* General:

 - Paragraph background color can now be set (in addition to text background color)
 - Palettes now remember their position between sessions (Chalk, Kivio, Karbon)
 - Palettes now have a smart mode where they start floating on small screens and
   docked on larger screens
 - ToolBox is no longer duplicated for every view
 - Accessibility: Allow speaking texts using the tdeaccessibility tools (KTTS).
 - Accessibility: Alt-F8 to set focus to any focusable widget.
 - Accessibility: F8 and Shift-F8 for mouseless splitter and dock widget sizing.

* Bug fixes:

** KWord:
 - Statistic variables are not saved in KWord format (#111478)
 - Fix bug where inserting a large image would not make it a size that fits the page
 - Fix bug where images in headers were only shown in the first page.
 - Fix RMB in table-cell should not unselect text

** Chalk:
 - Chalk now compiles on NetBSD
 - Fix rotation bugs
 - When "Select Similar Colors" a transparant area, add only transparant areas instead 
   of the entire image to the selection.
 - Fix loading and saving of grayscale images
 - Fix ImageMagick 16/8 bit image confusion when loading and saving.
 - BUG: 110296 Display is now restored on cancel
 - many crash fixes
 - Warn when applying a filter that will convert the layer data
 - create and save new brushes
 - show image in center of window
 - group layers in folders
 - cmyk8, cmyk16, rgb16, gray16, rgb-half, rgb-float16 and lab16 colorspaces

** KSpread:
 - Fixed spreadsheets containing formulae being marked as modified immediately after being opened.
 - 115948 format changes of an automerged cell affects all cells in the set.

** Karbon:
- 114421 Transform palette has a strange layout when it is tall 
- 114424 Stroke properties palette has a strange layout when it is...
- 114425 Color palette has title "Fill color" even when it shows s... 
- 114428 The last created object should stay selected
- 114577 The Document/Layers/History palette is not shown on start
- 114579 Deleting polyline segment moves the mouse pointer to (0, 0)
- 114580 JJ: The line thickness SpinBox has no tooltip
- 112765 Selecting a polyline and running the "round corners" plug...
- 60438 undo confusion between point and shape action
- 92974 svg export creates useless svg file (from text tool)
- 115752 Make paste operation undo:able
- 116612 svg import/rendering bugs
- 111372 karbon: KLibrary: Undefined symbol "init_libkarbonpart"
- 114578 A polyline spline has a too big surrounding box
- 89596 Switching between Karbon14 and KSVGPlugin view in Konquer...
- 38555 segv when opening a file svg or kontour native
- 116422 un-usable selecting behaviour multple moving
- 116972 Transform palette is not updated when moving or scaling an object
- 115213 The color and opacity bars in the color chooser palette are backwards.
	(thanks Marijn Kruisselbrink for the initial patch)
- 96944 Wanted: good right-click actions for polyline tool, zoom ...
- 111619 Page layout: size alias and margins doesn't get saved
- 111717 How to bring back the overview window if you close it?
- 111618 Rename plugins menu to "Effects"
- 109520 Change Align Center (Vertical) to Align Middle and add some extra separators
- 108789 Keybindings like chalk, and other tweaks
- 108755 Always use this document at startup, Karbon has no way to stop doing this. Add a basic karbon template.
- 91376, 111207, 60844 Dockers now use the KoPalette library. This means a huge improvement when it comes to docker management 
- 112691 Usability: The tools should be grouped
- 114429 The color picker is bad: Karbon now uses the Chalk color choosers.
- 99927 karbon prints empty page the same in preview
- 119452 Printing scales the entire drawing down
- 116494 [usability] polyline interaction suggestions
- 119024 Color chooser doesn't move crosshair/sliders when switching from foreground to background color
- 112680 JJ: All the dockers lack tooltips
- 39138 selecting inside groups 
- 124691 crash when adding pattern
- 126006 Duplicated "Snap to grid" in "View" menu
- 126095 deleted objects saved in in odg
- 125957 l10n for Russian: different "width" for stroke and other ...
- 102860 karbon crashes when pasting text
- 126341 Can't undo after using whirl/pinch effect
- 129039 Reordering layer elements reorders layers themselves
- 126094 polyline tool does not work as expected

** Kivio:
 - Fix grid painting
 - Fix loading of remote documents

* Features:

** Chalk:
 - Add histograms
 - Histograms for images with more than 8-bit to the channel can be zoomed
 - Add histogram docker
 - Many filters are now colorspace independent
 - Add CMYK (8 and 16 bit)
 - Add 16-bit grayscale
 - Image separation feature
 - Add openEXR support
 - Separate painting styles from tools; now every tool, from freehand to star can use any
   painting style (eraser, brush, pen, airbrush...)
 - Create better and more modern selection visualisation
 - Put brush, gradient, pattern and paint style in popups in a toolbar, reducing the amount
   of space Chalk needs for its dockers
 - Make hardness of tablet pressure curve configurable
 - Many performance improvements to the backend (allocation cache, transform cache)
 - Use color profiles everywhere
 - New curves widget for color adjustments
 - Add feather selection feature
 - Pasted clipboard contents are placed in the middle of the image initially
 - Brush shape is shown as an outline cursor when painting freehand
 - Chalk now adds itself to the Open With menu in Konqueror
 - support more modes from GImp image hose brushes
 - Much work on documentation
 - Allow the user to choose between contiguous fill behaviour in combination with selections. 
   Either fill the entire selection, or floodfill the image, but taking the selection into 
   account (default behaviour).
 - Add a 16-bit float half format RGB colourspace and change the OpenEXR filters to use it. 
   Will probably add the option to load into 32-bit float as that should be faster.
 - 16-bit LAB is now the fallback colormodel when a particular colormodel doesn't implement
   a certain function
 - Filter gallery feature
 - Add an option to the colorpicker to pick colors not just from the active or
   from all visible layers, but from any layer, while still working on this layer.
 - Tools and most menu items now are disabled when a layer is invisible or locked.
 - Add noise reduction filter
 - Made scrolling with a scrollwheel work better
 - Add round corners filter
 - Add sobel filter
 - Made crop tool much more usable
 - Add small tiles filter
 - Add pixellize filter
 - Remove the text brush

** KWord:
 - Undo and redo for resizing of tables and columns
 - Grid for objects
 - allow documents to start at any page number (no gui yet)
 - Accessiblity: keyboard navigation across frames, create frame using the keyboard
 - cleanups and usability improvements for the document structure widget
 - make the Fit to Width zoommode work properly, even when you resize the window later.
 - make Fit to Width zoommode the default for new users
 - KWord makes selecting/moving/resizing frames easier by implementing all features from http://www.koffice.org/developer/keyboardmodifiers.php
 - paint the cursor in a color that is always readable, even if you set the background color to black
 - make positioning the caret at frame edge easier.
 - make frame handling much easier
 - Center page on screen
 - Create new set of templates, based on usability and user feedback.
 - make deleting a page (in dtp mode) actually work when there was still content on the page.
 - frame selections are now per view.
 - Remember picture insert directory
 - Accessibility: Enhanced mouseless navigation using document structure area.
 - KWord now uses OASIS OpenDocument
 - Accessibility: Improvement: "Menu" key shows RMB popup in document structure area.
 - Add a dot as the suffix of numbered lists (1, a, A, III)

** KSpread:
 - 	Added cell reference highlighting when editing formulae.  Also added click-and-drag resizing
	of ranges referenced in formulae.
 -	Greatly improved OpenDocument support
 -	Sort dialog displays column & row names instead of "Column A","Column B" for selecting sort criteria
 - new formula engine implemented - parsing and evaluation much faster and
   more robust and flexible

** Karbon
 - Duplicate object.
 - Minor new feature: make it able to change docker font sizes.
 - Enabled right mouse click to zoom out of canvas, partially fixing bug 96944
 - Load SVG and Gimp gradients
 - Support for changing gradient or pattern fills on the canvas (wish 119344)

** KPresenter:
 - Display or not background
 - Display or not slide master object
 - QWhatsThis help added in COnfigure KPresenter... dialog
 - User manual is up-to-date

** KChart:
 - Correctly set a background color/image

** Kivio:
 - Port to the new KoGuides which adds auto guide lines
 - Port to KoPalette and cleaned up the palettes (toolwindows)
 - Make it possible to rearrange the pages with d'n'd in the tab bar
 - Add undo support for Add Connector Target
 - New stencil text editor
 - Added an object list palette
 - Made the old stencil set toolwindow a dialog and cleaned it up a bit
 - Made text properties editable for each textbox and not only each stencil

** Filters:
 - Kpresenter can export page as image file (png/bmp/svg/mng/jpeg/xbm)
 - Kivio can export page as image file