/* * Copyright (c) 2005 Cyrille Berger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KROSS_KRITACOREKRS_ITERATOR_H #define KROSS_KRITACOREKRS_ITERATOR_H #include #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kross { namespace ChalkCore { // stupid TQt which doesn't support templated TQObject class IteratorMemoryManaged { public: virtual void invalidateIterator() = 0; }; class IteratorMemoryManager : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT public: IteratorMemoryManager(IteratorMemoryManaged* it) : m_it(it) { // Connect the Monitor to know when the invalidating of iterator is needed connect(KisScriptMonitor::instance(), TQ_SIGNAL(executionFinished(const Kross::Api::ScriptAction* )), this, TQ_SLOT(invalidateIterator())); } public slots: void invalidateIterator() { m_it->invalidateIterator(); } private: IteratorMemoryManaged* m_it; }; // /** * This object allow to change the value of pixel one by one. * The name of some function depends of the colorspace, for instance, if * the colorspace of the layer is RGB, you will have setR, setG, setB... and for CMYK, * setC, setM, setY, setK. In the doc bellow we will consider the colorspace is called ABC with * three channels : A, B and C. * * Function: setA setB setC * Those functions take one argument: * - the new value of one of the channel of this pixel * * Function: setABC * Set the value of all channels. * This function take one argument: * - an array with the new value for all channels */ template class Iterator : public Kross::Api::Class >, private IteratorMemoryManaged { public: Iterator(_T_It it, KisPaintLayerSP layer) : Kross::Api::Class >("ChalkIterator"), m_itmm (new IteratorMemoryManager(this)), m_it(new _T_It(it)), nchannels(layer->paintDevice()->nChannels()), m_layer(layer) { // navigate in the iterator this->addFunction("next", new Kross::Api::ProxyFunction< Iterator<_T_It>, // instance bool (Iterator<_T_It>::*)(), // method Kross::Api::Variant // return-value >(this, &Iterator<_T_It>::next)); this->addFunction("isDone", new Kross::Api::ProxyFunction< Iterator<_T_It>, // instance bool (Iterator<_T_It>::*)(), // method Kross::Api::Variant // return-value >(this, &Iterator<_T_It>::isDone)); // get/set value TQValueVector channels = layer->paintDevice()->colorSpace()->channels(); TQString initiales = ""; for(TQValueVector::iterator itC = channels.begin(); itC != channels.end(); itC++) { KisChannelInfo * ci = *itC; initiales += ci->name().left(1); switch(ci->channelValueType()) { case KisChannelInfo::UINT8: this->addFunction("get"+ci->name(), new Kross::Api::Function1< Iterator<_T_It> , uint >( this, &Iterator<_T_It>::getChannelUINT8, ci->pos() ) ); this->addFunction("set"+ci->name(), new Kross::Api::Function1< Iterator<_T_It> , uint >( this, &Iterator<_T_It>::setChannelUINT8, ci->pos() ) ); break; case KisChannelInfo::UINT16: this->addFunction("get"+ci->name(), new Kross::Api::Function1< Iterator<_T_It> , uint >( this, &Iterator<_T_It>::getChannelUINT16, ci->pos() ) ); this->addFunction("set"+ci->name(), new Kross::Api::Function1< Iterator<_T_It> , uint >( this, &Iterator<_T_It>::setChannelUINT16, ci->pos() ) ); break; case KisChannelInfo::FLOAT32: this->addFunction("get"+ci->name(), new Kross::Api::Function1< Iterator<_T_It> , uint >( this, &Iterator<_T_It>::getChannelFLOAT, ci->pos() ) ); this->addFunction("set"+ci->name(), new Kross::Api::Function1< Iterator<_T_It> , uint >( this, &Iterator<_T_It>::setChannelFLOAT, ci->pos() ) ); break; default: kdDebug(41011) << "unsupported data format in scripts" << endl; break; } } initiales = initiales.upper(); // set/get general this->addFunction("set" + initiales, &Iterator::setPixel); this->addFunction("get" + initiales, &Iterator::getPixel); kdDebug(41011) << ( "get" + initiales ) << endl; // Various colorSpace this->addFunction("invertColor", &Iterator::invertColor); this->addFunction("darken", &Iterator::darken); } ~Iterator() { invalidateIterator(); delete m_itmm; } virtual const TQString getClassName() const { return "Kross::ChalkCore::KrsDoc"; }; private: /** * Darken a pixel. * This functions at least one argument: * - shade amount use to darken all color channels * * This function can take the following optional argument: * - compensation to limit the darkening */ Kross::Api::Object::Ptr darken(Kross::Api::List::Ptr args) { TQ_INT32 shade = Kross::Api::Variant::toUInt( args->item(0) ); bool compensate = (args->count() == 2); double compensation = compensate ? Kross::Api::Variant::toDouble( args->item(2) ) : 0.; m_layer->paintDevice()->colorSpace()->darken(m_it->rawData(), m_it->rawData(), shade, compensate, compensation, 1); return 0; } /** * Invert the color of a pixel. */ Kross::Api::Object::Ptr invertColor(Kross::Api::List::Ptr ) { m_layer->paintDevice()->colorSpace()->invertColor(m_it->rawData(), 1); return 0; } /** * Increment the positon, and go to the next pixel. */ bool next() { ++(*m_it); return m_it->isDone(); } /** * Return true if the iterator is at the end, and that no more pixels are available. */ bool isDone() { return m_it->isDone(); } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr getChannelUINT8(Kross::Api::List::Ptr, uint channelpos) { TQ_UINT8* data = (TQ_UINT8*)(m_it->rawData() + channelpos); return new Kross::Api::Variant( * data); } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr setChannelUINT8(Kross::Api::List::Ptr args, uint channelpos) { TQ_UINT8* data = (TQ_UINT8*)(m_it->rawData() + channelpos); //*(uint*)channelpos); *data = Kross::Api::Variant::toUInt( args->item(0) ); return 0; } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr getChannelUINT16(Kross::Api::List::Ptr, uint channelpos) { TQ_UINT16* data = (TQ_UINT16*)(m_it->rawData() + channelpos); return new Kross::Api::Variant( * data); } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr setChannelUINT16(Kross::Api::List::Ptr args, uint channelpos) { TQ_UINT16* data = (TQ_UINT16*)(m_it->rawData() + channelpos); *data = Kross::Api::Variant::toUInt( args->item(0) ); return 0; } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr getChannelFLOAT(Kross::Api::List::Ptr, uint channelpos) { float* data = (float*)(m_it->rawData() + channelpos); return new Kross::Api::Variant( * data); } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr setChannelFLOAT(Kross::Api::List::Ptr args, uint channelpos) { float* data = (float*)(m_it->rawData() + channelpos); *data = Kross::Api::Variant::toUInt( args->item(0) ); return 0; } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr getPixel(Kross::Api::List::Ptr) { TQValueVector channels = m_layer->paintDevice()->colorSpace()->channels(); TQValueList pixel; for(TQValueVector::iterator itC = channels.begin(); itC != channels.end(); itC++) { KisChannelInfo * ci = *itC; TQ_UINT8* data = (TQ_UINT8*)(m_it->rawData() + ci->pos()); switch(ci->channelValueType()) { case KisChannelInfo::UINT8: pixel.push_back( *data); break; case KisChannelInfo::UINT16: pixel.push_back( *((TQ_UINT16*) data) ); break; case KisChannelInfo::FLOAT32: pixel.push_back( *((float*) data) ); break; default: kdDebug(41011) << i18n("An error has occurred in %1").arg("getPixel") << endl; kdDebug(41011) << i18n("unsupported data format in scripts") << endl; break; } } return new Kross::Api::Variant( pixel); } Kross::Api::Object::Ptr setPixel(Kross::Api::List::Ptr args) { TQValueList pixel = Kross::Api::Variant::toList( args->item(0) ); TQValueVector channels = m_layer->paintDevice()->colorSpace()->channels(); uint i = 0; for(TQValueVector::iterator itC = channels.begin(); itC != channels.end(); itC++, i++) { KisChannelInfo * ci = *itC; TQ_UINT8* data = (TQ_UINT8*)(m_it->rawData() + ci->pos()); switch(ci->channelValueType()) { case KisChannelInfo::UINT8: *data = pixel[i].toUInt(); break; case KisChannelInfo::UINT16: *((TQ_UINT16*) data) = pixel[i].toUInt(); break; case KisChannelInfo::FLOAT32: *((float*) data) = pixel[i].toDouble(); break; default: kdDebug(41011) << i18n("An error has occurred in %1").arg("setPixel") << endl; kdDebug(41011) << i18n("unsupported data format in scripts") << endl; break; } } return 0; } private: virtual void invalidateIterator() { kdDebug(41011) << "invalidating iterator" << endl; if(m_it) { kdDebug(41011) << "deleting iterator" << endl; delete m_it; } m_it = 0; kdDebug() << " Iterator = " << m_it << endl; } private: IteratorMemoryManager* m_itmm; _T_It* m_it; int nchannels; KisPaintLayerSP m_layer; }; } } #endif