path: root/libkdchart/KDChartTableBase.h
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1 files changed, 478 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libkdchart/KDChartTableBase.h b/libkdchart/KDChartTableBase.h
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+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
+ ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDChart library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+class QTable;
+#include <qvariant.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <kdchart_export.h>
+#if defined( SUN7 ) || defined (_SGIAPI)
+ #include <float.h>
+ #include <limits.h>
+ #include <cfloat>
+ #include <climits>
+ Use special value KDCHART_POS_INFINITE to indicate positive infinite values.
+ If your own table class (derived from KDChartTableDataBase) does
+ not store your positive infinite values as KDCHART_POS_INFINITE
+ please make sure to reimplement \sa isPosInfinite() accordingly.
+ \sa isPosInfinite, isNegInfinite
+ Use special value KDCHART_NEG_INFINITE to indicate negative infinite values.
+ If your own table class (derived from KDChartTableDataBase) does
+ not store your negative infinite values as KDCHART_NEG_INFINITE
+ please make sure to reimplement \sa isNegInfinite() accordingly.
+ \sa isNegInfinite, isPosInfinite
+ \file KDChartTableBase.h
+ \brief Provides a table class holding all data values
+ that are to be used in a chart.
+ By subclassing KDChartTableDataBase you may provide your own
+ methods to access data stored somewhere else instead of
+ using the setCell function to move them into KD Chart's cells.
+ \note See the files in doc/tutorial/step07/ for a sample implementation you might want to use as starting-point for your own data handling class.
+///KD Chart's build-in table data for an easy way of storing data values.
+class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartTableDataBase :public QObject
+ /**
+ Default constructor.
+ Creates an empty table and sets the sorted flag to false.
+ */
+ KDChartTableDataBase() :
+ QObject( 0 ),
+ _sorted(false),
+ _useUsedRows(false),
+ _useUsedCols(false) {}
+ /**
+ Default copy constructor.
+ Just initializes the QObject part of this class and copies the sorted flag.
+ */
+ KDChartTableDataBase( const KDChartTableDataBase& other ) :QObject(0)
+ {
+ _sorted = other._sorted;
+ _useUsedRows = other._useUsedRows;
+ _useUsedCols = other._useUsedCols;
+ _usedRows = other._usedRows;
+ _usedCols = other._usedCols;
+ }
+ /**
+ Default destructor.
+ Does nothing, only defined to have it virtual.
+ */
+ virtual ~KDChartTableDataBase() {}
+public slots:
+ /**
+ Returns the number of rows in the table.
+ \note This pure-virtual function has to be implemented by
+ each class derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \returns the number of rows in the table.
+ \sa setRows, usedRows, cols
+ */
+ virtual uint rows() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns the number of cols in the table.
+ \note This pure-virtual function has to be implemented by
+ each class derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \returns the number of cols in the table.
+ \sa setCols, usedCols, rows
+ */
+ virtual uint cols() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Stores data in a cell.
+ \note This pure-virtual function has to be implemented by
+ each class derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \param _row the row number of the cell to store the data object into.
+ \param _col the column number of the cell to store the data object into.
+ \param _value1 the first value to be stored, normally the Y value, possible types: int, double, QString
+ QString might be used in case you want to use this cell's content for axis label
+ \param _value2 the second value to be stored, normally the X value (if any), possible types: int, double, QDateTime
+ \sa cellCoords, cellContent, setProp
+ */
+ virtual void setCell( uint _row, uint _col,
+ const QVariant& _value1,
+ const QVariant& _value2=QVariant() ) = 0;
+ /**
+ Specifies the property set ID for a cell.
+ \note This pure-virtual function has to be implemented by
+ each class derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \param _row the row number of the cell.
+ \param _col the column number of the cell.
+ \param _propSet the property set ID to be stored for this data cell, defaults to zero for normal data.
+ \sa cellProp, cellContent, setCell
+ */
+ virtual void setProp( uint _row, uint _col,
+ int _propSet=0 ) = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns one of the coordinate data value(s) stored in a cell.
+ \note This pure-virtual function has to be implemented by
+ each class derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \param _row the row number of the cell to be retrieved.
+ \param _col the column number of the cell to be retrieved.
+ \param _value the coordinate variable to be filled by this method.
+ \param coordinate the number of the coordinate to be retrieved, normally
+ 1 is the Y value and 2 is the X value.
+ \returns TRUE if the row and col are addressing a cell in the table.
+ \sa cellCoords, cellProp, cellContent, cellVal, setCell, setProp
+ */
+ virtual bool cellCoord( uint _row, uint _col,
+ QVariant& _value,
+ int coordinate=1 ) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns one of the coordinate data value(s) stored in a cell.
+ This convenience method calls the bool cellCoord() function and returns
+ the result if it returned successfully - otherwise it returns an invalid QVariant.
+ \note If you \em know that a cell is containing valid double data
+ you may quickly access them like this:
+\verbatim const double yVal = data.cellVal( r, c ).toDouble();
+const double xVal = data.cellVal( r, c, 2 ).toDouble(); \endverbatim
+ \param _row the row number of the cell to be retrieved.
+ \param _col the column number of the cell to be retrieved.
+ \param coordinate the number of the coordinate to be retrieved, normally
+ 1 is the Y value and 2 is the X value.
+ \returns cell contens if the row and col are addressing a cell in the
+ table, otherwise an invalid QVariant is returned.
+ \sa cellCoords, cellProp, cellContent, setCell, setProp
+ */
+ virtual QVariant cellVal( uint _row, uint _col, int coordinate=1 ) const {
+ QVariant value;
+ if( cellCoord( _row, _col, value, coordinate ) )
+ return value;
+ else
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns the property set ID stored in a cell.
+ \note This pure-virtual function has to be implemented by
+ each class derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \param _prop the property set ID of the cell to be retrieved.
+ \returns TRUE if the row and col are addressing a cell in the table.
+ \sa cellCoord, cellCoords, cellContent, setCell, setProp
+ */
+ virtual bool cellProp( uint _row, uint _col,
+ int& _prop ) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Increases the number of rows (and/or columns, resp.) stored in this table.
+ \note This pure-virtual function has to be implemented by
+ each class derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \note The old content of the table must be preserved (e.g. by copying
+ the data into the cells of the new table).
+ \param _row the new number of rows.
+ \param _col the new number of columns.
+ \sa cell
+ */
+ virtual void expand( uint _rows, uint _cols ) = 0;
+ // E N D O F pure-virtual function declarations
+ /**
+ \note To improve runtime speed this virtual function
+ may be reimplemented by classes derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \sa cellCoords, cellProp, setCell, setProp
+ */
+ virtual bool cellContent( uint _row, uint _col,
+ QVariant& _value1,
+ QVariant& _value2,
+ int& _prop ) const
+ {
+ return cellCoords(_row,_col, _value1,_value2) &&
+ cellProp(_row,_col, _prop);
+ }
+ /**
+ \note To improve runtime speed this virtual function
+ may be reimplemented by classes derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \sa cellCoord, cellProp, cellContent, setCell, setProp
+ */
+ virtual bool cellCoords( uint _row, uint _col,
+ QVariant& _value1,
+ QVariant& _value2 ) const
+ {
+ return cellCoord(_row,_col, _value1, 1) &&
+ cellCoord(_row,_col, _value2, 2);
+ }
+ /**
+ Sets the number of rows in the table that actually contain data.
+ \note You might want to re-implement this function in derived classes,
+ the default implementation just stores the new number of used rows.
+ \param _rows the number of rows in the table that actually contain data.
+ \sa usedRows, rows, cols
+ */
+ virtual void setUsedRows( uint _rows );
+ /**
+ Returns the number of rows in the table that actually contain data.
+ \returns the number of rows in the table that actually contain data.
+ \sa setUsedRows, rows, cols
+ */
+ virtual uint usedRows() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the number of cols in the table that actually contain data.
+ \note You might want to re-implement this function in derived classes,
+ the default implementation just stores the new number of used cols.
+ \param _cols the number of cols in the table that actually contain data.
+ \sa usedCols, rows, cols
+ */
+ virtual void setUsedCols( uint _cols );
+ /**
+ Returns the number of cols in the table that actually contain data.
+ \returns the number of cols in the table that actually contain data.
+ \sa setUsedCols, rows, cols
+ */
+ virtual uint usedCols() const;
+ /**
+ Returns the number of cols the table has been scrolled by.
+ Default implementation of this always returns zero, so make sure
+ to return the appropriate value if your class derived from KDChartTableDataBase
+ is supporting internal data scrolling technics.
+ See the KD Chart Programmers Manual for details described in the
+ Data Scrolling chapter.
+ \returns the number of cols the table has been scrolled by.
+ \sa cols, rows
+ */
+ virtual uint colsScrolledBy() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specified whether the table is sorted.
+ \sa sorted
+ */
+ virtual void setSorted(bool sorted);
+ /**
+ Returns whether the table is sorted.
+ \sa setSorted
+ */
+ virtual bool sorted() const;
+ /**
+ Returns true if the given value represents a positive infinite value.
+ \note This virtual function may be implemented by
+ classes derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ This should be done if your data are not stored as
+ special value KDCHART_POS_INFINITE
+ to indicate positive infinite values
+ \returns TRUE if the value given is a positive infinite value.
+ */
+ virtual bool isPosInfinite( double value ) const
+ {
+ return value == KDCHART_POS_INFINITE;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns true if the given value represents a negative infinite value.
+ \note This virtual function may be implemented by
+ classes derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ This should be done if your data are not stored as
+ special value KDCHART_NEG_INFINITE
+ to indicate negative infinite values
+ \returns TRUE if the value given is a negative infinite value.
+ */
+ virtual bool isNegInfinite( double value ) const
+ {
+ return value == KDCHART_NEG_INFINITE;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns true if the given value represents a normal double value.
+ Normal double values are defined as values that are neither positive infinite
+ nor negative infinite. This method is provided to let derived classed use
+ their own way to determine when a double value is to be threated as normal.
+ \note To improve runtime speed this virtual function
+ may be reimplemented by classes derived from KDChartTableDataBase.
+ \returns TRUE if the value given is neither positive infinite nor negativr infinite.
+ */
+ virtual bool isNormalDouble( double value ) const
+ {
+ return !isPosInfinite( value ) && !isNegInfinite( value );
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns true if the given QVariant value represents a normal double value.
+ This method tests if \c value has type QVariant::Double: if no, it returns false;
+ if yes, it sets \c dVal accordingly and calls the virtual method
+ isNormalDouble( double value ).
+ \param value The QVariant value to be tested and converted.
+ \param dVal Points to the double variable to be filled with the converted value.
+ \returns TRUE if the value given is neither positive infinite nor negative
+ infinite, \c value is set to the converted value if the type of \c value
+ is QVariant::Double, otherwise it is not modified.
+ */
+ bool isNormalDouble( QVariant value, double& dVal ) const
+ {
+ if( QVariant::Double != value.type() )
+ return false;
+ dVal = value.toDouble();
+ return isNormalDouble( dVal );
+ }
+ virtual void importFromQTable( QTable* table );
+ virtual double maxValue( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double minValue( int coordinate=1, bool bOnlyGTZero=false ) const;
+ virtual QDateTime maxDtValue( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual QDateTime minDtValue( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double maxColSum( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double minColSum( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double maxColSum( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double minColSum( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double colSum( uint col, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double colAbsSum( uint col, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double maxRowSum( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double minRowSum( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double rowSum( uint row, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double rowAbsSum( uint row, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double maxInColumn( uint col, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double minInColumn( uint col, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double maxInRow( uint row, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double minInRow( uint row, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double maxInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual double minInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate=1, bool bOnlyGTZero=false ) const;
+ virtual QDateTime maxDtInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual QDateTime minDtInRows( uint row, uint row2, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual uint lastPositiveCellInColumn( uint col, int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual bool cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates(QVariant::Type* type2Ref) const;
+ virtual bool cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates(uint row1=0, uint row2=UINT_MAX,
+ QVariant::Type* type2Ref=NULL) const;
+ virtual QVariant::Type cellsValueType( uint row1, uint row2=UINT_MAX,
+ int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ virtual QVariant::Type cellsValueType( int coordinate=1 ) const;
+ bool _sorted;
+ bool _useUsedRows, _useUsedCols;
+ uint _usedRows, _usedCols;