path: root/kspread/kspread_editors.h
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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/kspread/kspread_editors.h b/kspread/kspread_editors.h
index 63651717..a8d721db 100644
--- a/kspread/kspread_editors.h
+++ b/kspread/kspread_editors.h
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public:
* Creates a new CellEditor.
* @param cell The spreadsheet cell to associate the cell text editor with
* @param _parent The @ref Canvas object to associate this cell text editor with
- * @param captureAllKeyEvents Controls whether or not the text editor swallows arrow key events or sends them to the tqparent canvas instead. If this is set to true, pressing the arrow keys will navigate backwards and forwards through the text in the editor. If it is false, the key events will be sent to the tqparent canvas which will change the cell being edited (depending on the direction of the arrow pressed). Generally this should be set to true if the user double clicks on the cell to edit it, and false if the user initiates editing by typing whilst the cell is selected.
+ * @param captureAllKeyEvents Controls whether or not the text editor swallows arrow key events or sends them to the parent canvas instead. If this is set to true, pressing the arrow keys will navigate backwards and forwards through the text in the editor. If it is false, the key events will be sent to the parent canvas which will change the cell being edited (depending on the direction of the arrow pressed). Generally this should be set to true if the user double clicks on the cell to edit it, and false if the user initiates editing by typing whilst the cell is selected.
* @param _name This parameter is sent to the TQObject constructor
CellEditor( Cell* cell, Canvas* _parent = 0, bool captureAllKeyEvents = false, const char* _name = 0 );
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ protected:
void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* );
* Steals some key events from the TQLineEdit and sends
- * it to the @ref Canvas ( its tqparent ) instead.
+ * it to the @ref Canvas ( its parent ) instead.
bool eventFilter( TQObject* o, TQEvent* e );
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ class EditWidget : public TQLineEdit
- EditWidget( TQWidget *tqparent, Canvas *canvas,
+ EditWidget( TQWidget *parent, Canvas *canvas,
TQButton *cancelButton, TQButton *okButton);
virtual void setText( const TQString& t );