path: root/kmymoney2/wizards/newaccountwizard/knewaccountwizard_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kmymoney2/wizards/newaccountwizard/knewaccountwizard_p.h')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmymoney2/wizards/newaccountwizard/knewaccountwizard_p.h b/kmymoney2/wizards/newaccountwizard/knewaccountwizard_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8a7cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmymoney2/wizards/newaccountwizard/knewaccountwizard_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ knewaccountwizard_p.h
+ -------------------
+ begin : Tue Sep 25 2007
+ copyright : (C) 2007 Thomas Baumgart
+ email : Thomas Baumgart <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// QT Includes
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// KDE Includes
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Project Includes
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneywizard.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneydateinput.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneycurrencyselector.h>
+#include <kmymoney/mymoneyaccount.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyedit.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneycategory.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyaccounttreebase.h>
+#include "kinstitutionpagedecl.h"
+#include "kaccounttypepagedecl.h"
+#include "kbrokeragepagedecl.h"
+#include "kschedulepagedecl.h"
+#include "kgeneralloaninfopagedecl.h"
+#include "kloandetailspagedecl.h"
+#include "kloanpaymentpagedecl.h"
+#include "kloanschedulepagedecl.h"
+#include "kloanpayoutpagedecl.h"
+#include "khierarchypagedecl.h"
+#include "kaccountsummarypagedecl.h"
+class Wizard;
+class MyMoneyInstitution;
+class KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem;
+namespace NewAccountWizard {
+class InstitutionPage : public KInstitutionPageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ InstitutionPage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ ~InstitutionPage();
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_institutionComboBox; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the information about an institution if entered by
+ * the user. If the id field is empty, then he did not enter
+ * such information.
+ */
+ const MyMoneyInstitution& institution(void) const;
+private slots:
+ void slotLoadWidgets(void);
+ void slotNewInstitution(void);
+ void slotSelectInstitution(int id);
+ /// \internal d-pointer class.
+ class Private;
+ /// \internal d-pointer instance.
+ Private* const d;
+class AccountTypePage : public KAccountTypePageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ AccountTypePage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ virtual bool isComplete(void) const;
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_accountName; }
+ MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE accountType(void) const;
+ const MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount(void);
+ bool allowsParentAccount(void) const;
+ const MyMoneySecurity& currency(void) const;
+ void setAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc);
+ void hideShowPages(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE i) const;
+ void priceWarning(bool);
+private slots:
+ void slotLoadWidgets(void);
+ void slotUpdateType(int i);
+ void slotUpdateCurrency(void);
+ void slotUpdateConversionRate(const QString&);
+ void slotGetOnlineQuote(void);
+ void slotPriceWarning(void);
+ bool m_showPriceWarning;
+class BrokeragePage : public KBrokeragePageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ BrokeragePage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ void enterPage(void);
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_createBrokerageButton; }
+private slots:
+ void slotLoadWidgets(void);
+class CreditCardSchedulePage : public KSchedulePageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ CreditCardSchedulePage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ virtual bool isComplete(void) const;
+ void enterPage(void);
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_reminderCheckBox; }
+private slots:
+ void slotLoadWidgets(void);
+class GeneralLoanInfoPage : public KGeneralLoanInfoPageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ GeneralLoanInfoPage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ virtual bool isComplete(void) const;
+ void enterPage(void);
+ const MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount(void);
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_loanDirection; }
+ /**
+ * Returns @p true if the user decided to record all payments, @p false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool recordAllPayments(void) const;
+private slots:
+ void slotLoadWidgets(void);
+ bool m_firstTime;
+class LoanDetailsPage : public KLoanDetailsPageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ LoanDetailsPage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ void enterPage(void);
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ virtual bool isComplete(void) const;
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_paymentDue; }
+ /**
+ * This method returns the number of payments depending on
+ * the settings of m_termAmount and m_termUnit widgets
+ */
+ int term(void) const;
+ /**
+ * This method is used to update the term widgets
+ * according to the length of the given @a term.
+ * The term is also converted into a string and returned.
+ */
+ QString updateTermWidgets(const long double term);
+ bool m_needCalculate;
+private slots:
+ void slotValuesChanged(void);
+ void slotCalculate(void);
+class LoanPaymentPage : public KLoanPaymentPageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ LoanPaymentPage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ ~LoanPaymentPage();
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ void enterPage(void);
+ /**
+ * This method returns the sum of the additional fees
+ */
+ MyMoneyMoney additionalFees(void) const;
+ /**
+ * This method returns the base payment, that's principal and interest
+ */
+ MyMoneyMoney basePayment(void) const;
+ /**
+ * This method returns the splits that make up the additional fees in @p list.
+ * @note The splits may contain assigned ids which the caller must remove before
+ * adding the splits to a MyMoneyTransaction object.
+ */
+ void additionalFeesSplits(QValueList<MyMoneySplit>& list);
+protected slots:
+ void slotAdditionalFees(void);
+ void updateAmounts(void);
+ /// \internal d-pointer class.
+ class Private;
+ /// \internal d-pointer instance.
+ Private* const d;
+class LoanSchedulePage : public KLoanSchedulePageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ LoanSchedulePage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ void enterPage(void);
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ /**
+ * This method returns the due date of the first payment to be recorded.
+ */
+ QDate firstPaymentDueDate(void) const;
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_interestCategory; }
+private slots:
+ void slotLoadWidgets(void);
+ void slotCreateCategory(const QString& name, QString& id);
+class LoanPayoutPage : public KLoanPayoutPageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ LoanPayoutPage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ void enterPage(void);
+ virtual bool isComplete(void) const;
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_noPayoutTransaction; }
+ const QString& payoutAccountId(void) const;
+private slots:
+ void slotLoadWidgets(void);
+ void slotCreateAssetAccount(void);
+ void slotButtonsToggled(void);
+class HierarchyPage : public KHierarchyPageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ HierarchyPage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ void enterPage(void);
+ KMyMoneyWizardPage* nextPage(void) const;
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_qlistviewParentAccounts; }
+ const MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount(void);
+ KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* buildAccountTree
+ ( KMyMoneyAccountTreeBase* parent
+ , const MyMoneyAccount& account
+ , bool open = false ) const;
+ KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* buildAccountTree
+ ( KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* parent
+ , const MyMoneyAccount& account
+ , bool open = false ) const;
+ MyMoneyAccount m_topAccount; // Last populated top account
+ bool bFirstTime;
+class AccountSummaryPage : public KAccountSummaryPageDecl, public WizardPage<Wizard>
+ AccountSummaryPage(Wizard* parent, const char* name = 0);
+ void enterPage(void);
+ QWidget* initialFocusWidget(void) const { return m_dataList; }
+} // namespace