/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1999 Werner Trobin <trobin@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. DESCRIPTION When reading, the point of this module is toperform a depth-first traversal of an OLE file. This ensures that a parent object is processed only after its child objects have been processed. */ #include <olefilter.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tdetempfile.h> #include <kgenericfactory.h> #include <kmimetype.h> #include <KoFilterChain.h> #include <KoDocumentInfo.h> //#include <excelfilter.h> #include <powerpointfilter.h> //#include <wordfilter.h> //#include <hancomwordfilter.h> #include <myfile.h> const int OLEFilter::s_area = 30510; class OLEFilterFactory : KGenericFactory<OLEFilter, KoFilter> { public: OLEFilterFactory(void) : KGenericFactory<OLEFilter, KoFilter> ("olefilter") {} protected: virtual void setupTranslations( void ) { TDEGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "kofficefilters" ); } }; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libolefilter, OLEFilterFactory() ) OLEFilter::OLEFilter(KoFilter *, const char *, const TQStringList&) : KoEmbeddingFilter(), numPic( 0 ), docfile( 0 ), m_embeddeeData( 0 ), m_embeddeeLength( 0 ), success( true ) { olefile.data=0L; } OLEFilter::~OLEFilter() { delete [] olefile.data; delete docfile; } KoFilter::ConversionStatus OLEFilter::convert( const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to ) { if(to!="application/x-kword" && to!="application/x-kspread" && to!="application/x-kpresenter") return KoFilter::NotImplemented; if(from!="application/vnd.ms-word" && from!="application/vnd.ms-excel" && from!="application/msword" && from!="application/msexcel" && from!="application/mspowerpoint" && from!="application/x-hancomword") return KoFilter::NotImplemented; TQFile in(m_chain->inputFile()); if(!in.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::filter(): Unable to open input" << endl; in.close(); return KoFilter::FileNotFound; } // Open the OLE 2 file. [TODO] Is it really the best way to // read all the stuff without buffer? olefile.length=in.size(); olefile.data=new unsigned char[olefile.length]; in.readBlock((char*)olefile.data, olefile.length); in.close(); docfile=new KLaola(olefile); if(!docfile->isOk()) { kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::filter(): Unable to read input file correctly!" << endl; delete [] olefile.data; olefile.data=0L; return KoFilter::StupidError; } // Recursively convert the file convert( "" ); if ( success ) return KoFilter::OK; else return KoFilter::StupidError; } void OLEFilter::commSlotDelayStream( const char* delay ) { emit internalCommDelayStream( delay ); } void OLEFilter::commSlotShapeID( unsigned int& shapeID ) { emit internalCommShapeID( shapeID ); } void OLEFilter::slotSavePart( const TQString &nameIN, TQString &storageId, TQString &mimeType, const TQString &extension, unsigned int length, const char *data) { if(nameIN.isEmpty()) return; int id = internalPartReference( nameIN ); if (id != -1) { // The part is already there, this is a lookup operation // -> return the part id. storageId = TQString::number( id ); mimeType = internalPartMimeType( nameIN ); } else { // Set up the variables for the template method callback m_embeddeeData = data; m_embeddeeLength = length; TQString srcMime( KoEmbeddingFilter::mimeTypeByExtension( extension ) ); if ( srcMime == KMimeType::defaultMimeType() ) kdWarning( s_area ) << "Couldn't determine the mimetype from the extension" << endl; KoFilter::ConversionStatus status; TQCString destMime( mimeType.latin1() ); storageId = TQString::number( embedPart( srcMime.latin1(), destMime, status, nameIN ) ); // copy back what the method returned mimeType = destMime; // Reset the variables to be on the safe side m_embeddeeData = 0; m_embeddeeLength = 0; if ( status != KoFilter::OK ) kdDebug(s_area) << "Huh??? Couldn't convert that file" << endl; } } void OLEFilter::slotSaveDocumentInformation( const TQString &fullName, const TQString &title, const TQString &company, const TQString &email, const TQString &telephone, const TQString &fax, const TQString &postalCode, const TQString &country, const TQString &city, const TQString &street, const TQString &docTitle, const TQString &docAbstract) { KoDocumentInfo *info = new KoDocumentInfo(); KoDocumentInfoAuthor *author = static_cast<KoDocumentInfoAuthor *>(info->page("author")); KoDocumentInfoAbout *about = static_cast<KoDocumentInfoAbout *>(info->page("about")); author->setFullName(fullName); author->setTitle(title); author->setCompany(company); author->setEmail(email); author->setTelephoneHome(telephone); author->setFax(fax); author->setCountry(postalCode); author->setPostalCode(country); author->setCity(city); author->setStreet(street); about->setTitle(docTitle); about->setTitle(docAbstract); KoStoreDevice* docInfo = m_chain->storageFile( "documentinfo.xml", KoStore::Write ); if(!docInfo) { kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::slotSaveDocumentInformation(): Could not open documentinfo.xml!" << endl; return; } TQCString data = info->save().toCString(); // Important: don't use data.length() here. It's slow, and dangerous (in case of a '\0' somewhere) // The -1 is because we don't want to write the final \0. TQ_LONG length = data.size()-1; if(docInfo->writeBlock(data, length) != length) kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::slotSaveDocumentInformation(): Could not write to KoStore!" << endl; } void OLEFilter::slotSavePic( const TQString &nameIN, TQString &storageId, const TQString &extension, unsigned int length, const char *data) { if(nameIN.isEmpty()) return; TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator it = imageMap.find(nameIN); if (it != imageMap.end()) // The key is already here - return the part id. storageId = it.data(); else { // It's not here, so let's generate one. storageId = TQString( "pictures/picture%1.%2" ).arg( numPic++ ).arg( extension ); imageMap.insert(nameIN, storageId); KoStoreDevice* pic = m_chain->storageFile( storageId, KoStore::Write ); if(!pic) { success = false; kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::slotSavePic(): Could not open KoStore!" << endl; return; } // Write it to the gzipped tar file // Let's hope we never have to save images bigger than 2GB :-) bool ret = pic->writeBlock(data, length) == static_cast<int>( length ); if (!ret) kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::slotSavePic(): Could not write to KoStore!" << endl; } } // ##### Only used for lookup now! void OLEFilter::slotPart( const TQString& nameIN, TQString &storageId, TQString &mimeType) { if (nameIN.isEmpty()) return; int id = internalPartReference( nameIN ); if (id != -1) { // The key is already here - return the part id. storageId = TQString::number( id ); mimeType = internalPartMimeType( nameIN ); } else kdWarning( s_area ) << "slotPart() can be used for lookup operations only" << endl; } // Don't forget the delete [] the stream.data ptr! void OLEFilter::slotGetStream(const int &handle, myFile &stream) { stream=docfile->stream(handle); } // I can't guarantee that you get the right stream as the names // in a OLE 2 file are not unique! (searching only the current dir!) // Don't forget the delete [] the stream.data ptr! void OLEFilter::slotGetStream(const TQString &name, myFile &stream) { KLaola::NodeList handle; handle=docfile->find(name, true); // search only in current dir! if (handle.count()==1) stream=docfile->stream(handle.at(0)); else { stream.data=0L; stream.length=0; } } void OLEFilter::savePartContents( TQIODevice* file ) { if ( m_embeddeeData != 0 && m_embeddeeLength != 0 ) file->writeBlock( m_embeddeeData, m_embeddeeLength ); } // The recursive method to do all the work void OLEFilter::convert( const TQCString& mimeTypeHint ) { KLaola::NodeList list=docfile->parseCurrentDir(); KLaola::OLENode *node; bool onlyDirs=true; // Search for the directories for(node=list.first(); node!=0; node=list.next()) { if(node->isDirectory()) { // It's a dir! if(docfile->enterDir(node)) { // Go one level deeper, but don't increase the depth // for ObjectPools. if (node->name() == "ObjectPool") convert( "" ); else { // Get the storage name of the part (dirname==key), and associate the // mimeType with it for later use. TQCString mimeHint( mimeTypeHelper() ); if ( mimeHint.isEmpty() ) mimeHint = "application/x-kword"; // will be converted to a dummy KWord part startInternalEmbedding( node->name(), mimeHint ); convert( mimeHint ); endInternalEmbedding(); } docfile->leaveDir(); } } else onlyDirs=false; // To prevent useless looping in the next loop } if(!onlyDirs) { TQStringList nodeNames; TQCString mimeType; if ( !mimeTypeHint.isEmpty() ) mimeType = mimeTypeHint; else mimeType = mimeTypeHelper(); FilterBase *myFilter=0L; #if 0 if ( mimeType == "application/x-kword" ) { // WinWord (or dummy). myFile main; KLaola::NodeList tmp; tmp=docfile->find("WordDocument", true); if(tmp.count()==1) { // okay, not a dummy main=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); myFile table0, table1, data; tmp=docfile->find("0Table", true); if(tmp.count()==1) table0=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); tmp=docfile->find("1Table", true); if(tmp.count()==1) table1=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); tmp=docfile->find("Data", true); if(tmp.count()==1) data=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); myFilter=new WordFilter(main, table0, table1, data); // forward the internal communication calls connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( internalCommShapeID( unsigned int& ) ), myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL( internalCommShapeID( unsigned int& ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( internalCommDelayStream( const char* ) ), myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL( internalCommDelayStream( const char* ) ) ); } } else if ( mimeType == "application/x-kspread" ) { // Excel. myFile workbook; KLaola::NodeList tmp; tmp = docfile->find( "Workbook", true ); if ( tmp.count() == 1 ) workbook = docfile->stream( tmp.at( 0 ) ); else { tmp = docfile->find( "Book", true ); if ( tmp.count() == 1 ) workbook = docfile->stream( tmp.at( 0 ) ); } myFilter=new ExcelFilter(workbook); } else #endif if ( mimeType == "application/x-kpresenter" ) { // Powerpoint. myFile main, currentUser, pictures, summary, documentSummary; KLaola::NodeList tmp; tmp=docfile->find("PowerPoint Document", true); if(tmp.count()==1) main=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); tmp=docfile->find("Current User", true); if(tmp.count()==1) currentUser=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); tmp=docfile->find("Pictures", true); if(tmp.count()==1) pictures=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); tmp=docfile->find("SummaryInformation", true); if(tmp.count()==1) summary=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); tmp=docfile->find("DocumentSummaryInformation", true); if(tmp.count()==1) documentSummary=docfile->stream(tmp.at(0)); myFilter=new PowerPointFilter(main, currentUser, pictures); } #if 0 else if ( mimeType == "application/x-hancomword" ) { // HancomWord 6 myFile prvText; KLaola::NodeList tmp; tmp = docfile->find( "PrvText", true ); if( tmp.count() == 1 ) prvText = docfile->stream( tmp.at( 0 ) ); myFilter = new HancomWordFilter( prvText ); } #endif if(!myFilter) { // Unknown type. We turn it into a dummy kword document... node = list.first(); do { nodeNames.prepend(node->name()); node = list.next(); } while ( node ); kdWarning(s_area) << "cannot convert \"" << nodeNames.join(",") << "\"" << endl; myFilter=new FilterBase(nodeNames); } // connect SIGNALs&SLOTs connectCommon(&myFilter); // Launch the filtering process... success=myFilter->filter(); // ...and fetch the file TQCString file; if(!myFilter->plainString()) { const TQDomDocument * const part=myFilter->part(); file=part->toCString(); } else file=myFilter->CString(); KoStoreDevice* dev = m_chain->storageFile( "root", KoStore::Write ); if(!dev) { success=false; kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::convert(): Could not open KoStore!" << endl; return; } // Write it to the gzipped tar file bool ret = dev->writeBlock(file.data(), file.size()-1) == static_cast<TQ_LONG>( file.size() - 1 ); if (!ret) kdError(s_area) << "OLEFilter::slotSavePic(): Could not write to KoStore!" << endl; delete myFilter; } } void OLEFilter::connectCommon(FilterBase **myFilter) { TQObject::connect( *myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(signalSaveDocumentInformation(const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSaveDocumentInformation(const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &))); TQObject::connect( *myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(signalSavePic(const TQString &, TQString &, const TQString &, unsigned int, const char *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSavePic(const TQString &, TQString &, const TQString &, unsigned int, const char *))); TQObject::connect( *myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(signalSavePart(const TQString &, TQString &, TQString &, const TQString &, unsigned int, const char *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSavePart(const TQString &, TQString &, TQString &, const TQString &, unsigned int, const char *))); TQObject::connect(*myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(signalPart(const TQString&, TQString &, TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPart(const TQString&, TQString &, TQString &))); TQObject::connect(*myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(signalGetStream(const int &, myFile &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotGetStream(const int &, myFile &))); TQObject::connect(*myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(signalGetStream(const TQString &, myFile &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotGetStream(const TQString &, myFile &))); TQObject::connect(*myFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(sigProgress(int))); } TQCString OLEFilter::mimeTypeHelper() { KLaola::NodeList list = docfile->parseCurrentDir(); KLaola::OLENode* node = list.first(); // ###### FIXME: Shaheed, please add additional mimetypes here while ( node ) { if ( node->name() == "WordDocument" ) return "application/x-kword"; else if ( node->name() == "Workbook" || node->name() == "Book" ) return "application/x-kspread"; else if ( node->name() == "PowerPoint Document" ) return "application/x-kpresenter"; else if ( node->name() == "PrvText" || node->name() == "BodyText" ) return "application/x-hancomword"; else node = list.next(); } kdWarning( s_area ) << "No known mimetype detected" << endl; return ""; } #include <olefilter.moc>