path: root/kmymoney2/widgets/kmymoneyaccountselector.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kmymoney2/widgets/kmymoneyaccountselector.cpp')
1 files changed, 544 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmymoney2/widgets/kmymoneyaccountselector.cpp b/kmymoney2/widgets/kmymoneyaccountselector.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1596b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmymoney2/widgets/kmymoneyaccountselector.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+ kmymoneyaccountselector.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Thu Sep 18 2003
+ copyright : (C) 2003 by Thomas Baumgart
+ Javier Campos Morales <[email protected]>
+ Felix Rodriguez <[email protected]>
+ Thomas Baumgart <[email protected]>
+ Kevin Tambascio <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// QT Includes
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// KDE Includes
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Project Includes
+#include "kmymoneyaccountselector.h"
+#include <kmymoney/mymoneyutils.h>
+#include <kmymoney/mymoneyfile.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneylistviewitem.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneychecklistitem.h>
+#include "../kmymoneyutils.h"
+#include "../kmymoneyglobalsettings.h"
+kMyMoneyAccountSelector::kMyMoneyAccountSelector(QWidget *parent, const char *name, QWidget::WFlags flags, const bool createButtons) :
+ KMyMoneySelector(parent, name, flags),
+ m_allAccountsButton(0),
+ m_noAccountButton(0),
+ m_incomeCategoriesButton(0),
+ m_expenseCategoriesButton(0)
+ if(createButtons) {
+ QVBoxLayout* buttonLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "accountSelectorButtonLayout");
+ m_allAccountsButton = new KPushButton( this, "m_allAccountsButton" );
+ m_allAccountsButton->setText( i18n( "All" ) );
+ buttonLayout->addWidget( m_allAccountsButton );
+ m_incomeCategoriesButton = new KPushButton( this, "m_incomeCategoriesButton" );
+ m_incomeCategoriesButton->setText( i18n( "Income" ) );
+ buttonLayout->addWidget( m_incomeCategoriesButton );
+ m_expenseCategoriesButton = new KPushButton( this, "m_expenseCategoriesButton" );
+ m_expenseCategoriesButton->setText( i18n( "Expense" ) );
+ buttonLayout->addWidget( m_expenseCategoriesButton );
+ m_noAccountButton = new KPushButton( this, "m_noAccountButton" );
+ m_noAccountButton->setText( i18n( "None" ) );
+ buttonLayout->addWidget( m_noAccountButton );
+ QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 0, 67, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
+ buttonLayout->addItem( spacer );
+ m_layout->addLayout( buttonLayout );
+ connect(m_allAccountsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectAllAccounts()));
+ connect(m_noAccountButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDeselectAllAccounts()));
+ connect(m_incomeCategoriesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectIncomeCategories()));
+ connect(m_expenseCategoriesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectExpenseCategories()));
+ }
+ // sort the list of accounts in ascending order
+ m_listView->setSorting(0);
+void kMyMoneyAccountSelector::removeButtons(void)
+ delete m_allAccountsButton;
+ delete m_incomeCategoriesButton;
+ delete m_expenseCategoriesButton;
+ delete m_noAccountButton;
+void kMyMoneyAccountSelector::selectCategories(const bool income, const bool expense)
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = m_listView->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ if(static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(it_v)->text() == i18n("Income categories"))
+ selectAllSubItems(it_v, income);
+ else
+ selectAllSubItems(it_v, expense);
+ }
+ emit stateChanged();
+void kMyMoneyAccountSelector::setSelectionMode(QListView::SelectionMode mode)
+ m_incomeCategoriesButton->setHidden(mode == QListView::Multi);
+ m_expenseCategoriesButton->setHidden(mode == QListView::Multi);
+ KMyMoneySelector::setSelectionMode(mode);
+QStringList kMyMoneyAccountSelector::accountList(const QValueList<MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE>& filterList) const
+ QStringList list;
+ QListViewItemIterator it;
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ QValueList<MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE>::ConstIterator it_f;
+ it = QListViewItemIterator(m_listView, QListViewItemIterator::Selectable);
+ while((it_v = it.current()) != 0) {
+ {
+ if(it_v->rtti() == 1) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(it_c->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox) {
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(it_c->id());
+ it_f = filterList.find(acc.accountType());
+ if(filterList.count() == 0 || it_f != filterList.end())
+ list << it_c->id();
+ }
+ } else if(it_v->rtti() == 0) {
+ KMyMoneyListViewItem* it_c = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyListViewItem*>(it_v);
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(it_c->id());
+ it_f = filterList.find(acc.accountType());
+ if(filterList.count() == 0 || it_f != filterList.end())
+ list << it_c->id();
+ }
+ }
+ it++;
+ }
+ return list;
+bool kMyMoneyAccountSelector::match(const QRegExp& exp, QListViewItem* item) const
+ if(!item->isSelectable())
+ return false;
+ KMyMoneyListViewItem* it_l = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyListViewItem*>(item);
+ if(!it_l) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(item);
+ if(!it_c) {
+ return KMyMoneySelector::match(exp, item);
+ }
+ return>key(1, true)) != -1;
+ }
+ return>key(1, true)) != -1;
+bool kMyMoneyAccountSelector::contains(const QString& txt) const
+ QListViewItemIterator it(m_listView, QListViewItemIterator::Selectable);
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ QString baseName = i18n("Asset") + "|" +
+ i18n("Liability") + "|" +
+ i18n("Income")+ "|" +
+ i18n("Expense")+ "|" +
+ i18n("Equity") + "|" +
+ i18n("Security");
+ while((it_v = it.current()) != 0) {
+ QRegExp exp(QString("^(?:%1):%2$").arg(baseName).arg(QRegExp::escape(txt)));
+ if(it_v->rtti() == 1) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(>key(1, true)) != -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if(it_v->rtti() == 0) {
+ KMyMoneyListViewItem* it_c = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyListViewItem*>(it_v);
+ if(>key(1, true)) != -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ it++;
+ }
+ return false;
+# if 0
+void kMyMoneyAccountSelector::update(const QString& /* id */)
+ QListViewItem* it_v = m_listView->currentItem();
+ QString previousHighlighted;
+ bool state = false;
+ if(m_selMode == QListView::Multi && it_v) {
+ if(it_v->rtti() == 1) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(it_c->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox) {
+ previousHighlighted = it_c->id();
+ state = it_c->isOn();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QStringList list = selectedAccounts();
+ QStringList::Iterator it;
+ if(!m_typeList.isEmpty())
+ loadList(m_typeList);
+ else if(!m_baseName.isEmpty()) {
+ loadList(m_baseName, m_accountList);
+ }
+ // because loadList() sets all accounts selected, we have to
+ // clear the selection and only turn on those, that were on
+ // before the update.
+ slotDeselectAllAccounts();
+ for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
+ setSelected(*it, true);
+ }
+ if(m_selMode == QListView::Multi) {
+ // make the previous highlighted item highlighted again
+ if(!previousHighlighted.isEmpty()) {
+ setSelected(previousHighlighted);
+ }
+ }
+AccountSet::AccountSet() :
+ m_count(0),
+ m_file(MyMoneyFile::instance()),
+ m_favorites(0),
+ m_hideClosedAccounts(true)
+void AccountSet::addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE group)
+ if(group == MyMoneyAccount::Asset) {
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Checkings;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Savings;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Cash;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::CertificateDep;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Investment;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Stock;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::MoneyMarket;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Asset;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Currency;
+ } else if(group == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) {
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Loan;
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Liability;
+ } else if(group == MyMoneyAccount::Income) {
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Income;
+ } else if(group == MyMoneyAccount::Expense) {
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Expense;
+ } else if(group == MyMoneyAccount::Equity) {
+ m_typeList << MyMoneyAccount::Equity;
+ }
+void AccountSet::addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type)
+ m_typeList << type;
+void AccountSet::removeAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type)
+ QValueList<MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE>::iterator it;
+ it = m_typeList.find(type);
+ if(it != m_typeList.end()) {
+ m_typeList.remove(it);
+ }
+void AccountSet::clear(void)
+ m_typeList.clear();
+int AccountSet::load(kMyMoneyAccountSelector* selector)
+ QStringList list;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator it_l;
+ int count = 0;
+ int typeMask = 0;
+ QString currentId;
+ if(selector->selectionMode() == QListView::Single) {
+ QStringList list;
+ selector->selectedItems(list);
+ if(list.count() > 0)
+ currentId = list.first();
+ }
+ if((m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Checkings)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Savings)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Cash)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::CertificateDep)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Investment)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Stock)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::MoneyMarket)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Asset)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Currency)) > 0)
+ typeMask |= KMyMoneyUtils::asset;
+ if((m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Loan)
+ + m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Liability)) > 0)
+ typeMask |= KMyMoneyUtils::liability;
+ if((m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Income)) > 0)
+ typeMask |= KMyMoneyUtils::income;
+ if((m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Expense)) > 0)
+ typeMask |= KMyMoneyUtils::expense;
+ if((m_typeList.contains(MyMoneyAccount::Equity)) > 0)
+ typeMask |= KMyMoneyUtils::equity;
+ selector->clear();
+ KListView* lv = selector->listView();
+ m_count = 0;
+ QString key;
+ QListViewItem* after = 0;
+ // create the favorite section first and sort it to the beginning
+ key = QString("A%1").arg(i18n("Favorites"));
+ m_favorites = selector->newItem(i18n("Favorites"), key);
+ for(int mask = 0x01; mask != KMyMoneyUtils::last; mask <<= 1) {
+ QListViewItem* item = 0;
+ if((typeMask & mask & KMyMoneyUtils::asset) != 0) {
+ ++m_count;
+ key = QString("B%1").arg(i18n("Asset"));
+ item = selector->newItem(i18n("Asset accounts"), key);
+ list = m_file->asset().accountList();
+ }
+ if((typeMask & mask & KMyMoneyUtils::liability) != 0) {
+ ++m_count;
+ key = QString("C%1").arg(i18n("Liability"));
+ item = selector->newItem(i18n("Liability accounts"), key);
+ list = m_file->liability().accountList();
+ }
+ if((typeMask & mask & KMyMoneyUtils::income) != 0) {
+ ++m_count;
+ key = QString("D%1").arg(i18n("Income"));
+ item = selector->newItem(i18n("Income categories"), key);
+ list = m_file->income().accountList();
+ if(selector->selectionMode() == QListView::Multi) {
+ selector->m_incomeCategoriesButton->show();
+ }
+ }
+ if((typeMask & mask & KMyMoneyUtils::expense) != 0) {
+ ++m_count;
+ key = QString("E%1").arg(i18n("Expense"));
+ item = selector->newItem(i18n("Expense categories"), key);
+ list = m_file->expense().accountList();
+ if(selector->selectionMode() == QListView::Multi) {
+ selector->m_expenseCategoriesButton->show();
+ }
+ }
+ if((typeMask & mask & KMyMoneyUtils::equity) != 0) {
+ ++m_count;
+ key = QString("F%1").arg(i18n("Equity"));
+ item = selector->newItem(i18n("Equity accounts"), key);
+ list = m_file->equity().accountList();
+ }
+ if(!after)
+ after = item;
+ if(item != 0) {
+ // scan all matching accounts found in the engine
+ for(it_l = list.begin(); it_l != list.end(); ++it_l) {
+ const MyMoneyAccount& acc = m_file->account(*it_l);
+ ++m_count;
+ ++count;
+ //this will include an account if it matches the account type and
+ //if it is still open or it has been set to show closed accounts
+ if(includeAccount(acc)
+ && (!isHidingClosedAccounts() || !acc.isClosed()) ) {
+ QString tmpKey;
+ tmpKey = key + MyMoneyFile::AccountSeperator +;
+ QListViewItem* subItem = selector->newItem(item,, tmpKey,;
+ if(acc.value("PreferredAccount") == "Yes"
+ && m_typeList.contains(acc.accountType())) {
+ selector->newItem(m_favorites,, tmpKey,;
+ }
+ if(acc.accountList().count() > 0) {
+ subItem->setOpen(true);
+ count += loadSubAccounts(selector, subItem, tmpKey, acc.accountList());
+ }
+ //disable the item if it has been added only because a subaccount matches the type
+ if( !m_typeList.contains(acc.accountType()) ) {
+ subItem->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ item->sortChildItems(0, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // if we don't have a favorite account or the selector is for multi-mode
+ // we get rid of the favorite entry and subentries.
+ if(m_favorites->childCount() == 0 || selector->selectionMode() == QListView::Multi) {
+ delete m_favorites;
+ m_favorites = 0;
+ }
+ // sort the list
+ selector->listView()->sort();
+ if(lv->firstChild()) {
+ if(currentId.isEmpty()) {
+ lv->setCurrentItem(lv->firstChild());
+ lv->clearSelection();
+ } else {
+ selector->setSelected(currentId);
+ }
+ }
+ selector->update();
+ return count;
+int AccountSet::load(kMyMoneyAccountSelector* selector, const QString& baseName, const QValueList<QString>& accountIdList, const bool clear)
+ int count = 0;
+ QListViewItem* item = 0;
+ m_typeList.clear();
+ if(clear) {
+ m_count = 0;
+ selector->clear();
+ }
+ item = selector->newItem(baseName);
+ ++m_count;
+ QValueList<QString>::ConstIterator it;
+ for(it = accountIdList.begin(); it != accountIdList.end(); ++it) {
+ const MyMoneyAccount& acc = m_file->account(*it);
+ if(acc.isClosed())
+ continue;
+ QString tmpKey;
+ // the first character must be preset. Since we don't know any sort order here, we just use A
+ tmpKey = QString("A%1%2%3").arg(baseName, MyMoneyFile::AccountSeperator,;
+ selector->newItem(item,, tmpKey,;
+ ++m_count;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ KListView* lv = selector->listView();
+ if(lv->firstChild()) {
+ lv->setCurrentItem(lv->firstChild());
+ lv->clearSelection();
+ }
+ selector->update();
+ return count;
+int AccountSet::loadSubAccounts(kMyMoneyAccountSelector* selector, QListViewItem* parent, const QString& key, const QStringList& list)
+ QStringList::ConstIterator it_l;
+ int count = 0;
+ for(it_l = list.begin(); it_l != list.end(); ++it_l) {
+ const MyMoneyAccount& acc = m_file->account(*it_l);
+ // don't include stock accounts if not in expert mode
+ if(acc.isInvest() && !KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode())
+ continue;
+ if(includeAccount(acc)
+ && !acc.isClosed()) {
+ QString tmpKey;
+ tmpKey = key + MyMoneyFile::AccountSeperator +;
+ ++count;
+ ++m_count;
+ QListViewItem* item = selector->newItem(parent,, tmpKey,;
+ if(acc.value("PreferredAccount") == "Yes"
+ && m_typeList.contains(acc.accountType())) {
+ selector->newItem(m_favorites,, tmpKey,;
+ }
+ if(acc.accountList().count() > 0) {
+ item->setOpen(true);
+ count += loadSubAccounts(selector, item, tmpKey, acc.accountList());
+ }
+ //disable the item if it has been added only because a subaccount matches the type
+ if( !m_typeList.contains(acc.accountType()) ) {
+ item->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+bool AccountSet::includeAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc)
+ if( m_typeList.contains(acc.accountType()) )
+ return true;
+ QStringList accounts = acc.accountList();
+ if(accounts.size() > 0) {
+ QStringList::ConstIterator it_acc;
+ for(it_acc = accounts.begin(); it_acc != accounts.end(); ++it_acc) {
+ MyMoneyAccount account = m_file->account(*it_acc);
+ if( includeAccount(account) )
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+#include "kmymoneyaccountselector.moc"