path: root/koffice-i18n-ru/docs/koffice/kspread/config.docbook
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+<chapter id="configure">
+<address><email>[email protected]</email></address>
+<title>Configuring &kspread; Shortcuts and Toolbars</title>
+<sect1 id="configshort">
+<para>To change the shortcut key arrangements used by &kspread; select
+<menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts...
+</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will launch a dialog box as shown below.
+<imagedata fileref="shortcut1.png" format="PNG"/>
+<phrase>Shortcut config screenshot 1</phrase>
+<para>Search through the list box to find the action you want to add or
+change the shortcut keys for and select it by <mousebutton>left</mousebutton>
+clicking on the name. You will then be able to change the shortcut by
+selecting the <guilabel>None</guilabel>, <guilabel>Default</guilabel> or
+<guilabel>Custom</guilabel> radio button or by clicking on the large button in
+the <guilabel>Shortcut for Selected Action</guilabel> area.</para>
+<para>The <guilabel>Define Shortcut</guilabel> dialog box will then open.
+<imagedata fileref="shortcut2.png" format="PNG"/>
+<phrase>Shortcut config screenshot 2</phrase>
+<para>Choose whether you want to change the <guilabel>Primary</guilabel> or
+<guilabel>Alternate</guilabel> shortcut then press the key combination you
+want to act as the shortcut, for example <keycombo action="simul">
+If the <guilabel>Auto-Close</guilabel> box is checked the dialog will vanish
+as soon as you enter the key combination, otherwise it will remain until you
+press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> or <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>. Clicking on
+the little black icon with a white cross in it clears the shortcut.</para>
+<sect2 id="userdefmenus">
+<title>User Defined Menus</title>
+<para>You can add your own pop up menu to &kspread; so that pressing one key
+combination will make the menu appear then pressing a second key, or using the
+<keysym>Up arrow</keysym> and <keysym>Down arrow</keysym> keys and pressing
+<keysym>Enter</keysym>, will select an item from it.</para>
+<para>To do this add a <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> shortcut for each of the
+actions you want to appear in the menu and in the <guilabel>Define Shortcut
+</guilabel> dialog check the <guilabel>Multi-Key</guilabel> box, press the
+key combination that you want to bring up your new menu then, separately,
+press the key that will choose that item from the menu.</para>
+<sect1 id="configtoolbars">
+<para>&kspread; has six toolbars: File, Edit, Math, Navigation, Format and Color/Border,
+each of which may or may not be shown depending on the choices made in the
+<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu.</para>
+<para>You can choose whether a toolbar appears at the top, left, right or
+bottom of &kspread;'s window by <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> clicking on
+the toolbar, which brings up the <guilabel>Toolbar Menu</guilabel>, and making
+a selection from the <guisubmenu>Orientation</guisubmenu> sub menu. This
+<guilabel>Toolbar Menu</guilabel> also has sub menus for choosing whether the
+toolbar displays icons, text or both, and the size of the icons.</para>
+<para>Another way of moving a toolbar is by positioning the mouse pointer over
+the two vertical bars at the left end of each toolbar and holding the
+<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button down while you drag the toolbar
+to the wanted position. When you drag the toolbar in this way you can release
+the mouse button when it is some distance from any of &kspread;'s window
+sides, and then you will get a floating toolbar, which is not locked to any
+particular part of &kspread;'s window and can in fact be moved outside of
+the window. To put a floating toolbar back into one of the traditional
+positions <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on its titlebar to bring
+up the <guilabel>Toolbar Menu</guilabel> then choose one of the options in
+the <guisubmenu>Orientation</guisubmenu> sub menu.</para>
+<para>You can also <quote>flatten</quote> a toolbar by <mousebutton>left
+</mousebutton> clicking on the two vertical bars at the left end of the
+toolbar or by selecting <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Orientation</guisubmenu>
+<guimenuitem>Flat</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the <guilabel>Toolbar
+Menu</guilabel>. A <quote>flattened</quote> toolbar appears as a small
+rectangle containing two horizontal bars just under &kspread;'s Menubar. It
+can be restored to normal by <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> clicking on it.
+<para>Selecting <guimenuitem>Configure Toolbars...</guimenuitem> from the
+<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu will bring up a dialog box which lets you add
+buttons to or remove them from &kspread;'s toolbars.</para>
+<para>To use this <guilabel>Configure Toolbars</guilabel> dialog box first
+select a toolbar from the <guilabel>Toolbar:</guilabel> combo box. The
+right hand <guilabel>Current actions:</guilabel> window will then show the
+buttons currently present on the toolbar. You can remove a button by selecting
+it in this window then pressing the left arrow button, or move it around by
+pressing the up and down arrow buttons. To add a new button to the toolbar
+select it in the <guilabel>Available actions:</guilabel> list then press the
+right arrow button.</para>
+Local Variables:
+mode: sgml
+sgml-parent-document: ("index.docbook" "book" "chapter")