/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001, The Karbon Developers Copyright (C) 2002, The Karbon Developers This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <tqptrlist.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <klocale.h> #include "vbooleancmd.h" #include "vpath.h" #include "vsegment.h" #include "vselection.h" #include "vdocument.h" VBooleanCmd::VBooleanCmd( VDocument *doc, VBooleanType type ) : VCommand( doc, i18n( "Boolean Operation" ) ) { m_selection = document()->selection()->clone(); m_type = type; } VBooleanCmd::~VBooleanCmd() { delete( m_selection ); } void VBooleanCmd::execute() { VObjectListIterator itr( m_selection->objects() ); for ( ; itr.current() ; ++itr ) { // TODO: pair wise visiting. } // document()->append( ); document()->selection()->clear(); } void VBooleanCmd::unexecute() { } bool VBooleanCmd::visit( VObject& object1, VObject& object2 ) { m_path1 = 0L; m_path2 = 0L; object1.accept( *this ); object2.accept( *this ); return success(); } void VBooleanCmd::visitVSubpath( VSubpath& path ) { if( m_path1 == 0L ) m_path1 = &path; else if( m_path2 == 0L ) { m_path2 = &path; // intersection parameters (t): VParamList params1; VParamList params2; VParamList::iterator pItr; double prevParam; m_path1->first(); // ommit "begin" segment: while( m_path1->next() ) { params1.clear(); m_path2->first(); // ommit "begin" segment: while( m_path2->next() ) { params2.clear(); recursiveSubdivision( *m_path1->current(), 0.0, 1.0, *m_path2->current(), 0.0, 1.0, params1, params2 ); qHeapSort( params2 ); prevParam = 0.0; // walk down all intersection params and insert knots: for( pItr = params2.begin(); pItr != params2.end(); ++pItr ) { m_path2->insert( m_path2->current()->splitAt( ( *pItr - prevParam )/( 1.0 - prevParam ) ) ); m_path2->next(); prevParam = *pItr; } } qHeapSort( params1 ); prevParam = 0.0; // walk down all intersection params and insert knots: for( pItr = params1.begin(); pItr != params1.end(); ++pItr ) { m_path1->insert( m_path1->current()->splitAt( ( *pItr - prevParam )/( 1.0 - prevParam ) ) ); m_path1->next(); prevParam = *pItr; } } } } void VBooleanCmd::recursiveSubdivision( const VSegment& segment1, double t0_1, double t1_1, const VSegment& segment2, double t0_2, double t1_2, VParamList& params1, VParamList& params2 ) { if( !segment1.boundingBox().intersects( segment2.boundingBox() ) ) { return; } if( segment1.isFlat() ) { // calculate intersection of line segments: if( segment2.isFlat() ) { KoPoint v1 = segment1.knot() - segment1.prev()->knot(); KoPoint v2 = segment2.knot() - segment2.prev()->knot(); double det = v2.x() * v1.y() - v2.y() * v1.x(); if( 1.0 + det == 1.0 ) return; else { KoPoint v = segment2.prev()->knot() - segment1.prev()->knot(); const double one_det = 1.0 / det; double t1 = one_det * ( v2.x() * v.y() - v2.y() * v.x() ); double t2 = one_det * ( v1.x() * v.y() - v1.y() * v.x() ); if ( t1 < 0.0 || t1 > 1.0 || t2 < 0.0 || t2 > 1.0 ) return; params1.append( t0_1 + t1 * ( t1_1 - t0_1 ) ); params2.append( t0_2 + t2 * ( t1_2 - t0_2 ) ); } } else { // "copy segment" and split it at midpoint: VSubpath path2( segment2 ); path2.insert( path2.current()->splitAt( 0.5 ) ); double mid2 = 0.5 * ( t0_2 + t1_2 ); recursiveSubdivision( *path2.current(), t0_2, mid2, segment1, t0_1, t1_1, params2, params1 ); recursiveSubdivision( *path2.next(), mid2, t1_2, segment1, t0_1, t1_1, params2, params1 ); } } else { // "copy segment" and split it at midpoint: VSubpath path1( segment1 ); path1.insert( path1.current()->splitAt( 0.5 ) ); double mid1 = 0.5 * ( t0_1 + t1_1 ); if( segment2.isFlat() ) { recursiveSubdivision( *path1.current(), t0_1, mid1, segment2, t0_2, t1_2, params1, params2 ); recursiveSubdivision( *path1.next(), mid1, t1_1, segment2, t0_2, t1_2, params1, params2 ); } else { // "copy segment" and split it at midpoint: VSubpath path2( segment2 ); path2.insert( path2.current()->splitAt( 0.5 ) ); double mid2 = 0.5 * ( t0_2 + t1_2 ); recursiveSubdivision( *path1.current(), t0_1, mid1, *path2.current(), t0_2, mid2, params1, params2 ); recursiveSubdivision( *path1.next(), mid1, t1_1, *path2.current(), t0_2, mid2, params1, params2 ); recursiveSubdivision( *path1.prev(), t0_1, mid1, *path2.next(), mid2, t1_2, params1, params2 ); recursiveSubdivision( *path1.next(), mid1, t1_1, *path2.current(), mid2, t1_2, params1, params2 ); } } }