path: root/kmymoney2/dialogs/investtransactioneditor.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kmymoney2/dialogs/investtransactioneditor.cpp')
1 files changed, 1094 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmymoney2/dialogs/investtransactioneditor.cpp b/kmymoney2/dialogs/investtransactioneditor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a62436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmymoney2/dialogs/investtransactioneditor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@
+ investtransactioneditor.cpp
+ ----------
+ begin : Fri Dec 15 2006
+ copyright : (C) 2006 by Thomas Baumgart
+ email : Thomas Baumgart <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <typeinfo>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// QT Includes
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qeventloop.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// KDE Includes
+#include <ktextedit.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Project Includes
+#include <kmymoney/investtransactioneditor.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneycategory.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneydateinput.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyedit.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneylineedit.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyaccountcompletion.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyaccountselector.h>
+#include <kmymoney/mymoneyfile.h>
+#include <kmymoney/transactionform.h>
+#include "../dialogs/ksplittransactiondlg.h"
+#include "../dialogs/kcurrencycalculator.h"
+#include "../kmymoneyglobalsettings.h"
+#include "investactivities.h"
+using namespace KMyMoneyRegister;
+using namespace KMyMoneyTransactionForm;
+using namespace Invest;
+class InvestTransactionEditor::Private {
+ friend class Invest::Activity;
+ Private(InvestTransactionEditor* parent) :
+ m_parent(parent),
+ m_activity(0)
+ {
+ m_phonyAccount = MyMoneyAccount("Phony-ID", MyMoneyAccount());
+ }
+ ~Private() {
+ delete m_activity;
+ }
+ QWidget* haveWidget(const QString& name) { return m_parent->haveWidget(name); }
+ InvestTransactionEditor* m_parent;
+ Activity* m_activity;
+ MyMoneyAccount m_phonyAccount;
+ MyMoneySplit m_phonySplit;
+InvestTransactionEditor::InvestTransactionEditor() :
+ d(new Private(this))
+ delete d;
+InvestTransactionEditor::InvestTransactionEditor(TransactionEditorContainer* regForm, KMyMoneyRegister::InvestTransaction* item, const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, const QDate& lastPostDate) :
+ TransactionEditor(regForm, item, list, lastPostDate),
+ d(new Private(this))
+ // dissect the transaction into its type, splits, currency, security etc.
+ dissectTransaction(m_transaction, m_split,
+ m_assetAccountSplit,
+ m_feeSplits,
+ m_interestSplits,
+ m_security,
+ m_currency,
+ m_transactionType);
+ // determine initial activity object
+ activityFactory(m_transactionType);
+void InvestTransactionEditor::activityFactory(MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE type)
+ if(!d->m_activity || type != d->m_activity->type()) {
+ delete d->m_activity;
+ switch(type) {
+ default:
+ case MyMoneySplit::BuyShares:
+ d->m_activity = new Buy(this);
+ break;
+ case MyMoneySplit::SellShares:
+ d->m_activity = new Sell(this);
+ break;
+ case MyMoneySplit::Dividend:
+ case MyMoneySplit::Yield:
+ d->m_activity = new Div(this);
+ break;
+ case MyMoneySplit::ReinvestDividend:
+ d->m_activity = new Reinvest(this);
+ break;
+ case MyMoneySplit::AddShares:
+ d->m_activity = new Add(this);
+ break;
+ case MyMoneySplit::RemoveShares:
+ d->m_activity = new Remove(this);
+ break;
+ case MyMoneySplit::SplitShares:
+ d->m_activity = new Split(this);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void InvestTransactionEditor::dissectTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction, const MyMoneySplit& split, MyMoneySplit& assetAccountSplit, QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& feeSplits, QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& interestSplits, MyMoneySecurity& security, MyMoneySecurity& currency, MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE& transactionType)
+ // collect the splits. split references the stock account and should already
+ // be set up. assetAccountSplit references the corresponding asset account (maybe
+ // empty), feeSplits is the list of all expenses and interestSplits
+ // the list of all incomes
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::ConstIterator it_s;
+ for(it_s = transaction.splits().begin(); it_s != transaction.splits().end(); ++it_s) {
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId());
+ if((*it_s).id() == {
+ security = file->security(acc.currencyId());
+ } else if(acc.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Expense) {
+ feeSplits.append(*it_s);
+ // feeAmount += (*it_s).value();
+ } else if(acc.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Income) {
+ interestSplits.append(*it_s);
+ // interestAmount += (*it_s).value();
+ } else {
+ assetAccountSplit = *it_s;
+ }
+ }
+ // determine transaction type
+ if(split.action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionAddShares) {
+ transactionType = (!split.shares().isNegative()) ? MyMoneySplit::AddShares : MyMoneySplit::RemoveShares;
+ } else if(split.action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares) {
+ transactionType = (!split.value().isNegative()) ? MyMoneySplit::BuyShares : MyMoneySplit::SellShares;
+ } else if(split.action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionDividend) {
+ transactionType = MyMoneySplit::Dividend;
+ } else if(split.action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionReinvestDividend) {
+ transactionType = MyMoneySplit::ReinvestDividend;
+ } else if(split.action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionYield) {
+ transactionType = MyMoneySplit::Yield;
+ } else if(split.action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionSplitShares) {
+ transactionType = MyMoneySplit::SplitShares;
+ } else
+ transactionType = MyMoneySplit::BuyShares;
+ currency.setTradingSymbol("???");
+ try {
+ currency = file->security(transaction.commodity());
+ } catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
+ delete e;
+ }
+void InvestTransactionEditor::createEditWidgets(void)
+ KMyMoneyActivityCombo* activity = new KMyMoneyActivityCombo();
+ m_editWidgets["activity"] = activity;
+ connect(activity, SIGNAL(activitySelected(MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateActivity(MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE)));
+ connect(activity, SIGNAL(activitySelected(MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ m_editWidgets["postdate"] = new kMyMoneyDateInput;
+ connect(m_editWidgets["postdate"], SIGNAL(dateChanged(const QDate&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ KMyMoneySecurity* security = new KMyMoneySecurity;
+ security->setHint(i18n("Security"));
+ m_editWidgets["security"] = security;
+ connect(security, SIGNAL(itemSelected(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSecurity(const QString&)));
+ connect(security, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(security, SIGNAL(createItem(const QString&, QString&)), this, SLOT(slotCreateSecurity(const QString&, QString&)));
+ connect(security, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)), this, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)));
+ KMyMoneyCategory* asset = new KMyMoneyCategory(0, 0, false);
+ asset->setHint(i18n("Asset account"));
+ m_editWidgets["asset-account"] = asset;
+ connect(asset, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(asset, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)), this, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)));
+ KMyMoneyCategory* fees = new KMyMoneyCategory(0, 0, true);
+ fees->setHint(i18n("Fees"));
+ m_editWidgets["fee-account"] = fees;
+ connect(fees, SIGNAL(itemSelected(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateFeeCategory(const QString&)));
+ connect(fees, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(fees, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateFeeVisibility(const QString&)));
+ connect(fees, SIGNAL(createItem(const QString&, QString&)), this, SLOT(slotCreateFeeCategory(const QString&, QString&)));
+ connect(fees, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)), this, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)));
+ connect(fees->splitButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotEditFeeSplits()));
+ KMyMoneyCategory* interest = new KMyMoneyCategory(0, 0, true);
+ interest->setHint(i18n("Interest"));
+ m_editWidgets["interest-account"] = interest;
+ connect(interest, SIGNAL(itemSelected(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateInterestCategory(const QString&)));
+ connect(interest, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(interest, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateInterestVisibility(const QString&)));
+ connect(interest, SIGNAL(createItem(const QString&, QString&)), this, SLOT(slotCreateInterestCategory(const QString&, QString&)));
+ connect(interest, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)), this, SIGNAL(objectCreation(bool)));
+ connect(interest->splitButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotEditInterestSplits()));
+ KTextEdit* memo = new KTextEdit;
+ memo->setTabChangesFocus(true);
+ m_editWidgets["memo"] = memo;
+ kMyMoneyEdit* value = new kMyMoneyEdit;
+ value->setHint(i18n("Shares"));
+ value->setResetButtonVisible(false);
+ m_editWidgets["shares"] = value;
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(valueChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateTotalAmount()));
+ value = new kMyMoneyEdit;
+ value->setHint(i18n("Price"));
+ value->setResetButtonVisible(false);
+ value->setPrecision(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision());
+ m_editWidgets["price"] = value;
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(valueChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateTotalAmount()));
+ value = new kMyMoneyEdit;
+ // TODO once we have the selected transactions as array of Transaction
+ // we can allow multiple splits for fee and interest
+ value->setResetButtonVisible(false);
+ m_editWidgets["fee-amount"] = value;
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(valueChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateTotalAmount()));
+ value = new kMyMoneyEdit;
+ // TODO once we have the selected transactions as array of Transaction
+ // we can allow multiple splits for fee and interest
+ value->setResetButtonVisible(false);
+ m_editWidgets["interest-amount"] = value;
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ connect(value, SIGNAL(valueChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateTotalAmount()));
+ KMyMoneyReconcileCombo* reconcile = new KMyMoneyReconcileCombo;
+ m_editWidgets["status"] = reconcile;
+ connect(reconcile, SIGNAL(itemSelected(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateButtonState()));
+ KMyMoneyRegister::QWidgetContainer::iterator it_w;
+ for(it_w = m_editWidgets.begin(); it_w != m_editWidgets.end(); ++it_w) {
+ (*it_w)->installEventFilter(this);
+ }
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["total"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["total-label"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["asset-label"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["fee-label"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["fee-amount-label"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["interest-label"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["interest-amount-label"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["price-label"] = label;
+ label = new QLabel("", 0);
+ label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::DontClip);
+ m_editWidgets["shares-label"] = label;
+ // if we don't have more than 1 selected transaction, we don't need
+ // the "don't change" item in some of the combo widgets
+ if(m_transactions.count() < 2) {
+ reconcile->removeDontCare();
+ }
+int InvestTransactionEditor::slotEditFeeSplits(void)
+ return editSplits("fee-account", "fee-amount", m_feeSplits, false, SLOT(slotEditFeeSplits()));
+int InvestTransactionEditor::slotEditInterestSplits(void)
+ return editSplits("interest-account", "interest-amount", m_interestSplits, true, SLOT(slotEditInterestSplits()));
+int InvestTransactionEditor::editSplits(const QString& categoryWidgetName, const QString& amountWidgetName, QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits, bool isIncome, const char* slotEditSplits)
+ int rc = QDialog::Rejected;
+ if(!m_openEditSplits) {
+ // only get in here in a single instance
+ m_openEditSplits = true;
+ // force focus change to update all data
+ KMyMoneyCategory* category = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(m_editWidgets[categoryWidgetName]);
+ QWidget* w = category->splitButton();
+ if(w)
+ w->setFocus();
+ kMyMoneyEdit* amount = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget(amountWidgetName));
+ MyMoneyTransaction transaction;
+ transaction.setCommodity(;
+ if(splits.count() == 0 && category->selectedItem()) {
+ MyMoneySplit s;
+ s.setAccountId(category->selectedItem());
+ s.setShares(amount->value());
+ s.setValue(s.shares());
+ splits << s;
+ }
+ // use the transactions commodity as the currency indicator for the splits
+ // this is used to allow some useful setting for the fractions in the amount fields
+ try {
+ d->m_phonyAccount.setCurrencyId(m_transaction.commodity());
+ d->m_phonyAccount.fraction(MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(m_transaction.commodity()));
+ } catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
+ qDebug("Unable to setup precision");
+ delete e;
+ }
+ if(createPseudoTransaction(transaction, splits)) {
+ MyMoneyMoney value;
+ KSplitTransactionDlg* dlg = new KSplitTransactionDlg(transaction,
+ d->m_phonySplit,
+ d->m_phonyAccount,
+ false,
+ isIncome,
+ 0,
+ m_priceInfo,
+ m_regForm);
+ // connect(dlg, SIGNAL(newCategory(MyMoneyAccount&)), this, SIGNAL(newCategory(MyMoneyAccount&)));
+ if((rc = dlg->exec()) == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ transaction = dlg->transaction();
+ // collect splits out of the transaction
+ splits.clear();
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s;
+ MyMoneyMoney fees;
+ for(it_s = transaction.splits().begin(); it_s != transaction.splits().end(); ++it_s) {
+ if((*it_s).accountId() == d->
+ continue;
+ splits << *it_s;
+ fees += (*it_s).shares();
+ }
+ if(isIncome)
+ fees = -fees;
+ QString categoryId;
+ setupCategoryWidget(category, splits, categoryId, slotEditSplits);
+ amount->setValue(fees);
+ slotUpdateTotalAmount();
+ }
+ delete dlg;
+ }
+ // focus jumps into the memo field
+ if((w = haveWidget("memo")) != 0) {
+ w->setFocus();
+ }
+ m_openEditSplits = false;
+ }
+ return rc;
+bool InvestTransactionEditor::createPseudoTransaction(MyMoneyTransaction& t, const QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits)
+ t.removeSplits();
+ MyMoneySplit split;
+ split.setAccountId(d->;
+ split.setValue(-subtotal(splits));
+ split.setShares(split.value());
+ t.addSplit(split);
+ d->m_phonySplit = split;
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s;
+ for(it_s = splits.begin(); it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) {
+ split = *it_s;
+ split.clearId();
+ t.addSplit(split);
+ }
+ return true;
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotCreateSecurity(const QString& name, QString& id)
+ MyMoneyAccount acc;
+ QRegExp exp("([^:]+)");
+ if( != -1) {
+ acc.setName(exp.cap(1));
+ emit createSecurity(acc, m_account);
+ // return id
+ id =;
+ if(!id.isEmpty()) {
+ slotUpdateSecurity(id);
+ }
+ }
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotCreateFeeCategory(const QString& name, QString& id)
+ MyMoneyAccount acc;
+ acc.setName(name);
+ emit createCategory(acc, MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense());
+ // return id
+ id =;
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotUpdateFeeCategory(const QString& id)
+ haveWidget("fee-amount")->setDisabled(id.isEmpty());
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotUpdateFeeVisibility(const QString& txt)
+ haveWidget("fee-amount")->setHidden(txt.isEmpty());
+ QWidget* w = haveWidget("fee-amount-label");
+ if(w)
+ w->setShown(haveWidget("fee-amount")->isVisible());
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotUpdateInterestCategory(const QString& id)
+ haveWidget("interest-amount")->setDisabled(id.isEmpty());
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotUpdateInterestVisibility(const QString& txt)
+ KMyMoneyCategory* interest = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("interest-account"));
+ QWidget* w = haveWidget("interest-amount-label");
+ if(dynamic_cast<Reinvest*>(d->m_activity)) {
+ interest->splitButton()->hide();
+ haveWidget("interest-amount")->setHidden(true);
+ // for the reinvest case, we don't ever hide the label do avoid a shine through
+ // of the underlying transaction data.
+ w = 0;
+ } else {
+ haveWidget("interest-amount")->setHidden(txt.isEmpty());
+ // FIXME once we can handle split interest, we need to uncomment the next line
+ // interest->splitButton()->show();
+ }
+ if(w)
+ w->setShown(haveWidget("interest-amount")->isVisible());
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotCreateInterestCategory(const QString& name, QString& id)
+ MyMoneyAccount acc;
+ acc.setName(name);
+ emit createCategory(acc, MyMoneyFile::instance()->income());
+ // return id
+ id =;
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotReloadEditWidgets(void)
+ KMyMoneyCategory* interest = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("interest-account"));
+ KMyMoneyCategory* fees = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("fee-account"));
+ KMyMoneySecurity* security = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneySecurity*>(haveWidget("security"));
+ AccountSet aSet;
+ QString id;
+ // interest-account
+ aSet.clear();
+ aSet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income);
+ aSet.load(interest->selector());
+ setupCategoryWidget(interest, m_interestSplits, id, SLOT(slotEditInterestSplits()));
+ // fee-account
+ aSet.clear();
+ aSet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense);
+ aSet.load(fees->selector());
+ setupCategoryWidget(fees, m_feeSplits, id, SLOT(slotEditFeeSplits()));
+ // security
+ aSet.clear();
+ aSet.load(security->selector(), i18n("Security"), m_account.accountList(), true);
+void InvestTransactionEditor::loadEditWidgets(KMyMoneyRegister::Action /* action */)
+ QString id;
+ kMyMoneyDateInput* postDate = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyDateInput*>(haveWidget("postdate"));
+ KMyMoneyReconcileCombo* reconcile = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyReconcileCombo*>(haveWidget("status"));
+ KMyMoneySecurity* security = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneySecurity*>(haveWidget("security"));
+ KMyMoneyActivityCombo* activity = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyActivityCombo*>(haveWidget("activity"));
+ KMyMoneyCategory* asset = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("asset-account"));
+ KTextEdit* memo = dynamic_cast<KTextEdit*>(m_editWidgets["memo"]);
+ kMyMoneyEdit* value;
+ KMyMoneyCategory* interest = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("interest-account"));
+ KMyMoneyCategory* fees = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("fee-account"));
+ // check if the current transaction has a reference to an equity account
+ bool haveEquityAccount = false;
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s;
+ for(it_s = m_transaction.splits().begin(); !haveEquityAccount && it_s != m_transaction.splits().end(); ++it_s) {
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account((*it_s).accountId());
+ if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Equity)
+ haveEquityAccount = true;
+ }
+ // asset-account
+ AccountSet aSet;
+ aSet.clear();
+ aSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Checkings);
+ aSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Savings);
+ aSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Cash);
+ aSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Asset);
+ aSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Currency);
+ aSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard);
+ if(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode() || haveEquityAccount)
+ aSet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Equity);
+ aSet.load(asset->selector());
+ // security
+ security->setSuppressObjectCreation(false); // allow object creation on the fly
+ aSet.clear();
+ aSet.load(security->selector(), i18n("Security"), m_account.accountList(), true);
+ if(!isMultiSelection()) {
+ // date
+ if(m_transaction.postDate().isValid())
+ postDate->setDate(m_transaction.postDate());
+ else if(m_lastPostDate.isValid())
+ postDate->setDate(m_lastPostDate);
+ else
+ postDate->setDate(QDate::currentDate());
+ // security (but only if it's not the investment account)
+ if(m_split.accountId() != {
+ security->completion()->setSelected(m_split.accountId());
+ security->slotItemSelected(m_split.accountId());
+ }
+ // activity
+ activity->setActivity(d->m_activity->type());
+ slotUpdateActivity(activity->activity());
+ asset->completion()->setSelected(m_assetAccountSplit.accountId());
+ asset->slotItemSelected(m_assetAccountSplit.accountId());
+ // interest-account
+ aSet.clear();
+ aSet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income);
+ aSet.load(interest->selector());
+ setupCategoryWidget(interest, m_interestSplits, id, SLOT(slotEditInterestSplits()));
+ slotUpdateInterestVisibility(interest->currentText());
+ // fee-account
+ aSet.clear();
+ aSet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense);
+ aSet.load(fees->selector());
+ setupCategoryWidget(fees, m_feeSplits, id, SLOT(slotEditFeeSplits()));
+ slotUpdateFeeVisibility(fees->currentText());
+ // memo
+ memo->setText(m_split.memo());
+ // shares
+ // don't set the value if the number of shares is zero so that
+ // we can see the hint
+ value = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("shares"));
+ if(typeid(*(d->m_activity)) != typeid(Invest::Split(this)))
+ value->setPrecision(MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(m_security.smallestAccountFraction()));
+ else
+ value->setPrecision(-1);
+ if(!m_split.shares().isZero())
+ value->setValue(m_split.shares().abs());
+ // price
+ updatePriceMode(m_split);
+ // fee amount
+ value = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("fee-amount"));
+ value->setValue(subtotal(m_feeSplits));
+ // interest amount
+ value = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("interest-amount"));
+ value->setValue(-subtotal(m_interestSplits));
+ // total
+ slotUpdateTotalAmount();
+ // status
+ if(m_split.reconcileFlag() == MyMoneySplit::Unknown)
+ m_split.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled);
+ reconcile->setState(m_split.reconcileFlag());
+ } else {
+ postDate->loadDate(QDate());
+ reconcile->setState(MyMoneySplit::Unknown);
+ memo->setText(QString());
+ // We don't allow to change the activity
+ activity->setActivity(d->m_activity->type());
+ slotUpdateActivity(activity->activity());
+ activity->setDisabled(true);
+ // scan the list of selected transactions and check that they have
+ // the same activity.
+ KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::iterator it_t = m_transactions.begin();
+ const QString& action = m_item->split().action();
+ bool isNegative = m_item->split().shares().isNegative();
+ bool allSameActivity = true;
+ for(it_t = m_transactions.begin(); allSameActivity && (it_t != m_transactions.end()); ++it_t) {
+ allSameActivity = (action == (*it_t).split().action() && (*it_t).split().shares().isNegative() == isNegative);
+ }
+ QStringList fields;
+ fields << "shares" << "price" << "fee-amount" << "interest-amount";
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_f;
+ for(it_f = fields.begin(); it_f != fields.end(); ++it_f) {
+ value = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget((*it_f)));
+ value->setText("");
+ value->setAllowEmpty();
+ }
+ // if we have transactions with different activities, disable some more widgets
+ if(!allSameActivity) {
+ fields << "asset-account" << "fee-account" << "interest-account";
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_f;
+ for(it_f = fields.begin(); it_f != fields.end(); ++it_f) {
+ haveWidget(*it_f)->setDisabled(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QWidget* InvestTransactionEditor::firstWidget(void) const
+ return 0; // let the creator use the first widget in the tab order
+bool InvestTransactionEditor::isComplete(QString& reason) const
+ reason = QString();
+ // reason.clear(); // for Qt4
+ return d->m_activity->isComplete(reason);
+MyMoneyMoney InvestTransactionEditor::subtotal(const QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& splits) const
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s;
+ MyMoneyMoney sum;
+ for(it_s = splits.begin(); it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) {
+ sum += (*it_s).value();
+ }
+ return sum;
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotUpdateSecurity(const QString& stockId)
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ MyMoneyAccount stock = file->account(stockId);
+ m_security = file->security(stock.currencyId());
+ m_currency = file->security(m_security.tradingCurrency());
+ bool currencyKnown = !;
+ if(!currencyKnown) {
+ m_currency.setTradingSymbol("???");
+ } else {
+ if(typeid(*(d->m_activity)) != typeid(Invest::Split(this))) {
+ dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("shares"))->setPrecision(MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(m_security.smallestAccountFraction()));
+ } else {
+ dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("shares"))->setPrecision(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ updatePriceMode();
+ d->m_activity->preloadAssetAccount();
+ haveWidget("shares")->setEnabled(currencyKnown);
+ haveWidget("price")->setEnabled(currencyKnown);
+ haveWidget("fee-amount")->setEnabled(currencyKnown);
+ haveWidget("interest-amount")->setEnabled(currencyKnown);
+ slotUpdateTotalAmount();
+void InvestTransactionEditor::totalAmount(MyMoneyMoney& amount) const
+ KMyMoneyActivityCombo* activityCombo = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyActivityCombo*>(haveWidget("activity"));
+ kMyMoneyEdit* sharesEdit = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("shares"));
+ kMyMoneyEdit* priceEdit = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("price"));
+ kMyMoneyEdit* feesEdit = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("fee-amount"));
+ kMyMoneyEdit* interestEdit = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("interest-amount"));
+ if(priceMode() == InvestTransactionEditor::PricePerTransaction)
+ amount = priceEdit->value().abs();
+ else
+ amount = sharesEdit->value().abs() * priceEdit->value().abs();
+ if(feesEdit->isVisible()) {
+ MyMoneyMoney fee = feesEdit->value();
+ MyMoneyMoney factor(-1,1);
+ switch(activityCombo->activity()) {
+ case MyMoneySplit::BuyShares:
+ case MyMoneySplit::ReinvestDividend:
+ factor = MyMoneyMoney(1,1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ amount += (fee * factor);
+ }
+ if(interestEdit->isVisible()) {
+ MyMoneyMoney interest = interestEdit->value();
+ MyMoneyMoney factor(1,1);
+ switch(activityCombo->activity()) {
+ case MyMoneySplit::BuyShares:
+ factor = MyMoneyMoney(-1,1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ amount += (interest * factor);
+ }
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotUpdateTotalAmount(void)
+ QLabel* total = dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(haveWidget("total"));
+ if(total && total->isVisible()) {
+ MyMoneyMoney amount;
+ totalAmount(amount);
+ total->setText(amount.formatMoney(m_currency.tradingSymbol(), MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(m_security.smallestAccountFraction())));
+ }
+void InvestTransactionEditor::slotUpdateActivity(MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE activity)
+ // create new activity object if required
+ activityFactory(activity);
+ KMyMoneyCategory* cat;
+ // hide all dynamic widgets (make sure to use the parentWidget for the
+ // category widgets)
+ haveWidget("interest-account")->parentWidget()->hide();
+ haveWidget("fee-account")->parentWidget()->hide();
+ QStringList dynwidgets;
+ dynwidgets << "total-label" << "asset-label" << "fee-label" << "fee-amount-label" << "interest-label" << "interest-amount-label" << "price-label" << "shares-label";
+ // hiding labels works by clearing them. hide() does not do the job
+ // as the underlying text in the QTable object will shine through
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_s;
+ for(it_s = dynwidgets.begin(); it_s != dynwidgets.end(); ++it_s) {
+ QLabel* w = dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(haveWidget(*it_s));
+ if(w)
+ w->setText(" ");
+ }
+ // real widgets can be hidden
+ dynwidgets.clear();
+ dynwidgets << "asset-account" << "interest-amount" << "fee-amount" << "shares" << "price" << "total";
+ for(it_s = dynwidgets.begin(); it_s != dynwidgets.end(); ++it_s) {
+ QWidget* w = haveWidget(*it_s);
+ if(w)
+ w->hide();
+ }
+ d->m_activity->showWidgets();
+ d->m_activity->preloadAssetAccount();
+ cat = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("interest-account"));
+ if(cat->parentWidget()->isVisible())
+ slotUpdateInterestVisibility(cat->currentText());
+ cat = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCategory*>(haveWidget("fee-account"));
+ if(cat->parentWidget()->isVisible())
+ slotUpdateFeeVisibility(cat->currentText());
+InvestTransactionEditor::priceModeE InvestTransactionEditor::priceMode(void) const
+ priceModeE mode = static_cast<priceModeE>(0);
+ KMyMoneySecurity* sec = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneySecurity*>(m_editWidgets["security"]);
+ QString accId;
+ if(!sec->currentText().isEmpty()) {
+ accId = sec->selectedItem();
+ if(accId.isEmpty())
+ accId =;
+ }
+ while(!accId.isEmpty() && mode == 0) {
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(accId);
+ if(acc.value("priceMode").isEmpty())
+ accId = acc.parentAccountId();
+ else
+ mode = static_cast<priceModeE>(acc.value("priceMode").toInt());
+ }
+ // if it's still <default> then use that default
+ if(mode == 0)
+ mode = PricePerShare;
+ return mode;
+bool InvestTransactionEditor::setupPrice(const MyMoneyTransaction& t, MyMoneySplit& split)
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(split.accountId());
+ MyMoneySecurity toCurrency(file->security(acc.currencyId()));
+ int fract = acc.fraction();
+ if(acc.currencyId() != t.commodity()) {
+ QMap<QString, MyMoneyMoney>::Iterator it_p;
+ QString key = t.commodity() + "-" + acc.currencyId();
+ it_p = m_priceInfo.find(key);
+ // if it's not found, then collect it from the user first
+ MyMoneyMoney price;
+ if(it_p == m_priceInfo.end()) {
+ MyMoneySecurity fromCurrency = file->security(t.commodity());
+ MyMoneyMoney fromValue, toValue;
+ fromValue = split.value();
+ MyMoneyPrice priceInfo = MyMoneyFile::instance()->price(,;
+ toValue = split.value() * priceInfo.rate(;
+ KCurrencyCalculator calc(fromCurrency,
+ toCurrency,
+ fromValue,
+ toValue,
+ t.postDate(),
+ fract,
+ m_regForm, "currencyCalculator");
+ if(calc.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ price = calc.price();
+ m_priceInfo[key] = price;
+ } else {
+ price = (*it_p);
+ }
+ // update shares if the transaction commodity is the currency
+ // of the current selected account
+ split.setShares((split.value() * price).convert(fract));
+ } else {
+ split.setShares(split.value().convert(fract));
+ }
+ return true;
+bool InvestTransactionEditor::createTransaction(MyMoneyTransaction& t, const MyMoneyTransaction& torig, const MyMoneySplit& sorig, bool /* skipPriceDialog */)
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ // we start with the previous values, make sure we can add them later on
+ t = torig;
+ MyMoneySplit s0 = sorig;
+ s0.clearId();
+ KMyMoneySecurity* sec = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneySecurity*>(m_editWidgets["security"]);
+ if(!isMultiSelection() || (isMultiSelection() && !sec->currentText().isEmpty())) {
+ QString securityId = sec->selectedItem();
+ if(!securityId.isEmpty()) {
+ s0.setAccountId(securityId);
+ MyMoneyAccount stockAccount = file->account(securityId);
+ QString currencyId = stockAccount.currencyId();
+ MyMoneySecurity security = file->security(currencyId);
+ t.setCommodity(security.tradingCurrency());
+ } else {
+ s0.setAccountId(;
+ t.setCommodity(m_account.currencyId());
+ }
+ }
+ // extract price info from original transaction
+ m_priceInfo.clear();
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::const_iterator it_s;
+ if(! {
+ for(it_s = torig.splits().begin(); it_s != torig.splits().end(); ++it_s) {
+ if((*it_s).id() != {
+ MyMoneyAccount cat = file->account((*it_s).accountId());
+ if(cat.currencyId() != m_account.currencyId()) {
+ if(!(*it_s).shares().isZero() && !(*it_s).value().isZero()) {
+ m_priceInfo[cat.currencyId()] = ((*it_s).shares() / (*it_s).value()).reduce();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ t.removeSplits();
+ kMyMoneyDateInput* postDate = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyDateInput*>(m_editWidgets["postdate"]);
+ if(postDate->date().isValid()) {
+ t.setPostDate(postDate->date());
+ }
+ // memo and number field are special: if we have multiple transactions selected
+ // and the edit field is empty, we treat it as "not modified".
+ // FIXME a better approach would be to have a 'dirty' flag with the widgets
+ // which identifies if the originally loaded value has been modified
+ // by the user
+ KTextEdit* memo = dynamic_cast<KTextEdit*>(m_editWidgets["memo"]);
+ if(memo) {
+ if(!isMultiSelection() || (isMultiSelection() && !memo->text().isEmpty() ) )
+ s0.setMemo(memo->text());
+ }
+ MyMoneySplit assetAccountSplit;
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit> feeSplits;
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit> interestSplits;
+ MyMoneySecurity security, currency;
+ MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE transactionType;
+ // extract the splits from the original transaction
+ dissectTransaction(torig, sorig,
+ assetAccountSplit,
+ feeSplits,
+ interestSplits,
+ security,
+ currency,
+ transactionType);
+ // check if the trading currency is the same if the security has changed
+ // in case it differs, check that we have a price (request from user)
+ // and convert all splits
+ // TODO
+ // do the conversions here
+ // TODO
+ // keep the current activity object and create a new one
+ // that can be destroyed later on
+ Activity* activity = d->m_activity;
+ d->m_activity = 0; // make sure we create a new one
+ activityFactory(activity->type());
+ // if the activity is not set in the combo widget, we keep
+ // the one which is used in the original transaction
+ KMyMoneyActivityCombo* activityCombo = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyActivityCombo*>(haveWidget("activity"));
+ if(activityCombo->activity() == MyMoneySplit::UnknownTransactionType) {
+ activityFactory(transactionType);
+ }
+ // if we mark the split reconciled here, we'll use today's date if no reconciliation date is given
+ KMyMoneyReconcileCombo* status = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyReconcileCombo*>(m_editWidgets["status"]);
+ if(status->state() != MyMoneySplit::Unknown)
+ s0.setReconcileFlag(status->state());
+ if(s0.reconcileFlag() == MyMoneySplit::Reconciled && !s0.reconcileDate().isValid())
+ s0.setReconcileDate(QDate::currentDate());
+ // call the creation logic for the current selected activity
+ bool rc = d->m_activity->createTransaction(t, s0, assetAccountSplit, feeSplits, m_feeSplits, interestSplits, m_interestSplits, security, currency);
+ // now switch back to the original activity
+ delete d->m_activity;
+ d->m_activity = activity;
+ // add the splits to the transaction
+ if(rc) {
+ if(!assetAccountSplit.accountId().isEmpty()) {
+ assetAccountSplit.clearId();
+ t.addSplit(assetAccountSplit);
+ }
+ t.addSplit(s0);
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::iterator it_s;
+ for(it_s = feeSplits.begin(); it_s != feeSplits.end(); ++it_s) {
+ (*it_s).clearId();
+ t.addSplit(*it_s);
+ }
+ for(it_s = interestSplits.begin(); it_s != interestSplits.end(); ++it_s) {
+ (*it_s).clearId();
+ t.addSplit(*it_s);
+ }
+ }
+ // adjust the value to the smallestAccountFraction found
+ // for the commodity of the transaction.
+ for(it_s = t.splits().begin(); it_s != t.splits().end(); ++it_s) {
+ MyMoneySplit s = (*it_s);
+ s.setValue((*it_s).value().convert(currency.smallestAccountFraction()));
+ t.modifySplit(s);
+ }
+ return rc;
+void InvestTransactionEditor::updatePriceMode(const MyMoneySplit& split)
+ QLabel* label = dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(haveWidget("price-label"));
+ if(label) {
+ kMyMoneyEdit* sharesEdit = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("shares"));
+ kMyMoneyEdit* priceEdit = dynamic_cast<kMyMoneyEdit*>(haveWidget("price"));
+ MyMoneyMoney price;
+ if(!
+ price = split.price().reduce();
+ else
+ price = priceEdit->value().abs();
+ if(priceMode() == PricePerTransaction && label->text() != i18n("Price")) {
+ label->setText(i18n("Price"));
+ if(!sharesEdit->value().isZero())
+ priceEdit->setValue(sharesEdit->value().abs() * price);
+ } else if(priceMode() == PricePerShare && label->text() == i18n("Price")) {
+ label->setText(i18n("Price/Share"));
+ if(!sharesEdit->value().isZero())
+ priceEdit->setValue(price / sharesEdit->value().abs());
+ } else if(priceMode() == PricePerTransaction) {
+ priceEdit->setValue(sharesEdit->value().abs() * price);
+ } else
+ priceEdit->setValue(price);
+ }
+void InvestTransactionEditor::setupFinalWidgets(void)
+ addFinalWidget(haveWidget("memo"));
+#include "investtransactioneditor.moc"