path: root/src/knutnet.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/knutnet.cpp')
1 files changed, 1941 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/knutnet.cpp b/src/knutnet.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71bc315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/knutnet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1941 @@
+ knutnet.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Ne led 12 2003
+ copyright : (C) 2003 by Daniel Prynych
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "knutnet.h"
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qcstring.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <unistd.h> // for function sleep
+//#include <iostream>
+/****** CONSTS ***********/
+//const Q_ULONG rBufferLen = 1024;
+KNutNet::KNutNet (const QString upsAddress, const QString upsName, const unsigned short port, unsigned int countRepeat, const unsigned int delay)
+ : QObject(), m_upsAddress(upsAddress), m_upsName(upsName), m_countRepeat(countRepeat), m_port(port), m_delay(delay) {
+//qDebug ("KNutNet::KNutNet");
+ m_state = Idle; //idle is value
+ m_numberVars = 0;
+ m_numberRWVars = 0;
+ m_numberIComms = 0;
+ m_upsStatusVar = 0;
+ m_nutProtocol = 0;
+ m_nutVariables = 0;
+ m_switchToTCP = false;
+ m_description = false; // popis neni natazen - description is not loaded
+ m_unConnectTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect( m_unConnectTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotTimerReconnect()) );
+ m_error = NoError;
+ m_commandSocket = new QSocket( this );
+ connect( m_commandSocket, SIGNAL( hostFound()),this, SLOT( slotHostFound()));
+ connect( m_commandSocket, SIGNAL( connected()),this,SLOT( slotConnected()));
+ connect( m_commandSocket, SIGNAL( connectionClosed()),this, SLOT( slotConnectionClosed()));
+ connect( m_commandSocket, SIGNAL( error(int)),this, SLOT( slotConnectionError(int)));
+ }
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ close(); // close connetion when is existed
+ while (m_state == Closing ) {
+ sleep (100);
+ }
+// deleteVars() is made in close();
+ }
+void KNutNet::close (void) {
+// std::cout << "--KNutNet::close" << std::endl;
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ m_unConnectTimer->stop();
+ deleteVars();
+ if ((m_state == Connected) || (m_state == Connecting)) {
+ m_state = Closing;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ inBuffer="LOGOUT\n";
+ getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer);
+ // getUpsDate makes "commandSocket->flush()"
+ }
+ if (m_commandSocket->bytesToWrite () > 0) sleep (1000);
+ m_commandSocket->clearPendingData (); // data in output buffer will be errased
+ m_commandSocket->close(); // closes the socket
+ if ( m_commandSocket->state() == QSocket::Closing ) {
+ connect( m_commandSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()),this,SLOT(slotClosed()) );
+ }
+ else {
+ slotClosed();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KNutNet::slotClosed (void) {
+ disconnect( m_commandSocket,SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()),this, SLOT(slotClosed()) );
+ m_state = Idle;
+ }
+void KNutNet::open (void) {
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ if ((m_state == Connected) || (m_state == Connecting)) close(); // close connetion when is existed
+ else {
+ while (m_state == Closing ) {
+ sleep (100);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_upsAddress != "") {
+ if ( m_commandSocket->state() != QSocket::Connecting ) {
+ m_firstConnect=true;
+ m_numberConnection=0;
+ m_state = HostLookup;
+ emit tryFirstConnection(m_countRepeat); // how many times we can try to connect with ups server /upsd/
+// std::cout << "--KNutNet :: Open emit - tryFirstConnection" << std::endl;
+ m_commandSocket->connectToHost(m_upsAddress,m_port);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KNutNet::newUPS (const QString upsAddress, const QString upsName, const unsigned short port) {
+ if ((m_state == Connected) || (m_state == Connecting)) {
+ close();
+ while (m_state == Closing ) {
+ sleep (100);
+ }
+ }
+ m_upsAddress = upsAddress;
+ m_upsName = upsName;
+ m_port = port;
+ m_state = Idle;
+ m_numberVars = 0;
+ m_numberRWVars = 0;
+ m_numberIComms = 0;
+ m_upsStatusVar = 0;
+ m_nutProtocol = 0;
+ m_nutVariables = 0;
+ m_switchToTCP = false;
+ m_error = NoError;
+ //firstConnect=true;
+ //numberConnection=0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::getError ( void ) { return m_error; }
+int KNutNet::getState ( void ){ return m_state; }
+bool KNutNet::isDescription ( void ){ return m_description; }
+int KNutNet::getNutProtocol ( void ) { return m_nutProtocol; }
+int KNutNet::getNutVariables ( void ) { return m_nutVariables; }
+bool KNutNet::switchedToTCP ( void ) { return m_switchToTCP; }
+int KNutNet::getUpsVars ( void) {
+ int returnValue;
+ m_error=0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ // init vars and lists
+ m_numberVars = 0;
+ m_numberRWVars = 0;
+ m_numberIComms = 0;
+ deleteVars();
+ int countWaitRevision = 5;
+ do {
+ switch (m_nutProtocol) {
+ case 1:
+ returnValue = getUpsVars1();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ returnValue = getUpsVars2();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( readStatus() != KNutNet::WAIT) return returnValue;
+ countWaitRevision--;
+ if (countWaitRevision) sleep (2);
+ }
+ while (countWaitRevision);
+ return NoListVars; //getUpsVars can't read list variables
+ }
+ else {
+ return NotConnection;
+ }
+ }
+int KNutNet::getUpsValues (const bool allVars ) {// allVars = true vse; allVars = false jen activate
+ m_error=0; // vynulujeme chyby
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ // init vars and lists
+ switch (m_nutProtocol) {
+ case 1:
+ return getUpsValues1(allVars);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return getUpsValues2(allVars);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return NotConnection;
+ }
+ }
+int KNutNet::getDescription (bool always) {
+ m_error=0; // vynulujeme chyby
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ switch (m_nutProtocol) {
+ case 1:
+ return getDescription1 (always);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return getDescription2 (always);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+int KNutNet::instantCommand (const QString command, const QString userName, const QString password, const bool onlyCommand) {
+ m_error=0; // vynulujeme chyby
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ QString outBuffer;
+ // funkce sendComm sama mastavi promenou error
+ if (onlyCommand) {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm("INSTCMD", command, "",true))) {
+// netMutex=false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+// netMutex=false;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm ("USERNAME", userName, ""))) {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm("PASSWORD", password, ""))) {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm("INSTCMD", command, "",true))) {
+// netMutex=false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error; // spatny prikaz
+ }
+ } //username
+ else {
+ return m_error; //spatne helso
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error; // spatne jmeno
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+int KNutNet::setVariable (const QString variable, const QString value, const QString userName, const QString password, const bool onlyVariable) {
+ m_error=0; // vynulujeme chyby
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QString setCommand;
+ switch (m_nutProtocol) {
+ case 1: setCommand = "SET";
+ break;
+ case 2: setCommand = "SET VAR";
+ }
+ if (onlyVariable) {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm(setCommand, variable, value, true))) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm ("USERNAME", userName, ""))) {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm("PASSWORD", password, ""))) {
+ if (!(m_error = sendComm(setCommand, variable, value, true))) {
+ //netMutex=false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ } //username
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+int KNutNet::readNumberVars (typeOfVar typVar) {
+// Vraci pocet promenych
+ m_error=0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ switch (typVar) {
+ case AllVars:
+ return m_numberVars;
+ break;
+ case ROVars:
+ return m_numberVars - m_numberRWVars;
+ break;
+ case RWVars:
+ return m_numberRWVars;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else return -1;
+ }
+int KNutNet::readNumberComms (void) {
+// Vraci pocet prikazu
+ m_error=0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) return m_numberIComms;
+ else return -1;
+ }
+int KNutNet::readIComm (const int seqNumber, upsICommDef& upsIComm) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ if ((seqNumber < 1) || ((unsigned int)seqNumber > m_listIComms.size())) {
+ m_error=CommNotFind;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ upsIComm = m_listIComms[seqNumber-1];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+int KNutNet::readVars (const QString name, struct upsVarDef& allVar) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).upsVarName == name) {
+ allVar = (*it);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ m_error=VarNotFind;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+ int KNutNet::readVars (const int seqNumber, struct upsVarDef& allVar, const typeOfVar typVar) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ int n = 1;
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((typVar== AllVars) || ((typVar==ROVars) && ((*it).upsVarType)) ||
+ ((typVar==RWVars) && (!(*it).upsVarType))) {
+ if (n == seqNumber) {
+ allVar = (*it);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ m_error=VarNotFind;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+QString KNutNet::readStringVar (const QString name) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).upsVarName == name) return (*it).upsValue;
+ }
+ m_error = VarNotFind;
+ return 0l;
+ }
+ else return 0l;
+QString KNutNet::readEnumValueVar (const QString name, const int valueNumber) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+// #if defined (KDE_VERSION_MAJOR)
+// #if KDE_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::const_iterator it;
+// #else
+// QValueList<upsVar>::ConstIterator it;
+// #endif
+// #else
+// QValueList<upsVar>::ConstIterator it;
+// #endif
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).upsVarName == name) {
+ if ((valueNumber < 1) || (valueNumber > (*it).upsVarMax)) {
+ m_error=EnumValueNotFind;
+ return 0l;
+ }
+ // vratime hodnotu
+ return (*(*it).upsEnumValues)[valueNumber-1];
+ }
+ }
+ m_error = VarNotFind;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::readStatus(void) {
+ m_error=0;
+ return m_upsStatusVar;
+ }
+int KNutNet::setActivate ( const QString name ) {
+ return activate (name,true);
+ }
+int KNutNet::unSetActivate ( const QString name ) {
+ return activate (name,false);
+ }
+int KNutNet::unSetActivateAll ( void ) {
+ return activateAll (false);
+ }
+int KNutNet::existName ( const QString name ) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).upsVarName == name) return 0;
+ }
+ m_error = VarNotFind;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+/* */
+/* */
+int KNutNet::version (int countRepeat, const int delay) {
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ m_error =0;
+ do {
+ inBuffer="VER\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if (outBuffer.length() > 0) {
+ outBuffer = outBuffer.mid(outBuffer.find("upsd")+4);
+ int n = outBuffer.find(".");
+ if (n > 0) {
+ QString firstNumber= outBuffer.left(n);
+ QString secondNumber= outBuffer.mid(n+1);
+ int n = secondNumber.find(".");
+ if (n > 0) {
+ bool ok;
+ secondNumber = secondNumber.left(n);
+ int secondInt = secondNumber.toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok) {m_error = UnknownFormatVer; return m_error;}
+ int firstInt = firstNumber.toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok) {m_error = UnknownFormatVer; return m_error;}
+ if ((firstInt == 0) || ((firstInt == 1) && (secondInt < 3))) {
+ m_nutProtocol =1;
+ m_nutVariables =1;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_nutProtocol =2;
+ m_nutVariables =2;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else m_error = UnknownFormatVer; // n is <= 0 the second dot
+ }
+ else m_error = UnknownFormatVer; // n is <= 0 the first dot
+ }
+ m_error = UnknownAnswer; // i cannot specify number of protocol and number of variables
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ countRepeat--;
+ if (countRepeat) sleep (delay);
+ }
+ while ((countRepeat));
+ return m_error;
+ }
+int KNutNet::getFirstUpsName (QString& firstUpsName) {
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QString varOutBuffer;
+ int lenString;
+ m_error=0;
+ inBuffer = "LIST UPS\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer,"END LIST UPS"))) {
+ QString inLine, upsNameRet, varName, value;
+ int key, typeValue;
+ bool beginList = false;
+ QTextIStream varInputStream(&outBuffer);
+ while (!(inLine = varInputStream.readLine()).isNull()) {
+ key = parseLine (inLine, upsNameRet, varName, value, typeValue, lenString);
+ switch (key) {
+ case BEGIN_LIST_UPS: {
+ beginList = true;;
+ break;
+ }
+ case UPS:
+ if (beginList ) {
+ firstUpsName = upsNameRet;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case END_LIST_UPS:
+ firstUpsName = "";
+ m_error=NoUpsHere;
+ return m_error;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }// end while
+ }
+ else {m_error=NoData; return m_error; }
+ return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::setKey (const QString line) {
+ QString myLine=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (myLine == "OK") return OK;
+ if (myLine == "ERR") return ERR;
+ if (myLine == "BEGIN") return BEGIN;
+ if (myLine == "END") return END;
+ if (myLine == "VAR") return VAR;
+ if (myLine == "TYPE") return TYPE;
+ if (myLine == "DESC") return DESC;
+ if (myLine == "CMDDESC") return CMDDESC;
+ if (myLine == "UPSDESC") return CMDDESC;
+ if (myLine == "UPS") return UPS;
+ if (myLine == "LIST") return LIST;
+ if (myLine == "RW") return RW;
+ if (myLine == "CMD") return CMD;
+ if (myLine == "ENUM") return ENUM;
+ if (myLine == "STARTTLS") return STARTTLS;
+ return NONE;
+ }
+QString KNutNet::parseValue (const QString line) {
+ if (line.isEmpty()) return "";
+ if (line[0] != "\"") {
+ if ((m_posChar=line.find(' ')) == -1) return line;
+ else return line.left(m_posChar+1);
+ }
+ else {
+ int len = line.length();
+ QString outString = "";
+ for (int i=1; i < len; i++) {
+ if ( line[i] == "\\") {
+ if ((i+1) <len) {
+ if ((line[i+1] == "\"") || (line[i+1] == "\"")) {
+ outString +=line[i+1];
+ i++;
+ }
+ else i +=2;
+ }
+ outString +=line[i];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (line [i] == "\"") {
+ return outString;
+ }
+ outString += line[i];
+ }
+ return outString;
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+int KNutNet::parseTypeValue (QString line, int& lenString ) {
+ int ret=0;
+ QString word;
+ lenString = 0;
+ if (line.isEmpty()) return 0;
+ QTextIStream inputStream(&line);
+ while (!inputStream.atEnd()) {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ if (word == "RW") ret += RW_FLAG;
+ if (word == "ENUM") ret += ENUM_FLAG;
+ if (word.find("STRING:") != -1) {
+ word = word.mid(7);
+ ret += STRING_FLAG;
+ lenString = word.toInt();
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+int KNutNet::parseLine(QString& line, QString& upsName ,QString& varName, QString& value, int& typeValue, int& lenString) {
+ int posChar;
+ QString word1, word2, word3;
+ int key1, key2, key3;
+ line = line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ upsName = "";
+ varName = "";
+ value = "";
+ typeValue =0;
+ if (line.isEmpty()) return NONE;
+ if ((posChar=line.find(' ')) == -1) {
+ if (setKey(line) == OK) return OK;
+ else return NONE;
+ }
+ else {
+ key1 = setKey( line.left(posChar));
+ line = line.mid(posChar+1);
+ switch (key1) {
+ case NONE:
+ return key1;
+ case OK:
+ return key1;
+ case ERR:
+ value = parseValue(line);
+ return key1;
+ default:
+ if ((posChar=line.find(' ')) == -1) return NONE;
+ word2 = line.left(posChar);
+ key2 = setKey( word2);
+ line = line.mid(posChar+1);
+ switch (key1) {
+ case BEGIN:
+ if ((key2 == LIST) && (setKey(line) == UPS)) return BEGIN_LIST_UPS;
+ break;
+ case END:
+ if ((key2 == LIST) && (setKey(line) == UPS)) return END_LIST_UPS;
+ break;
+ case UPS:
+ upsName = word2;
+ value = parseValue(line);
+ return key1;
+ case CMD:
+ upsName = word2;
+ varName = parseValue(line);
+ return key1;
+ }
+ if ((posChar=line.find(' ')) == -1) return NONE;
+ word3 = line.left(posChar);
+ key3 = setKey( word3);
+ line = line.mid(posChar+1);
+ switch (key1) {
+ case VAR:
+ upsName = word2;
+ varName = word3;
+ value = parseValue(line);
+ return VAR;
+ case TYPE:
+ upsName = word2;
+ varName = word3;
+ typeValue = parseTypeValue(line,lenString);
+ return TYPE;
+ case ENUM:
+ upsName = word2;
+ varName = word3;
+ value = parseValue(line);
+ return ENUM;
+ case DESC:
+ upsName = word2;
+ varName = word3;
+ value = parseValue(line);
+ return DESC;
+ case CMDDESC:
+ upsName = word2;
+ varName = word3;
+ value = parseValue(line);
+ return CMDDESC;
+ case BEGIN:
+ if (key2 != LIST) return NONE;
+ if (key3 == VAR) {
+ upsName=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return BEGIN_LIST_VAR;
+ }
+ if (key3 == RW) {
+ upsName=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return BEGIN_LIST_RW;
+ }
+ if (key3 == CMD) {
+ upsName=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return BEGIN_LIST_CMD;
+ }
+ if (key3 == ENUM) {
+ if ((posChar=line.find(' ')) == -1) return NONE;
+ upsName = line.left(posChar);
+ line=line.mid(posChar+1);
+ varName = line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ return NONE;
+ case END:
+ if (key2 != LIST) return NONE;
+ if (key3 == VAR) {
+ upsName=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return END_LIST_VAR;
+ }
+ if (key3 == RW) {
+ upsName=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return END_LIST_RW;
+ }
+ if (key3 == CMD) {
+ upsName=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return END_LIST_CMD;
+ }
+ if (key3 == ENUM) {
+ if ((posChar=line.find(' ')) == -1) return NONE;
+ upsName = line.left(posChar);
+ line=line.mid(posChar+1);
+ varName = line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return END_LIST_ENUM;
+ }
+ return NONE;
+ default:
+ return NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int KNutNet::newDescription (const QCString inBuffer, QString& upsDescription) {
+ QString outBuffer;
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ QString word1, word2, word3;
+ if ((m_posChar = outBuffer.find(' ')) == -1)
+ word1 = outBuffer;
+ else {
+ word1 = outBuffer.left(m_posChar);
+ word2 = outBuffer.mid(m_posChar+1);
+ }
+ if (word1 == "DESC") {
+ if ((m_posChar = word2.find('\"')) == -1) word3="";
+ else
+ {
+ word3 = word2.mid(m_posChar+1);
+ if ((m_posChar = word3.find('\"')) != -1) word3=word3.left(m_posChar);
+ }
+ if (!word3.isEmpty()) upsDescription=word3;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (word1 == "ERR" ) return upsTranslateError(word2);
+ else return UnknownAnswer;
+ }
+ }
+ else return m_error;
+ return 0;
+ }
+void KNutNet::cleanConnecting (void) {
+ Q_ULONG rMaxLen;
+ QCString recvBuffer(rBufferLen);
+ Q_LONG lengthInputData;
+ int n = 0;
+ while (m_commandSocket->bytesAvailable() > 0) {
+ if ( (m_commandSocket->bytesAvailable()+1) > rBufferLen) rMaxLen = rBufferLen;
+ else rMaxLen=m_commandSocket->bytesAvailable()+1;
+ recvBuffer.resize(rMaxLen);
+ if ((lengthInputData = m_commandSocket->readBlock(,rMaxLen)) == -1) {
+ }
+ if (lengthInputData == 0) break;
+ if (n > 20) break; else n++;
+ }
+ }
+int KNutNet::getUpsData (const QCString sBuffer, QString& rBuffer, const QCString endString) {
+ //rbufferLen a sbufferLen are maximal value of buffers
+ QCString recvBuffer(rBufferLen);
+ Q_LONG lengthInputData;
+ Q_ULONG dataAvailable;
+ QMutexLocker getUpsDataLocker( &m_getUpsDataMutex );
+ cleanConnecting();
+ // first we clean input TCP buffer
+ //cleans buffer
+ rBuffer=""; // clean main input buffer;
+ // after write block, runs command flush for sending data to server inmediately
+ if (m_commandSocket->writeBlock(,sBuffer.length()) < 0 ) return SendErr;
+ m_commandSocket->flush();
+ if (m_commandSocket->waitForMore(1000) == 0) {
+ m_commandSocket->waitForMore(500); // workaround
+ }
+ bool endRecv = false;
+ do {
+ dataAvailable=m_commandSocket->bytesAvailable();
+ if (recvBuffer.size() < (dataAvailable+1) ) recvBuffer.resize(dataAvailable+1);
+ if ((lengthInputData = m_commandSocket->readBlock(,dataAvailable)) == -1) return RecvErr;
+//correct for X86_64 by Alexey Sidorov
+ recvBuffer[(int)lengthInputData]='\0';
+ // recvBuffer[lengthInputData]='\0';
+ //Problem is that
+ //for 64bit environment is Q_LONG defined like _int64 and
+ //for other environments is Q_LONG defined like long
+ rBuffer.append(; // adds reading data to main input buffer
+ if (endString.isEmpty()) endRecv = false;
+ else {
+ if (recvBuffer.findRev(endString) == -1) {
+//doesn't find right end of input data
+ if (m_commandSocket->bytesAvailable() == 0) m_commandSocket->waitForMore(1000);
+ if (m_commandSocket->bytesAvailable() > 0) endRecv=true; // makes other cyckle og while
+ else endRecv=false;
+ }
+//finds right end of input data
+ else endRecv = false; // we have found what we want to find
+ }
+ } while (endRecv);
+ return 0; // all is OK
+ }
+ void KNutNet::setRWVars (const QString varName, const bool valueType, const int varMax, QValueVector<QString>* enumValues) {
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator it;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).upsVarName == varName) {
+ (*it).upsVarMax = varMax;
+ (*it).upsValueType=valueType;
+ (*it).upsEnumValues=enumValues;
+ (*it).upsVarType=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KNutNet::upsSetType (struct upsVarDef& upsVar, const QString name, const QString value) {
+ if (((m_nutVariables = 2) && (name == "STATUS")) || ((m_nutVariables = 2) && (name == "ups.status")))
+ upsVar.upsVarActivate=true;
+ else upsVar.upsVarActivate=false;
+ upsVar.upsVarName = name;
+ upsVar.upsVarType=true;
+ upsVar.upsValueType=true;
+ upsVar.upsVarMax=0;
+ upsVar.upsValue=value;
+ upsVar.upsDescription="";
+ upsVar.upsEnumValues=0L;
+void KNutNet::deleteVars (void) {
+// #if defined (KDE_VERSION_MAJOR)
+// #if KDE_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator it;
+// #else
+// QValueList<upsVar>::Iterator it;
+// #endif
+// #else
+// QValueList<upsVar>::Iterator it;
+// #endif
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).upsEnumValues != 0) {
+ (*it).upsEnumValues->clear();
+ delete (*it).upsEnumValues;
+ }
+ }
+ m_listVars.clear();
+ m_listIComms.clear();
+ }
+void KNutNet::genStatusFlags (QString value) {
+ m_upsStatusVar = 0;
+ QTextIStream inputStream(&value);
+ QString word;
+ while (!inputStream.atEnd()) {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ if (word == "OFF") m_upsStatusVar +=OFF;
+ if (word == "OL") m_upsStatusVar +=OL;
+ if (word == "OB") m_upsStatusVar +=OB;
+ if (word == "LB") m_upsStatusVar +=LB;
+ if (word == "CAL") m_upsStatusVar +=CAL;
+ if (word == "TRIM") m_upsStatusVar +=TRIM;
+ if (word == "BOOST") m_upsStatusVar +=BOOST;
+ if (word == "OVER") m_upsStatusVar +=OVER;
+ if (word == "RB") m_upsStatusVar +=RB;
+ if (word == "WAIT") m_upsStatusVar = WAIT;
+ //OFF - 1 ups je vypnuta
+ //OL - 2 ups je bezi na sit
+ //OB - 4 ups bezi na baterie
+ //LB - 8 baterie je vybyta (pokud je zaroven OB dojde k shutdownu)
+ //CAL - 16 je spustena kalibrace
+ //OVER - 128 ups je pretizena
+ //RB - 256 ups pozaduje vymenu baterie
+ //WAIT - 512 ups zada o strpeni // UPS asks for waiting
+ }
+ }
+int KNutNet::getDescription1 (bool always) {
+ if (always || (! m_description)) {
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator itv;
+ QValueVector<upsICommDef>::iterator itc;
+ for (itv = m_listVars.begin(); itv != m_listVars.end(); itv++) {
+ //nacteme promenou
+ inBuffer = "VARDESC " + (*itv).upsVarName + "\n";
+ if ((m_error = newDescription (inBuffer, (*itv).upsDescription))) {
+ //netMutex.unlock();
+// netMutex=false;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ for (itc = m_listIComms.begin(); itc != m_listIComms.end(); itc++) {
+ //nacteme promenou
+ inBuffer = "INSTCMDDESC "+(*itc).upsCommName+"\n";
+ if ((m_error = newDescription (inBuffer, (*itc).upsDescription))) {
+ //netMutex.unlock();
+ //netMutex=false;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ //netMutex=false;
+ m_description = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::getDescription2 (bool always) {
+ if (always || (! m_description)) {
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QString upsNameRet;
+ QString varName;
+ QString value;
+ int typeValue;
+ int lenString;
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator itv;
+ QValueVector<upsICommDef>::iterator itc;
+ for (itv = m_listVars.begin(); itv != m_listVars.end(); itv++) {
+ //nacteme promenou
+ inBuffer = "GET DESC " + m_upsName + " " + (*itv).upsVarName+"\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if ( !outBuffer.isEmpty() ) {
+ int key = parseLine(outBuffer, upsNameRet, varName, value, typeValue, lenString);
+ switch (key) {
+ case DESC:
+ (*itv).upsDescription = value;
+ break;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error=upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_error = NoData;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ for (itc = m_listIComms.begin(); itc != m_listIComms.end(); itc++) {
+ //nacteme promenou
+ inBuffer = "GET CMDDESC " + m_upsName + " " + (*itc).upsCommName+"\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if ( !outBuffer.isEmpty() ) {
+ int key = parseLine(outBuffer, upsNameRet, varName, value, typeValue, lenString);
+ switch (key) {
+ case CMDDESC:
+ (*itc).upsDescription = value;
+ break;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error=upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_error = NoData;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ m_description = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::getUpsVars1 ( void) {
+// getUpsVars nacte promene a jejich typ
+// vraci kod chyby nebo 0 pokud je vse v poradku
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QString varOutBuffer;
+ upsVarDef upsVar;
+ upsICommDef upsIComm;
+ // init vars and lists
+ if (!m_upsName.isEmpty()) { // pokud upsName neni je vzdy nastaveno na null
+ inBuffer="LISTVARS ";
+ inBuffer.append(m_upsName);
+ inBuffer.append("\n");
+ }
+ else inBuffer ="LISTVARS\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if (outBuffer.length() > 0) {
+ // precteme data
+ QTextIStream inputStream(&outBuffer);
+ QString word;
+ int count =1 ;
+ while (!inputStream.atEnd()) {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ switch (count) {
+ case 1:
+ // vyndame prvni polozku
+ if (word == "VARS") count++;
+ else {
+ if (word == "ERR") {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(word);
+ }
+ else m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ count++;
+ if ((word.length() > 0) && word.startsWith("@")) break;
+ default:
+ // pridame polozku do tabulky
+ upsSetType(upsVar, word);
+ m_listVars.push_back(upsVar);
+ m_numberVars++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { m_error=NoData; return m_error; }
+ }
+ else return m_error;
+ if ((m_error = getUpsValues1(true))) return m_error;
+ // *********** RW VARIABLES
+ if (!m_upsName.isEmpty()) { // pokud upsName neni je vzdy nastaveno na null
+ inBuffer="LISTRW ";
+ inBuffer.append(m_upsName);
+ inBuffer.append("\n");
+ }
+ else inBuffer ="LISTRW\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (!outBuffer.isEmpty()) {
+ // precteme data
+ QTextIStream inputStream(&outBuffer);
+ QString word;
+ int count =1 ;
+ bool valueType;
+ int varMax;
+ while (!inputStream.atEnd()) {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ switch (count) {
+ case 1:
+ // vyndame prvni polozku
+ if (word == "RW") count++;
+ else {
+ if (word == "ERR") {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(word);
+ }
+ else m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ count++;
+ if ((word.length() > 0) && word.startsWith("@")) break;
+ default:
+ // Zpracujeme polozku v tabulce
+ // zjistime informaci o promene
+ inBuffer="VARTYPE ";
+ inBuffer.append(word);
+ if (!m_upsName.isEmpty()) {
+ inBuffer.append("@"); // pokud upsName neni je vzdy nastaveno na null
+ inBuffer.append(m_upsName);
+ }
+ inBuffer.append("\n");
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,varOutBuffer))) {
+ varOutBuffer=varOutBuffer.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ( !outBuffer.isEmpty() ) {
+ QTextIStream varInputStream(&varOutBuffer);
+ QString word1, word2, word3;
+ varInputStream >> word1;
+ varInputStream >> word2;
+ varInputStream >> word3;
+ if (word1 == "TYPE") {
+ if ((word2.isEmpty()) || (word3.isEmpty())) {
+ m_error=UnknownFormat;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ if (word2 == "ENUM") valueType=false;
+ else {
+ if (word2 =="STRING") valueType=true;
+ else {
+ m_error=UnknownFormat;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ bool ok = true;
+ varMax=word3.toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok) {m_error=UnknownFormat; return m_error;};
+ } // word1 = Type
+ else {
+ if (word1=="ERR") {
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(word2);
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_error = UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { m_error=NoData; return m_error; }
+ }
+ else return m_error;
+ // ********** ENUM / STRING ******************
+ QValueVector<QString>* enumString=0;
+ if (!valueType) {
+ // nacteme enum hodnoty
+ inBuffer="ENUM ";
+ inBuffer.append(word);
+ // pokud existuje pridame jmeno UPS-ky
+ if (!m_upsName.isEmpty()) {
+ inBuffer.append("@");
+ inBuffer.append(m_upsName);
+ }
+ inBuffer.append("\n");
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,varOutBuffer,"END\n"))) {
+// varOutBuffer.stripWhiteSpace(); nemuze provest protoze bychom si odstranili konce radek
+ if (!varOutBuffer.isEmpty()) {
+ QString inLine, word1, word2;
+ QTextIStream varInputStream(&varOutBuffer);
+ int inCountLine=1;
+ while (!(inLine = varInputStream.readLine()).isNull()) {
+ inLine=inLine.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((m_posChar=inLine.find(' ')) == -1) word1=inLine;
+ else {
+ word1=inLine.left(m_posChar);
+ inLine = inLine.mid(m_posChar+1);
+ }
+ if (word1.isEmpty()) { m_error = UnknownFormat; return m_error; }
+ if (inCountLine == 1) {
+ if ((m_posChar=inLine.find(' ')) == -1) word2=inLine;
+ else word2=inLine.left(m_posChar);
+ if (word1 =="ENUM") {
+ if (word2 != word) { m_error = UnknownFormat; return m_error; }
+ varMax=0;
+ inCountLine++;
+ enumString = new QValueVector<QString>;
+ enumString->clear();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (word1=="ERR")
+ m_error=upsTranslateError(word2); // prevede chybu na jeji kod
+ else m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (word1 == "END") break;
+ if (word1 != "OPTION") { m_error = UnknownFormat; return m_error; }
+ if ((m_posChar = inLine.find('\"')) == -1) word2 = "";
+ else {
+ word2 = inLine.mid(m_posChar+1);
+ if ((m_posChar=word2.find('\"')) != -1) word2 = word2.left(m_posChar);
+ }
+ enumString->push_back(word2);
+ varMax++;
+ }
+ } // end while
+ } // buffer is not empty
+ else { m_error = NoData ; return m_error; }
+ } // getUpsData
+ else return m_error;
+ } // type of var
+ else enumString = 0l;
+ // nacteme stringovou promenou
+ // ulozime promene
+ setRWVars (word,valueType,varMax,enumString);
+ m_numberRWVars++;
+ break;
+ }
+ } // end while (!inputStream.atEnd())
+ }
+ else { m_error = NoData ; return m_error; }
+ }
+ else return m_error;
+ // *************** INSTANT COMMAND
+ if (!m_upsName.isEmpty()) { // pokud upsName neni je vzdy nastaveno na null
+ inBuffer="LISTINSTCMD ";
+ inBuffer.append(m_upsName);
+ inBuffer.append("\n");
+ }
+ else inBuffer ="LISTINSTCMD\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if ( !outBuffer.isEmpty() ) {
+ // precteme data
+ QTextIStream inputStream(&outBuffer);
+ QString word;
+ int count =1 ;
+ while (!inputStream.atEnd()) {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ switch (count) {
+ case 1:
+ // vyndame prvni polozku
+ if (word == "INSTCMDS") count++;
+ else {
+ if (word == "ERR") {
+ inputStream >> word;
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(word);
+ }
+ else m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ count++;
+ if ((word.length() > 0) && word.startsWith("@")) break;
+ default:
+ // Zpracujeme polozku v tabulky
+ upsIComm.upsCommName=word;
+ upsIComm.upsDescription="";
+ m_listIComms.push_back(upsIComm);
+ m_numberIComms++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { m_error=NoData; return m_error; }
+ }
+ else return m_error;
+ return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::getUpsVars2 ( void) {
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QString varOutBuffer;
+ upsVarDef upsVar;
+ upsICommDef upsIComm;
+ int key;
+ int typeValue;
+ int lenString;
+ int varMax=0;
+ QValueVector<QString>* enumString=0;
+ inBuffer = "LIST VAR " + m_upsName + "\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer,"END LIST VAR"))) {
+ QString inLine, upsNameRet, varName, varNameRet, value;
+ bool beginList = false;
+ QTextIStream varInputStream(&outBuffer);
+ while (!(inLine = varInputStream.readLine()).isNull()) {
+ key = parseLine (inLine, upsNameRet, varName, value, typeValue, lenString);
+ switch (key) {
+ if (upsNameRet == m_upsName) beginList = true;
+ break;
+ case VAR:
+ if (beginList ) {
+ upsSetType(upsVar, varName, value);
+ if (varName == "ups.status") genStatusFlags(value);
+ inBuffer = "GET TYPE " + m_upsName + " " + varName +"\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,varOutBuffer))) {
+ key = parseLine (varOutBuffer, upsNameRet, varNameRet, value, typeValue, lenString);
+ switch (key) {
+ case TYPE:
+ if (typeValue & RW_FLAG) {
+ upsVar.upsVarMax = 0;
+ upsVar.upsEnumValues=0L;
+ if (typeValue & ENUM_FLAG) {
+ upsVar.upsValueType=false;
+ // nacteme enumValues
+ inBuffer = "LIST ENUM " + m_upsName + " " + varName +"\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,varOutBuffer,"END LIST ENUM"))) {
+ bool beginEnumList = false;
+ QTextIStream varInputStream(&varOutBuffer);
+ while (!(inLine = varInputStream.readLine()).isNull()) {
+ key = parseLine (inLine, upsNameRet, varName, value, typeValue, lenString);
+ switch (key) {
+ beginEnumList = true;
+ varMax=0;
+ enumString = new QValueVector<QString>;
+ enumString->clear();
+ upsVar.upsEnumValues=enumString;
+ break;
+ case ENUM:
+ if (beginList ) {
+ enumString->push_back(value);
+ varMax++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ upsVar.upsVarMax=varMax;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Vse co nenini ENUM je STRING
+ upsVar.upsValueType=true;
+ upsVar.upsVarMax=lenString;
+ }
+ upsVar.upsVarType=false;
+ m_numberRWVars++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else { return m_error; }
+ m_listVars.push_back(upsVar);
+ m_numberVars++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case END_LIST_VAR:
+ break;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ } // end switch
+ } // end while
+ }
+ else { return m_error; }
+ inBuffer = "LIST CMD " + m_upsName + "\n";
+ if (!(m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer,"END LIST CMD"))) {
+ QString inLine, upsNameRet, varName, value;
+ int key, typeValue;
+ bool beginList = false;
+//std::cout << "CMD Buffer " << outBuffer << std::endl;
+ QTextIStream varInputStream(&outBuffer);
+ while (!(inLine = varInputStream.readLine()).isNull()) {
+ key = parseLine (inLine, upsNameRet, varName, value, typeValue, lenString);
+//std::cout << "CMD Line " << inLine << std::endl;
+ switch (key) {
+ case BEGIN_LIST_CMD: {
+ if (upsNameRet == m_upsName) beginList = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CMD:
+ if (beginList ) {
+ // Zpracujeme polozku v tabulky
+ upsIComm.upsCommName=varName;
+ upsIComm.upsDescription="";
+ m_listIComms.push_back(upsIComm);
+ m_numberIComms++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case END_LIST_CMD:
+ break;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error = upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ } // end switch
+ } // end while
+ }
+ else { return m_error; }
+ return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::getUpsValues1 (const bool allVars ) {// allVars = true vse; allVars = false jen activate
+ QString endChar;
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator it;
+ // Nacte hodnotu promenych
+ // reads value of variables
+ emit getVarDesc (m_numberVars, 0);
+ int numberVar = 0;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ numberVar++;
+ if ((allVars) || ((*it).upsVarActivate)) {
+ //nacteme promenou
+ inBuffer = "REQ ";
+ inBuffer.append((*it).upsVarName);
+ if (!m_upsName.isEmpty()) { // pokud upsName neni je vzdy nastaveno na null
+ inBuffer.append("@");
+ inBuffer.append(m_upsName);
+ }
+ inBuffer.append("\n");
+// if (!(error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer);
+ // when outBuffer is empty sends and reads date again, but only the only time
+ if ((!(m_error)) && (outBuffer.isEmpty())) m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer);
+ if (!(m_error)) {
+ endChar = "";
+ if ((outBuffer.length()>0) && (' ')) endChar=' ';
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ outBuffer += endChar;
+ emit getVarDesc (m_numberVars, numberVar);
+ if ( !outBuffer.isEmpty() ) {
+ QTextIStream inputStream(&outBuffer);
+ QString word1, word2, word3 ;
+ inputStream >> word1;
+ inputStream >> word2;
+ if (inputStream.atEnd()) { // neexistuje treti cast VALUE
+ if (word1 == "ERR") {
+ // vracena chyba
+ m_error=upsTranslateError(word2);
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ else {
+// if ((word2 != "MODEL") && (word2 != "MFR")) {
+ if (endChar != " ") { // if values of variable is empty, string is ended on char space
+ m_error=UnknownFormat;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inputStream >> word3;
+ if (word1 == "ANS") {
+ // answer - odpoved
+ // odstranime pripadne jmeno upsky
+ if ((m_posChar = word2.find('@')) != -1) word2 = word2.left(m_posChar);
+ if ( word2 != (*it).upsVarName ) {
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;// neni to odpoved na spravnou promennou
+ }
+ // test pro starsi format modulu, vraceli chybu v hodnote promene
+ if ((m_error=upsOldTranslateError(word3))) {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ // zalozime hodnotu do vectoru;
+ (*it).upsValue=word3;
+ if ((*it).upsVarName == "STATUS") {
+ // dogenerujeme dalsi slova pro status
+ word3 += inputStream.readLine();
+ genStatusFlags(word3);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // neznama odpoved - neni ANS ani ERR
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_error=NoData;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::getUpsValues2 (const bool allVars ) {// allVars = true vse; allVars = false jen activate
+ QString varName;
+ QString upsNameRet;
+ QString value;
+ int typeValue;
+ int lenString;
+ // reads value of variables
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator it;
+ emit getVarDesc (m_numberVars, 0);
+ int numberVar = 0;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ numberVar++;
+ if ((allVars) || ((*it).upsVarActivate)) {
+ //reads variable
+ inBuffer = "GET VAR "+m_upsName+" "+(*it).upsVarName+"\n";
+// if (!(error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer);
+ // when outBuffer is empty sends and reads date again, but only the only time
+ if ((!(m_error)) && (outBuffer.isEmpty())) m_error=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer);
+ if (!(m_error)) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ emit getVarDesc (m_numberVars, numberVar);
+ if ( !outBuffer.isEmpty() ) {
+ int key = parseLine(outBuffer, upsNameRet, varName, value, typeValue, lenString);
+ switch (key) {
+ case VAR:
+ if ( varName != (*it).upsVarName ) {
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;// it isn't answer for right variable - neni to odpoved na spravnou promennou
+ }
+ (*it).upsValue=value;
+ if ((((*it).upsVarName == "STATUS") && (m_nutVariables == 1)) || (((*it).upsVarName == "ups.status") && (m_nutVariables == 2))) {
+ // dogenerujeme dalsi slova pro status
+ genStatusFlags(value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ERR:
+ m_error=upsTranslateError(value);
+ return m_error;
+ default:
+ m_error=UnknownAnswer;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_error= NoData;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+int KNutNet::sendComm (const QString command, const QString arg1, const QString arg2, const bool useUpsName) {
+ int localError;
+// nenastavi promenou error ale nenuluje ji
+ QCString inBuffer;
+ QString outBuffer;
+ switch (m_nutProtocol) {
+ case 1:
+ inBuffer=command + " " + arg1;
+ if (useUpsName && (!m_upsName.isEmpty())) // pokud upsName neni je vzdy prazdne
+ inBuffer += "@"+m_upsName;
+ if (!arg2.isEmpty()) inBuffer += " " + arg2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ inBuffer = command + " ";
+ if (useUpsName) inBuffer += m_upsName + " ";
+ inBuffer.append(arg1);
+ if (!arg2.isEmpty()) inBuffer += " \"" + arg2 +"\"";
+ break;
+ }
+ inBuffer.append("\n");
+ if (!(localError=getUpsData (inBuffer,outBuffer))) {
+ outBuffer=outBuffer.stripWhiteSpace();
+ QTextIStream inputStream(&outBuffer);
+ QString word1, word2;
+ inputStream >> word1;
+ inputStream >> word2;
+ if (word1.isEmpty()) return UnknownAnswer; // zadna odpoved
+ if (word1 != "OK") {
+ // neni rovno OK
+ if (word1 == "ERR") return upsTranslateError (word2);
+ else return UnknownAnswer;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ else return localError;
+ }
+int KNutNet::activate ( const QString name, const bool setActivate ) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator it;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).upsVarName == name) {
+ (*it).upsVarActivate = setActivate;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ m_error = VarNotFind;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+int KNutNet::activateAll ( const bool setActivate ) {
+ m_error =0;
+ if (m_state == Connected) {
+ QValueVector<upsVarDef>::iterator it;
+ for (it = m_listVars.begin(); it != m_listVars.end(); it++) {
+ (*it).upsVarActivate = setActivate;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else return NotConnection;
+ }
+int KNutNet::upsTranslateError (const QString string) {
+ if (string == "VAR-NOT-SUPPORTED") return VarNotSupported;
+ if (string == "VAR-UNKNOWN") return VarUnknown;
+ if (string == "ACCESS-DENIED") return AccessDenied;
+ if (string == "PASSWORD-REQUIRED") return PasswordRequired;
+ if (string == "PASSWORD-INCORRECT") return PasswordIncorrect;
+ if (string == "UNKNOWN-UPS") return UnknownUps;
+ if (string == "ALREADY-LOGGED_IN") return AlreadyLoggedIn;
+ if (string == "ALREADY-SET-PASSWORD") return AlreadySetPassword;
+ if (string == "ALREADY-SET-USERNAME") return AlreadySetUsername;
+ if (string == "UNKNOWN-COMMAND") return UnknownCommand;
+ if (string == "UNKNOWN-INSTCMD") return UnknownInstCmd;
+ if (string == "CMD-NOT-SUPPORTED") return CmdNotSupported;
+ if (string == "INVALID-VALUE") return InvalidValue;
+ if (string == "NO-RESPONSE") return NoResponse;
+ if (string == "UNKNOWN-REPLY") return UnknownReply;
+ if (string == "NOT-IMPLEMENTED") return NotImplemented;
+ if (string == "COMMAND-FAILED") return CommandFailed;
+ if (string == "MISSING-ARGUMENT") return MissingArgument;
+ if (string == "DATA-STALE") return DataStale;
+ if (string == "UNKNOWN-TYPE") return UnknownType;
+ if (string == "DRIVER-NOT-CONNECTED") return DriverNotConnected;
+ if (string == "") return UnknownFormat;
+ return UnknownErr;
+ }
+int KNutNet::upsOldTranslateError (const QString string) {
+ if (string == "NOT-SUPPORTED") return VarNotSupported;
+ if (string == "UNKNOWN") return VarUnknown;
+ if (string == "DATA-STALE") return DataStale;
+ return 0; // nebylo nalezeno
+ }
+void KNutNet::slotConnectionError(int error) {
+//std::cout << "--KNutNet::slotConnectionError" << std::endl;
+//qDebug ("--KNutNet::slotConnectionError");
+ m_state = ConnectError;
+ m_unConnectTimer->stop();
+ if (error == QSocket::ErrHostNotFound) {
+ error = NoSuchHost;
+ emit connectionError(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ //connection was refused // no connection
+ if ((error == QSocket::ErrConnectionRefused) && (m_commandSocket->state()==QSocket::Idle)) {
+ if (m_firstConnect) {
+ if (m_numberConnection < m_countRepeat) {
+ m_numberConnection++;
+// qDebug ("--KNutNet:: connect error - try connect on next time");
+ m_unConnectTimer->start( m_delay, TRUE );
+ }
+ else {
+ // i don't connect server
+ error=CantConnect;
+// qDebug("--KNutNet::emit - connection error ");
+ emit connectionError(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ } // end of if (firstConnection)
+ else {
+ // connecting is down, try repeated connection
+// qDebug ("--KNutNet::no first connect connection error ");
+ m_unConnectTimer->start( m_delay, TRUE );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (error == QSocket::ErrConnectionRefused) {
+ error = ConnectionRefused;
+// std::cout << "--KNutNet::connection error ErrConnectionRefused " << QSocket::Idle << " - " << error << std::endl;
+ emit connectionError(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (error == QSocket::ErrSocketRead) {
+ error = SocketReadErr;
+// std::cout << "--KNutNet::connection error QSocket::ErrSocketRead " << error << std::endl;
+ emit connectionError(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void KNutNet::slotConnected(void) {
+ int n;
+ if ((n = version (m_countRepeat, m_delay)) == 0) { // 0 OK, 0> error
+ if ((m_nutProtocol == 0) || (m_nutVariables == 0)) { // answer from upsd (VER) is unknown
+ m_error=NutProtocolVarErr;
+ m_state = Closing;
+ m_commandSocket->close();
+ while (m_commandSocket->state() == QSocket::Closing) {
+ sleep (100);
+ }
+ m_state = ConnectError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((m_nutProtocol == 2) && m_upsName.isEmpty()) {
+ // if upsName is empty reads first ups name from upsd server
+ if ((m_error =KNutNet::getFirstUpsName (m_upsName))) { // reading first upsName
+ // upsd server doesn't support any ups
+ m_state = Closing;
+ m_commandSocket->close();
+ while (m_commandSocket->state() == QSocket::Closing) {
+ sleep (100);
+ }
+ m_state = ConnectError;
+ }
+ }
+ m_state=Connected;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_commandSocket->close();
+ }
+ emit firstConnection();
+// std::cout << "KNutNet::emit - firstConnection" << std::endl;
+ }
+void KNutNet::slotHostFound(void) {
+// std::cout << "--KNutNet::slotHostFound" << std::endl;
+ m_state = Connecting;
+ emit hostFound();
+ }
+void KNutNet::slotConnectionClosed(void) {
+// std::cout << "--KNutNet::slotConnectionClosed" << std::endl;
+ m_unConnectTimer->stop();
+ deleteVars();
+ m_state = Idle;
+ emit connectionClosed();
+ }
+void KNutNet::slotTimerReconnect(void) {
+// std::cout << "--KNutNet::slotTimerReconnect" << std::endl;
+ m_unConnectTimer->stop();
+ if (m_commandSocket->state()==QSocket::Idle) {
+ //std::cout << "--KNutNet::slotTimerReconnect QSOcket::Idle" << std::endl;
+ emit tryRepeatFirstConnection(m_numberConnection);
+ // std::cout << "KNutNet::emit-tryRepeatFirstConnection" << std::endl;
+ m_state=Connecting;
+ if ( m_commandSocket->state() != QSocket::Connecting )
+ m_commandSocket->connectToHost(m_upsAddress,m_port);
+ }
+ }
+#include "knutnet.moc"