/*************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Kevin Gilbert * * kev.gilbert@cdu.edu.au * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "htmlwidget.h" #include "knmap.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "scanwidget.h" // constructor // =========== Knmap::Knmap( ) : TDEMainWindow( NULL, "knmap" ), m_mainWidget( new MainWidget( this, "main widget" )) { findNmap( ); setCentralWidget( m_mainWidget ); readSettings( ); createMenu( ); setAutoSaveSettings( ); connect( m_mainWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( outputAvailable( const bool, const bool )), TQ_SLOT( slotOutputAvailable( const bool, const bool))); connect( m_mainWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( setManPageActionStuff( const bool )), TQ_SLOT( slotSetManPageActionStuff( const bool ))); connect( m_mainWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( setCaption( const TQString& )), TQ_SLOT( slotSetCaption( const TQString& ))); connect( m_mainWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( statusBarText( const TQString& )), statusBar( ), TQ_SLOT( message( const TQString& ))); connect( m_mainWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( visibleScanWidgetChanged( ScanWidget* )), TQ_SLOT( slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged( ScanWidget* ))); } // createMenu // ========== void Knmap::createMenu( ) { KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, TQ_SLOT( slotConfigureToolbars( )), actionCollection( )); KStdAction::keyBindings( this, TQ_SLOT( slotConfigureShortcuts( )), actionCollection( )); KStdAction::quit( tdeApp, TQ_SLOT( quit( )), actionCollection( )); m_fileSaveAction = KStdAction::save( m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotFileSave( )), actionCollection( )); m_fileSaveAsAction = KStdAction::saveAs( m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotFileSaveAs( )), actionCollection( )); m_settingsManAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Use local man page" ), "localman.png", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotSwitchManPages( )), actionCollection( ), "settings_local" ); m_useTargetHostAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Use target host name" ), NULL, 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotUseTargetHost( )), actionCollection( ), "scan_use" ); m_wrapTextAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Wrap text" ), NULL, 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotWrapText( )), actionCollection( ), "settings_wrap_text" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Close scan" ), "scanclose", CTRL+Key_W, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotScanClose( )), actionCollection( ), "scan_close" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Copy profile..." ), "profilecopy", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotProfileCopy( )), actionCollection( ), "profile_copy" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Delete profile..." ), "profiledelete", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotProfileDelete( )), actionCollection( ), "profile_delete" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Display nmap man page" ), "manpage", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotShowManPage( )), actionCollection( ), "help_man_page" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Duplicate scan" ), "scanduplicate", CTRL+Key_C, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotScanDuplicate( )), actionCollection( ), "scan_duplicate" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Load profile..." ), "profileload", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotProfileLoad( )), actionCollection( ), "profile_load" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "man page stylesheet..." ), "manstylesheet", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotSetStylesheet( )), actionCollection( ), "settings_stylesheet" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "New scan..." ), "scannew", CTRL+Key_N, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotScanNew( )), actionCollection( ), "scan_new" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Rename profile..." ), "profilerename", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotProfileRename( )), actionCollection( ), "profile_rename" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Rename scan..." ), "scanrename", Key_F2, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotScanRename( )), actionCollection( ), "scan_rename" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Save profile..." ), "profilesave", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotProfileSave( )), actionCollection( ), "profile_save" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Save profile as..." ), "profilesaveas", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotProfileSaveAs( )), actionCollection( ), "profile_save_as" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Zoom custom" ), "zoomcustom", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotZoomCustom( )), actionCollection( ), "settings_zoom_custom" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Zoom in" ), "zoomin", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotZoomIn( )), actionCollection( ), "settings_zoom_in" ); new TDEAction( i18n( "Zoom out" ), "zoomout", 0, m_mainWidget, TQ_SLOT( slotZoomOut( )), actionCollection( ), "settings_zoom_out" ); m_fileSaveAction->setEnabled( false ); m_fileSaveAsAction->setEnabled( false ); m_wrapTextAction->setChecked( m_mainWidget->wrapText( )); createStandardStatusBarAction( ); setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled( true ); createGUI( ); } // findNmap // ======== void Knmap::findNmap( ) { TQString nmapPath = TDEStandardDirs::findExe( "nmap" ); if( nmapPath.isEmpty( )) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "nmap is not installed on the computer - we cannot proceed without it. To download nmap go to \"http://www.insecure.org/nmap\"" ), i18n( "nmap not found" )); tdeApp->quit( ); } } // getDirPath // ========== bool Knmap::getDirPath( const TQString& caption, TQString& path ) { TQString startDir = (path.isEmpty( )) ? TDEGlobalSettings::documentPath( ) : path; TQString tempPath = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( startDir, NULL, caption ); if( tempPath.isEmpty( )) return false; path = tempPath; return true; } // getDirPath // ========== void Knmap::getDirPath( const TQString& caption, TQString& path, TQLineEdit* lineEdit ) { if( getDirPath( caption, path )) lineEdit->setText( path ); } // getFilePath // =========== bool Knmap::getFilePath( const TQString& caption, TQString& path, const bool save ) { TQString filter = "*.txt|Text files\n*.*|All files"; TQString startDir = (path.isEmpty( )) ? TDEGlobalSettings::documentPath( ) : path; TQString tempPath = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( startDir, filter, NULL, caption ); if( tempPath.isEmpty( )) return false; if( save && TQFile::exists( tempPath )) { if( KMessageBox::Yes != KMessageBox::questionYesNo( NULL, TQString( i18n( "File \"%1\" exists.\nOverwrite?" )).arg( tempPath ), i18n( "File exists" ))) return false; } path = tempPath; return true; } // getFilePath // =========== void Knmap::getFilePath( const TQString& caption, TQString& path, TQLineEdit* lineEdit, const bool save ) { if( getFilePath( caption, path, save )) lineEdit->setText( path ); } // queryExit // ========= bool Knmap::queryExit( ) { if( m_mainWidget->isDirty( ) && KMessageBox::Yes == KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n( "Some profiles has been updated - save them now?" ), i18n( "Profile data updated" ))) m_mainWidget->saveAllDirtyProfiles( ); saveSettings( ); return true; } // readSettings // ============ void Knmap::readSettings( ) { m_mainWidget->readSettings( ); } // saveSettings // ============ void Knmap::saveSettings( ) { m_mainWidget->saveSettings( ); } // slotConfigureShortcuts // ====================== void Knmap::slotConfigureShortcuts( ) { KKeyDialog::configure( actionCollection( ), this); } // slotConfigureToolbars // ===================== void Knmap::slotConfigureToolbars( ) { saveMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config( ), autoSaveGroup( )); KEditToolbar dlg( actionCollection( )); connect( &dlg, TQ_SIGNAL( newToolbarConfig( )),this, TQ_SLOT( slotNewToolbarConfig( ))); dlg.exec( ); } // slotNewToolbarConfig // ==================== void Knmap::slotNewToolbarConfig( ) { createGUI( ); applyMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config( ), autoSaveGroup( )); } // slotOutputAvailable // =================== void Knmap::slotOutputAvailable( const bool saveState, const bool saveAsState ) { m_fileSaveAction->setEnabled( saveState ); m_fileSaveAsAction->setEnabled( saveAsState ); } // slotSetCaption // ============== void Knmap::slotSetCaption( const TQString& caption ) { setCaption( caption ); } // slotSetManPageActionStuff // ========================= void Knmap::slotSetManPageActionStuff( const bool useLocalManPage ) { m_settingsManAction->setIcon( useLocalManPage ? "knmapman.png" : "localman.png" ); m_settingsManAction->setText( useLocalManPage ? i18n( "&Use Knmap man page" ) : i18n( "&Use local man page" )); } // slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged // ============================ void Knmap::slotVisibleScanWidgetChanged( ScanWidget* scanWidget ) { m_useTargetHostAction->setChecked( scanWidget->useTargetHost( )); } #include "knmap.moc"