# translation of chalk.po to Bulgarian
# Bulgarian translation of KDE.
# This file is licensed under the GPL.
# $Id: chalk.po 669926 2007-05-30 20:14:32Z berger $
# Zlatko Popov <zlatkopopov@fsa-bg.org>, 2006, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: chalk\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-16 02:21+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-10 22:48+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Zlatko Popov <zlatkopopov@fsa-bg.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Bulgarian <dict@linux.zonebg.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"X-Poedit-Bookmarks: -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1000,-1,-1,-1\n"

#: i18ndata:1
msgid "Abstract 1"
msgstr "Абстрактен 1"

#: i18ndata:2
msgid "Abstract 2"
msgstr "Абстрактен 2"

#: i18ndata:3
msgid "Abstract 3"
msgstr "Абстрактен 3"

#: i18ndata:4
msgid "Aneurism"
msgstr "Аневризма"

#: i18ndata:5
msgid "Blinds"
msgstr "Трансперант"

#: i18ndata:6
msgid "Blue Green"
msgstr "Синьо-зелено"

#: i18ndata:7
msgid "Browns"
msgstr "Кафяво"

#: i18ndata:8
msgid "Brushed Aluminium"
msgstr "Полиран алуминий"

#: i18ndata:9
msgid "Burning Paper"
msgstr "Горяща хартия"

#: i18ndata:10
msgid "Burning Transparency"
msgstr "Горяща прозрачност"

#: i18ndata:11
msgid "Caribbean Blues"
msgstr "Карибско синьо"

#: i18ndata:12
msgid "CD"
msgstr "CD"

#: i18ndata:13
msgid "CD Half"
msgstr "Половин CD"

#: i18ndata:14
msgid "Coffee"
msgstr "Кафе"

#: i18ndata:15
msgid "Cold Steel"
msgstr "Студена стомана"

#: i18ndata:16
msgid "Cold Steel 2"
msgstr "Студена стомана 2"

#: i18ndata:17
msgid "Crown molding"
msgstr "Crown molding"

#: i18ndata:18
msgid "Dark 1"
msgstr "Тъмно 1"

#: i18ndata:19
msgid "Deep Sea"
msgstr "Дълбоко море"

#: i18ndata:21
msgid "Flare Glow Angular 1"
msgstr "Flare Glow Angular 1"

#: i18ndata:22
msgid "Flare Glow Radial 1"
msgstr "Flare Glow Radial 1"

#: i18ndata:23
msgid "Flare Glow Radial 2"
msgstr "Flare Glow Radial 2"

#: i18ndata:24
msgid "Flare Glow Radial 3"
msgstr "Flare Glow Radial 3"

#: i18ndata:25
msgid "Flare Glow Radial 4"
msgstr "Flare Glow Radial 4"

#: i18ndata:26
msgid "Flare Radial 101"
msgstr "Flare Radial 101"

#: i18ndata:27
msgid "Flare Radial 102"
msgstr "Flare Radial 102"

#: i18ndata:28
msgid "Flare Radial 103"
msgstr "Flare Radial 103"

#: i18ndata:29
msgid "Flare Rays Radial 1"
msgstr "Flare Rays Radial 1"

#: i18ndata:30
msgid "Flare Rays Radial 2"
msgstr "Flare Rays Radial 2"

#: i18ndata:31
msgid "Flare Rays Size 1"
msgstr "Flare Rays Size 1"

#: i18ndata:32
msgid "Flare Sizefac 101"
msgstr "Flare Sizefac 101"

#: i18ndata:33
msgid "Four bars"
msgstr "Четири ленти"

#: i18ndata:34
msgid "French flag"
msgstr "Френското знаме"

#: i18ndata:35
msgid "French flag smooth"
msgstr "Размазано френско знаме"

#: i18ndata:36
msgid "Full saturation spectrum CCW"
msgstr "Пълен спектър на насищане CCW"

#: i18ndata:37
msgid "Full saturation spectrum CW"
msgstr "Пълен спектър на насищане CW"

#: i18ndata:38
msgid "German flag"
msgstr "Германското знаме"

#: i18ndata:39
msgid "German flag smooth"
msgstr "Размазано германско знаме"

#: i18ndata:40
msgid "Golden"
msgstr "Златен"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 59
#: rc.cpp:1336 i18ndata:41 i18ndata:101
#, no-c-format
msgid "Greens"
msgstr "Зелено"

#: i18ndata:42
msgid "Horizon 1"
msgstr "Хоризонт 1"

#: i18ndata:43
msgid "Horizon 2"
msgstr "Хоризонт 2"

#: i18ndata:44
msgid "Incandescent"
msgstr "Нажежено бяло"

#: i18ndata:45
msgid "Land 1"
msgstr "Пейзаж 1"

#: i18ndata:46
msgid "Land and Sea"
msgstr "Земя и море"

#: i18ndata:47
msgid "Metallic Something"
msgstr "Нещо метално"

#: i18ndata:48
msgid "Mexican flag"
msgstr "Мексиканското знаме"

#: i18ndata:49
msgid "Mexican flag smooth"
msgstr "Размазано мексиканско знаме"

#: i18ndata:50
msgid "Nauseating Headache"
msgstr "Причина на главоболие"

#: i18ndata:51
msgid "Neon Cyan"
msgstr "Неонов циан"

#: i18ndata:52
msgid "Neon Green"
msgstr "Неоново зелено"

#: i18ndata:53
msgid "Neon Yellow"
msgstr "Неоново жълто"

#: i18ndata:54
msgid "Pastel Rainbow"
msgstr "Пастелна дъга"

#: i18ndata:55 i18ndata:113
msgid "Pastels"
msgstr "Пастели"

#: i18ndata:56
msgid "Purples"
msgstr "Пурпурно"

#: i18ndata:57
msgid "Radial Eyeball Blue"
msgstr "Radial Eyeball Blue"

#: i18ndata:58
msgid "Radial Eyeball Brown"
msgstr "Radial Eyeball Brown"

#: i18ndata:59
msgid "Radial Eyeball Green"
msgstr "Radial Eyeball Green"

#: i18ndata:60
msgid "Radial Glow 1"
msgstr "Radial Glow 1"

#: i18ndata:61
msgid "Radial Rainbow Hoop"
msgstr "Radial Rainbow Hoop"

#: i18ndata:62
msgid "Romanian flag"
msgstr "Румънското знаме"

#: i18ndata:63
msgid "Romanian flag smooth"
msgstr "Размазано румънско знаме"

#: i18ndata:64
msgid "Rounded edge"
msgstr "Заоблен ръб"

#: i18ndata:65
msgid "Shadows 1"
msgstr "Сенки 1"

#: i18ndata:66
msgid "Shadows 2"
msgstr "Сенки 2"

#: i18ndata:67
msgid "Shadows 3"
msgstr "Сенки 3"

#: i18ndata:68
msgid "Skyline"
msgstr "Линия на хоризонта"

#: i18ndata:69
msgid "Skyline polluted"
msgstr "Замърсена линия на хоризонта"

#: i18ndata:70
msgid "Square Wood Frame"
msgstr "Квадратна дървена рамка"

#: i18ndata:71
msgid "Sunrise"
msgstr "Изгрев"

#: i18ndata:72
msgid "Three bars sin"
msgstr "Three bars sin"

#: i18ndata:73
msgid "Tropical Colors"
msgstr "Тропически цветове"

#: i18ndata:74
msgid "Tube Red"
msgstr "Тръбно червено"

#: i18ndata:75
msgid "Wood 1"
msgstr "Дърво 1"

#: i18ndata:76
msgid "Wood 2"
msgstr "Дърво 2"

#: i18ndata:77
msgid "Yellow Contrast"
msgstr "Контрастно жълто"

#: i18ndata:78
msgid "Yellow Orange"
msgstr "Жълто-оранжево"

#: i18ndata:79
msgid "40_Colors"
msgstr "40_цвята"

#: i18ndata:80
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Котва"

#: i18ndata:81
msgid "Bears"
msgstr "Мечки"

#: i18ndata:82
msgid "Bgold"
msgstr "Златисто"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 69
#: rc.cpp:1342 i18ndata:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blues"
msgstr "Синьо"

#: i18ndata:84
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Контури"

#: i18ndata:85
msgid "Browns and Yellows"
msgstr "Жълтoкафяви"

#: i18ndata:86
msgid "Caramel"
msgstr "Карамел"

#: i18ndata:87
msgid "Cascade"
msgstr "Каскада"

#: i18ndata:88
msgid "China"
msgstr "Китай"

#: i18ndata:89
msgid "Coldfire"
msgstr "Угасващ огън"

#: i18ndata:90
msgid "Cool Colors"
msgstr "Студени цветове"

#: i18ndata:91
msgid "Cranes"
msgstr "Жерав"

#: i18ndata:92
msgid "Dark Pastels"
msgstr "Тъмни пастели"

#: i18ndata:94
msgid "DMC"
msgstr "DMC"

#: i18ndata:95
msgid "Ega"
msgstr "Ега"

#: i18ndata:96
msgid "Firecode"
msgstr "Огнен код"

#: i18ndata:97
msgid "Gold"
msgstr "Злато"

#: i18ndata:98
msgid "Grayblue"
msgstr "Сивосиньо"

#: i18ndata:99
msgid "Grays"
msgstr "Сиво"

#: i18ndata:100
msgid "GrayViolet"
msgstr "Сиво виолетово"

#: i18ndata:102
msgid "Hilite"
msgstr "Хайлайт"

#: i18ndata:103
msgid "Khaki"
msgstr "Каки"

#: i18ndata:104
msgid "Lights"
msgstr "Светлини"

#: i18ndata:105
msgid "Madeira"
msgstr "Мадейра"

#: i18ndata:106
msgid "Muted"
msgstr "Приглушени"

#: i18ndata:107
msgid "Named Colors"
msgstr "Цветове по имена"

#: i18ndata:108
msgid "KDE (new)"
msgstr "KDE (нов)"

#: i18ndata:109
msgid "News3"
msgstr "Нови 3"

#: i18ndata:110
msgid "Op2"
msgstr "Op2"

#: i18ndata:111
msgid "Paintjet"
msgstr "Бояджийски пистолет"

#: i18ndata:112
msgid "Pantone_Coated_Approx"
msgstr "Pantone_Coated_Approx"

#: i18ndata:114
msgid "Plasma"
msgstr "Плазма"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 49
#: rc.cpp:1330 i18ndata:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reds"
msgstr "Червено"

#: i18ndata:116
msgid "Reds and Purples"
msgstr "Червено и пурпурно"

#: i18ndata:117
msgid "Royal"
msgstr "Кралски"

#: i18ndata:118
msgid "Topographic"
msgstr "Топографски"

#: i18ndata:119
msgid "Visibone"
msgstr "Визибон"

#: i18ndata:120
msgid "Visibone 2"
msgstr "Визибон 2"

#: i18ndata:121
msgid "Volcano"
msgstr "Вулкан"

#: i18ndata:122
msgid "Warm Colors"
msgstr "Топли цветове"

#: i18ndata:123
msgid "Web"
msgstr "Уеб"

#: i18ndata:124
msgid "animated Confetti"
msgstr "Анимирани конфети"

#: i18ndata:125
msgid "Felt Pen"
msgstr "Филцов химикал"

#: i18ndata:126
msgid "Sparks"
msgstr "Искри"

#: i18ndata:127 i18ndata:128 i18ndata:129
msgid "Pencil Sketch"
msgstr "Скица с молив"

#: i18ndata:130
msgid "Vine"
msgstr "Лоза"

#: i18ndata:131
msgid "square (10x10)"
msgstr "Квадрат (10x10)"

#: i18ndata:132
msgid "square (10x10) blur"
msgstr "Замъглен квадрат (10x10)"

#: i18ndata:133
msgid "Circle (11)"
msgstr "Кръг (11)"

#: i18ndata:134
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (11)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (11)"

#: i18ndata:135
msgid "Circle (13)"
msgstr "Кръг (13)"

#: i18ndata:136
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (13)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (13)"

#: i18ndata:137
msgid "Circle (15)"
msgstr "Кръг (15)"

#: i18ndata:138
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (15)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (15)"

#: i18ndata:139
msgid "Circle (17)"
msgstr "Кръг (17)"

#: i18ndata:140
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (17)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (17)"

#: i18ndata:141
msgid "Circle (19)"
msgstr "Кръг (19)"

#: i18ndata:142
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (19)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (19)"

#: i18ndata:143
msgid "Circle (01)"
msgstr "Кръг (01)"

#: i18ndata:144
msgid "square (20x20)"
msgstr "Квадрат (20x20)"

#: i18ndata:145
msgid "square (20x20) blur"
msgstr "Замъглен квадрат (20x20)"

#: i18ndata:146
msgid "Circle (03)"
msgstr "Кръг (03)"

#: i18ndata:147
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (03)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (03)"

#: i18ndata:148
msgid "Circle (05)"
msgstr "Кръг (05)"

#: i18ndata:149
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (05)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (05)"

#: i18ndata:150
msgid "square (5x5)"
msgstr "Квадрат (5x5)"

#: i18ndata:151
msgid "square (5x5) blur"
msgstr "Замъглен квадрат (5x5)"

#: i18ndata:152
msgid "Circle (07)"
msgstr "Кръг (07)"

#: i18ndata:153
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (07)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (07)"

#: i18ndata:154
msgid "Circle (09)"
msgstr "Кръг (09)"

#: i18ndata:155
msgid "Circle Fuzzy (09)"
msgstr "Неясен кръг (09)"

#: i18ndata:156 i18ndata:157 i18ndata:158 i18ndata:159
msgid "Calligraphic Brush"
msgstr "Калиграфска четка"

#: i18ndata:160
msgid "Confetti"
msgstr "Конфети"

#: i18ndata:161
msgid "Cursor"
msgstr "Курсор"

#: i18ndata:162
msgid "Cursor Big LB"
msgstr "Курсор - голям LB"

#: i18ndata:163
msgid "Cursor Big LW"
msgstr "Курсор - голям LW"

#: i18ndata:164
msgid "Cursor Big RB"
msgstr "Курсор - голям RB"

#: i18ndata:165
msgid "Cursor Big RW"
msgstr "Курсор - голям RW"

#: i18ndata:166
msgid "Cursor LW"
msgstr "Курсор - LW"

#: i18ndata:167
msgid "Cursor Resize Diag1"
msgstr "Курсор - преоразмеряване диаг. 1"

#: i18ndata:168
msgid "Cursor Resize Diag2"
msgstr "Курсор - преоразмеряване диаг. 2"

#: i18ndata:169
msgid "Cursor Resize Hor"
msgstr "Курсор - хориз. преоразмеряване"

#: i18ndata:170
msgid "Cursor Resize Vert"
msgstr "Курсор - верт. преоразмеряване"

#: i18ndata:171
msgid "Cursor RW"
msgstr "Курсор RW"

#: i18ndata:172
msgid "Cursor Small LB"
msgstr "Курсор - малък LB"

#: i18ndata:173
msgid "Cursor Small LW"
msgstr "Курсор - малък LW"

#: i18ndata:174
msgid "Cursor Small RB"
msgstr "Курсор - малък RB"

#: i18ndata:175
msgid "Cursor Small RW"
msgstr "Курсор - малък RW"

#: i18ndata:176
msgid "Cursor Tiny LW"
msgstr "Курсор - мъничък LW"

#: i18ndata:177
msgid "Cursor Tiny RW"
msgstr "Курсор - мъничък RW"

#: i18ndata:178
msgid "Cursor Up"
msgstr "Курсор нагоре"

#: i18ndata:179
msgid "Diagonal Star (11)"
msgstr "Диагонална звезда (11)"

#: i18ndata:180
msgid "Diagonal Star (17)"
msgstr "Диагонална звезда (17)"

#: i18ndata:181
msgid "Diagonal Star (25)"
msgstr "Диагонална звезда (25)"

#: i18ndata:182
msgid "Sand Dunes (AP)"
msgstr "Пясъчни дюни (AP)"

#: i18ndata:183
msgid "Galaxy (AP)"
msgstr "Галактика (AP)"

#: i18ndata:184
msgid "Galaxy, Big"
msgstr "Голяма галактика"

#: i18ndata:185
msgid "Galaxy, Small (AP)"
msgstr "Малка галактика (AP)"

#: i18ndata:186
msgid "Pepper"
msgstr "Пипер"

#: i18ndata:187
msgid "pixel (1x1 square)"
msgstr "Пиксел (квадрат 1x1)"

#: i18ndata:188
msgid "3D Green"
msgstr "3D зелено"

#: i18ndata:189
msgid "Amethyst"
msgstr "Аметист"

#: i18ndata:190
msgid "Tree Bark"
msgstr "Дървесна кора"

#: i18ndata:191
msgid "Big Blue"
msgstr "Много синьо"

#: i18ndata:192
msgid "Blue Grid"
msgstr "Синя мрежа"

#: i18ndata:193
msgid "Blue Squares"
msgstr "Сини квадрати"

#: i18ndata:194
msgid "Blue Web"
msgstr "Синя мрежа"

#: i18ndata:195
msgid "Bricks"
msgstr "Тухли"

#: i18ndata:196
msgid "Burlap"
msgstr "Зебло"

#: i18ndata:197
msgid "Burlwood"
msgstr "Едър"

#: i18ndata:198
msgid "Chocolate Swirl"
msgstr "Шоколадова спирала"

#: i18ndata:199
msgid "Cork board"
msgstr "Коркова дъска"

#: i18ndata:200
msgid "Crack"
msgstr "Пукнатина"

#: i18ndata:201
msgid "Craters"
msgstr "Кратери"

#: i18ndata:202
msgid "Crinkled Paper"
msgstr "Смачкана хартия"

#: i18ndata:203
msgid "Electric Blue"
msgstr "Електрическо синьо"

#: i18ndata:204
msgid "Fibers"
msgstr "Нишки"

#: i18ndata:205
msgid "Granite #1"
msgstr "Гранит #1"

#: i18ndata:206
msgid "Dried mud"
msgstr "Суха кал"

#: i18ndata:207
msgid "Ice"
msgstr "Лед"

#: i18ndata:208
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"

#: i18ndata:209
msgid "Leather"
msgstr "Кожа"

#: i18ndata:210
msgid "Maple Leaves"
msgstr "Кленово листо"

#: i18ndata:211
msgid "Leopard"
msgstr "Леопард"

#: i18ndata:212
msgid "Lightning"
msgstr "Светкавица"

#: i18ndata:213
msgid "Marble #1"
msgstr "Мрамор #1"

#: i18ndata:214
msgid "Marble #2"
msgstr "Мрамор #2"

#: i18ndata:215
msgid "Marble #3"
msgstr "Мрамор #3"

#: i18ndata:216
msgid "One Small Step..."
msgstr "Една малка стъпка..."

#: i18ndata:217
msgid "Nops"
msgstr "Не"

#: i18ndata:218
msgid "Paper"
msgstr "Хартия"

#: i18ndata:219
msgid "Parque #1"
msgstr "Паркет #1"

#: i18ndata:220
msgid "Parque #2"
msgstr "Паркет #2"

#: i18ndata:221
msgid "Parque #3"
msgstr "Паркет #3"

#: i18ndata:222
msgid "Pastel Stuff"
msgstr "Пастел"

#: i18ndata:223
msgid "Pine"
msgstr "Бор"

#: i18ndata:224
msgid "Pink Marble"
msgstr "Розов мрамор"

#: i18ndata:225
msgid "Pool Bottom"
msgstr "Дъно на басейн"

#: i18ndata:226
msgid "Qbert"
msgstr "Qbert"

#: i18ndata:227
msgid "Rain"
msgstr "Дъжд"

#: i18ndata:228
msgid "recessed"
msgstr "издълбан"

#: i18ndata:229
msgid "Red Cubes"
msgstr "Червени кубове"

#: i18ndata:230
msgid "Rocks"
msgstr "Скали"

#: i18ndata:231
msgid "Sky"
msgstr "Небе"

#: i18ndata:232
msgid "Slate"
msgstr "Аспид"

#: i18ndata:233
msgid "Small Squares"
msgstr "Малки квадрати"

#: i18ndata:234
msgid "Starfield"
msgstr "Starfield"

#: i18ndata:235
msgid "Stone"
msgstr "Камък"

#: i18ndata:236
msgid "Stripes Fine"
msgstr "Фини райета"

#: i18ndata:237
msgid "Stripes"
msgstr "Райета"

#: i18ndata:238
msgid "Terra"
msgstr "Земя"

#: i18ndata:239
msgid "Walnut"
msgstr "Орех"

#: i18ndata:240
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Предупреждение!"

#: i18ndata:241
msgid "Wood of some sort"
msgstr "Някакъв вид дърво"

#: i18ndata:242
msgid "Pine?"
msgstr "Бор?"

#: i18ndata:243
msgid "Wood #1"
msgstr "Дърво #1"

#: i18ndata:244
msgid "Wood #2"
msgstr "Дърво #2"

#: i18ndata:245
msgid "Wood"
msgstr "Дърво"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 20
#: rc.cpp:6 rc.cpp:1879
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Resources"
msgstr "&Ресурси"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 43
#: rc.cpp:12 rc.cpp:1885
#, no-c-format
msgid "Grid Spacing"
msgstr "Размер на мрежа"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 61
#: rc.cpp:15 rc.cpp:1825 rc.cpp:1831 rc.cpp:1837 rc.cpp:1843 rc.cpp:1849
#: rc.cpp:1855 rc.cpp:1888 rc.cpp:1927 rc.cpp:1945 rc.cpp:1972
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Image"
msgstr "&Изображение"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 67
#: rc.cpp:18 rc.cpp:1891 rc.cpp:1942
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Layer"
msgstr "&Слой"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 68
#: rc.cpp:21 rc.cpp:1894
#, no-c-format
msgid "New"
msgstr "Нов"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 81
#: rc.cpp:24 rc.cpp:1897
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mask"
msgstr "Маска"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 112
#: rc.cpp:27 rc.cpp:1900
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sele&ct"
msgstr "&Избор"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 125
#: rc.cpp:30 rc.cpp:1903
#, no-c-format
msgid "Filte&r"
msgstr "Фил&тър"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 145
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:1771 rc.cpp:1909
#, no-c-format
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Настройки"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 163
#: rc.cpp:42 rc.cpp:63 rc.cpp:1873 rc.cpp:1915
#, no-c-format
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr "Навигация"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 170
#: rc.cpp:45 rc.cpp:1918 ui/kis_aboutdata.h:31 ui/kis_view.cc:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chalk"
msgstr "Chalk"

#. i18n: file chalk.rc line 174
#: rc.cpp:48 rc.cpp:1921
#, no-c-format
msgid "Brushes and Stuff"
msgstr "Четки и прочие"

#. i18n: file chalk_readonly.rc line 18
#: rc.cpp:57 rc.cpp:793 rc.cpp:1867 rc.cpp:1957
#, no-c-format
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Слой"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerproperties.ui line 29
#: rc.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Opacity:"
msgstr "&Непрозрачност:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerproperties.ui line 45
#: rc.cpp:69 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Composite mode:"
msgstr "Комбиниран режим:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerproperties.ui line 53
#: rc.cpp:72 rc.cpp:197 rc.cpp:375 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:190
#, no-c-format
msgid "Profile:"
msgstr "Профил:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerproperties.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:75 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colorspace:"
msgstr "Цветови обхват:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerproperties.ui line 69
#: rc.cpp:78 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "&Име:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 40
#: rc.cpp:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Cursor shape:"
msgstr "&Форма на курсора:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 49
#: rc.cpp:84
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tool Icon"
msgstr "Инструмент икона"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:87
#, no-c-format
msgid "Crosshair"
msgstr "Сплетена коса"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 59
#: rc.cpp:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "Стрелка"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 64
#: rc.cpp:93
#, no-c-format
msgid "Brush Outline"
msgstr "Външна четка"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Palette Behavior"
msgstr "Поведение на палитра"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 92
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid "Allow &docking"
msgstr "Разрешаване на &отрязване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 100
#: rc.cpp:102
#, no-c-format
msgid "Allow only &floating"
msgstr "Разрешаване само на &местене"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 108
#: rc.cpp:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Allow docking only on &large screens"
msgstr "Разрешаване на местене само за &големи екрани"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggeneralsettings.ui line 126
#: rc.cpp:108
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Palette font size:"
msgstr "Палитра - размер на шрифта:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 44
#: rc.cpp:111 ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:114 ui/kis_view.cc:266
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Цветове"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 87
#: rc.cpp:115 rc.cpp:146 rc.cpp:155
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subdivision:"
msgstr "Подразделение:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 95
#: rc.cpp:118 rc.cpp:125
#, no-c-format
msgid "Main:"
msgstr "Главен:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 120
#: rc.cpp:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Стилове"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 137
#: rc.cpp:128 rc.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Линии"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 142
#: rc.cpp:131 rc.cpp:140
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dashed Lines"
msgstr "Щрихи"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 147
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:143
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dots"
msgstr "Точка"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 374
#: rc.cpp:158
#, no-c-format
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Отместване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 393
#: rc.cpp:161 rc.cpp:609 rc.cpp:682 rc.cpp:769 rc.cpp:1683
#, no-c-format
msgid "X:"
msgstr "X:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdggridsettings.ui line 401
#: rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:612 rc.cpp:688 rc.cpp:784 rc.cpp:1680
#, no-c-format
msgid "Y:"
msgstr "Y:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "New Image"
msgstr "Ново изображение"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 41
#: rc.cpp:173
#, no-c-format
msgid "untitled-1"
msgstr "неозаглавен-1"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 49
#: rc.cpp:176
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Image Size"
msgstr "&Размер на изображение"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 60
#: rc.cpp:179 rc.cpp:752 rc.cpp:778 rc.cpp:1205 rc.cpp:1279
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Height:"
msgstr "&Височина:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 71
#: rc.cpp:182 rc.cpp:1202 rc.cpp:1276
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Width:"
msgstr "&Ширина:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 104
#: rc.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Resolution:"
msgstr "&Разделителна способност:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 115
#: rc.cpp:188 rc.cpp:1264 rc.cpp:1267
#, no-c-format
msgid " dpi"
msgstr " dpi"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 154
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Режим"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 165
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color space:"
msgstr "Цветово пространство:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 215
#: rc.cpp:203
#, no-c-format
msgid "Canvas color:"
msgstr "Цвят на платно:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 231
#: rc.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Описание:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 245
#: rc.cpp:209 rc.cpp:292 rc.cpp:1317 rc.cpp:1614 rc.cpp:1743
#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:184 ui/kis_tool_paint.cc:123
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opacity:"
msgstr "Непрозрачност:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 273
#: rc.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "Transparent"
msgstr "Прозрачен"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:215 rc.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opacity of the background color."
msgstr "Непрозрачността на фоновия цвят."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 310
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opaque"
msgstr "Обратна страна"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgnewimage.ui line 347
#: rc.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Създаване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletsettings.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:227 ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:743
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tablet"
msgstr "Плоча"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletsettings.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:230
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tablet Devices"
msgstr "Устройства за плочи"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletsettings.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:233
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Устройство:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletsettings.ui line 69
#: rc.cpp:236
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Включване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletsettings.ui line 77
#: rc.cpp:239
#, no-c-format
msgid "Configure..."
msgstr "Настройване..."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerbox.ui line 52
#: rc.cpp:242
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blending mode"
msgstr "Режим на преливане"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerbox.ui line 106
#: rc.cpp:246
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create a new layer"
msgstr "Създаване на нов слой"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerbox.ui line 132
#: rc.cpp:250
#, no-c-format
msgid "Move layer down"
msgstr "Преместване на слой надолу"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerbox.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:254
#, no-c-format
msgid "Move layer up"
msgstr "Преместване на слой нагоре"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerbox.ui line 178
#: rc.cpp:257 rc.cpp:487
#, no-c-format
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerbox.ui line 181
#: rc.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "View or change the layer properties"
msgstr "Показване или промяна настройките на слой"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdglayerbox.ui line 224
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete the layer"
msgstr "Изтриване на слой"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgpalettechooser.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:267
#, no-c-format
msgid "Choose Palette"
msgstr "Избор на палитра"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 30
#: rc.cpp:278 ui/kis_gradient_chooser.cc:36 ui/kis_gradient_chooser.cc:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Custom Gradient"
msgstr "Потребителски градиент"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:281
#, no-c-format
msgid "Segment Color"
msgstr "Цвят на сегмент"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 117
#: rc.cpp:284
#, no-c-format
msgid "Left:"
msgstr "Ляво:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 172
#: rc.cpp:288
#, no-c-format
msgid "Right:"
msgstr "Дясно:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 252
#: rc.cpp:295 rc.cpp:298 rc.cpp:1216 rc.cpp:1219 rc.cpp:1290 rc.cpp:1293
#: rc.cpp:1320
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 305
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:242 rc.cpp:301
#, no-c-format
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Линейно"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 310
#: rc.cpp:304
#, no-c-format
msgid "Curved"
msgstr "В криви"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 315
#: rc.cpp:307
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sine"
msgstr "Синус"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 320
#: rc.cpp:310
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sphere Inc."
msgstr "Sphere Inc."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 325
#: rc.cpp:313
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sphere Dec."
msgstr "Sphere Dec."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 342
#: rc.cpp:316 ui/kis_view.cc:3821
#, no-c-format
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "RGB"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 347
#: rc.cpp:319
#, no-c-format
msgid "HSV CW"
msgstr "HSV CW"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautogradient.ui line 352
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "HSV CCW"
msgstr "HSV CCW"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color Settings"
msgstr "Настройки на цветове"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default color model for new images:"
msgstr "Цветови модел по подразбиране за нови изображения:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 64
#: rc.cpp:331 rc.cpp:411 ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:734
#, no-c-format
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Показване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 75
#: rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Monitor profile:"
msgstr "&Профил на монитор:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 81
#: rc.cpp:337
#, no-c-format
msgid "The icm profile for your calibrated monitor."
msgstr "icm профил за вашият калибриран монитор."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 89
#: rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Rendering intent:"
msgstr "&Предаване:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 99
#: rc.cpp:343 rc.cpp:362
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"In converting the image data to be shown on screen you can select different "
"ways in which to handle colors that can not be displayed on a monitor (out of "
"The different rendering intent methods will affect only what is shown on "
"screen, and exporting or printing the image will not be affected.\n"
"<li>Perceptual, shows full gamut. Recommended for photographic images.</li>\n"
"<li>Relative Colorimetric, also called Proof or Preserve Identical Color and "
"White Point.  Reproduces in-gamut colors and clips out-of-gamut colors to the "
"nearest reproducible color.</li>\n"
"<li>Absolute Colorimetric, much like Relative Colorimetric but it sacrificing "
"saturation and possibly lightness for out-of-gamut colors. Rarely of use for "
"photographic images.</li>"
"<li>Saturation, Preserves saturation. Convert from the saturated primary colors "
"in the image to saturated primary colors on screen.</li>"
msgstr ""
"При конвертирането на изображенията можете да избирате различни начини за "
"показване на цветовете, които мониторът не може да показва (извън гамата).\n"
"Различните методи за предаване ще имат ефект само върху онова, което се показва "
"на екрана, а експортирането и печата няма да бъдат засегнати.\n"
"<li>Перцептивно - показва цялата гама. Препоръчително за фотографски "
"<li>Относително цветометрично, наричан още \"Запазващ цвета\", \"Бяла точка\", "
"\"Proof\".  Възпроизвежда цветовете от гамата и променя другите до възможно "
"<li>Абсолютно цветометрично - като предишното, но жертва повече насищане и може "
"би яркост за цветовете извън гамата. Рядко се използва за фотографски "
"<li>Насищане - запазва насищането. Конвертира наситените първични цветове от "
"изображението на екрана.</li>"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 105
#: rc.cpp:350 rc.cpp:664 rc.cpp:976
#, no-c-format
msgid "Perceptual"
msgstr "Перцептивно"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:353
#, no-c-format
msgid "Relative Colorimetric"
msgstr "Относително цветометрично"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 115
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:73
#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:124 rc.cpp:356 rc.cpp:652 rc.cpp:1002
#, no-c-format
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "Насищане"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 120
#: rc.cpp:359
#, no-c-format
msgid "Absolute Colorimetric"
msgstr "Абсолютно цветометрично"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 165
#: rc.cpp:369
#, no-c-format
msgid "Printing"
msgstr "Отпечатване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 194
#: rc.cpp:372
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color model:"
msgstr "Цветови модел:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 208
#: rc.cpp:378
#, no-c-format
msgid "The icm profile for your calibrated printer"
msgstr "icm профил за калибрирания ви принтер"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 218
#: rc.cpp:381
#, no-c-format
msgid "Profile on Paste"
msgstr "Профили за поставяне"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 229
#: rc.cpp:384
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>Select what color profile to add when pasting from external applications "
"that do not use a color profile.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Изберете кой цветови профил да бъде добавян когато поставяте съдържание от "
"други програми.</p>"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 240
#: rc.cpp:387
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use sRGB"
msgstr "Използване на sRGB"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 243
#: rc.cpp:390
#, no-c-format
msgid "sRGB are like images from the web are supposed to be seen."
msgstr "sRGB са както би трябвало да се виждат изображенията от Интернет."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 251
#: rc.cpp:393
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use monitor profile"
msgstr "Използване профила на монитора"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 254
#: rc.cpp:396
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is like you see it in the other application"
msgstr "Както го виждате в другите програми"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 262
#: rc.cpp:399
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ask"
msgstr "Питане"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcolorsettings.ui line 280
#: rc.cpp:402
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use Blackpoint compensation"
msgstr "Компенсиране на черните точки"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgpressuresettings.ui line 41
#: rc.cpp:405
#, no-c-format
msgid "Softer"
msgstr "По-меко"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgpressuresettings.ui line 49
#: rc.cpp:408
#, no-c-format
msgid "Firmer"
msgstr "По-твърдо"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgdisplaysettings.ui line 44
#: rc.cpp:414
#, no-c-format
msgid "OpenGL"
msgstr "OpenGL"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgdisplaysettings.ui line 63
#: rc.cpp:417
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable OpenGL"
msgstr "Включване на OpenGL"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgshapeoptions.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:420
#, no-c-format
msgid "Geometry Options"
msgstr "Опции за геометрия"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgshapeoptions.ui line 50
#: rc.cpp:423
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fill:"
msgstr "Запълване:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgshapeoptions.ui line 56
#: rc.cpp:426
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not Filled"
msgstr "Без запълване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgshapeoptions.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:429
#, no-c-format
msgid "Foreground Color"
msgstr "Цвят на преден план"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgshapeoptions.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:432
#, no-c-format
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Цвят на фон"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgshapeoptions.ui line 71
#: rc.cpp:435
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pattern"
msgstr "Шаблон"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:438
#, no-c-format
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Стил:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:441
#, no-c-format
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "Константа"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:444
#, no-c-format
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Произволно"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 48
#: rc.cpp:447
#, no-c-format
msgid "Incremental"
msgstr "Нарастващо"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 53
#: rc.cpp:450
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pressure"
msgstr "Налягане"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 58
#: rc.cpp:453
#, no-c-format
msgid "Angular"
msgstr "Ъглово"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 76
#: rc.cpp:456
#, no-c-format
msgid "Selection mode:"
msgstr "Режим на маркиране:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 82
#: rc.cpp:459
#, no-c-format
msgid "Regular"
msgstr "Обикновен"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 87
#: rc.cpp:462
#, no-c-format
msgid "Animated"
msgstr "Анимиран"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:465 ui/kis_brush_chooser.cc:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use color as mask"
msgstr "Използване на цвят като маска"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 183
#: rc.cpp:469
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use as Brush"
msgstr "Използване като четка"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustombrush.ui line 191
#: rc.cpp:472
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add to Predefined Brushes"
msgstr "Добавяне към предопределени четки"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtextbrush.ui line 16
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.cc:54
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.cc:100
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.cc:193 rc.cpp:475
#, no-c-format
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtextbrush.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:478
#, no-c-format
msgid "Text:"
msgstr "Текст:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtextbrush.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:481
#, no-c-format
msgid "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
msgstr "Бързата, кафява лисица прескочи мързеливото куче"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtextbrush.ui line 87
#: rc.cpp:484
#, no-c-format
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Шрифт:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompattern.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:491
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Източник:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompattern.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:494
#, no-c-format
msgid "Entire Image"
msgstr "Цяло изображение"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompattern.ui line 129
#: rc.cpp:498
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use as Pattern"
msgstr "Използване като шаблон"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompattern.ui line 148
#: rc.cpp:504
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add to Predefined Patterns"
msgstr "Добавяне към предопределени шаблони"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 41
#: rc.cpp:507 rc.cpp:1376
#, no-c-format
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Преглед"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 101
#: rc.cpp:511
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pr&eview"
msgstr "&Преглед"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 107
#: rc.cpp:514
#, no-c-format
msgid "Preview modified layer"
msgstr "Преглед на променен слой"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 115
#: rc.cpp:517
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ori&ginal"
msgstr "&Оригинал"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:520
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show original layer"
msgstr "Показване на оригинален слой"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 150
#: rc.cpp:525 ui/kobirdeyepanel.cpp:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Намаляване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 164
#: rc.cpp:530 ui/kobirdeyepanel.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Увеличаване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 178
#: rc.cpp:535
#, no-c-format
msgid "1 : 1"
msgstr "1 : 1"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 192
#: rc.cpp:540
#, no-c-format
msgid "Update preview"
msgstr "Обновяване на преглед"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 202
#: rc.cpp:543
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Autoupdate"
msgstr "&Автообновяване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui line 208
#: rc.cpp:546
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically update the preview whenever the filter settings change"
msgstr "Автоматично обновяване на прегледа при промяна на филтър"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautobrush.ui line 40
#: rc.cpp:549
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Size"
msgstr "&Размер"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautobrush.ui line 161
#: rc.cpp:555
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Fade"
msgstr "&Избледняване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautobrush.ui line 310
#: rc.cpp:562 rc.cpp:1541
#, no-c-format
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Кръг"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgautobrush.ui line 315
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:245 rc.cpp:565
#, no-c-format
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Квадрат"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgperformancesettings.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:568
#, no-c-format
msgid "Maximum number of tiles kept in memory:"
msgstr "Максимален брой плочки в паметта:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgperformancesettings.ui line 36
#: rc.cpp:571 rc.cpp:575
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The maximum number of \"tiles\" that are kept in memory. For regular RGBA8 "
"images, each tile is about 16 kB in size. Thus, for a value of 500 tiles this "
"usually means about 8 megabytes are used for image data. If you regularly "
"handle large images, a greater value here might be useful.\n"
"Note that this number is only a guideline for Chalk, and is not guaranteed to "
"be the actual number of tiles in memory."
msgstr ""
"Максимален брой плочки, пазени в паметта. За обикновени RGBA8 изображения всяка "
"плочка е около 16 кБ. Така че за 500 плочки това обикновено значи 8 МБ "
"информация за изображенията. ако редовно обработвате големи изображения, "
"вероятно ще бъде от полза по-голяма стойност.\n"
"Имайте предвид, че броят е само ориентир за Chalk и няма гаранция, че щ бъде "
"действителния брой плочки в паметта."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgperformancesettings.ui line 86
#: rc.cpp:579
#, no-c-format
msgid "Swappiness:"
msgstr "Използване на суап:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgperformancesettings.ui line 89
#: rc.cpp:582
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This configures how much Chalk will use the swap file. If you move the slider "
"all the way to the left, Chalk will not use the swap file at all. If you move "
"it all the way to the right, Chalk will make maximum use of the swap file."
msgstr ""
"Това настройва колко Chalk да използва суап. Преместете плъзгача наляво и Chalk "
"въобще няма да ползва суап. Преместете го надясно и ще бъде обратното."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgperformancesettings.ui line 115
#: rc.cpp:585
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This configures how much Chalk likes to swap. Move the slider to the left, and "
"there is no swapping at all. Move it to the right there is a lot of swapping "
"going on."
msgstr ""
"Това настройва колко Chalk да използва суап. Преместете плъзгача наляво и Chalk "
"въобще няма да ползва суап. Преместете го надясно и ще бъде обратното."

#. i18n: file ./ui/kis_matrix_widget.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:588
#, no-c-format
msgid "Matrix Widget"
msgstr "Инструмент матрица"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompalette.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:591
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Неименувано"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompalette.ui line 37
#: rc.cpp:594
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add New Color..."
msgstr "Добавяне на нов цвят..."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompalette.ui line 48
#: rc.cpp:597
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove Selected Color"
msgstr "Премахване на маркирания цвят"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgcustompalette.ui line 56
#: rc.cpp:600 ui/kis_custom_palette.cc:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add to Predefined Palettes"
msgstr "Добавяне на готови палитри"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletdevicesettings.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:603
#, no-c-format
msgid "Configure Tablet Device"
msgstr "Настройване на таблетно устройство"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletdevicesettings.ui line 44
#: rc.cpp:606
#, no-c-format
msgid "Axes"
msgstr "Оси"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletdevicesettings.ui line 109
#: rc.cpp:615
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pressure:"
msgstr "Налягане:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletdevicesettings.ui line 132
#: rc.cpp:618
#, no-c-format
msgid "X tilt:"
msgstr "Накланяне по X:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletdevicesettings.ui line 155
#: rc.cpp:621
#, no-c-format
msgid "Y tilt:"
msgstr "Накланяне по Y:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgtabletdevicesettings.ui line 178
#: rc.cpp:624
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wheel:"
msgstr "Колело:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:627
#, no-c-format
msgid "Apply Profile"
msgstr "Прилагане на профил"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:630
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Profiles:"
msgstr "&Профили:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 52
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:251 rc.cpp:633
#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:408 ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:409
#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:410 ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:411
#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:412 ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:413
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Без"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 72
#: rc.cpp:636
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The image data you want to paste does not have an ICM profile associated with "
"it. If you do not select a profile, Chalk will assume that the image data is "
"encoded in the import profile defined in the Settings dialog."
msgstr ""
"Изображението, което искате да поставите, не е свързано с ICM профил. Ако не "
"изберете профил, Chalk ще счита, че информацията на изображението е кодирана в "
"профила за импортиране в \"Настройки\"."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 83
#: rc.cpp:639 rc.cpp:972
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Rendering Intent"
msgstr "&Предаване"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 89
#: rc.cpp:643
#, no-c-format
msgid "Rendering intent determines the bias in the color conversion."
msgstr "Предаването определя наклона на цветовото преобразуване."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 100
#: rc.cpp:646 rc.cpp:989
#, no-c-format
msgid "Relative colorimetric"
msgstr "Относително цветометричен"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 103
#: rc.cpp:649
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Within and outside gamut; same as Absolute Colorimetric. White point changed to "
"result in neutral grays."
msgstr ""
"В рамките на извън гама; същото като \"абсолютно цветометричен\". Белите точки "
"са променени, за да се получи неутрално сиво."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 114
#: rc.cpp:655
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Hue and saturation maintained with lightness sacrificed to maintain saturation. "
"White point changed to result in neutral grays. Intended for business graphics "
"(make it colorful charts, graphs, overheads, ...)"
msgstr ""
"Поддръжка на нюанс и насищане за сметка на яркостта. Белите точки са променени, "
"за да се получи неутрално сиво. Направено за бизнес графики (цветни диаграми, "
"графики, ...)"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:658 rc.cpp:1020
#, no-c-format
msgid "Absolute colorimetric"
msgstr "Абсолютно цветометричен"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 125
#: rc.cpp:661
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Within the destination device gamut; hue, lightness and saturation are "
"maintained. Outside the gamut; hue and lightness are maintained, saturation is "
"sacrificed. White point for source and destination; unchanged. Intended for "
"spot colors (Pantone, TruMatch, logo colors, ...)"
msgstr ""
"Нюансът,яркостта и насищането се поддържат в гамата на устройството. Извън нея "
"се поддържат нюансът и насищането за сметка на яркостта. Белите точки остават "
"непроменени. Направено е за цветове (Pantone, TruMatch, logo, ...)"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgapplyprofile.ui line 136
#: rc.cpp:667
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Hue hopefully maintained (but not required), lightness and saturation "
"sacrificed to maintain the perceived color. White point changed to result in "
"neutral grays. Intended for images."
msgstr ""
"Нюансът се поддържа (не е задължително), яркостта и насищането са пожертвани за "
"сметка на възприемания цвят. Белите точки са променени, за да се получи "
"неутрално сиво. Направено за изображения."

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgselectionoptions.ui line 41
#: rc.cpp:670
#, no-c-format
msgid "Action:"
msgstr "Действие:"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgselectionoptions.ui line 52
#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:101 rc.cpp:676
#, no-c-format
msgid "Subtract"
msgstr "Изваждане"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgbirdeye.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:679 ui/kis_view.cc:3808
#, no-c-format
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Преглед"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgbirdeye.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:685 rc.cpp:691
#, no-c-format
msgid "00000"
msgstr "00000"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgbirdeye.ui line 257
#: rc.cpp:695
#, no-c-format
msgid "1:1"
msgstr "1:1"

#. i18n: file ./ui/wdgbirdeye.ui line 260
#: rc.cpp:698
#, no-c-format
msgid "Zoom to 100%"
msgstr "Мащаб 100%"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wet/wdgpressure.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:701
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pressure effects:"
msgstr "Налягане - ефекти:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wet/wdgpressure.ui line 35
#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_brushop.cc:65
#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.cc:70 rc.cpp:704
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Размер"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wet/wdgpressure.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:707
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wetness"
msgstr "Влажност"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wet/wdgpressure.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:710
#, no-c-format
msgid "Strength"
msgstr "Сила"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:713
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Gravity"
msgstr "&Гравитация"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:716
#, no-c-format
msgid "Paint &gravity"
msgstr "Рисуване на &гравитация"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:719
#, no-c-format
msgid "Direction:"
msgstr "Посока:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 52
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:526
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:582 rc.cpp:722
#, no-c-format
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Нагоре"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 62
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:528
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:584 rc.cpp:728
#, no-c-format
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Надолу"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 79
#: rc.cpp:734
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Strength:"
msgstr "&Сила:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 100
#: rc.cpp:737
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Paint"
msgstr "&Рисуване"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 111
#: rc.cpp:740
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Drying rate:"
msgstr "Степен на &изсъхване:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:743
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Liquid content:"
msgstr "&Течно съдържание:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 160
#: rc.cpp:746
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Miscibility:"
msgstr "&Смесваемост:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:749
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Canvas"
msgstr "&Платно"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 211
#: rc.cpp:755
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Absorbency:"
msgstr "&Абсорбиране:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 222
#: rc.cpp:758
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Color:"
msgstr "&Цвят:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/wetsticky/wstool.ui line 233
#: rc.cpp:761
#, no-c-format
msgid "Paint canvas attributes"
msgstr "Атрибути на платното за рисуване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 16
#: core/kis_crop_visitor.h:60 plugins/tools/tool_crop/kis_tool_crop.cc:63
#: plugins/tools/tool_crop/kis_tool_crop.cc:536 rc.cpp:766
#, no-c-format
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Изрязване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 74
#: rc.cpp:772
#, no-c-format
msgid "W&idth:"
msgstr "&Ширина:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 77
#: rc.cpp:775
#, no-c-format
msgid "Will keep the width of the crop constant"
msgstr "Ширината на отрязването ще бъде константа"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 104
#: rc.cpp:781
#, no-c-format
msgid "Will keep the height of the crop constant"
msgstr "Височината на отрязването ще бъде константа"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 131
#: rc.cpp:787
#, no-c-format
msgid "R&atio:"
msgstr "&Съотношение:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 134
#: rc.cpp:790
#, no-c-format
msgid "Will keep the ratio constant"
msgstr "Съотношението ще бъдат константа"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:796 rc.cpp:1924 rc.cpp:1951 rc.cpp:1954 rc.cpp:1990
#, no-c-format
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_crop/wdg_tool_crop.ui line 173
#: plugins/tools/tool_crop/kis_tool_crop.cc:727 rc.cpp:799
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Crop"
msgstr "&Отрязване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_star/wdg_tool_star.ui line 16
#: plugins/tools/tool_star/kis_tool_star.cc:53
#: plugins/tools/tool_star/kis_tool_star.cc:124 rc.cpp:802
#, no-c-format
msgid "Star"
msgstr "Звезда"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_star/wdg_tool_star.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:805 rc.cpp:841
#, no-c-format
msgid "Vertices:"
msgstr "Вертикала:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_star/wdg_tool_star.ui line 73
#: rc.cpp:808 rc.cpp:844
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ratio:"
msgstr "Съотношение:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 16
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:54
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.h:82 rc.cpp:811
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color Picker"
msgstr "Избор на цвят"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 31
#: rc.cpp:814
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sample All Visible Layers"
msgstr "Проба на всички видими слоеве"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 36
#: rc.cpp:817
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current Layer"
msgstr "Текущ слой"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 68
#: rc.cpp:820
#, no-c-format
msgid "Update current color"
msgstr "Актуализиране на текущия цвят"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 84
#: rc.cpp:823
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add to palette:"
msgstr "Добавяне към палитра:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 99
#: rc.cpp:826
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show colors as percentages"
msgstr "Показване на цветовете в проценти"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 115
#: rc.cpp:829
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sample radius:"
msgstr "Радиус на проба:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 134
#: rc.cpp:832
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Канал"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/defaulttools/wdgcolorpicker.ui line 145
#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:125 rc.cpp:835
#, no-c-format
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Стойност"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_curves/wdg_tool_example.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:838
#, no-c-format
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Пример"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_transform/wdg_tool_transform.ui line 16
#: plugins/tools/tool_transform/kis_tool_transform.cc:91
#: plugins/tools/tool_transform/kis_tool_transform.cc:148 rc.cpp:847
#, no-c-format
msgid "Transform"
msgstr "Преобразуване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_transform/wdg_tool_transform.ui line 57
#: rc.cpp:850
#, no-c-format
msgid "Move X:"
msgstr "Преместване Х:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_transform/wdg_tool_transform.ui line 86
#: rc.cpp:853
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scale X:"
msgstr "Мащабиране Х:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_transform/wdg_tool_transform.ui line 125
#: rc.cpp:856
#, no-c-format
msgid "Move Y:"
msgstr "Преместване Y:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_transform/wdg_tool_transform.ui line 154
#: rc.cpp:859
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scale Y:"
msgstr "Мащабиране Y:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/tools/tool_transform/wdg_tool_transform.ui line 179
#: plugins/tools/tool_filter/kis_tool_filter.cc:106 rc.cpp:862 rc.cpp:1228
#, no-c-format
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Филтър:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_dlgbrushcurvecontrol.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:865
#, no-c-format
msgid "Custom Curves"
msgstr "Потребителски криви"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_dlgbrushcurvecontrol.ui line 34
#: rc.cpp:868
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size Curve"
msgstr "Размер на крива"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_dlgbrushcurvecontrol.ui line 53
#: rc.cpp:871 rc.cpp:877 rc.cpp:883
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use custom curve"
msgstr "Използване на потребителска крива"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_dlgbrushcurvecontrol.ui line 78
#: rc.cpp:874
#, no-c-format
msgid "Opacity Curve"
msgstr "Непрозрачна крива"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_dlgbrushcurvecontrol.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:880
#, no-c-format
msgid "Darken Curve"
msgstr "Потъмнявана крива"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 24
#: plugins/viewplugins/variations/dlg_variations.cc:34 rc.cpp:894
#, no-c-format
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "Вариации"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:897 rc.cpp:936 rc.cpp:951
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current Pick"
msgstr "Текущо изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 133
#: rc.cpp:900
#, no-c-format
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Оригинал"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 165
#: rc.cpp:906
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Shadows"
msgstr "&Сенки"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 173
#: rc.cpp:909
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Midtones"
msgstr "&Средни нюанси"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 184
#: rc.cpp:912
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Highlights"
msgstr "&Осветяване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 192
#: rc.cpp:915
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Saturation"
msgstr "&Насищане"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 200
#: rc.cpp:918
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show &clipping"
msgstr "Показване на &изрезка"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 216
#: rc.cpp:921
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fine"
msgstr "Фин"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 224
#: rc.cpp:924 rc.cpp:1183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Coarse"
msgstr "Груб"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 250
#: rc.cpp:927
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Load..."
msgstr "&Зареждане..."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 258
#: rc.cpp:930 rc.cpp:1481
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Save As..."
msgstr "Запис &като..."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 349
#: rc.cpp:933
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lighter"
msgstr "По-светъл"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 433
#: rc.cpp:939
#, no-c-format
msgid "Darker"
msgstr "По-тъмен"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 532
#: rc.cpp:942
#, no-c-format
msgid "More Red"
msgstr "По-червен"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 551
#: rc.cpp:945
#, no-c-format
msgid "More Cyan"
msgstr "Повече циан"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 609
#: rc.cpp:948
#, no-c-format
msgid "More Green"
msgstr "По-зелен"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 764
#: rc.cpp:954
#, no-c-format
msgid "More Yellow"
msgstr "По-жълт"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 864
#: rc.cpp:957
#, no-c-format
msgid "More Magenta"
msgstr "По-пурпурен"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/variations/wdg_variations.ui line 883
#: rc.cpp:960
#, no-c-format
msgid "More Blue"
msgstr "По-син"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 16
#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:95
#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:132
#: rc.cpp:963
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colorspace Conversion"
msgstr "Преобразуване на цветовия обхват"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:966
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Target color space:"
msgstr "&Целева цветова област:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 84
#: rc.cpp:980
#, no-c-format
msgid "For images"
msgstr "За изображения"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 90
#: rc.cpp:983
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Hue hopefully maintained (but not required),\n"
"lightness and saturation sacrificed to maintain\n"
"the perceived color. White point changed to\n"
"result in neutral grays. Intended for images."
msgstr ""
"Нюансът се поддържа (не е задължително),\n"
"яркостта и насищането са пожертвани\n"
"за сметка на възприемания цвят.\n"
"Белите точки са променени,\n"
"за да се получи неутрално сиво.\n"
"Направено за изображения."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:993
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Within and outside gamut; same as Absolute\n"
"Colorimetric. White point changed to result in\n"
"neutral grays.\n"
"If adequate table is present in profile,\n"
"then, it is used. Else reverts to perceptual\n"
msgstr ""
"В рамките на или извън гама, същото като абсолютно\n"
"цветометричен. Белите точки са променени,\n"
"за да се получи неутрално сиво.\n"
"Ако в профила има адекватна таблица,\n"
"тя ще бъде използвана. Иначе ще бъде \"перцептивно\"."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 124
#: rc.cpp:1006
#, no-c-format
msgid "Best for graphs and charts"
msgstr "Най-подходящо за графики и диаграми"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:1009
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Hue and saturation maintained with lightness\n"
"sacrificed to maintain saturation. White point\n"
"changed to result in neutral grays. Intended for\n"
"business graphics (make it colorful charts,\n"
"graphs, overheads, ...)\n"
"If adequate table is present in profile,\n"
"then, it is used. Else reverts to perceptual\n"
msgstr ""
"Нюансът и насищането се поддържат за сметка на яркостта.\n"
"Белите точки са променени, за да се получи неутрално сиво.\n"
"Направено за бизнес графики (цветни диаграми ,графики и др.).\n"
"Ако в профила има адекватна таблица,\n"
"ще бъде използвана тя. Иначе ще бъде \"перцептивно\"."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:1024
#, no-c-format
msgid "Best for spot colours"
msgstr "Най-подходящо за цветове"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 157
#: rc.cpp:1027
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Within the destination device gamut; hue,\n"
"lightness and saturation are maintained. Outside\n"
"the gamut; hue and lightness are maintained,\n"
"saturation is sacrificed. White point for source\n"
"and destination; unchanged. Intended for spot\n"
"colors (Pantone, TruMatch, logo colors, ...)"
msgstr ""
"В рамките на диапазона на устройство се поддържат нюансът,\n"
"яркостта и насищането.\n"
"Извън диапазона се поддържат нюансът и яркостта\n"
"за сметка на насищането; Направено за цветове\n"
"(Pantone, TruMatch, logo colors, ...)"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/wdgconvertcolorspace.ui line 167
#: rc.cpp:1035
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Destination ICM profile:"
msgstr "Про&фил за ICM:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 16
#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/dlg_colorspaceconversion.cc:44
#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/dlg_imagesize.cc:50
#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/imagesize.cc:95 rc.cpp:1038 rc.cpp:1186
#: rc.cpp:1270
#, no-c-format
msgid "Image Size"
msgstr "Размер на изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:1041
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Performance Test"
msgstr "&Тест за производителност"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:1044
#, no-c-format
msgid "Number of tests:"
msgstr "Брой тестове:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 49
#: rc.cpp:1047
#, no-c-format
msgid "bitBlt"
msgstr "bitBlt"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 60
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:53
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:95 rc.cpp:1050
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Запълване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 71
#: rc.cpp:1053 ui/kis_controlframe.cc:125 ui/kis_controlframe.cc:327
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gradients"
msgstr "Градиенти"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 82
#: rc.cpp:1056
#, no-c-format
msgid "setPixel/getPixel"
msgstr "setPixel/getPixel"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:1059
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shapes"
msgstr "Форми"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 104
#: rc.cpp:1062 ui/kis_view.cc:267 ui/kis_view.cc:427
#, no-c-format
msgid "Layers"
msgstr "Слоеве"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 115
#: rc.cpp:1065
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scaling"
msgstr "Мащабиране"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 126
#: rc.cpp:1068
#, no-c-format
msgid "Rotating"
msgstr "Въртене"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 137
#: rc.cpp:1071
#, no-c-format
msgid "Rendering"
msgstr "Интерпретация"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 148
#: rc.cpp:1074
#, no-c-format
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Маркирана област"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 159
#: rc.cpp:1077
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color conversion"
msgstr "Преобразуване на цвят"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 170
#: rc.cpp:1080
#, no-c-format
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Филтри"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 195
#: rc.cpp:1083
#, no-c-format
msgid "Read bytes"
msgstr "Четене на байтове"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 206
#: rc.cpp:1086
#, no-c-format
msgid "Write bytes"
msgstr "Записване на байтове"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 217
#: rc.cpp:1089
#, no-c-format
msgid "Iterators"
msgstr "Повторители"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 228
#: rc.cpp:1092
#, no-c-format
msgid "PaintView"
msgstr "PaintView"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 247
#: rc.cpp:1095
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Select All"
msgstr "&Маркиране на всичко"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 255
#: rc.cpp:1098
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Deselect All"
msgstr "&Размаркиране на всичко"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/wdg_perftest.ui line 265
#: rc.cpp:1101
#, no-c-format
msgid "PaintView (fps)"
msgstr "PaintView (кад/сек.)"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/histogram/wdghistogram.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1107
#, no-c-format
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Метод"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/histogram/wdghistogram.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:1110 rc.cpp:1798
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Linear"
msgstr "&Линейно"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/histogram/wdghistogram.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:1113
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Logarithmic"
msgstr "&Логаритмично"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/histogram/wdghistogram.ui line 90
#: rc.cpp:1116
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Channel:"
msgstr "&Канал:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/histogram/wdghistogram.ui line 147
#: rc.cpp:1119
#, no-c-format
msgid "View:"
msgstr "Изглед:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/histogram/wdghistogram.ui line 163
#: rc.cpp:1122 rc.cpp:1701 rc.cpp:1719
#, no-c-format
msgid "+"
msgstr "+"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/histogram/wdghistogram.ui line 179
#: rc.cpp:1125 rc.cpp:1708 rc.cpp:1712
#, no-c-format
msgid "-"
msgstr "-"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/wdg_shearimage.ui line 16
#: core/kis_image.cc:885 plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/dlg_shearimage.cc:44
#: plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/shearimage.cc:83 rc.cpp:1128
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shear Image"
msgstr "Изрязване на изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/wdg_shearimage.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:1131
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Shear Image"
msgstr "&Изрязване на изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/wdg_shearimage.ui line 44
#: rc.cpp:1134 rc.cpp:1140
#, no-c-format
msgid "°"
msgstr "°"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/wdg_shearimage.ui line 52
#: rc.cpp:1137
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shear angle Y:"
msgstr "Ъгъл на изрязване по Y:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/wdg_shearimage.ui line 80
#: rc.cpp:1143
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shear angle X:"
msgstr "Ъгъл на изрязване по Х:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1146
#, no-c-format
msgid "Custom Canvas Definition"
msgstr "Потребителско платно"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 41
#: rc.cpp:1149
#, no-c-format
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Потребителско"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:1153
#, no-c-format
msgid "Save custom substrate as:"
msgstr "Запис на текущата основа като:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 69
#: rc.cpp:1156
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Pre-defined canvas types:"
msgstr "&Готови платна:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 80
#: rc.cpp:1159
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Basic color:"
msgstr "&Основен цвят:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:1162
#, no-c-format
msgid "Grainy"
msgstr "Сиво"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 130
#: rc.cpp:1165
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Smooth:"
msgstr "&Заглаждане:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 141
#: rc.cpp:1168
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Water repellant:"
msgstr "Во&дно отблъскване:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 160
#: rc.cpp:1171
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Flat:"
msgstr "&Плосък:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 171
#: rc.cpp:1174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fine &fiber:"
msgstr "Фина &нишка:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 182
#: rc.cpp:1177
#, no-c-format
msgid "Rough"
msgstr "Груб"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/substrate/wdgsubstrate.ui line 198
#: rc.cpp:1180
#, no-c-format
msgid "Absorbent"
msgstr "Абсорбент"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 102
#: rc.cpp:1190
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Resize"
msgstr "&Преоразмеряване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 110
#: rc.cpp:1193
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Crop layers on image resize"
msgstr "&Изрязване на слоевете при преоразмеряване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:1196
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Scale"
msgstr "&Мащаб"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 151
#: rc.cpp:1199 rc.cpp:1273
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Pixel Dimensions"
msgstr "Размери на &пиксел"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 226
#: rc.cpp:1210 rc.cpp:1284
#, no-c-format
msgid "Original:"
msgstr "Оригинал:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 234
#: rc.cpp:1213 rc.cpp:1287
#, no-c-format
msgid "&New:"
msgstr "&Нов:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 284
#: rc.cpp:1222 rc.cpp:1296
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Percent:"
msgstr "&Процент:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_imagesize.ui line 295
#: rc.cpp:1225 rc.cpp:1299
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Constrain proportions"
msgstr "&Запазване нa пропорциите"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:1231 rc.cpp:1249
#, no-c-format
msgid "Image Resolution"
msgstr "Разделителна способност на изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:1234
#, no-c-format
msgid "Print Size"
msgstr "Размер на печат"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:1237
#, no-c-format
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Височина:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:1240
#, no-c-format
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Ширина:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:1243 rc.cpp:1246
#, no-c-format
msgid " \""
msgstr " \""

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 83
#: rc.cpp:1252
#, no-c-format
msgid "Screen resolution:"
msgstr "Разделителна способност на екрана:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 97
#: rc.cpp:1255
#, no-c-format
msgid "100"
msgstr "100"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 108
#: rc.cpp:1258
#, no-c-format
msgid "Image Y resolution:"
msgstr "Разделителна способност по Y:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_resolution.ui line 116
#: rc.cpp:1261
#, no-c-format
msgid "Image X resolution:"
msgstr "Разделителна способност по X:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/wdg_layersize.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:1302
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Filter:"
msgstr "&Филтър:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/wdg_dropshadow.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1305
#, no-c-format
msgid "Offset X:"
msgstr "Отместване по Х:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/wdg_dropshadow.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:1308
#, no-c-format
msgid "Offset Y:"
msgstr "Отместване по Y:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/wdg_dropshadow.ui line 40
#: rc.cpp:1311
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blur radius:"
msgstr "Радиус на замъгляне:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/wdg_dropshadow.ui line 48
#: rc.cpp:1314 rc.cpp:1729 rc.cpp:1736
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color:"
msgstr "Цвят:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/wdg_dropshadow.ui line 92
#: rc.cpp:1323
#, no-c-format
msgid "Allow resizing"
msgstr "Преоразмеряване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 16
#: plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/dlg_colorrange.cc:178
#: plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/dlg_colorrange.cc:188
#: plugins/viewplugins/substrate/dlg_substrate.cc:29
#: plugins/viewplugins/variations/dlg_variations.cc:29 rc.cpp:1327
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color Range"
msgstr "Цветови обхват"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 54
#: rc.cpp:1333
#, no-c-format
msgid "Yellows"
msgstr "Жълто"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 64
#: rc.cpp:1339
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cyans"
msgstr "Циан"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 74
#: rc.cpp:1345
#, no-c-format
msgid "Magentas"
msgstr "Пурпурен"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 79
#: rc.cpp:1348
#, no-c-format
msgid "Highlights"
msgstr "Осветяване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 84
#: rc.cpp:1351
#, no-c-format
msgid "Midtones"
msgstr "Средни нюанси"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 89
#: rc.cpp:1354
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shadows"
msgstr "Сенки"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 94
#: rc.cpp:1357
#, no-c-format
msgid "Out of Gamut"
msgstr "Извън цветовия диапазон"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 106
#: plugins/filters/example/example.cc:63 rc.cpp:1360
#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:147
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Invert"
msgstr "&Инвертиране"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 127
#: rc.cpp:1364
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add to current selection"
msgstr "&Добавяне към текущо маркираното"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:1367
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Subtract from current selection"
msgstr "&Изваждане от текущо маркираното"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:1370 rc.cpp:1960 rc.cpp:1987
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Select"
msgstr "&Маркиране"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui line 166
#: rc.cpp:1373
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Deselect"
msgstr "&Размаркиране"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 16
#: core/kis_image.cc:833 plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/dlg_rotateimage.cc:44
#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:89 rc.cpp:1379
#, no-c-format
msgid "Rotate Image"
msgstr "Въртене на изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:1382
#, no-c-format
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Посока"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 127
#: rc.cpp:1385
#, no-c-format
msgid "C&lockwise"
msgstr "По &часовниковата стрелка"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 138
#: rc.cpp:1388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cou&nter-clockwise"
msgstr "Обратно на часов&никовата стрелка"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 148
#: rc.cpp:1391
#, no-c-format
msgid "Angle"
msgstr "Ъгъл"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 159
#: rc.cpp:1394
#, no-c-format
msgid "90 &degrees"
msgstr "90 граду&са"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 167
#: rc.cpp:1397
#, no-c-format
msgid "180 d&egrees"
msgstr "180 &градуса"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 175
#: rc.cpp:1400
#, no-c-format
msgid "270 de&grees"
msgstr "270 гра&дуса"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/wdg_rotateimage.ui line 191
#: rc.cpp:1403
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Custom:"
msgstr "&Потребителско:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/wdg_border_selection.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1406
#, no-c-format
msgid "Border selection by"
msgstr "Маркиране на граници по"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/wdg_border_selection.ui line 44
#: rc.cpp:1409 rc.cpp:1415 rc.cpp:1424
#, no-c-format
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "пиксели"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/wdg_shrink_selection.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1412
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shrink selection by"
msgstr "Свиване на маркираното с"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/wdg_shrink_selection.ui line 56
#: rc.cpp:1418
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shrink from image border"
msgstr "Свиване от контура на изображението"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/wdg_grow_selection.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1421
#, no-c-format
msgid "Grow selection by"
msgstr "Увеличаване на маркираното с"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1427
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output to color, not grayscale"
msgstr "Цветен резултат, не сива гама"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:1430
#, no-c-format
msgid "Downscale to 8-bit before separating"
msgstr "Понижаване до 8-бита преди разделяне"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 40
#: rc.cpp:1433
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alpha Options"
msgstr "Опции за Alpha"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 51
#: rc.cpp:1436
#, no-c-format
msgid "Copy alpha channel to each separated channel as an alpha channel"
msgstr "Копиране на алфа канала във всеки отделен канал като в алфа канал"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 59
#: rc.cpp:1439
#, no-c-format
msgid "Discard alpha channel"
msgstr "Отхвърляне на алфа канал"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 70
#: rc.cpp:1442
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create separate separation from alpha channel"
msgstr "Създаване на отделен от алфа канала"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 97
#: rc.cpp:1445
#, no-c-format
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Източник"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 108
#: rc.cpp:1448
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current layer"
msgstr "Текущ слой"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 119
#: rc.cpp:1451
#, no-c-format
msgid "Flatten all layers before separation"
msgstr "Обединяване на видимите слоеве преди разделяне"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 129
#: rc.cpp:1454
#, no-c-format
msgid "Output"
msgstr "Резултат"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 140
#: rc.cpp:1457
#, no-c-format
msgid "To layers"
msgstr "В слоеве"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 151
#: rc.cpp:1460
#, no-c-format
msgid "To images"
msgstr "В изображения"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/wdg_separations.ui line 169
#: rc.cpp:1464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Current color model:"
msgstr "Текущ цветови модел:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 33
#: rc.cpp:1467
#, no-c-format
msgid "Thumbnail of the current snapshot"
msgstr "Умалено копие на текущата снимка"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:1470
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This is a thumbnail of the current snapshot.\n"
"The image can be dragged to another application or document to copy the full "
"screenshot there. Try it with the Konqueror file manager."
msgstr ""
"Това е умалено копие на текущата снимка.\n"
"Изображението може да бъде изтеглено в друго приложение или документ, за да "
"бъде копирана цялата снимка на екрана. Опитайте с мениджъра на файлове "

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:1475
#, no-c-format
msgid "&New Snapshot"
msgstr "&Нова снимка"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 52
#: rc.cpp:1478
#, no-c-format
msgid "Click this button to take a new snapshot."
msgstr "Натиснете бутона, за да направите нова снимка."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 66
#: rc.cpp:1484
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Click this button to save the current snapshot. To quickly save the snapshot "
"without showing the file dialog, press Ctrl+Shift+S. The filename is "
"automatically incremented after each save."
msgstr ""
"Натиснете този бутон, за да направите снимка. За бърза снимка без показване на "
"прозорец. натиснете Ctrl+Shift+S. Името на файла автоматично се увеличава с 1 "
"след всеки запис."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 97
#: rc.cpp:1490
#, no-c-format
msgid "Click this button to print the current screenshot."
msgstr "Натиснете бутона, за да разпечатате текущата снимка на екрана."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 119
#: rc.cpp:1493
#, no-c-format
msgid " sec"
msgstr " сек"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:1496
#, no-c-format
msgid "No delay"
msgstr "Без закъснение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 125
#: rc.cpp:1499
#, no-c-format
msgid "Snapshot delay in seconds"
msgstr "Закъснение в секунди за снимка"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:1502
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This is the number of seconds to wait after clicking the <i>New Snapshot</i> "
"button before taking the snapshot.\n"
"This is very useful for getting windows, menus and other items on the screen "
"set up just the way you want.\n"
"If <i>no delay</i> is set, the program will wait for a mouse click before "
"taking a snapshot.\n"
msgstr ""
"Секундите, които ще се изчака след натискането на бутона <i>Нова снимка</i> "
"преди направата и.\n"
"Намира приложение при настройката на прозорци, менюта и други елементи на "
"екрана, точно по начина по който искате.\n"
"Ако е зададено <i>Без закъснение</i>, програмата ще изчака за щракване с "
"мишката преди направата на снимката.\n"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 143
#: rc.cpp:1512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Snapshot &delay:"
msgstr "&Закъснение при снимане:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 154
#: rc.cpp:1515
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cap&ture mode:"
msgstr "&Обхват:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 182
#: rc.cpp:1518
#, no-c-format
msgid "Include &window decorations"
msgstr "Включително декорацията на прозор&ците"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 188
#: rc.cpp:1521
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"When enabled, snapshot of a window will also include the window decorations"
msgstr "Ако е включено, снимката на прозорец ще включи също и декорацията му"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 194
#: rc.cpp:1524
#, no-c-format
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Цял екран"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 199
#: rc.cpp:1527
#, no-c-format
msgid "Window Under Cursor"
msgstr "Прозорец под показалеца"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 204
#: rc.cpp:1530
#, no-c-format
msgid "Region"
msgstr "Област"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshotwidget.ui line 215
#: rc.cpp:1533
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<qt>Using this menu, you can select from the three following snapshot modes:\n"
"<b>Full Screen</b> - captures the entire desktop."
"<b>Window Under Cursor</b> - captures only the window (or menu) that is under "
"the mouse cursor when the snapshot is taken."
"<b>Region</b> - captures only the region of the desktop that you specify. When "
"taking a new snapshot in this mode you will be able to select any area of the "
"screen by clicking and dragging the mouse.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Използвайки това меню, можете да изберете между следните три режима на "
"<b>Цял екран</b> - улавя цялата работна площ."
"<b>Прозореца под показалеца</b> - улавя само прозореца (или меню) който е под "
"показалеца на мишката при направа на снимката."
"<b>Област</b> - улавя само посочената област от работния плот. Когато правите "
"снимка в този режим, ще можете да маркирате област от екрана щраквайки и "
"изтегляйки с мишката.</p></qt>"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/blur/wdgblur.ui line 109
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_rectangle.cc:45
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_rectangle.cc:133 rc.cpp:1544
#, no-c-format
msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Правоъгълник"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/blur/wdgblur.ui line 121
#: rc.cpp:1547
#, no-c-format
msgid "Angle:"
msgstr "Ъгъл:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/blur/wdgblur.ui line 132
#: rc.cpp:1551
#, no-c-format
msgid "Strength:"
msgstr "Сила:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/blur/wdgblur.ui line 168
#: rc.cpp:1554
#, no-c-format
msgid "Half-width:"
msgstr "Полу широчина:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/blur/wdgblur.ui line 176
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:234 rc.cpp:1557 rc.cpp:1638
#: rc.cpp:1659
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shape:"
msgstr "Форма:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/blur/wdgblur.ui line 195
#: rc.cpp:1560
#, no-c-format
msgid "Half-height:"
msgstr "Полу височина:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:1563
#, no-c-format
msgid "CImg Configuration"
msgstr "Настройване на CImg"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:1566
#, no-c-format
msgid "Warning: this filter may take a long time."
msgstr "Предупреждение: филтрирането може да отнеме много време."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 57
#: rc.cpp:1569
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Mathematical Precision"
msgstr "&Математическа точност"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 68
#: rc.cpp:1572
#, no-c-format
msgid "Angular step:"
msgstr "Ъглова стъпка:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 118
#: rc.cpp:1575
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Normalize picture"
msgstr "&Нормализиране на изображение"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 129
#: rc.cpp:1578
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Use linear interpolation"
msgstr "&Използване на линейна интерполация"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 140
#: rc.cpp:1581
#, no-c-format
msgid "Integral step:"
msgstr "Интегрална стъпка:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 148
#: rc.cpp:1584
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gaussian:"
msgstr "Гаусов:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:1587
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Smoothing"
msgstr "&Заглаждане"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 213
#: rc.cpp:1590
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blurring iterations:"
msgstr "Повторения за замъгляне:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 221
#: rc.cpp:1593
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blur:"
msgstr "Замъглен:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 229
#: rc.cpp:1596
#, no-c-format
msgid "Time step:"
msgstr "Времева стъпка:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 237
#: rc.cpp:1599
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gradient factor:"
msgstr "Градиентен фактор:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/cimg/wdg_cimg.ui line 245
#: rc.cpp:1602
#, no-c-format
msgid "Detail factor:"
msgstr "Детайлен фактор:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/kis_custom_convolution_filter_configuration_base_widget.ui line 16
#: rc.cpp:1605
#, no-c-format
msgid "Custom Convolution Filter Configuration Widget"
msgstr "Custom Convolution Filter Configuration Widget"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/kis_custom_convolution_filter_configuration_base_widget.ui line 48
#: rc.cpp:1608
#, no-c-format
msgid "Factor:"
msgstr "Фактор:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/kis_custom_convolution_filter_configuration_base_widget.ui line 94
#: rc.cpp:1611
#, no-c-format
msgid "Offset:"
msgstr "Отместване:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/noisefilter/wdgnoiseoptions.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:1617 rc.cpp:1740
#, no-c-format
msgid "Level:"
msgstr "Ниво:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/wavefilter/wdgwaveoptions.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:1620
#, no-c-format
msgid "Horizontal Wave"
msgstr "Хоризонтална вълна"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/wavefilter/wdgwaveoptions.ui line 72
#: rc.cpp:1623 rc.cpp:1644
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wavelength:"
msgstr "Дължина на вълната:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/wavefilter/wdgwaveoptions.ui line 94
#: rc.cpp:1626 rc.cpp:1647
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shift:"
msgstr "Превключване:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/wavefilter/wdgwaveoptions.ui line 116
#: rc.cpp:1629 rc.cpp:1650
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amplitude:"
msgstr "Амплитуда:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/wavefilter/wdgwaveoptions.ui line 136
#: rc.cpp:1632 rc.cpp:1653
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sinusoidale"
msgstr "Синусоидален"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/wavefilter/wdgwaveoptions.ui line 141
#: rc.cpp:1635 rc.cpp:1656
#, no-c-format
msgid "Triangle"
msgstr "Триъгълник"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/wavefilter/wdgwaveoptions.ui line 163
#: rc.cpp:1641
#, no-c-format
msgid "Vertical Wave"
msgstr "Вертикална вълна"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui line 36
#: plugins/filters/levelfilter/kis_level_filter.h:64 rc.cpp:1662
#, no-c-format
msgid "Levels"
msgstr "Нива"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui line 50
#: rc.cpp:1665
#, no-c-format
msgid "Logarithmic"
msgstr "Логаритмично"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui line 58
#: rc.cpp:1668
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Input levels</b>"
msgstr "<b>Входящи нива</b>"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui line 149
#: rc.cpp:1671
#, no-c-format
msgid "1.0"
msgstr "1.0"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui line 192
#: rc.cpp:1674
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>Output levels</b>"
msgstr "<b>Изходящи нива</b>"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/wdglenscorrectionoptions.ui line 61
#: rc.cpp:1677
#, no-c-format
msgid "Distortion Correction"
msgstr "Корекция на разсейването"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/wdglenscorrectionoptions.ui line 150
#: rc.cpp:1686
#, no-c-format
msgid "Near center:"
msgstr "До центъра:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/wdglenscorrectionoptions.ui line 158
#: rc.cpp:1689
#, no-c-format
msgid "Near edges:"
msgstr "До краищата:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/wdglenscorrectionoptions.ui line 166
#: rc.cpp:1692
#, no-c-format
msgid "Center:"
msgstr "Център:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/wdglenscorrectionoptions.ui line 198
#: rc.cpp:1695
#, no-c-format
msgid "Brightness correction:"
msgstr "Корекция на яркостта:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/colorsfilters/wdg_brightness_contrast.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:1698 rc.cpp:1723
#, no-c-format
msgid "BrightnessCon"
msgstr "BrightnessCon"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/colorsfilters/wdg_brightness_contrast.ui line 194
#: rc.cpp:1705
#, no-c-format
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Контраст"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/colorsfilters/wdg_brightness_contrast.ui line 227
#: rc.cpp:1716
#, no-c-format
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "Яркост"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/colorsfilters/wdg_perchannel.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:1726
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "Канал:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/colors/wdgcolortoalphabase.ui line 85
#: rc.cpp:1733 rc.cpp:1752
#, no-c-format
msgid "Threshold:"
msgstr "Праг:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/randompickfilter/wdgrandompickoptions.ui line 88
#: rc.cpp:1746
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size of the window:"
msgstr "Размер на прозореца:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/unsharp/wdgunsharp.ui line 44
#: rc.cpp:1749
#, no-c-format
msgid "Half-size:"
msgstr "Полу размер:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/unsharp/wdgunsharp.ui line 74
#: rc.cpp:1755
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "Брой:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/fastcolortransfer/wdgfastcolortransfer.ui line 35
#: rc.cpp:1758
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference image:"
msgstr "Изображение:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/fastcolortransfer/wdgfastcolortransfer.ui line 43
#: rc.cpp:1761
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Filename of the image whose tones and color you want to transfer to the current "
msgstr ""
"Име на изображението, от което искате да прехвърлите тонове и цветове към "
"текущия слой."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 50
#: rc.cpp:1764
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Bumpmapping</b> is a process where two layers are \n"
"combined to give one layer the illusion of <i>depth</i>. One layer \n"
"will contain your image, the other a grayscale or black-and-white\n"
"representation of height, which is the bumpmap. If you do not specify a "
"layer, the current layer will be used."
msgstr ""
"<b>Bumpmapping</b> е процес при който се комбинират два\n"
"слоя за постигане на илюзия за <i>дълбочина</i> в единия.\n"
"Единият слой ще съдържа вашето изображения, а другият - \n"
"черно-бяла рамка за височина: това е Bumpmap.\n"
"Ако не посочите bumpmap слой, ще бъде използван този."

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 111
#: rc.cpp:1774
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Elevation:"
msgstr "&Повдигане:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 122
#: rc.cpp:1777
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Depth:"
msgstr "&Дълбочина:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 147
#: rc.cpp:1780
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Azimuth:"
msgstr "&Азимут:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 182
#: rc.cpp:1783
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Water level:"
msgstr "Во&дно ниво:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 193
#: rc.cpp:1786
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Ambient light:"
msgstr "&Мека светлина:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 212
#: rc.cpp:1789
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Y offset:"
msgstr "Отместване по &Y:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 223
#: rc.cpp:1792
#, no-c-format
msgid "&X offset:"
msgstr "Отместване по &X:"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 247
#: rc.cpp:1795
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Type"
msgstr "&Тип"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 269
#: rc.cpp:1801
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Spherical"
msgstr "&Сферичен"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 277
#: rc.cpp:1804
#, no-c-format
msgid "S&inusoidal"
msgstr "С&инусоидален"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 298
#: rc.cpp:1810
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Compensate for darkening"
msgstr "&Компенсиране за потъмняване"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 309
#: rc.cpp:1813
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Tile bumpmap"
msgstr "&Слагане на Bumpmap"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 317
#: rc.cpp:1816
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nvert bumpmap"
msgstr "&Обръщане на bumpmap"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/filters/bumpmap/wdgbumpmap.ui line 335
#: rc.cpp:1819
#, no-c-format
msgid "Bumpmap layer:"
msgstr "Bumpmap слой:"

#. i18n: file ./colorspaces/cmyk_u8/cmykplugin.rc line 4
#: rc.cpp:1828 rc.cpp:1834 rc.cpp:1840 rc.cpp:1846 rc.cpp:1852 rc.cpp:1858
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Mode"
msgstr "&Режим"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.rc line 7
#: rc.cpp:1930 rc.cpp:1948 rc.cpp:1963 rc.cpp:1978
#, no-c-format
msgid "La&yer"
msgstr "Сл&ой"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/filtersgallery/chalkfiltersgallery.rc line 4
#: rc.cpp:1936
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Filter"
msgstr "&Филтър"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/selectopaque/selectopaque.rc line 4
#: rc.cpp:1939 rc.cpp:1969
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Избор"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/dropshadow.rc line 6
#: rc.cpp:1966
#, no-c-format
msgid "Layer Effects"
msgstr "Ефекти на слой"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.rc line 5
#: rc.cpp:1975 rc.cpp:1981
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Rotate"
msgstr "&Въртене"

#. i18n: file ./plugins/viewplugins/scripting/scripting.rc line 4
#: rc.cpp:1984
#, no-c-format
msgid "S&cripts"
msgstr "&Скриптове"

#: ui/kis_doc.cc:107
msgid "Rename Image"
msgstr "Преименуване на изображение"

#: ui/kis_doc.cc:267
#, c-format
msgid "Image %1"
msgstr "Изображение %1"

#: ui/kis_doc.cc:271
msgid "No colorspace modules loaded: cannot run Chalk"
msgstr "Няма заредени модули за цветови обхват: грешка при стартиране на Chalk"

#: ui/kis_perspective_grid_manager.cpp:60
msgid "Show Perspective Grid"
msgstr "Показване на мрежа (перспектива)"

#: ui/kis_perspective_grid_manager.cpp:61
msgid "Hide Perspective Grid"
msgstr "Скриване на мрежа (перспектива)"

#: ui/kis_perspective_grid_manager.cpp:63
msgid "Clear Perspective Grid"
msgstr "Изчистване на мрежа (перспектива)"

#: ui/kis_perspective_grid_manager.cpp:94
msgid ""
"Before displaying the perspective grid, you need to initialize it with the "
"perspective grid tool"
msgstr ""
"Преди да се покаже мрежата (перспектива) трябва да я стартирате с \"Инструмент "
"мрежа (перспектива)\""

#: ui/kis_perspective_grid_manager.cpp:94
msgid "No Perspective Grid to Display"
msgstr "Няма мрежа (за показване) за показване"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:73
msgid "Create new layer"
msgstr "Създаване на нов слой"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:75
msgid "Remove current layer"
msgstr "Изтриване текущия слой"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:77
msgid "Raise current layer"
msgstr "Издигане на текущия слой"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:81
msgid "Lower current layer"
msgstr "Снижаване на текущия слой"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:83
msgid "Properties for layer"
msgstr "Информация за слой"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:91
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Видим"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:94
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Заключен"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:123 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:68
msgid "&New Layer..."
msgstr "&Нов слой..."

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:124 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:69
msgid "New &Group Layer..."
msgstr "Нов &групов слой..."

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:125 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:70
msgid "New &Adjustment Layer..."
msgstr "Нов слой за &настройки..."

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:126 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:41 ui/kis_layerlist.cc:71
msgid "New &Object Layer"
msgstr "Нов слой на &обект"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:597
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find %1"
msgstr "%1 не може да бъде открит"

#: ui/kis_layerbox.cc:598
msgid "Canvas"
msgstr "Платно"

#: ui/kis_dlg_image_properties.cc:51 ui/kis_view.cc:606
msgid "Image Properties"
msgstr "Информация за изображението"

#: ui/kis_gradient_chooser.cc:47
msgid "Custom Gradient..."
msgstr "Потребителски градиент..."

#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:386
#, c-format
msgid "Configure %1"
msgstr "Настройване на %1"

#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:551
msgid "No devices detected"
msgstr "Не са открити устройства"

#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:727
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Настройки"

#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:731
msgid "General"
msgstr "Общи"

#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:737
msgid "Color Management"
msgstr "Управление на цветовете"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:126 ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:737
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Цвят"

#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:740
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "Производителност"

#: ui/kis_dlg_preferences.cc:746
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Мрежа"

#: ui/kis_tool_factory.h:36
msgid "Abstract Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент абстрактност"

#: ui/kis_tool_dummy.h:79
msgid "Dummy Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент манекен"

#: ui/kis_paintop_box.cc:56
msgid "Painter's Toolchest"
msgstr "Инструменти за рисуване"

#: ui/kis_paintop_box.cc:63
msgid "Styles of painting for the painting tools"
msgstr "Стил на рисуващите инструменти"

#: ui/kis_filters_listview.cc:154
msgid "Filters List"
msgstr "Списък с филтри"

#: ui/kis_previewwidget.cc:151 ui/kis_previewwidget.cc:213
msgid "Preview: "
msgstr "Преглед: "

#: ui/kis_previewwidget.cc:215
msgid "Original: "
msgstr "Оригинал: "

#: ui/kis_previewwidget.cc:225
msgid "Preview (needs update)"
msgstr "Преглед (необходимо е обновяване)"

#: ui/kis_part_layer.cc:63
msgid "Embedded Document"
msgstr "Вграден документ"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:99
msgid "Adjust"
msgstr "Регулиране"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:104
msgid "Artistic"
msgstr "Артистичен"

#: plugins/filters/blur/kis_blur_filter.h:37 ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:109
msgid "Blur"
msgstr "Замъглен"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:119
msgid "Decor"
msgstr "Интериор"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:124
msgid "Edge Detection"
msgstr "Откриване на ръбове"

#: plugins/filters/embossfilter/kis_emboss_filter.h:45
#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:129
msgid "Emboss"
msgstr "Щамповане"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:134
msgid "Enhance"
msgstr "Допълване"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:139
msgid "Map"
msgstr "Карта"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:144
msgid "Non-photorealistic"
msgstr "Нефотореалистичен"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:149 ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:180
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Други"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:155 ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:212
#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:215 ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:273
#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:277
msgid "Apply Filter Again"
msgstr "Прилагане на филтър отново"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:322
msgid ""
"The %1 filter will convert your %2 data to 16-bit L*a*b* and vice versa. "
msgstr "Филтърът %1 ще преобразува данни %2 в 16-битов L*a*b* и т.н. "

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:325 ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:335
msgid "Filter Will Convert Your Layer Data"
msgstr "Филтърът ще преобразува данните на слоя"

#: ui/kis_filter_manager.cc:332
msgid "The %1 filter will convert your %2 data to 8-bit RGBA and vice versa. "
msgstr "Филтър %1 ще преобразува данни %2 в 8-битов RGBA и т.н. "

#: ui/kis_dlg_layer_properties.cc:50
msgid "Layer Properties"
msgstr "Настройки на слой"

#: ui/layerlist.cpp:301
msgid ""
"Right-click to create folders. Click on the layername to change the layer's "
"name. Click and drag to move layers."
msgstr ""
"Щракнете с десния бутон на мишката, за да създадете директория.За да смените "
"името на слоя, щракнете върху него. Можете да премествате слоевете чрез "

#: ui/layerlist.cpp:736
msgid "&Properties"
msgstr "&Информация"

#: ui/layerlist.cpp:739
msgid "Remove Layers"
msgstr "Премахване на слоеве"

#: ui/layerlist.cpp:740
msgid "&Remove Folder"
msgstr "&Премахване на директория"

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:52 ui/layerlist.cpp:741
msgid "&Remove Layer"
msgstr "&Премахване на слой"

#: ui/layerlist.cpp:743
msgid "&New Layer"
msgstr "&Нов слой"

#: ui/layerlist.cpp:744
msgid "New &Folder"
msgstr "Нова &директория"

#: ui/layerlist.cpp:1228 ui/layerlist.cpp:1230
msgid "%1:"
msgstr "%1:"

#: ui/kis_aboutdata.h:33
msgid "KOffice image manipulation application"
msgstr "Програма за обработка на изображения (KOffice)"

#: ui/kis_aboutdata.h:35
msgid ""
"(c) 1999-2006 The Chalk team.\n"
msgstr ""
"(c) 1999-2006, Екипът на Chalk.\n"

#: ui/kis_gradient_slider_widget.cc:42
msgid "Split Segment"
msgstr "Разделяне на сегмент"

#: ui/kis_gradient_slider_widget.cc:43
msgid "Duplicate Segment"
msgstr "Дублиране на сегмент"

#: ui/kis_gradient_slider_widget.cc:44
msgid "Mirror Segment"
msgstr "Отразяване на сегмент"

#: ui/kis_gradient_slider_widget.cc:45
msgid "Remove Segment"
msgstr "Премахване на сегмент"

#: ui/kis_dlg_new_layer.cc:53
msgid "New Layer"
msgstr "Нов слой"

#: ui/kis_birdeye_box.cc:202
msgid "Exposure:"
msgstr "Експозиция:"

#: ui/kis_birdeye_box.cc:208
msgid "Select the exposure (stops) for HDR images"
msgstr "Изберете експозиция (спиране) за HDR изображения"

#: ui/kis_dlg_apply_profile.cc:41
msgid "Apply Image Profile to Clipboard Data"
msgstr "Прилагане профила на изображението към данните в буфера"

#: ui/kis_tool.cc:59
#, c-format
msgid "No options for %1."
msgstr "Няма опции за %1."

#: ui/kis_brush_chooser.cc:33
msgid "Spacing:"
msgstr "Интервал:"

#: ui/kis_dlg_adj_layer_props.cc:100 ui/kis_dlg_adjustment_layer.cc:82
msgid "Layer name:"
msgstr "Име на слой:"

#: ui/kis_dlg_adj_layer_props.cc:116 ui/kis_dlg_adjustment_layer.cc:103
msgid "No configuration options are available for this filter"
msgstr "Няма опции за настройване на този филтър"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:103
msgid "Brush Shapes"
msgstr "Форми на четка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_brush.cc:116 ui/kis_controlframe.cc:106
msgid "&Brush"
msgstr "&Четка"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:115
msgid "Fill Patterns"
msgstr "Шаблони за запълване"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:117
msgid "&Patterns"
msgstr "&Шаблони"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:127
msgid "&Gradients"
msgstr "&Градиенти"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:136
msgid "&Painter's Tools"
msgstr "Инструменти за ри&суване"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:231 ui/kis_controlframe.cc:232
msgid "Autobrush"
msgstr "Авточетка"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:236
msgid "Predefined Brushes"
msgstr "Готови четки"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:239 ui/kis_controlframe.cc:240
msgid "Custom Brush"
msgstr "Потребителска четка"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:245 ui/kis_controlframe.cc:246
msgid "Text Brush"
msgstr "Текстова четка"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:285
msgid "Patterns"
msgstr "Шаблони"

#: ui/kis_controlframe.cc:288 ui/kis_controlframe.cc:290
msgid "Custom Pattern"
msgstr "Потребителски шаблон"

#: ui/kis_custom_palette.cc:77
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Запис на промените"

#: ui/kis_custom_palette.cc:95
msgid "Add Color to Palette"
msgstr "Добавяне на цвят към палитра"

#: ui/kis_custom_palette.cc:96
msgid "Color name (optional):"
msgstr "Има на цвят (опция):"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:183
#: ui/kis_custom_palette.cc:138
msgid "Cannot write to palette file %1. Maybe it is read-only."
msgstr "Не може да се запише файл %1 на палитра. Може би е само за четене."

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:183
#: ui/kis_custom_palette.cc:139 ui/kis_view.cc:1688
msgid "Palette"
msgstr "Палитра"

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:58
msgid "&Layer..."
msgstr "&Слой..."

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:59
msgid "&Group Layer..."
msgstr "&Групиране на слой..."

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:60
msgid "&Adjustment Layer..."
msgstr "&Слой за регулиране..."

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:61 ui/kis_view.cc:621
msgid "&Object Layer"
msgstr "Слой на &обект"

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:64
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Нов"

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:193
msgid "Filter: "
msgstr "Филтър: "

#: ui/kis_layerlist.cc:201
msgid "Document type: "
msgstr "Тип документ: "

#: ui/kis_view.cc:265
msgid "Control box"
msgstr "Контролно поле"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:497 ui/kis_view.cc:499 ui/kis_view.cc:501
msgid "Zoom %1%"
msgstr "Мащаб %1%"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:516
msgid "Selection Active: x = %1 y = %2 width = %3 height = %4"
msgstr "Активна маркирана област: x = %1 y = %2 ширина = %3 височина = %4"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:522
msgid "No Selection"
msgstr "Не е маркирано нищо"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:535
msgid "No profile"
msgstr "Без профил"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:608 ui/kis_view.cc:1610
msgid "Resize Image to Size of Current Layer"
msgstr "Преорамеряване на изображението до текущия слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:613
msgid "Actual Pixels"
msgstr "Същински пиксели"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:619
msgid "&Add..."
msgstr "&Добавяне..."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:626
msgid "&Adjustment Layer"
msgstr "&Слой за нагласяване"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_duplicateop.h:38 ui/kis_view.cc:632
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Дублиране"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:633
msgid "&Hide"
msgstr "&Скриване"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:634
msgid "&Show"
msgstr "&Показване"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:637
msgid "Raise"
msgstr "Издигане"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:638
msgid "Lower"
msgstr "Снижаване"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:639
msgid "To Top"
msgstr "Отгоре"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:640
msgid "To Bottom"
msgstr "Отдолу"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:642
msgid "I&nsert Image as Layer..."
msgstr "Вмъкване на &изображение като слой..."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:643
msgid "Save Layer as Image..."
msgstr "Запазване на слой като изображение..."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:644
msgid "Flip on &X Axis"
msgstr "Обръщане по оста &X"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:645
msgid "Flip on &Y Axis"
msgstr "Обръщане по оста &Y"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:647
msgid "Create Mask"
msgstr "Създаване на маска"

#: core/kis_paint_layer.cc:492 ui/kis_view.cc:649
msgid "Mask From Selection"
msgstr "Маска от маркираното"

#: core/kis_paint_layer.cc:496 ui/kis_view.cc:652
msgid "Mask to Selection"
msgstr "Маска към маркираното"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:654
msgid "Apply Mask"
msgstr "Прилагане на маска"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:656
msgid "Remove Mask"
msgstr "Премахване на маска"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:658
msgid "Show Mask"
msgstr "Показване на маска"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:660
msgid "Edit Mask"
msgstr "Редактиране на маска"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:664 ui/kis_view.cc:1919
msgid "&Flatten Image"
msgstr "И&зравняване на изображение"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:665
msgid "&Merge with Layer Below"
msgstr "&Сливане с долния слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:670
msgid "Show Rulers"
msgstr "Показване на линийки"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:672
msgid "Hide Rulers"
msgstr "Скриване на линийки"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:673
msgid ""
"The rulers show the horizontal and vertical positions of the mouse on the image "
"and can be used to position your mouse at the right place on the canvas. "
"<p>Uncheck this to disable the rulers from being displayed."
msgstr ""
"Линийката показва позицията и ширината на страници и рамки и може да се "
"използва за позициониране на табулатори сред други."
"<p> Изключете отметката, за да забраните показването на скала."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:680
msgid "Add New Palette..."
msgstr "Добавяне на нова палитра..."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:682
msgid "Edit Palette..."
msgstr "Редактиране на палитра..."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1659 ui/kis_view.cc:1660
msgid "Add Palette"
msgstr "Добавяне на палитра"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1688
msgid "No palette selected."
msgstr "Не е маркирана палитра."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1692 ui/kis_view.cc:1694
msgid "Edit Palette"
msgstr "Редактиране на палитра"

#: plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/kis_channel_separator.cc:260
#: ui/kis_view.cc:1707
msgid "Export Layer"
msgstr "Експортиране на слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1754
msgid "Import Image"
msgstr "Импортиране на изображение"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1794
msgid "Mirror Layer X"
msgstr "Отразяване на слой X"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1815
msgid "Mirror Layer Y"
msgstr "Отразяване на слой Y"

#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/dlg_layersize.cc:51 ui/kis_view.cc:1837
msgid "Scale Layer"
msgstr "Мащабиране на слой"

#: core/kis_transform_visitor.h:71 core/kis_transform_visitor.h:110
#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:124 ui/kis_view.cc:1860
msgid "Rotate Layer"
msgstr "Въртене на слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1894
msgid "Shear layer"
msgstr "Изрязване на слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:1917
msgid "The image contains hidden layers that will be lost."
msgstr "Изображението съдържа скрити слоеве които ще бъдат загубени."

#: core/kis_image.cc:1324 ui/kis_view.cc:1918
msgid "Flatten Image"
msgstr "Изравняване на изображение"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2576
msgid "Insert as New Layer"
msgstr "Вмъкване като нов слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2578
msgid "Open in New Document"
msgstr "Отваряне в нов документ"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2582
msgid "Insert as New Layers"
msgstr "Вмъкване като нови слоеве"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2584
msgid "Open in New Documents"
msgstr "Отваряне в нови документи"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2627
msgid "Change Filter"
msgstr "Промяна на филтър"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2679
msgid "Adjustment Layer Properties"
msgstr "Информация за настройките на слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2705
msgid "Property Changes"
msgstr "Промяна на информацията"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2745 ui/kis_view.cc:2772 ui/kis_view.cc:2974
msgid "Could not add layer to image."
msgstr "Грешка при добавяне на слой към изображение."

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2745 ui/kis_view.cc:2772 ui/kis_view.cc:2974
msgid "Layer Error"
msgstr "Грешка в слой"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2892
msgid "New Adjustment Layer"
msgstr "Нов слой за нагласяване"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:2968
msgid "Duplicate of '%1'"
msgstr "Дублиране на \"%1\""

#: ui/kis_view.cc:3812
msgid "HSV"
msgstr "HSV"

#: colorspaces/gray_u16/kis_gray_u16_colorspace.cc:45
#: colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.cc:49 ui/kis_view.cc:3829
msgid "Gray"
msgstr "Сиво"

#: ui/kis_view.cc:3841
msgid "Palettes"
msgstr "Палитри"

#: ui/kis_clipboard.cc:193
msgid "Pasting data from simple source"
msgstr "Обработка на данни от единичен източник"

#: ui/kis_clipboard.cc:193
msgid ""
"The image data you are trying to paste has no colour profile information.\n"
"On the web and in simple applications the data are supposed to be in sRGB color "
"Importing as web will show it as it is supposed to look.\n"
"Most monitors are not perfect though so if you made the image yourself\n"
"you might want to import it as it looked on you monitor.\n"
"How do you want to interpret these data?"
msgstr ""
"Данните, които се опитвате да поставите, не съдържат информация за цвят.\n"
"В Интернет и в обикновени програми данните трябва да са в sRGB цветен формат.\n"
"Импортирането като уеб ще я покаже така, както би трябвало да изглежда.\n"
"Повечето монитори не са перфектни, така че ако правите изображението сами\n"
"мое би ще искате да го импортирате така, както изглежда на монитора ви.\n"
"Как искате да бъдат интерпретирани тези данни?"

#: ui/kis_clipboard.cc:193
msgid "As &Web"
msgstr "Като &уеб"

#: ui/kis_clipboard.cc:193
msgid "As on &Monitor"
msgstr "Като на &монитора"

#: ui/kis_tool_dummy.cc:36 ui/kis_tool_dummy.cc:100
msgid "No Active Tool"
msgstr "Няма активен инструмент"

#: ui/kis_tool_dummy.cc:90
msgid "&Dummy"
msgstr "&Манекен"

#: ui/kis_tool_dummy.cc:99
msgid "Layer is locked or invisible."
msgstr "Слоят е заключен или невидим."

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:56
msgid "Show Grid"
msgstr "Показване на мрежа"

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:57
msgid "Hide Grid"
msgstr "Скриване на мрежа"

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:61
msgid "1x1"
msgstr "1x1"

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:62
msgid "2x2"
msgstr "2x2"

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:63
msgid "5x5"
msgstr "5x5"

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:64
msgid "10x10"
msgstr "10x10"

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:65
msgid "20x20"
msgstr "20x20"

#: ui/kis_grid_manager.cpp:66
msgid "40x40"
msgstr "40x40"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:119
msgid "Paste into &New Image"
msgstr "Поставяне в н&ово изображение"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:142
msgid "&Reselect"
msgstr "&Повторно маркиране"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:153
msgid "Copy Selection to New Layer"
msgstr "Копиране на маркирана област в нов слой"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:159
msgid "Cut Selection to New Layer"
msgstr "Отрязване на маркирана област в нов слой"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:164
msgid "Feather"
msgstr "Кожа"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:169 ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:616
msgid "Fill with Foreground Color"
msgstr "Запълване с цвета на предния план"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:174 ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:621
msgid "Fill with Background Color"
msgstr "Запълване с цвета на фона"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:179 ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:626
msgid "Fill with Pattern"
msgstr "Запълване с шаблон"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:185
msgid "Display Selection"
msgstr "Показване на маркираното"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:186
msgid "Hide Selection"
msgstr "Скриване на маркираното"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:190
msgid "Border..."
msgstr "Контур..."

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:195
msgid "Expand..."
msgstr "Разширяване..."

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:201
msgid "Smooth..."
msgstr "Заглаждане..."

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:208
msgid "Contract..."
msgstr "Договор..."

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:213
msgid "Similar"
msgstr "Подобен"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:220
msgid "Transform..."
msgstr "Преобразуване..."

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:426
msgid "(pasted)"
msgstr "(поставено)"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:535
msgid "Deselect"
msgstr "Размаркиране"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:638
msgid "Reselect"
msgstr "Повторно маркиране"

#: plugins/filters/example/example.h:41 ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:664
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Обръщане"

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:718
msgid "Feather..."
msgstr "Перо..."

#: ui/kis_selection_manager.cc:807
msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Нарастване"

#: ui/kis_tool_paint.cc:129
msgid "Mode:"
msgstr "Режим:"

#: core/kis_layer.cc:74
msgid "Lock Layer"
msgstr "Заключване на слой"

#: core/kis_layer.cc:108
msgid "Layer Opacity"
msgstr "Непрозрачност на слой"

#: core/kis_layer.cc:142
msgid "Layer Visibility"
msgstr "Видимост на слой"

#: core/kis_layer.cc:177
msgid "Layer Composite Mode"
msgstr "Комбиниран режим"

#: core/kis_image.cc:381 core/kis_layer.cc:218 core/kis_paint_device.cc:110
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_move_selection.cc:60
msgid "Move Layer"
msgstr "Преместване на слой"

#: core/kis_paint_layer.cc:488
msgid "Create Layer Mask"
msgstr "Създаване маска на слой"

#: core/kis_paint_layer.cc:501
msgid "Remove Layer Mask"
msgstr "Премахване маската на слой"

#: core/kis_paint_layer.cc:505
msgid "Apply Layer Mask"
msgstr "Прилагане на маската за слой"

#: core/kis_paintop.h:119
msgid "Abstract PaintOp"
msgstr "Абстрактна PaintOp"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:50
msgid "Hermite"
msgstr "Hermite"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:61
msgid "Bicubic"
msgstr "Двоен куб"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:72
msgid "Box"
msgstr "Поле"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:84
msgid "Triangle aka (bi)linear"
msgstr "Триъгълен ака (дву)линеен"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:95
msgid "Bell"
msgstr "Звънец"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:105
msgid "BSpline"
msgstr "BSpline"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:115
msgid "Lanczos3"
msgstr "Lanczos3"

#: core/kis_filter_strategy.h:127
msgid "Mitchell"
msgstr "Mitchell"

#: core/kis_fill_painter.cc:268
msgid "Making fill outline..."
msgstr "Превръщане на пълнежа във фон..."

#: core/kis_paint_device.cc:161
msgid "Convert Layer Type"
msgstr "Конвертиране на типа слой"

#: core/kis_scale_visitor.h:110
msgid "Scaling..."
msgstr "Мащабиране..."

#: core/kis_image.cc:96 core/kis_image.cc:739
msgid "Resize Image"
msgstr "Преоразмеряване на изображение"

#: core/kis_image.cc:183 core/kis_image.cc:921
msgid "Convert Image Type"
msgstr "Конвертиране на типа изображение"

#: core/kis_image.cc:299
msgid "Add Layer"
msgstr "Добавяне на слой"

#: core/kis_image.cc:340
msgid "Remove Layer"
msgstr "Премахване на слой"

#: core/kis_image.cc:432
msgid "Layer Property Changes"
msgstr "Промяна настройките на слой"

#: core/kis_image.cc:552 core/kis_image.cc:659
#, c-format
msgid "Layer %1"
msgstr "Слой %1"

#: core/kis_image.cc:629
msgid "background"
msgstr "фон"

#: core/kis_image.cc:737
msgid "Crop Image"
msgstr "Изрязване на изображение"

#: core/kis_image.cc:784
msgid "Scale Image"
msgstr "Мащабиране на изображение"

#: core/kis_image.cc:1352
msgid "Merge with Layer Below"
msgstr "Сливане с долния слой"

#: core/kis_gradient_painter.cc:558
msgid "Rendering gradient..."
msgstr "Градиент на интерпретация..."

#: core/kis_gradient_painter.cc:605
msgid "Anti-aliasing gradient..."
msgstr "Градиент на заобляне..."

#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.h:158
msgid "Generic RGB"
msgstr "Основна RGB"

#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.h:189
msgid "Generic L*a*b*"
msgstr "Основна L*a*b*"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_alpha_colorspace.cc:43
msgid "Alpha mask"
msgstr "Алфа маска"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:50
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:47
#: colorspaces/gray_u16/kis_gray_u16_colorspace.cc:46
#: colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.cc:50
#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:57
#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:59
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:61
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:53
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:53
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:69
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u16/kis_ycbcr_u16_colorspace.cc:35
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u8/kis_ycbcr_u8_colorspace.cc:35
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_alpha_colorspace.cc:45
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:45
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_xyz_colorspace.cc:49
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Алфа"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:50
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:47
#: colorspaces/gray_u16/kis_gray_u16_colorspace.cc:46
#: colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.cc:50
#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:57
#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:59
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:61
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:53
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:53
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_alpha_colorspace.cc:45
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:45
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_xyz_colorspace.cc:49
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:37
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.h:139
msgid "L*a*b* (16-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "L*a*b* (16-битово цяло число/канал)"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_xyz_colorspace.cc:44
msgid "XYZ/Alpha"
msgstr "XYZ/Алфа"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_xyz_colorspace.cc:46
msgid "X"
msgstr "X"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:48
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:45
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u16/kis_ycbcr_u16_colorspace.cc:32
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u8/kis_ycbcr_u8_colorspace.cc:32
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_xyz_colorspace.cc:47
msgid "Y"
msgstr "Y"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_xyz_colorspace.cc:48
msgid "Z"
msgstr "Z"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:74
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:42
msgid "Lightness"
msgstr "Яркост"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:54
#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:42
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:414
msgid "L"
msgstr "L"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:43
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:415
msgid "a*"
msgstr "a*"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:43
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:415
msgid "a"
msgstr "a"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:44
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:416
msgid "b*"
msgstr "b*"

#: chalkcolor/colorspaces/kis_lab_colorspace.cc:44
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:416
msgid "b"
msgstr "b"

#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:345
msgid "Generic RGB Histogram"
msgstr "Основна RGB хистограма"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:56
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:58
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:50
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:50
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:349
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"

#: colorspaces/gray_u16/kis_gray_u16_colorspace.cc:45
#: colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.cc:49
#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:57
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:59
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:51
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:51
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:350
msgid "G"
msgstr "G"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:58
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:60
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:52
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:52
#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:351
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:411
msgid "L*a*b* Histogram"
msgstr "L*a*b* хистограма"

#: chalkcolor/kis_basic_histogram_producers.cc:414
msgid "L*"
msgstr "L*"

#: chalkcolor/kis_colorspace_factory_registry.cc:70
msgid "Cannot start Chalk: no colorspaces available."
msgstr "Грешка при стартиране на Chalk: няма цветови обхвати."

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:92
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Нормален"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:93
msgid "Alpha Darken"
msgstr "Потъмнена алфа"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:94
msgid "In"
msgstr "В"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:95
msgid "Out"
msgstr "Извън"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:96
msgid "Atop"
msgstr "Отгоре на"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:97
msgid "Xor"
msgstr "Xor"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:98
msgid "Plus"
msgstr "Плюс"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:99
msgid "Minus"
msgstr "Минус"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:102
msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Разлика"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:103
msgid "Multiply"
msgstr "Умножение"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:104
msgid "Divide"
msgstr "Делене"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:105
msgid "Dodge"
msgstr "Отклонение"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:106
msgid "Burn"
msgstr "Изпичане"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:107 plugins/filters/bumpmap/bumpmap.h:72
msgid "Bumpmap"
msgstr "Bumpmap филтър"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:109
msgid "Copy Red"
msgstr "Копиране на червено"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:110
msgid "Copy Green"
msgstr "Копиране на зелено"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:111
msgid "Copy Blue"
msgstr "Копиране на синьо"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:112
msgid "Copy Opacity"
msgstr "Копиране на непрозрачност"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:114
msgid "Dissolve"
msgstr "Разтваряне"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:115
msgid "Displace"
msgstr "Изместване"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:117
msgid "Modulate"
msgstr "Модулиране"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:118
#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_simple_noise_reducer.cpp:43
#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_wavelet_noise_reduction.cpp:44
msgid "Threshold"
msgstr "Праг"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:120
msgid "No Composition"
msgstr "Без композиция"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:121
#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_brushop.cc:68
msgid "Darken"
msgstr "Потъмняване"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:122
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr "Просветляване"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:72
#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:123
msgid "Hue"
msgstr "Нюанс"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:127
msgid "Colorize"
msgstr "Оцветеност"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:128
msgid "Luminize"
msgstr "Осветяване"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:129
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "Екран"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:130
msgid "Overlay"
msgstr "Покритие"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:131
msgid "Copy Cyan"
msgstr "Копиране на циан"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:132
msgid "Copy Magenta"
msgstr "Копиране на пурпурно"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:133
msgid "Copy Yellow"
msgstr "Копиране на жълто"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:134
msgid "Copy Black"
msgstr "Копиране на черно"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:135
msgid "Erase"
msgstr "Изтриване"

#: chalkcolor/kis_composite_op.cc:136
msgid "Undefined"
msgstr "Неопределен"

#: main.cc:27
msgid "File(s) or URL(s) to open"
msgstr "Файл(ове) или адрес за отваряне"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Красимир Арнаудов,Златко Попов"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "texas_kia@yahoo.com,zlatkopopov@fsa-bg.org"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:113
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.h:205 colorspaces/wet/wet_plugin.cc:115
msgid "Watercolors"
msgstr "Водни бои"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:117
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:64
msgid "Quinacridone Rose"
msgstr "Роза Quinacridone"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:118
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:71
msgid "Indian Red"
msgstr "Индианско червено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:119
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:78
msgid "Cadmium Yellow"
msgstr "Кадмиево жълто"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:120
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:85
msgid "Hookers Green"
msgstr "Hookers Green"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:121
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:92
msgid "Cerulean Blue"
msgstr "Cerulean Blue"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:122
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:99
msgid "Burnt Umber"
msgstr "Burnt Umber"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:123
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:106
msgid "Cadmium Red"
msgstr "Кадмиево червено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:124
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:113
msgid "Brilliant Orange"
msgstr "Брилянтно портокалово"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:125
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:120
msgid "Hansa Yellow"
msgstr "Жълтеникав"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:126
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:127
msgid "Phthalo Green"
msgstr "Phthalo Green"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:127
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:134
msgid "French Ultramarine"
msgstr "Френско морско"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:128
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:141
msgid "Interference Lilac"
msgstr "Interference Lilac"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:129
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:148
msgid "Titanium White"
msgstr "Титаниево бяло"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:130
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:155
msgid "Ivory Black"
msgstr "Айвори черно"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:131
#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:162
msgid "Pure Water"
msgstr "Чиста вода"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:168
msgid "Paint strength:"
msgstr "Сила на рисуването:"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_palette_widget.cc:175
msgid "Wetness:"
msgstr "Влажност:"

#: colorspaces/wet/wetphysicsfilter.cc:61
msgid "Dry the Paint"
msgstr "Изсушаване на боята"

#: colorspaces/wet/wet_plugin.cc:89
msgid "Wet"
msgstr "Влага"

#: colorspaces/wet/wet_plugin.cc:108
msgid "Wetness Visualisation"
msgstr "Визуализация на влагата"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_texture_filter.h:34
msgid "Wet Texture"
msgstr "Мокра текстура"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_texture_filter.h:35
msgid "Add a texture to the wet canvas"
msgstr "Добавяне на текстура към мокро платно"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wetop.h:37
msgid "Watercolor Brush"
msgstr "Четка водни бои"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:133
msgid "Red Concentration"
msgstr "Концентрация на червено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:134
msgid "Myth Red"
msgstr "Мътно червено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:135
msgid "Green Concentration"
msgstr "Концентрация на зелено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:136
msgid "Myth Green"
msgstr "Мътно зелено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:137
msgid "Blue Concentration"
msgstr "Концентрация на синьо"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:138
msgid "Myth Blue"
msgstr "Мътно синьо"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:139
msgid "Water Volume"
msgstr "Количество вода"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:140
msgid "Paper Height"
msgstr "Височина на лист"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:142
msgid "Adsorbed Red Concentration"
msgstr "Абсорбирана червена концентрация"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:143
msgid "Adsorbed Myth Red"
msgstr "Абсорбирано мътно червено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:144
msgid "Adsorbed Green Concentration"
msgstr "Абсорбирана зелена концентрация"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:145
msgid "Adsorbed Myth Green"
msgstr "Абсорбирано мътно зелено"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:146
msgid "Adsorbed Blue Concentration"
msgstr "Абсорбирана синя концентрация"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:147
msgid "Adsorbed Myth Blue"
msgstr "Абсорбирано мътно синьо"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:148
msgid "Adsorbed Water Volume"
msgstr "Абсорбирано количество вода"

#: colorspaces/wet/kis_wet_colorspace.cc:149
msgid "Adsorbed Paper Height"
msgstr "Абсорбирана височина на лист"

#: colorspaces/wet/wetphysicsfilter.h:51
msgid "Watercolor Physics Simulation Filter"
msgstr "Филтър за симулиране на водни бои"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/cmyk_plugin.cc:57
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:41
msgid "CMYK"
msgstr "CMYK"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:46
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:43
msgid "Cyan"
msgstr "Циан"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:46
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:43
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:47
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:44
msgid "Magenta"
msgstr "Пурпурно"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:47
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:44
#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:55
msgid "M"
msgstr "M"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:48
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:45
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Жълто"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:49
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:46
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Черно"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:49
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.cc:46
msgid "K"
msgstr "K"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u8/kis_cmyk_colorspace.h:112
msgid "CMYK (8-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "CMYK (16-бита интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:56
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.h:150
msgid "RGB (32-bit float/channel)"
msgstr "RGB (32-бита местене/канал)"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:56
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:58
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:50
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:50
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:68
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Червен"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:57
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:59
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:51
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:51
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:67
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Зелен"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:58
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/kis_rgb_f32_colorspace.cc:60
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:52
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:52
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:66
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Син"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/lms_f32_plugin.cc:55
#: colorspaces/rgb_f32/rgb_f32_plugin.cc:54
msgid "Float32"
msgstr "Float32"

#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.cc:48
#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/kis_rgb_u16_colorspace.h:114
msgid "RGB (16-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "RGB (16-интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/rgb_u16/rgb_u16_plugin.cc:52
msgid "RGB16"
msgstr "RGB16"

#: colorspaces/gray_u16/gray_u16_plugin.cc:54
msgid "GRAY/Alpha16"
msgstr "GRAY/Алфа16"

#: colorspaces/gray_u16/kis_gray_u16_colorspace.cc:43
#: colorspaces/gray_u16/kis_gray_u16_colorspace.h:104
msgid "Grayscale (16-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "Сиво (16-бита интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.cc:54
#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/kis_rgb_f16half_colorspace.h:129
msgid "RGB (16-bit float/channel)"
msgstr "RGB (16-бита местене/канал)"

#: colorspaces/rgb_f16half/rgb_f16half_plugin.cc:53
msgid "Float16 Half"
msgstr "Полу-Float16"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:52
msgid "LMS (32-bit float/channel)"
msgstr "LMS (32-бита местене/канал)"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:54
msgid "Long"
msgstr "Дълъг"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:55
msgid "Middle"
msgstr "Среден"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:56
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Къс"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.cc:56
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"

#: colorspaces/lms_f32/kis_lms_f32_colorspace.h:142
msgid "LMS Cone Space (32-bit float/channel)"
msgstr "LMS конусно (32-бита местене/канал)"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/cmyk_u16_plugin.cc:52
msgid "CMYK16"
msgstr "CMYK16"

#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.cc:44
#: colorspaces/cmyk_u16/kis_cmyk_u16_colorspace.h:109
msgid "CMYK (16-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "CMYK (16-бита интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.cc:48
#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/kis_rgb_colorspace.h:102
msgid "RGB (8-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "RGB (16-бита интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/rgb_u8/rgb_plugin.cc:65
msgid "RGB8"
msgstr "RGB8"

#: colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.cc:47
msgid "Grayscale"
msgstr "Сива гама"

#: colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.h:100
msgid "Grayscale (8-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "Сива гама (16-бита интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/gray_u8/gray_plugin.cc:68
msgid "GRAY/Alpha8"
msgstr "XYZ/Алфа8"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:61
#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_ws_engine_filter.h:56
msgid "Wet & Sticky"
msgstr "Мокър и лепнещ"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_ws_engine_filter.cc:59
msgid "&Wet & Sticky paint engine..."
msgstr "&Мокра и лепнеща четка..."

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/brushop/kis_wsbrushop.h:36
msgid "Wet & Sticky Paintbrush"
msgstr "Мокра и лепнеща четка"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:76
msgid "Liquid Content"
msgstr "Течно съдържание"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:77
msgid "Drying Rate"
msgstr "Степен на изсъхване"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:78
msgid "Miscibility"
msgstr "Смесваемост"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:81
msgid "Gravitational Direction"
msgstr "Гравитационна посока"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:82
msgid "Gravitational Strength"
msgstr "Гравитационна сила"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:84
msgid "Absorbency"
msgstr "Абсорбиране"

#: colorspaces/wetsticky/kis_wet_sticky_colorspace.cc:85
msgid "Paint Volume"
msgstr "Количество боя"

#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u8/kis_ycbcr_u8_colorspace.cc:30
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u8/kis_ycbcr_u8_colorspace.h:130
msgid "YCbCr (8-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "YCbCr (8-бита интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u16/kis_ycbcr_u16_colorspace.cc:33
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u8/kis_ycbcr_u8_colorspace.cc:33
msgid "Cb"
msgstr "Cb"

#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u16/kis_ycbcr_u16_colorspace.cc:34
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u8/kis_ycbcr_u8_colorspace.cc:34
msgid "Cr"
msgstr "Cr"

#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u8/ycbcr_u8_plugin.cc:53
msgid "YCBR8"
msgstr "YCBR8"

#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u16/kis_ycbcr_u16_colorspace.cc:30
#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u16/kis_ycbcr_u16_colorspace.h:129
msgid "YCbCr (16-bit integer/channel)"
msgstr "YCbCr (16-бита интегер/канал)"

#: colorspaces/ycbcr_u16/ycbcr_u16_plugin.cc:51
msgid "YCbCr16"
msgstr "YCbCr16"

#: plugins/tools/tool_crop/kis_tool_crop.h:142
msgid "Crop Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент изрязване"

#: plugins/tools/tool_crop/kis_tool_crop.cc:736
msgid "Crop an area"
msgstr "Изрязване на област"

#: plugins/tools/tool_star/kis_tool_star.h:96
msgid "Star Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент звезда"

#: plugins/tools/tool_star/kis_tool_star.cc:183
msgid "&Star"
msgstr "&Звезда"

#: plugins/tools/tool_star/kis_tool_star.cc:192
msgid "Draw a star"
msgstr "Чертане на звезда"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_line.h:92
msgid "Line Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент линия"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_move.cc:41
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_move.h:82
msgid "Move Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент преместване"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_pan.cc:31
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_pan.h:74
msgid "Pan Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент ръка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_pan.cc:88
msgid "&Pan"
msgstr "&Ръка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_pan.cc:89
msgid "Pan"
msgstr "Ръка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_ellipse.cc:44
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_ellipse.cc:129
msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "Елипса"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_ellipse.cc:173
msgid "&Ellipse"
msgstr "&Елипса"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_ellipse.cc:180
msgid "Draw an ellipse"
msgstr "Чертане на елипса"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.h:76
msgid "Text Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент текст"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_brush.cc:50
msgid "Brush"
msgstr "Четка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_brush.cc:120
msgid "Draw freehand"
msgstr "Свободно чертане"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_brush.cc:153
msgid "Paint direct"
msgstr "Бояджийски пистолет"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_line.cc:47
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_line.cc:147
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Линия"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_line.cc:239
msgid "&Line"
msgstr "&Линия"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_line.cc:243
msgid "Draw a line"
msgstr "Чертане на линия"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_line.cc:250
msgid ""
"Alt+Drag will move the origin of the currently displayed line around, "
"Shift+Drag will force you to draw straight lines"
msgstr ""
"Alt+влачене ще премести текущата линия наоколо, Shift+влачене ще изчертава "
"прави линии"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_zoom.cc:39
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_zoom.h:93
msgid "Zoom Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент мащабиране"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_rectangle.h:90
msgid "Rectangle Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент правоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:96
msgid "Cannot pick a color as no layer is active."
msgstr "Не може да бъде избран цвят, защото няма активен слой."

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:100
msgid "Cannot pick a color as the active layer is not visible."
msgstr "Не може да бъде избран цвят, защото активният слой не е видим."

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:200
msgid "%1%"
msgstr "%1%"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:217
msgid "&Color Picker"
msgstr "&Избор на цвят"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_colorpicker.cc:218
msgid "Color picker"
msgstr "Избор на цвят"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_rectangle.cc:174
msgid "&Rectangle"
msgstr "&Правоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_rectangle.cc:181
msgid "Draw a rectangle"
msgstr "Чертане на правоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:109
msgid "Flood Fill"
msgstr "Запълване с разлив"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:165
msgid "Threshold: "
msgstr "Праг: "

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:172
msgid "Use pattern"
msgstr "Използване на шаблон"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:176
msgid "Limit to current layer"
msgstr "Ограничаване до текущия слой"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:180
msgid "Fill entire selection"
msgstr "Запълване на цялата маркирана област"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:220
msgid "&Fill"
msgstr "&Запълване"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.cc:227
msgid "Contiguous fill"
msgstr "Непрекъснато запълване"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_ellipse.h:85
msgid "Ellipse Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент елипса"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.cc:91
msgid "Font Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент шрифт"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.cc:91
msgid "Enter text:"
msgstr "Въведете текст:"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.cc:166
msgid "Font: "
msgstr "Шрифт: "

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_text.cc:185
msgid "T&ext"
msgstr "Тек&ст"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_move.cc:103
msgid "&Move"
msgstr "&Преместване"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.cc:49
msgid "Duplicate Brush"
msgstr "Дублиране на четка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.cc:91
msgid "&Duplicate Brush"
msgstr "&Дублиране на четка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.cc:95
msgid ""
"Duplicate parts of the image. Shift-click to select the point to duplicate from "
"to begin."
msgstr ""
"Дублиране на части от изображението. Натиснете Shift, за да изберете от къде да "
"започне дублирането."

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.cc:230
msgid ""
"To start, shift-click on the place you want to duplicate from. Then you can "
"start painting. An indication of where you are copying from will be displayed "
"while drawing and moving the mouse."
msgstr ""
"За да започнете, натиснете Shift на мястото където искате да дублирате. След "
"това започнете да рисувате. По време на рисуването и местенето на мишката ще се "
"покаже индикация откъде копирате."

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.cc:238
msgid "Healing"
msgstr "Поправяне"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.cc:249
msgid "Healing radius"
msgstr "Радиус на поправяне"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.cc:251
msgid "Correct the perspective"
msgstr "Редактиране на перспективата"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_duplicate.h:85
msgid "Duplicate Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент дублиране"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.h:117
msgid "Gradient Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент градиент"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:51
#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:147
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr "Градиент"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:235
msgid "Repeat:"
msgstr "Повторение:"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:237
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Противоположен"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:243
msgid "Bi-Linear"
msgstr "Двулинейно"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:244
msgid "Radial"
msgstr "Радиален"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:246
msgid "Conical"
msgstr "Коничен"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:247
msgid "Conical Symmetric"
msgstr "Коничен симетричен"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:252
msgid "Forwards"
msgstr "Напред"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:253
msgid "Alternating"
msgstr "Промяна"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:261
msgid "Anti-alias threshold:"
msgstr "Праг на заглаждане:"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:298
msgid "&Gradient"
msgstr "&Градиент"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_gradient.cc:302
msgid "Draw a gradient"
msgstr "Чертане на градиент"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_brush.h:81
msgid "Brush Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент четка"

#: plugins/tools/defaulttools/kis_tool_fill.h:100
msgid "Fill Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент запълване"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivetransform/kis_tool_perspectivetransform.h:124
msgid "Perspective transform Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент трансформиране"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivetransform/kis_tool_perspectivetransform.cc:89
#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivetransform/kis_tool_perspectivetransform.cc:135
msgid "Perspective Transform"
msgstr "Трансформиране"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivetransform/kis_tool_perspectivetransform.cc:728
msgid "&Perspective Transform"
msgstr "&Трансформиране"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivetransform/kis_tool_perspectivetransform.cc:736
msgid "Perspective transform a layer or a selection"
msgstr "Трансформиране на слой или маркирана област"

#: plugins/tools/tool_polygon/kis_tool_polygon.h:60
msgid "Shift-click will end the polygon."
msgstr "Натискането на Shift-щракване с мишката ще затвори многоъгълника."

#: plugins/tools/tool_polygon/kis_tool_polygon.h:97
msgid "Polygon Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент многоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/tool_polygon/kis_tool_polygon.cc:49
#: plugins/tools/tool_polygon/kis_tool_polygon.cc:101
msgid "Polygon"
msgstr "Многоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/tool_polygon/kis_tool_polygon.cc:226
msgid "&Polygon"
msgstr "&Многоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/tool_polygon/kis_tool_polygon.cc:235
msgid "Draw a polygon. Shift-mouseclick ends the polygon."
msgstr ""
"Чертане на многоъгълник. Натискането на Shift + щракване с мишката ще затвори "

#: plugins/tools/tool_polyline/kis_tool_polyline.cc:49
#: plugins/tools/tool_polyline/kis_tool_polyline.cc:108
msgid "Polyline"
msgstr "Много линии"

#: plugins/tools/tool_polyline/kis_tool_polyline.cc:241
msgid "&Polyline"
msgstr "М&ного линии"

#: plugins/tools/tool_polyline/kis_tool_polyline.cc:250
msgid "Draw a polyline. Shift-mouseclick ends the polyline."
msgstr ""
"Чертане на многоъгълник. Натискането на Shift + щракване с мишката ще затвори "

#: plugins/tools/tool_polyline/kis_tool_polyline.cc:258
msgid "Press shift-mouseclick to end the polyline."
msgstr "Натиснете Shift + щракване с мишката, за да затворите многоъгълника."

#: plugins/tools/tool_polyline/kis_tool_polyline.h:104
msgid "Polyline Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент много линии"

#: plugins/tools/tool_selectsimilar/kis_tool_selectsimilar.h:96
msgid "Select Similar"
msgstr "Маркиране на подобни"

#: plugins/tools/tool_selectsimilar/kis_tool_selectsimilar.cc:88
msgid "Select Similar Colors"
msgstr "Маркиране на подобни цветове"

#: plugins/tools/tool_selectsimilar/kis_tool_selectsimilar.cc:146
#: plugins/tools/tool_selectsimilar/kis_tool_selectsimilar.cc:234
msgid "Similar Selection"
msgstr "Маркиране подобни"

#: plugins/tools/tool_selectsimilar/kis_tool_selectsimilar.cc:205
msgid "&Similar Selection"
msgstr "Маркиране подо&бни"

#: plugins/tools/tool_selectsimilar/kis_tool_selectsimilar.cc:207
msgid "Select similar colors"
msgstr "Маркиране на подобни цветове"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.cc:200
#: plugins/tools/tool_selectsimilar/kis_tool_selectsimilar.cc:248
msgid "Fuzziness: "
msgstr "Размазаност: "

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_example.h:62
msgid "Example Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент \"пример\""

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:562
msgid "Magnetic Outline Selection"
msgstr "Маркиране на магнитен контур"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:601
msgid "Automatic Mode"
msgstr "Автоматичен режим"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:604
msgid "Manual Mode"
msgstr "Ръчен режим"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:771
msgid "Automatic mode"
msgstr "Автоматичен режим"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:772
msgid "Distance: "
msgstr "Разстояние: "

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:773
msgid "To Selection"
msgstr "До маркирана област"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:794
msgid "Magnetic Outline"
msgstr "Магнитен контур"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.cc:803
msgid ""
"Magnetic Selection: move around an edge to select it. Hit Ctrl to enter/quit "
"manual mode, and double click to finish."
msgstr ""
"Магнетично маркиране: щракнете около края, за да маркирате поле вътре."
"<br>Натиснете Ctrl ,за да влезете/излезете от ръчен режим и щракнете два пъти "
"за край."

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_example.cc:72
msgid "Tool for Curves - Example"
msgstr "Инструмент криви - пример"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_example.cc:93
msgid "&Example"
msgstr "&Пример"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_example.cc:102
msgid "This is a test tool for the Curve Framework."
msgstr "Това е тестов инструмент на рамката за криви."

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_paint.cc:58
#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_paint.h:59
msgid "Bezier Painting Tool"
msgstr " Инструмент на Безие за рисуване"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_select.cc:58
#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_select.h:59
msgid "Bezier Selection Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент на Безие за маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier.cc:271
msgid "Bezier Curve"
msgstr "Крива на Безие"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_moutline.h:128
msgid "Magnetic Outline Selection Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент за магнетично маркиране на контур"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_paint.cc:100
#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_select.cc:89
msgid "&Bezier"
msgstr "&Безие"

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_paint.cc:109
msgid ""
"Draw cubic beziers. Keep Alt, Control or Shift pressed for options. Return or "
"double-click to finish."
msgstr ""
"Изчертаване на кубични криви на Безие. За да видите опциите, натиснете Alt, "
"Control or Shift."
"<br>Натиснете Return или щракнете два пъти с мишката, за да приключите."

#: plugins/tools/tool_curves/kis_tool_bezier_select.cc:98
msgid "Select areas of the image with bezier paths."
msgstr "Маркиране на части от изображението с пътеки на Безие."

#: plugins/tools/tool_filter/kis_tool_filter.h:76
msgid "Filter Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент филтър"

#: plugins/tools/tool_filter/kis_tool_filter.cc:52
msgid "Filter Brush"
msgstr "Филтриране на четки"

#: plugins/tools/tool_filter/kis_tool_filter.cc:68
msgid "&Filter Brush"
msgstr "&Филтриране на четки"

#: plugins/tools/tool_filter/kis_tool_filter.cc:73
msgid "Paint with filters"
msgstr "Рисуване с филтри"

#: plugins/tools/tool_filter/kis_filterop.h:40
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Филтър"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_outline.cc:52
msgid "Select Outline"
msgstr "Инструмент маркиране на контури"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_outline.cc:122
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_outline.cc:274
msgid "Outline Selection"
msgstr "Маркиране на контур"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_outline.cc:255
msgid "&Outline Selection"
msgstr "Маркиран &контур"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_outline.cc:264
msgid "Select an outline"
msgstr "Маркиране на контур"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_eraser.h:75
msgid "Eraser Select Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент маркиране за изтриване"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_elliptical.cc:50
msgid "Elliptical Select"
msgstr "Елиптично маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_elliptical.cc:193
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_elliptical.cc:304
msgid "Elliptical Selection"
msgstr "Елиптично маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_elliptical.cc:286
msgid "&Elliptical Selection"
msgstr "&Елиптично маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_elliptical.cc:294
msgid "Select an elliptical area"
msgstr "Маркиране на елиптична област"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_brush.h:77
msgid "Brush Select Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент маркиране с четка"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.cc:55
msgid "Contiguous Select"
msgstr "Непрекъснато маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.cc:109
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.cc:190
msgid "Contiguous Area Selection"
msgstr "Непрекъснато маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.cc:145
msgid "&Contiguous Area Selection"
msgstr "&Непрекъснато маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.cc:153
msgid "Select a contiguous area"
msgstr "Маркиране на непрекъсната област"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.cc:211
msgid "Sample merged"
msgstr "Мострата е слята"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_rectangular.cc:52
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_rectangular.h:88
msgid "Rectangular Select Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент правоъгълно маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_rectangular.cc:191
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_rectangular.cc:305
msgid "Rectangular Selection"
msgstr "Правоъгълно маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_rectangular.cc:287
msgid "&Rectangular Selection"
msgstr "&Правоъгълно маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_rectangular.cc:296
msgid "Select a rectangular area"
msgstr "Маркиране на правоъгълна област"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_move_selection.cc:100
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_move_selection.h:68
msgid "Move Selection Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент преместване на маркираното"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_move_selection.cc:210
msgid "&Move selection"
msgstr "&Преместване на маркираното"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_move_selection.cc:217
msgid "Move the selection"
msgstr "Преместване на маркираното"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_polygonal.h:100
msgid "Polygonal Select Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент многоъгълно маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_eraser.cc:49
msgid "SelectEraser"
msgstr "Изтриване на маркираното"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_eraser.cc:95
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_eraser.cc:140
msgid "Selection Eraser"
msgstr "Изтриване на маркираното"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_eraser.cc:122
msgid "Selection &Eraser"
msgstr "&Изтриване на маркираното"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_eraser.cc:127
msgid "Erase parts of a selection"
msgstr "Изтриване на част от маркирана област"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_contiguous.h:89
msgid "Contiguous Select Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент непрекъснато маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_brush.cc:51
msgid "SelectBrush"
msgstr "Маркираща четка"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_brush.cc:85
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_brush.cc:153
msgid "Selection Brush"
msgstr "Маркираща четка"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_brush.cc:135
msgid "&Selection Brush"
msgstr "&Маркираща четка"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_brush.cc:140
msgid "Paint a selection"
msgstr "Боядисване на маркирана област"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_outline.h:95
msgid "Select Outline tool"
msgstr "Инструмент маркиране на контури"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_polygonal.cc:52
msgid "Select Polygonal"
msgstr "Маркиране на многоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_polygonal.cc:132
#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_polygonal.cc:293
msgid "Polygonal Selection"
msgstr "Маркиране на многоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_polygonal.cc:274
msgid "&Polygonal Selection"
msgstr "&Маркиране на многоъгълник"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_polygonal.cc:283
msgid "Select a polygonal area"
msgstr "Маркиране на многоъгълна област"

#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/kis_tool_select_elliptical.h:90
msgid "Elliptical Select Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент елиптично маркиране"

#: plugins/tools/tool_transform/kis_tool_transform.h:148
msgid "Transform Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент за трансформиране"

#: plugins/tools/tool_transform/kis_tool_transform.cc:902
msgid "&Transform"
msgstr "&Трансформиране"

#: plugins/tools/tool_transform/kis_tool_transform.cc:910
msgid "Transform a layer or a selection"
msgstr "Трансформиране на слой или маркирана област"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivegrid/kis_tool_perspectivegrid.cc:50
msgid "Perspective Grid"
msgstr "Мрежа (перспектива)"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivegrid/kis_tool_perspectivegrid.cc:473
msgid "&Perspective Grid"
msgstr "&Мрежа (перспектива)"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivegrid/kis_tool_perspectivegrid.cc:482
msgid "Edit the perspective grid"
msgstr "Редактиране на мрежа (перспектива)"

#: plugins/tools/tool_perspectivegrid/kis_tool_perspectivegrid.h:105
msgid "Perspective Grid Tool"
msgstr "Инструмент мрежа (перспектива)"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_eraseop.h:38
msgid "Pixel Eraser"
msgstr "Гума"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_convolveop.h:39
msgid "Convolve"
msgstr "Омотаване"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_brushop.h:43
msgid "Pixel Brush"
msgstr "Четка"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_airbrushop.h:38
msgid "Pixel Airbrush"
msgstr "Възд. четка"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_brushop.cc:64
#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.cc:69
msgid "Pressure variation: "
msgstr "Разлика в налягането: "

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_brushop.cc:67
#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.cc:72
msgid "Opacity"
msgstr "Непрозрачност"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.h:41
msgid "Smudge Brush"
msgstr "Замърсена четка"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.cc:65
msgid "Rate: "
msgstr "Степен: "

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.cc:73
#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.cc:76
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Степен"

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_smudgeop.cc:78
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Modifies the rate. Bottom is 0% of the rate top is 100% of the original rate."
msgstr "Промяна на степента. Най-ниско е 0%, 100 % е най-високо."

#: plugins/paintops/defaultpaintops/kis_penop.h:40
msgid "Pixel Pencil"
msgstr "Молив"

#: plugins/viewplugins/histogram_docker/histogramdocker.cc:71
msgid "Right-click to select histogram type"
msgstr "Щракнете с десния бутон, за да изберете вида на хистограмата"

#: plugins/viewplugins/histogram/dlg_histogram.cc:43
#: plugins/viewplugins/histogram/dlg_histogram.cc:48
#: plugins/viewplugins/histogram_docker/histogramdocker.cc:76
msgid "Histogram"
msgstr "Хистограма"

#: plugins/viewplugins/variations/variations.cc:60
msgid "&Variations..."
msgstr "&Вариации..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:72
msgid "&Convert Image Type..."
msgstr "&Преобразуване на типа изображение..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:73
msgid "&Convert Layer Type..."
msgstr "&Преобразуване на типа слой..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:92
msgid ""
"This conversion will convert your %1 image through 16-bit L*a*b* and back.\n"
"Watercolor and openEXR colorspaces will even be converted through 8-bit RGB.\n"
msgstr ""
"Това ще преобразуване ще направи изображение %1 16-бита L*a*b* и черно.\n"
"Водните цветове и openEXR ще бъдат преобразувани в 8-бита RGB.\n"

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:104
msgid "Convert All Layers From "
msgstr "Преобразуване на всички слоеве от "

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:129
msgid ""
"This conversion will convert your %1 layer through 16-bit L*a*b* and back.\n"
"Watercolor and openEXR colorspaces will even be converted through 8-bit RGB.\n"
msgstr ""
"Това ще преобразуване ще направи изображение %1 16-бита L*a*b* и черно.\n"
"Водните цветове и openEXR ще бъдат преобразувани в 8-бита RGB.\n"

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorspaceconversion/colorspaceconversion.cc:141
msgid "Convert Current Layer From"
msgstr "Трансформиране текущия слой от"

#: plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/dlg_perftest.cc:44
#: plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/perftest.cc:109
msgid "Performance Test"
msgstr "Тест за производителност"

#: plugins/viewplugins/performancetest/perftest.cc:89
msgid "&Performance Test..."
msgstr "&Тест за производителност..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/filtersgallery/filters_gallery.cc:62
msgid "&Filters Gallery"
msgstr "Галерия с &филтри"

#: plugins/viewplugins/filtersgallery/kis_dlg_filtersgallery.cc:47
msgid "Filters Gallery"
msgstr "Галерия с филтри"

#: plugins/viewplugins/filtersgallery/kis_dlg_filtersgallery.cc:69
msgid "No configuration options are available for this filter."
msgstr "Няма опции за настройване на този филтър."

#: plugins/viewplugins/selectopaque/selectopaque.cc:64
msgid "&Select All Opaque Pixels..."
msgstr "&Маркиране на всички обратни пиксели..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/selectopaque/selectopaque.cc:81
msgid "Select Opaque Pixels"
msgstr "Маркиране на обратни пиксели"

#: plugins/viewplugins/histogram/histogram.cc:64
msgid "&Histogram"
msgstr "&Хистограма"

#: plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/shearimage.cc:62
msgid "&Shear Image..."
msgstr "&Изрязване на изображение..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/shearimage.cc:63
msgid "&Shear Layer..."
msgstr "&Изрязване на слой..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/shearimage/shearimage.cc:102
msgid "Shear Layer"
msgstr "Изрязване на слой"

#: plugins/viewplugins/substrate/dlg_substrate.cc:34
msgid "Substrate"
msgstr "Основа"

#: plugins/viewplugins/substrate/substrate.cc:56
msgid "&Substrate..."
msgstr "&Основа..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/imagesize.cc:69
msgid "Change &Image Size..."
msgstr "Прео&размерявяне на изображение..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/imagesize.cc:70
msgid "&Scale Layer..."
msgstr "&Мащабиране на слой..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/imagesize.cc:75
msgid "&Scale Selection..."
msgstr "&Мащабиране на маркирана област..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/imagesize.cc:128
msgid "Layer Size"
msgstr "Размер на слой"

#: plugins/viewplugins/imagesize/imagesize.cc:165
msgid "Scale Selection"
msgstr "Мащабиране на маркирана област"

#: plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/kis_dropshadow_plugin.cc:51
msgid "Add Drop Shadow..."
msgstr "Добавяне на сенки..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/dlg_dropshadow.cc:44
#: plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/kis_dropshadow.cc:129
#: plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/kis_dropshadow_plugin.cc:72
msgid "Drop Shadow"
msgstr "Сянка"

#: plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/kis_dropshadow.cc:85
msgid "Add drop shadow..."
msgstr "Добавяне на сенки..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/kis_dropshadow.cc:88
msgid "Add Drop Shadow"
msgstr "Добавяне на сенки"

#: plugins/viewplugins/dropshadow/kis_dropshadow.cc:218
msgid "Blur..."
msgstr "Замъгляне..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/dlg_colorrange.cc:192
msgid "Select by Color Range"
msgstr "Маркиране по цветови обхват"

#: plugins/viewplugins/colorrange/colorrange.cc:61
msgid "&Color Range..."
msgstr "&Цветови обхват..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:62
msgid "&Rotate Image..."
msgstr "&Въртене на изображение..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:63
msgid "Rotate Image CW"
msgstr "Въртене по час. стрелка"

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:64
msgid "Rotate Image 1&80"
msgstr "Въртене на 1&80"

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:65
msgid "Rotate Image CCW"
msgstr "Въртене обратно на час. стелка"

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:67
msgid "&Rotate Layer..."
msgstr "&Въртене на слой..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:69
msgid "Rotate 1&80"
msgstr "Въртене на 1&80"

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:70
msgid "Rotate CCW"
msgstr "Въртене обратно на час. стелка"

#: plugins/viewplugins/rotateimage/rotateimage.cc:71
msgid "Rotate CW"
msgstr "Въртене по час. стелка"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/chalkcoremodule.cpp:102
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/chalkcoremodule.cpp:116
msgid "Unknown pattern"
msgstr "Неизвестен шаблон"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/chalkcoremodule.cpp:135
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/chalkcoremodule.cpp:148
msgid "Unknown brush"
msgstr "Неизвестна четка"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/chalkcoremodule.cpp:206
msgid "Invalid image size"
msgstr "Невалиден размер на изображение"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/chalkcoremodule.cpp:212
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_image.cpp:83
#, c-format
msgid "Colorspace %0 is not available, please check your installation."
msgstr "Няма цветови обхват %0. Проверете инсталацията."

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_filter.cpp:56
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_paint_layer.cpp:133
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_paint_layer.cpp:175
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_painter.cpp:113
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_painter.cpp:129
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_painter.cpp:134
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:55
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:66
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:78
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:90
#, c-format
msgid "An error has occured in %1"
msgstr "Възникна грешка в %1"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_paint_layer.cpp:133
msgid "The histogram %1 is not available"
msgstr "Хистограма %1 не е налична"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_paint_layer.cpp:175
msgid "Colorspace %1 is not available, please check your installation."
msgstr "Няма цветови обхват %1. Проверете инсталацията."

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_iterator.h:248
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_iterator.h:276
#, c-format
msgid "An error has occurred in %1"
msgstr "Възникна грешка в %1"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_iterator.h:249
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_iterator.h:277
msgid "unsupported data format in scripts"
msgstr "Неподдържан формат на данни в скриптовете"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:55
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:66
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:78
#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/chalkcore/krs_wavelet.cpp:90
msgid "Index out of bound"
msgstr "Индексът е извън обхват"

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/scripting.cc:71
msgid "Execute Script File..."
msgstr "Изпълнение на скрипт..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/scripting/scripting.cc:72
msgid "Script Manager..."
msgstr "Управление на скриптовете..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/dlg_shrink_selection.cc:42
#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/modify_selection.cc:120
msgid "Shrink Selection"
msgstr "Свиване на маркираното"

#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/dlg_grow_selection.cc:42
#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/modify_selection.cc:97
msgid "Grow Selection"
msgstr "Увеличаване на маркираното"

#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/modify_selection.cc:69
msgid "Grow Selection..."
msgstr "Увеличаване на маркираното..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/modify_selection.cc:70
msgid "Shrink Selection..."
msgstr "Свиване на маркираното..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/modify_selection.cc:71
msgid "Border Selection..."
msgstr "Маркиране на граници..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/dlg_border_selection.cc:42
#: plugins/viewplugins/modify_selection/modify_selection.cc:144
msgid "Border Selection"
msgstr "Маркиране на граници"

#: plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/kis_separate_channels_plugin.cc:50
msgid "Separate Image..."
msgstr "Разделяне на изображение..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/dlg_separate.cc:39
#: plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/kis_channel_separator.cc:229
#: plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/kis_separate_channels_plugin.cc:73
msgid "Separate Image"
msgstr "Разделяне на изображение"

#: plugins/viewplugins/separate_channels/kis_channel_separator.cc:82
msgid "Separating image..."
msgstr "Разделяне на изображение..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/main.cpp:10
msgid "KDE Screenshot Utility"
msgstr "Програма за снимки в KDE"

#: plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/main.cpp:14
msgid "KSnapshot"
msgstr "KSnapshot"

#: plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/screenshot.cpp:56
msgid "&Screenshot..."
msgstr "&Снимка на екрана..."

#: plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshot.cpp:154
msgid "Unable to Save Image"
msgstr "Изображението не може да бъде записано"

#: plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshot.cpp:155
#, c-format
msgid ""
"KSnapshot was unable to save the image to\n"
msgstr ""
"KSnapshot не успя да запише изображението в\n"

#: plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshot.cpp:208
msgid "Print Screenshot"
msgstr "Печат на снимка на екрана"

#: plugins/viewplugins/screenshot/ksnapshot.cpp:302
msgid "The screen has been successfully grabbed."
msgstr "Екранът беше обхванат успешно."

#: plugins/filters/blur/kis_blur_filter.cc:55
msgid "&Blur..."
msgstr "&Замъгляне..."

#: plugins/filters/cimg/kis_cimg_filter.cc:111
msgid "&CImg Image Restoration..."
msgstr "Възстановяване на &CImg изображение..."

#: plugins/filters/cimg/kis_cimg_filter.cc:646
msgid "Applying image restoration filter..."
msgstr "Прилагане филтър за възстановяване на изображение..."

#: plugins/filters/cimg/kis_cimg_filter.h:58
msgid "Image Restoration (cimg-based)"
msgstr "Възстановяване на изображение (cimg-базирано)"

#: plugins/filters/cubismfilter/kis_cubism_filter.cc:64
msgid "&Cubism..."
msgstr "&Кубизъм..."

#: plugins/filters/cubismfilter/kis_cubism_filter.cc:387
msgid "Applying cubism filter..."
msgstr "Прилагане на филтър за щамповане..."

#: plugins/filters/cubismfilter/kis_cubism_filter.cc:439
msgid "Tile size"
msgstr "Размер на мозайка"

#: plugins/filters/cubismfilter/kis_cubism_filter.cc:440
msgid "Tile saturation"
msgstr "Насищане на мозайка"

#: plugins/filters/cubismfilter/kis_cubism_filter.h:55
msgid "Cubism"
msgstr "Кубизъм"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:91
msgid "&Gaussian Blur"
msgstr "&Гаусово замъгляване"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:98
msgid "&Sharpen"
msgstr "&Изостряне"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:104
msgid "&Mean Removal"
msgstr "Премахване на &основата"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:110
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:58
msgid "Emboss Laplascian"
msgstr "Щамповане Laplascian"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:117
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:67
msgid "Emboss in All Directions"
msgstr "Щамповане във всички посоки"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:124
msgid "Emboss Horizontal && Vertical"
msgstr "Хоризонтално и вертикално щамповане"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:131
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:85
msgid "Emboss Vertical Only"
msgstr "Само вертикално щамповане"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:137
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:94
msgid "Emboss Horizontal Only"
msgstr "Само хоризонтално щамповане"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:144
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:152
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:112
msgid "Top Edge Detection"
msgstr "Откриване на горен ръб"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:160
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:121
msgid "Right Edge Detection"
msgstr "Откриване на десен ръб"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:166
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:130
msgid "Bottom Edge Detection"
msgstr "Откриване на долен ръб"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.cc:172
#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:139
msgid "Left Edge Detection"
msgstr "Откриване на ляв ръб"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/kis_custom_convolution_filter.h:34
msgid "&Custom Convolution..."
msgstr "&Потребителско извиване..."

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/kis_custom_convolution_filter.h:37
msgid "Custom Convolution"
msgstr "Потребителско извиване"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:31
msgid "Gaussian Blur"
msgstr "Гаусово замъгляване"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:40
msgid "Sharpen"
msgstr "Изостряне"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:49
msgid "Mean Removal"
msgstr "Основно премахване"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:76
msgid "Emboss Horizontal & Vertical"
msgstr "Вертикално и хоризонтално щамповане"

#: plugins/filters/convolutionfilters/convolutionfilters.h:103
msgid "Emboss Diagonal"
msgstr "Щамповане по диагонал"

#: plugins/filters/roundcorners/kis_round_corners_filter.h:45
msgid "Round Corners"
msgstr "Заобляне на ъгли"

#: plugins/filters/roundcorners/kis_round_corners_filter.cc:55
msgid "&Round Corners..."
msgstr "&Заобляне на ъгли..."

#: plugins/filters/pixelizefilter/kis_pixelize_filter.cc:103
#: plugins/filters/roundcorners/kis_round_corners_filter.cc:66
msgid "Applying pixelize filter..."
msgstr "Прилагане на филтър за пикселизиране..."

#: plugins/filters/roundcorners/kis_round_corners_filter.cc:145
msgid "Radius"
msgstr "Радиус"

#: plugins/filters/noisefilter/noisefilter.h:43
msgid "Noise"
msgstr "Шум"

#: plugins/filters/noisefilter/noisefilter.cc:67
msgid "&Random Noise..."
msgstr "&Произволен шум..."

#: plugins/filters/noisefilter/noisefilter.cc:85
msgid "Configuration of noise filter"
msgstr "Настройване на филтъра за шум"

#: plugins/filters/raindropsfilter/kis_raindrops_filter.cc:56
msgid "&Raindrops..."
msgstr "&Дъждовни капки..."

#: plugins/filters/oilpaintfilter/kis_oilpaint_filter.cc:96
#: plugins/filters/raindropsfilter/kis_raindrops_filter.cc:96
msgid "Applying oilpaint filter..."
msgstr "Прилагане на маслен филтър..."

#: plugins/filters/raindropsfilter/kis_raindrops_filter.cc:424
msgid "Drop size"
msgstr "Пропускане на размер"

#: plugins/filters/raindropsfilter/kis_raindrops_filter.cc:425
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Число"

#: plugins/filters/raindropsfilter/kis_raindrops_filter.cc:426
msgid "Fish eyes"
msgstr "Рибешки очи"

#: plugins/filters/raindropsfilter/kis_raindrops_filter.h:50
msgid "Raindrops"
msgstr "Дъждовни капки"

#: plugins/filters/wavefilter/wavefilter.cc:102
msgid "&Wave..."
msgstr "&Вълна..."

#: plugins/filters/wavefilter/wavefilter.cc:126
msgid "Configuration of wave filter"
msgstr "Настройване на вълновия филтър"

#: plugins/filters/wavefilter/wavefilter.h:43
msgid "Wave"
msgstr "Вълна"

#: plugins/filters/levelfilter/kis_level_filter.cc:84
msgid "&Levels"
msgstr "&Нива"

#: plugins/filters/sobelfilter/kis_sobel_filter.cc:73
msgid "&Sobel..."
msgstr "&Sobel..."

#: plugins/filters/sobelfilter/kis_sobel_filter.cc:116
msgid "Applying sobel filter..."
msgstr "Прилагане на филтър sobel..."

#: plugins/filters/sobelfilter/kis_sobel_filter.cc:201
msgid "Sobel horizontally"
msgstr "sobel хоризонтално"

#: plugins/filters/sobelfilter/kis_sobel_filter.cc:202
msgid "Sobel vertically"
msgstr "sobel вертикално"

#: plugins/filters/sobelfilter/kis_sobel_filter.cc:203
msgid "Keep sign of result"
msgstr "Запазване знака на резултат"

#: plugins/filters/sobelfilter/kis_sobel_filter.cc:204
msgid "Make image opaque"
msgstr "Изображението наопаки"

#: plugins/filters/sobelfilter/kis_sobel_filter.h:60
msgid "Sobel"
msgstr "Sobel"

#: plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/lenscorrectionfilter.cc:71
msgid "&Lens Correction..."
msgstr "Корекция на &лещи..."

#: plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/lenscorrectionfilter.cc:93
msgid "Configuration of lens correction filter"
msgstr "Настройване на филтъра за корекция на лещи"

#: plugins/filters/lenscorrectionfilter/lenscorrectionfilter.h:43
msgid "Lens Correction"
msgstr "Корекция на лещи"

#: plugins/filters/halftone/kis_halftone.cpp:65
msgid "Halftone Reduction..."
msgstr "Намаляване на полутон..."

#: plugins/filters/halftone/kis_halftone.cpp:77
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Честота"

#: plugins/filters/halftone/kis_halftone.cpp:78
msgid "Half-size"
msgstr "Полуразмер"

#: plugins/filters/halftone/kis_halftone.cpp:141
#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_wavelet_noise_reduction.cpp:86
msgid "Fast wavelet transformation"
msgstr "Трансформация на малка вълна"

#: plugins/filters/halftone/kis_halftone.cpp:181
#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_wavelet_noise_reduction.cpp:122
msgid "Fast wavelet untransformation"
msgstr "Отмяна трансформацията на малка вълна"

#: plugins/filters/halftone/kis_halftone.h:70
msgid "Halftone Reducer"
msgstr "Намаляване на полутон"

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/kis_brightness_contrast_filter.h:62
msgid "Brightness / Contrast"
msgstr "Яркост / Контраст"

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/kis_perchannel_filter.h:60
msgid "&Color Adjustment..."
msgstr "Регулиране на &цветовете..."

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/kis_perchannel_filter.h:66
msgid "Color Adjustment"
msgstr "Регулиране на цветовете"

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/colorsfilters.h:41
msgid "Auto Contrast"
msgstr "Автоконтраст"

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/colorsfilters.h:59
msgid "Desaturate"
msgstr "Ненаситеност"

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/colorsfilters.cc:79
msgid "&Auto Contrast"
msgstr "&Автоконтраст"

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/colorsfilters.cc:232
msgid "&Desaturate"
msgstr "&Ненаситеност"

#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/kis_brightness_contrast_filter.cc:142
msgid "&Brightness/Contrast..."
msgstr "&Яркост / Контраст..."

#: plugins/filters/colors/kis_minmax_filters.h:36
msgid "Maximize Channel"
msgstr "Максимизиране на канал"

#: plugins/filters/colors/kis_minmax_filters.h:49
msgid "Minimize Channel"
msgstr "Минимизиране на канал"

#: plugins/filters/colors/kis_color_to_alpha.h:35
msgid "Color to Alpha"
msgstr "Цвят в алфа"

#: plugins/filters/colors/kis_minmax_filters.cc:71
msgid "M&aximize Channel"
msgstr "&Максимизиране на канал"

#: plugins/filters/colors/kis_minmax_filters.cc:117
msgid "M&inimize Channel"
msgstr "Ми&нимизиране на канал"

#: plugins/filters/colors/kis_color_to_alpha.cc:33
msgid "&Color to Alpha..."
msgstr "&Цвят в алфа..."

#: plugins/filters/colorify/Colorify.h:45
msgid "Colorify..."
msgstr "Цветови обхват..."

#: plugins/filters/colorify/Colorify.cpp:58
msgid "&Colorify..."
msgstr "&Цветови обхват..."

#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_wavelet_noise_reduction.h:59
msgid "Wavelet Noise Reducer"
msgstr "Премахване шумовете на малка вълна"

#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_wavelet_noise_reduction.cpp:32
msgid "&Wavelet Noise Reduction..."
msgstr "Премахване шумовете на &малка вълна..."

#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_wavelet_noise_reduction.cpp:106
msgid "Thresholding"
msgstr "Праг"

#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_simple_noise_reducer.h:52
msgid "Gaussian Noise Reducer"
msgstr "Гаусово премахване на шумове"

#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_simple_noise_reducer.cpp:31
msgid "&Gaussian Noise Reduction..."
msgstr "&Гаусово премахване на шумове..."

#: plugins/filters/imageenhancement/kis_simple_noise_reducer.cpp:44
msgid "Window size"
msgstr "Размер на прозореца"

#: plugins/filters/smalltilesfilter/kis_small_tiles_filter.cc:75
msgid "&Small Tiles..."
msgstr "Ма&лки плочки..."

#: plugins/filters/smalltilesfilter/kis_small_tiles_filter.cc:174
msgid "Number of tiles"
msgstr "Брой плочки"

#: plugins/filters/smalltilesfilter/kis_small_tiles_filter.h:53
msgid "Small Tiles"
msgstr "Малки плочки"

#: plugins/filters/randompickfilter/randompickfilter.h:43
msgid "Random Pick"
msgstr "Произволно избиране"

#: plugins/filters/randompickfilter/randompickfilter.cc:68
msgid "&Random Pick..."
msgstr "&Произволен избор..."

#: plugins/filters/randompickfilter/randompickfilter.cc:87
msgid "Configuration of random pick filter"
msgstr "Настройване на филтъра за произволно избиране"

#: plugins/filters/unsharp/kis_unsharp_filter.cc:54
msgid "&Unsharp Mask..."
msgstr "&Замъгляване на маска..."

#: plugins/filters/unsharp/kis_unsharp_filter.h:36
msgid "Unsharp Mask"
msgstr "Замъгляване на маска"

#: plugins/filters/fastcolortransfer/fastcolortransfer.cc:61
msgid "&Color Transfer..."
msgstr "&Цветово прехвърляне..."

#: plugins/filters/fastcolortransfer/fastcolortransfer.h:45
msgid "Color Transfer"
msgstr "Цветово прехвърляне"

#: plugins/filters/oilpaintfilter/kis_oilpaint_filter.h:52
msgid "Oilpaint"
msgstr "Маслена боя"

#: plugins/filters/oilpaintfilter/kis_oilpaint_filter.cc:53
msgid "&Oilpaint..."
msgstr "&Маслена боя..."

#: plugins/filters/oilpaintfilter/kis_oilpaint_filter.cc:234
msgid "Brush size"
msgstr "Размер на четка"

#: plugins/filters/oilpaintfilter/kis_oilpaint_filter.cc:235
msgid "Smooth"
msgstr "Гладък"

#: plugins/filters/embossfilter/kis_emboss_filter.cc:53
msgid "&Emboss with Variable Depth..."
msgstr "&Щамповане с различна дълбочина..."

#: plugins/filters/embossfilter/kis_emboss_filter.cc:94
msgid "Applying emboss filter..."
msgstr "Прилагане на филтър за щамповане..."

#: plugins/filters/embossfilter/kis_emboss_filter.cc:164
msgid "Depth"
msgstr "Дълбочина"

#: plugins/filters/pixelizefilter/kis_pixelize_filter.h:47
msgid "Pixelize"
msgstr "Пикселизиране"

#: plugins/filters/pixelizefilter/kis_pixelize_filter.cc:54
msgid "&Pixelize..."
msgstr "&Пикселизиране..."

#: plugins/filters/pixelizefilter/kis_pixelize_filter.cc:169
msgid "Pixel width"
msgstr "Ширина на пиксел"

#: plugins/filters/pixelizefilter/kis_pixelize_filter.cc:170
msgid "Pixel height"
msgstr "Височина на пиксел"

#: plugins/filters/bumpmap/bumpmap.cc:91
msgid "&Bumpmap..."
msgstr "&Bumpmap..."

#: plugins/filters/threadtest/threadtest.cc:110
msgid "Invert with &Threads"
msgstr "Обръщане с &нишки"

#: plugins/filters/threadtest/threadtest.h:40
msgid "Invert with Threads"
msgstr "Обръщане с нишки"