                          registeritem.h  -  description
    begin                : Tue Jun 13 2006
    copyright            : (C) 2000-2006 by Thomas Baumgart
    email                : Thomas Baumgart <ipwizard@users.sourceforge.net>

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QT Includes

#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KDE Includes

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Includes

#include <kmymoney/mymoneymoney.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneysplit.h>
#include <kmymoney/mymoneyobject.h>

namespace KMyMoneyRegister {

typedef enum {
  Deposit = 0,          //< transaction is deposit
  Payment,              //< transaction is payment
  Unknown               //< transaction cashflow is unknown
} CashFlowDirection;

typedef enum {
  ActionNone = -1,
  ActionCheck = 0,
  /* these should be values which qt 3.3 never uses for TQTab:
   * qt starts upwards from 0
  ActionDeposit = 12201,
  ActionTransfer = 12202,
  ActionWithdrawal = 12203,
  // insert new values above this line
} Action;

class Register;

  * @author Thomas Baumgart
class RegisterItem
  RegisterItem(Register* parent);
  virtual ~RegisterItem();

  virtual const char* className(void) = 0;

  virtual bool isSelectable(void) const = 0;
  virtual bool isSelected(void) const { return false; }
  virtual void setSelected(bool /* selected*/) {}

  virtual bool canHaveFocus(void) const = 0;
  virtual bool hasFocus(void) const { return false; }
  virtual bool hasEditorOpen(void) const { return false; }

  virtual void setFocus(bool /*focus*/, bool updateLens = true) { updateLens = false; }

  virtual bool isErronous(void) const = 0;

  // helper functions used for sorting
  virtual const TQDate& sortPostDate(void) const { return nullDate; }
  virtual int sortSamePostDate(void) const = 0;
  virtual const TQDate& sortEntryDate(void) const { return nullDate; }
  virtual const TQString& sortPayee(void) const { return TQString::null; }
  virtual const MyMoneyMoney& sortValue(void) const { return nullValue; }
  virtual const TQString& sortNumber(void) const { return TQString::null; }
  virtual const TQString& sortEntryOrder(void) const { return TQString::null; }
  virtual CashFlowDirection sortType(void) const { return Deposit; }
  virtual const TQString& sortCategory(void) const { return TQString::null; }
  virtual MyMoneySplit::reconcileFlagE sortReconcileState(void) const { return MyMoneySplit::MaxReconcileState; }
  virtual const TQString& sortSecurity(void) const { return TQString::null; }

    * This method sets the row offset of the item in the register
    * to row.
    * @param row row offset
    * @note The row offset is based on TQTable rows, not register
    * items.
  virtual void setStartRow(int row) { m_startRow = row; }
  int startRow(void) const { return m_startRow; }
  virtual int rowHeightHint(void) const;

    * This method modifies the number of rows required to display this item
    * in a Register.
    * It calls Register::forceUpdateLists() when the number differs.
  virtual void setNumRowsRegister(int rows);

    * This method modifies the number of rows required to display this item
    * in a Form.
  virtual void setNumRowsForm(int rows) { m_rowsForm = rows; }

    * This method returns the number of rows required to display this item
    * in a Register
  virtual int numRowsRegister(void) const { return m_rowsRegister; }

    * This method returns the number of rows required to display this item
    * in a Form
  virtual int numRowsForm(void) const { return m_rowsForm; }
  virtual int numColsForm(void) const { return 1; }

    * This method sets up the register item to be shown in normal (@p alternate = @p false)
    * or alternate (@p alternate = @p true) background.
    * @param alternate selects normal or alternate background
  virtual void setAlternate(bool alternate) { m_alternate = alternate; }

  virtual void paintRegisterCell(TQPainter* painter, int row, int col, const TQRect& r, bool selected, const TQColorGroup& cg) = 0;
  virtual void paintFormCell(TQPainter* painter, int row, int col, const TQRect& r, bool selected, const TQColorGroup& cg) = 0;

  virtual const TQString& id(void) const { return MyMoneyObject::emptyId(); }

    * Sets the parent of this item to be the register @p parent
    * @param parent pointer to register
  void setParent(Register* parent);

    * This member returns a pointer to the parent object
    * @retval pointer to Register
  Register* parent(void) const { return m_parent; }

  void setNeedResize(void) { m_needResize = true; }

  bool isVisible(void) const { return m_visible; }

    * Marks the item visible depending on @a visible and
    * updates the underlying register object
  virtual void setVisible(bool visible);

    * Marks the item visible depending on @a visible but
    * does not update the underlying register object. Returns
    * true, if visibility has changed.
  virtual bool markVisible(bool visible);

  void setNextItem(RegisterItem* p) { m_next = p; }
  void setPrevItem(RegisterItem* p) { m_prev = p; }
  RegisterItem* nextItem(void) const { return m_next; }
  RegisterItem* prevItem(void) const { return m_prev; }

  virtual bool matches(const TQString&) const = 0;

    * Checks if the mouse hovered over an area that has a tooltip associated with it.
    * The mouse position is given in relative coordinates to the @a startRow and the
    * @a row and @a col of the item are also passed as relative values.
    * If a tooltip shall be shown, this method presets the rectangle @a r with the
    * area in register coordinates and @a msg with the string that will be passed
    * to TQToolTip::tip. @a true is returned in this case.
    * If no tooltip is available, @a false will be returned.
  virtual bool maybeTip(const TQPoint& /* relpos */, int /* row */, int /* col */, TQRect& /* r */, TQString& /* msg */) { return false; }

  /// This method serves as helper for all constructors
  void init(void);

  Register*                m_parent;
  RegisterItem*            m_prev;
  RegisterItem*            m_next;
  int                      m_startRow;
  int                      m_rowsRegister;
  int                      m_rowsForm;
  bool                     m_alternate;
  bool                     m_needResize;
  bool                     m_visible;

  static TQDate             nullDate;
  static MyMoneyMoney      nullValue;

} // namespace

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