the respective data cell.
+ If return value is FALSE the lineStyle
+ value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
+ but this is to be overridden by the respective value
+ of another property set that is indicated
+ by the idLineStyle parameter - unless this has the special
+ value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle, setShowMarker
+ \sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnShowMarker
+ */
+ bool hasOwnLineStyle( int& idLineStyle, PenStyle& lineStyle )
+ {
+ idLineStyle = mIdLineStyle;
+ if( OwnID == mIdLineStyle ){
+ lineStyle = mLineStyle;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying the area brush
+ to be used for this cell
+ <b>or</b> specify the area brush directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Area Charts in <b>Normal</b> mode
+ only, otherwise the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idAreaBrush ID of the property set specifying the area brush.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for the area brush.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the area brush by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param areaBrush The area brush to be used.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa hasOwnAreaBrush
+ */
+ void setAreaBrush( int idAreaBrush, const QBrush& areaBrush )
+ {
+ mIdAreaBrush = idAreaBrush;
+ mAreaBrush = areaBrush;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own area brush settings.
+ \note This function should be used for Area Charts in <b>Normal</b> mode
+ only, otherwise the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own area brush settings,
+ FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
+ \note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
+ are to be used: in this case idAreaBrush will be KDChartParams::NormalData
+ \param idAreaBrush to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
+ If idAreaBrush is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ then neither a property set ID
+ nor an own area brush were specified (so no special
+ area brush is associated to the respective data cell),
+ else idAreaBrush contains the ID of another property set
+ that is specifying the area brush to be used.
+ \param areaBrush this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
+ Parameter areaBrush contains the area brush value
+ associated with the respective data cell.
+ If return value is FALSE the areaBrush
+ value is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
+ but this is to be overridden by the respective value
+ of another property set that is indicated
+ by the idAreaBrush parameter - unless this has the special
+ value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
+ \sa setAreaBrush
+ */
+ bool hasOwnAreaBrush( int& idAreaBrush, QBrush& areaBrush )
+ {
+ idAreaBrush = mIdAreaBrush;
+ if( OwnID == mIdAreaBrush ){
+ areaBrush = mAreaBrush;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying a boolean flag indicating
+ whether a Marker is to be displayed for this data value
+ <b>or</b> specifying this flag directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idShowMarker ID of the property set specifying the flag
+ indicating whether a marker is to be shown.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for this flag.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the flag by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param showMarker Flag indicating whether a marker is to be shown.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa hasOwnShowMarker
+ \sa setMarkerAlign, setMarkerSize, setMarkerColor, setMarkerStyle
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle
+ */
+ void setShowMarker( int idShowMarker, bool showMarker )
+ {
+ mIdShowMarker = idShowMarker;
+ mShowMarker = showMarker;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns whether this property set is specifying it's own flag indicating
+ whether a Marker is to be displayed.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \returns TRUE if this property set is specifying it's own showMarker flag,
+ FALSE if the settings of another property set are to be used instead.
+ \note The return value will also be FALSE if the 'default' properties
+ are to be used: in this case idShowMarker will be KDChartParams::NormalData
+ \param idShowMarker to be ignored if return value is TRUE.
+ If idShowMarker is KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ then neither a property set ID
+ nor an own flag were specified (so no special
+ enabeling/disabeling of markers is associated to the
+ respective data cell), else idShowMarker contains the
+ ID of another property set that is specifying the flag
+ to be used.
+ \param showMarker this parameter's value is not modified if return value is FALSE.
+ Parameter showMarker contains the showMarker flag
+ associated with the respective data cell.
+ If return value is FALSE the showMarker
+ flag is not set (so the parameter keeps its previous value)
+ but this is to be overridden by the respective value
+ of another property set that is indicated
+ by the idShowMarker parameter - unless this has the special
+ value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID as decribed above.
+ \sa setShowMarker
+ \sa hasOwnMarkerAlign, hasOwnMarkerSize, hasOwnMarkerColor, hasOwnMarkerStyle
+ \sa hasOwnLineWidth, hasOwnLineColor, hasOwnLineStyle
+ */
+ bool hasOwnShowMarker( int& idShowMarker, bool& showMarker )
+ {
+ idShowMarker = mIdShowMarker;
+ if( OwnID == idShowMarker ){
+ showMarker = mShowMarker;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specify the ID of the property set specifying the alignment of the
+ Marker to be displayed for this data value
+ <b>or</b> specifying this flag directly.
+ \note This function should be used for Line Charts only, otherwise
+ the settings specified here will be ignored.
+ \param idMarkerAlign ID of the property set specifying the alignment
+ of the Marker to be shown.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::UndefinedID
+ to specify neither another property set's ID
+ nor an own value for this flag.
+ Use special value KDChartPropertySet::OwnID
+ if you do NOT want to inherit another property set's
+ settings but want to specify the flag by using
+ the following parameter.
+ \param markerAlign The alignment of the marker to be shown.
+ This parameter is stored but ignored if the previous parameter
+ is not set to KDChartPropertySet::OwnID.
+ \sa hasOwnShowMarker
+ \sa setMarkerAlign, setMarkerSize, setMarkerColor, setMarkerStyle
+ \sa setLineWidth, setLineColor, setLineStyle
+ */
+ void setMarkerAlign( int idMarkerAlign, uint markerAlign )
+ {
+ mIdMarkerAlign = idMarkerAlign;
+ mMarkerAlign = markerAlign;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnMarkerAlign( int& idMarkerAlign, uint& markerAlign )
+ {
+ idMarkerAlign = mIdMarkerAlign;
+ if( OwnID == idMarkerAlign ){
+ markerAlign = mMarkerAlign;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setMarkerSize( int idMarkerSize, const QSize& markerSize )
+ {
+ mIdMarkerSize = idMarkerSize;
+ mMarkerSize = markerSize;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnMarkerSize( int& idMarkerSize, QSize& markerSize )
+ {
+ idMarkerSize = mIdMarkerSize;
+ if( OwnID == idMarkerSize ){
+ markerSize = mMarkerSize;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setMarkerColor( int idMarkerColor, const QColor& markerColor )
+ {
+ mIdMarkerColor = idMarkerColor;
+ mMarkerColor = markerColor;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnMarkerColor( int& idMarkerColor, QColor& markerColor )
+ {
+ idMarkerColor = mIdMarkerColor;
+ if( OwnID == idMarkerColor ){
+ markerColor = mMarkerColor;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setMarkerStyle( int idMarkerStyle, int markerStyle )
+ {
+ mIdMarkerStyle = idMarkerStyle;
+ mMarkerStyle = markerStyle;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnMarkerStyle( int& idMarkerStyle, int& markerStyle )
+ {
+ idMarkerStyle = mIdMarkerStyle;
+ if( OwnID == idMarkerStyle ){
+ markerStyle = mMarkerStyle;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraLinesAlign( int idExtraLinesAlign, uint extraLinesAlign )
+ {
+ mIdExtraLinesAlign = idExtraLinesAlign;
+ mExtraLinesAlign = extraLinesAlign;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraLinesAlign( int& idExtraLinesAlign, uint& extraLinesAlign )
+ {
+ idExtraLinesAlign = mIdExtraLinesAlign;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraLinesAlign ){
+ extraLinesAlign = mExtraLinesAlign;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraLinesInFront( int idExtraLinesInFront, bool extraLinesInFront )
+ {
+ mIdExtraLinesInFront = idExtraLinesInFront;
+ mExtraLinesInFront = extraLinesInFront;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraLinesInFront( int& idExtraLinesInFront, bool& extraLinesInFront )
+ {
+ idExtraLinesInFront = mIdExtraLinesInFront;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraLinesInFront ){
+ extraLinesInFront = mExtraLinesInFront;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraLinesLength( int idExtraLinesLength, int extraLinesLength )
+ {
+ mIdExtraLinesLength = idExtraLinesLength;
+ mExtraLinesLength = extraLinesLength;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraLinesLength( int& idExtraLinesLength, int& extraLinesLength )
+ {
+ idExtraLinesLength = mIdExtraLinesLength;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraLinesLength ){
+ extraLinesLength = mExtraLinesLength;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraLinesWidth( int idExtraLinesWidth, int extraLinesWidth )
+ {
+ mIdExtraLinesWidth = idExtraLinesWidth;
+ mExtraLinesWidth = extraLinesWidth;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraLinesWidth( int& idExtraLinesWidth, int& extraLinesWidth )
+ {
+ idExtraLinesWidth = mIdExtraLinesWidth;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraLinesWidth ){
+ extraLinesWidth = mExtraLinesWidth;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraLinesColor( int idExtraLinesColor, const QColor& extraLinesColor )
+ {
+ mIdExtraLinesColor = idExtraLinesColor;
+ mExtraLinesColor = extraLinesColor;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraLinesColor( int& idExtraLinesColor, QColor& extraLinesColor )
+ {
+ idExtraLinesColor = mIdExtraLinesColor;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraLinesColor ){
+ extraLinesColor = mExtraLinesColor;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraLinesStyle( int idExtraLinesStyle, const PenStyle extraLinesStyle )
+ {
+ mIdExtraLinesStyle = idExtraLinesStyle;
+ mExtraLinesStyle = extraLinesStyle;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraLinesStyle( int& idExtraLinesStyle, PenStyle& extraLinesStyle )
+ {
+ idExtraLinesStyle = mIdExtraLinesStyle;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraLinesStyle ){
+ extraLinesStyle = mExtraLinesStyle;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraMarkersAlign( int idExtraMarkersAlign, uint extraMarkersAlign )
+ {
+ mIdExtraMarkersAlign = idExtraMarkersAlign;
+ mExtraMarkersAlign = extraMarkersAlign;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraMarkersAlign( int& idExtraMarkersAlign, uint& extraMarkersAlign )
+ {
+ idExtraMarkersAlign = mIdExtraMarkersAlign;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersAlign ){
+ extraMarkersAlign = mExtraMarkersAlign;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraMarkersSize( int idExtraMarkersSize, const QSize& extraMarkersSize )
+ {
+ mIdExtraMarkersSize = idExtraMarkersSize;
+ mExtraMarkersSize = extraMarkersSize;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraMarkersSize( int& idExtraMarkersSize, QSize& extraMarkersSize )
+ {
+ idExtraMarkersSize = mIdExtraMarkersSize;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersSize ){
+ extraMarkersSize = mExtraMarkersSize;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraMarkersColor( int idExtraMarkersColor, const QColor& extraMarkersColor )
+ {
+ mIdExtraMarkersColor = idExtraMarkersColor;
+ mExtraMarkersColor = extraMarkersColor;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraMarkersColor( int& idExtraMarkersColor, QColor& extraMarkersColor )
+ {
+ idExtraMarkersColor = mIdExtraMarkersColor;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersColor ){
+ extraMarkersColor = mExtraMarkersColor;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setExtraMarkersStyle( int idExtraMarkersStyle, int extraMarkersStyle )
+ {
+ mIdExtraMarkersStyle = idExtraMarkersStyle;
+ mExtraMarkersStyle = extraMarkersStyle;
+ }
+ bool hasOwnExtraMarkersStyle( int& idExtraMarkersStyle, int& extraMarkersStyle )
+ {
+ idExtraMarkersStyle = mIdExtraMarkersStyle;
+ if( OwnID == idExtraMarkersStyle ){
+ extraMarkersStyle = mExtraMarkersStyle;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // the following member only to be set internally by KDChartParams::registerProperties
+ // and by KDChartParams::setProperties
+ int mOwnID;
+ KDChartPropertySet( const KDChartPropertySet& ) : QObject(0) {}
+ QString mName;
+ // IDs: values used if ID == OwnID:
+ int mIdLineWidth; int mLineWidth;
+ int mIdLineColor; QColor mLineColor;
+ int mIdLineStyle; Qt::PenStyle mLineStyle;
+ int mIdShowMarker; bool mShowMarker;
+ int mIdMarkerSize; QSize mMarkerSize;
+ int mIdMarkerColor; QColor mMarkerColor;
+ int mIdMarkerStyle; int mMarkerStyle;
+ int mIdMarkerAlign; uint mMarkerAlign;
+ int mIdExtraLinesAlign; uint mExtraLinesAlign;
+ int mIdExtraLinesInFront; bool mExtraLinesInFront;
+ int mIdExtraLinesLength; int mExtraLinesLength;
+ int mIdExtraLinesWidth; int mExtraLinesWidth;
+ int mIdExtraLinesColor; QColor mExtraLinesColor;
+ int mIdExtraLinesStyle; Qt::PenStyle mExtraLinesStyle;
+ int mIdExtraMarkersAlign; uint mExtraMarkersAlign;
+ int mIdExtraMarkersSize; QSize mExtraMarkersSize;
+ int mIdExtraMarkersColor; QColor mExtraMarkersColor;
+ int mIdExtraMarkersStyle; int mExtraMarkersStyle;
+ int mIdShowBar; bool mShowBar;
+ int mIdBarColor; QColor mBarColor;
+ int mIdAreaBrush; QBrush mAreaBrush;
+ void fillValueMembersWithDummyValues();