path: root/src/knutfrontpanel.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/knutfrontpanel.h')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/knutfrontpanel.h b/src/knutfrontpanel.h
new file mode 100755
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+++ b/src/knutfrontpanel.h
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+ knutfrontpanel.h - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Tue Aug 21 2001
+ copyright : (C) 2001 by Daniel Prynych
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <kled.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+ *@author Daniel Prynych
+ */
+class QFont;
+class QPalette;
+class QColor;
+class QLCDNumber;
+class QLabel;
+class QVBoxLayout;
+class QHBoxLayout;
+class QGroupBox;
+ * Class is used for feature of panel, which shows informations about UPS.
+ * Trida slouzi pro zobrazeni panelu, ktery zobrazuje informace o UPS.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Daniel Prynych
+ * @short Main panel
+ * @version 0.7.0
+ */
+class KNutFrontPanel : public QFrame {
+ public:
+enum KNFPConst { DefaultPanelFlags = 1615}; //1+2+4+8+64+512+1024
+enum panelBulb {
+ PBOnLine = 1, // Panel Bulb On Line
+ PBOnBatt = 2, // Panel Bulb On Battery
+ PBOver = 4, // Panel Bulb Overloading
+ PBBattLow = 8, // Panel Bulb Battery Low
+ PBRepBatt = 16, // Panel Bulb Replace Battery
+ PBCal = 32, // Panel Bulb Calibration
+ PBMFRMod = 64, // FRM + Model
+ PBMFR = 128, // FRM
+ PBModel = 256, // Model
+ PBSerial = 512, // Serial
+ PBFirm = 1024, // Firmware Revision
+ PBRun=2048 // Panel LCD Number Runtime
+ };
+ * Constructor - makes panel, which shows status of UPS
+ * Konstruktor - vytvori panel, ktery zobrazuje stav UPS-ky.
+ *
+ * @param flags Determine which parts will be shown.
+ * @param panelFonts Pointer to font, which is used for painnting, when one is 0 (zero) systems font is used.
+ * @param flags Udava ktere casti se maji na panelu zobrazit.
+ * @param panelFonts Odkaz na fonts ktery se ma pouzit pro vykreslovani, pokud je = 0 (nula) pouzije se systemovy font pri aplikaci.
+ * @since 0.8
+ */
+ KNutFrontPanel( QPalette* const paletteIn, QWidget *parent = 0, const unsigned int flags = DefaultPanelFlags, QFont* const panelFonts = 0L ,const char *name = 0);
+ * Destruktor
+ *
+ * @since 0.3
+ */
+ ~KNutFrontPanel();
+ * Vykresli na panelu udaje.
+ * Paints values on panel.
+ *
+ * @since 0.4
+ */
+ void paintPanel( void);
+ * Gets height of panel.
+ * Vrati vysku panelu.
+ * Od verzi 0.4 je vracena vzdy 0. !!!!!!
+ * From version 0.4 always gets 0 !!!!!!!!!!!
+ *
+ * @since 0.4
+ */
+ int getPanelHeight( void);
+ * Vrati nastaveni panelu.
+ * Gets setting of panel (flags of panel).
+ *
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+ unsigned int getPanelFlags( void);
+ * Nastavi priznaky(nastaveni) panelu. Tyto priznaky nastavuji ktere prvky budou na panelu zobrazeny.
+ * Sets flags of panel. This flags sets what items will be shown on panel.
+ *
+ * @param upsPanelFlags flags od panel.
+ * @param upsPanelFlags priznaky panelu.
+ *
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+ void setPanelFlags(const int upsPanelFlags);
+ * Shows complete name (name of UPS and manufacturer) of UPS on panel.
+ * Zobrazi na panelu cele jmeno (jmeno UPS a vyrobce ) UPS-ky.
+ *
+ * @param upsPanelName Text which is showed on panel (address of UPS and manufacturer).
+ * @param upsPanelName Text ktery se zobrazi na panelu (adresa UPS-ky a vyrobce).
+ *
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+void setAllNameUps(const QString panelUpsAllName);
+ * Shows name of UPS on panel.
+ * Zobrazi na panelu jmeno UPS-ky.
+ *
+ * @param upsPanelName Text which is shown on panel (name of UPS).
+ * @param upsPanelName Text ktery se zobrazi na panelu (jmeno UPS-ky).
+ *
+ * @since 0.3
+ */
+ void setNameUps(const QString panelUpsName );
+ * Zobrazi na panelu jmeno vyrobce UPS-ky.
+ * Shows name of UPS's manufacturer on panel.
+ *
+ * @param panelUpsFRM Text ktery se zobrazi na panelu (vyrobce UPS).
+ * @param panelUpsFRM Text which is showed on panel (UPS's manufacturer).
+ *
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+ void setMFRUps(const QString panelUpsFRM );
+ * Shows serial number of UPS on panel.
+ * Zobrazi na panelu seriove cislo UPS-ky.
+ *
+ * @param panelUpsSerial Text ktery se zobrazi na panelu (seriove cislo UPS-ky).
+ * @param panelUpsSerial Text which is showed on panel (serial number of UPS).
+ *
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+ void setSerialUps(const QString panelUpsSerial );
+ * Zobrazi na panelu verzi firmwaru cislo UPS-ky.
+ *
+ * @param upsPanelFormRev Text ktery se zobrazi na panelu (verze firmwaru UPS-ky).
+ *
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+ void setFirmRevUps(const QString upsPanelFormRev );
+ * Offs bulbs on panel. / Cleans panel.
+ * Zhasne indikacni prvky na panelu.
+ *
+ * @since 0.5
+ */
+ void cleanPanel(void);
+ * Shows bulbs on panel.
+ * Rozsviti indikacni prvky na panelu.
+ *
+ * @param panelBulbs Code for select lighted bulbs.
+ * @param panelBulbs Kod pro urceni rozsvicenych indikacnich prvku.
+ *
+ * @since 0.4
+ */
+ void setPanel(const int panelBulbs);
+ * Sets value of runtime.
+ * Nastavi hodnotu runtime.
+ *
+ * @param Runtime hodnota ktera se zobrazi jako runtime.
+ *
+ * @since 0.4
+ */
+ void setRuntime(const int runtime);
+ * Sets palette.
+ * Nastavi paletu (palette). Predefinovana funkce from QWidget.
+ *
+ * @param Palette which mail panel is painted.
+ * @param Paleta kterou ma byt vykreslen hlavni panel
+ *
+ * @since 0.1
+ */
+ void setPalette (const QPalette & );
+ public slots:
+ * Changes font for painting.
+ * Zmeni font pro vykresleni.
+ *
+ * @param panelFonts Novy font.
+ *
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+ void slotSetPanelFont(QFont newPanelFont);
+ private:
+ * @internal
+ * Sets palettes for LCDLabel.
+ * Nastavi palety pro LCDLabel.
+ *
+ * @since 0.1
+ */
+ void setLCDPalette (void);
+ * @internal
+ * Makes change of palette of all items on based values m_myPalette
+ * Provede zmenu palety vsech prvku na zaklade promenne m_myPalette
+ *
+ * @since 0.1
+ */
+ void setAllPalettes (void);
+ * @internal
+ * Makes font's change of all items, based on values m_panelFont and m_panelBoldFont
+ * Provede zmenu fontu vsech prvku, na zaklade promennych m_panelFont and mpanelBoldFont
+ *
+ * @since 0.1
+ */
+ void changePanelFont (void);
+ QLabel* m_textLabel1;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel2;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel3;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel4;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel5;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel6;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel7;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel8;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel9;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel10;
+ QLabel* m_textLabel11;
+ QLabel* m_textLabelManufac;
+ QLabel* m_textLabelName;
+ QLabel* m_textLabelSerial;
+ QLabel* m_textLabelFirm;
+ QLabel* m_textLabelRun;
+ KLed* m_frameOL;
+ KLed* m_frameOB;
+ KLed* m_frameOVER;
+ KLed* m_frameLB;
+ KLed* m_frameRB;
+ KLed* m_frameCAL;
+ QLCDNumber* m_LCDNumber1;
+ QPalette m_LCDPaletteOk, m_LCDPaletteErr;
+ QPalette m_bulbsPalette;
+ QColor m_upsOkColor, m_upsErrorColor, m_upsBackColor, m_helpColor;
+ QFont m_panelFont; // font pro header
+ QFont m_panelBoldFont; // font for date
+ unsigned int m_panelFlags; // selects which of rows will be shown/ urcuji ktera radka bude rozsvicena 1 OL, 2 OB, 3 OVER, 4 RB, CAL 5 ...
+ QPalette m_myPalette;
+ QGroupBox* m_bulbsGroupBox;
+ QGroupBox* m_messGroupBox;
+ QGroupBox* m_valGroupBox;
+ bool m_typeOfLCDColor;
+ QVBoxLayout* m_mainLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_OLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_LBLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_RBLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_CALLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_manufacModelLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_manufacLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_nameLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_serialLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_firmLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_runLayout;