After 1.5 cleanups

* Move core/ui class private members to d-pointers
* Selections, adj. masks, wetness, heigh masks (all 8-bit mask ideas)
  as sublayers to paint layers, and make them movable between layers
  and x,y, toggle on/off.
* Fix KisFilter::colorSpaceIndependence/worksWith overlap
* Add api & gui to exclude channels from compositing
* Add a mechanism for cspaces to start long-running filters when a paintdev
  is created -- and a gui to turn that on and off, perhaps something analogous
  to a channels box
* Make set of filter categories extensible
* BUG 121975: selections and group layers.
* Add end poly entry to the popup menu when the poly tool is active (note:
  make this more generically useful for tools. Great idea by David Herman
* Paint direct should be paint directly
UI stuff:

* color picker: top combo should be as wide as the whole widget; the widget is a bit too big,
  we should try to make the listview a lot smaller. Maybe just use labels here?
* The edit palette dialog two-step should be changed into a single dialog
Code organization

Transform tool (CBR)

	* Implement native integer versions for bell, bspline, lanczos3 and mitchell filters
	* The option widget should be connected
	* Figure out why scaling down produces sum of weights <255 (Hermite filter)
	* Implement gui, create cursors and update visitor for shearing


	* A chalk document embedded in KWord has the wrong scaling and transparency
	* A chalk document embedded in another document prints at the wrong place
	* Embedded KOffice objects don't paint themselves correctly
	* There is currently no kimgio module for Chalk images: implement one by
	  saving a rendered png image into the chalk file and extracting that from
	  kimgio. (Saving of a png image in .kra files is done; now we just need to 
          add the kimgio file)
        * There is no easy way to get back from editing an embedded document (if the image is larger
          than the window)
Colorspace independence (found with the test colorstrategy)

	* Check and double check the cms capabilities: especially the use of
          profiles in the render/convert/edit paths.
	* Merge grayscale layers back into one color image.

     * The fill painter (and perhaps other paitners, too) should call addDirtyRect, and the floodfill
          tool should use that rect to blit and notify the image, instead of notifying the complete image.s
	* Fix image resolution handling (zooming, pixel-for-pixel, 100% == zoomed to dpi/xdpi etc.)
	* Loading and saving of selections
	* Anti-aliased filling (requires some simple colorspace function to merge 2 Pixels)
	* Load/save configuration of everything user-settable.
	* Long painter operations (e.g., convolution painter) should use the
          progressbar and be cancelable.
    * Color adjustment filters seem to have a problem with partially selected pixels

File Format:

	* Save & load all annotations in .kra files
	* Save & load more information, like PNG comments, gamma information, etc


    * Fix gimp XCF PSD and import/export (ImageMagick hacking...)
	* Fix imports to import metadata.

User Interface
    * Add an explanatory textframe to the scaling filter combobox.
    * Add a good crosshair cursor and a crosshair cursor that extends to the rulers.
    * Add a cheatsheet widget that integrates with tdenewstuff to have tutorials that people
      can download and follow from Chalk.
    * Add opacity widget (One that grows more white or transparent (showing those gray blocks) based on the
    * Add out-of-gamut selection
    * Fix layout problems in tool option widgets.
    * Disable dragging the toolbox from dock position to dock position (see Karbon)
    * Disable all relevant actions when a layer is locked or invisible. See bug #90456. Show locked status of current layer in statusbar.
    * Add link check to new image dialog to sync width and height
    * The description field in color settings is empty
    * Implement the following dialogs / widgets:
		    - Variations (#Boudewijn)
		    - Gradient: remove the autogradient dialog and make into a proper
				gradient dialog, and allow saving gradients.

    * Show which tool is associated with which pointer (mouse, stylus, eraser, other stylusses) In the statusbar.
    * Allow guides to be disabled. Allow diagonal guides (useful for perspective drawings) Bug #108398
    * Allow snapping to guides.
    * Create templates for often-used image formats. Add save-as-template
    * Add deselect with rmb -- maybe also selectable actions with other tools on rmb?
    * Fix crop tool: when pressing shift, keep aspect ratio, implement gray mask.
	  (Michael Thaler)
    * Allow shape tools to be filled with gradients

		* Tabs in dockers drag-and-droppable (vector of docker
		  windows, create new docker if tab dropped outside existing
		  docker window)
		* Add bird's eye view tab to dockers.
		* Add action (macro) docker
		* Add navigation/zoom docker
		* Add history docker

    * Doing a copy of a selection, but having the wrong layer selected gives 
      me an empty selection (all transparent).  Pressing paste should say so 
      (popup) instead of creating a new useless layer.
    * the selection tools should allow pressing shift to go to 'substract' 
      mode without adjusting the combobox for the current tool.  (a different 
      pointer would be nice as well)

    * Pressing save for the first time gives me the 'save document as' dialog 
      which is set to 'png' as default file format.
      I suggest to set the default format (in the "save as" dialog) to the chalk 
      format for any image that has more then 1 layer.  


    * On shearing, the whole image is mirrored, not the selected
    * Add opacity slider to selection painting tools so you can
          select something 50%.


	* Add an input profile combobox to the import image & scan dialogs
	* Add an export profile combobox to the export image/print dialogs
    * Add loading and saving of profiles associated with images in .chalk 
    * Export profiles in tiff, png and jpg (this and the previous item
      depend on ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick supporting this in some way.)
    * Support out-of-gamut warning indications for parts of an image 
      containing unprintable colours (no idea how to implement this). -> this
      is pretty easy with lcms
	* preferences dialog can show non-existent profile for the monitor profile -> confusing


	* Zoom tool should zoom out when alt is pressed. Show zoom-minus cursor in that case
	* Implement the following tools or paintops: 
		    - fix airbrush tool (add rate option, add increase
		      of brush size if kept in one place)
		    - color changer, smudge tool,sharpen tool, blur
		      tool, dodge tool, burn tool, sponge tool (These
		      last are perhaps more generally: painting with
		      filters tool)
		    - stamp tool (paint with patttern/image selection) (#Cyrille)
		    - Text tool (use kotext with a transparent background here?)
		    - Measure tool
	            - calligraphic pen tool
	* Pressure sensivitize all relevant tools (e.g. line tool)
    * Add resize slider to freehand tools that resizes the mean brush size.
	* Implement path tools (Michael Thaler?)
	* Sumi-e brush tool
	* Natural media tools (chalk, ink, oil, watercolour -- fun!)


	* As many filters as possible :-)


	* Add color models for HSV, YUV etc.
	* Add Wet & Sticky model (in progress already)
	* Implement Curtiss et. al. for watercolour (Levien, wet dreams. In progress)
	* The composite ops in RGB -> composite.h do not take mask into account
	 - this goes for COPY and CLEAR in grayscale also


	* No use of the resolution parameter (but the resolution dialog is still only a .ui file and not implemented at all)
	* Use gutenprint or something better for image printing.