KNemo - the KDE Network Monitor
KNemo offers a network monitor similar to the one found in Windows.
For every network interface it displays an icon in the systray. 
IMPORTANT: KNemo has to be started using TDE Control Center/Internet & Network/
Network Monitor. Please do no longer use the KDE Service Manager to start and
stop KNemo. This change was necessary to keep KNemo from starting automatically 
for every user in a multiuser environment.

Features of version 0.4.5 include:
 * support for ethernet (including wireless) and ppp connections
 * the icon shows incoming/outgoing traffic
 * hiding of icon when the interface is not available
 * hiding of icon when the interface does not exist (useful for interfaces that 
   are dynamically created and and removed)
 * automatic detection of wireless extensions for ethernet interfaces
 * left-clicking on an icon displays a status dialog with information about the
   selected interface (2nd click hides dialog)
 * middle-clicking on an icon displays a traffic plotter that was taken from 
   KSysGuard (2nd click hides dialog)
 * configuration via context menu or control center module (Internet & Network/
   Network Monitor)
 * customizable tooltip for quick access to often needed information
 * custom entries in the context menu. Useful to start/stop/restart interfaces 
   or to configure them using external tools.
 * automatic detection of available interfaces (click on 'Default' in the 
   configuration dialog and KNemo will look under /proc/net/dev for interfaces)
 * support for notifications via sound and passive popups
 * KNemo counts the number of transfered bytes and does not depend on the output
   of 'ifconfig' for the total number of transfered bytes. This way  KNemo can 
   even display a hugh amount of traffic while 'ifconfig' has an overflow at 4GB.
 * support for different iconsets for every interface
 * support for daily, monthly and yearly statistics
 * configurable update interval for interface informations
 * support for different backends to gather information