/* This file is part of the KDE project Made by Tomislav Lukman (tomislav.lukman@ck.tel.hr) Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 The Karbon Developers This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqtabwidget.h> #include <tqsize.h> #include <tqhbuttongroup.h> #include <tqtoolbutton.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <KoMainWindow.h> #include <KoFilterManager.h> #include <tdefiledialog.h> #include "karbon_part.h" #include "karbon_view.h" #include "karbon_factory.h" #include "karbon_resourceserver.h" #include "karbon_drag.h" #include "vselection.h" #include "vlayer.h" #include "vfill.h" #include "vfillcmd.h" #include "vtransformcmd.h" #include "vstyledocker.h" #include <unistd.h> ClipartChooser::ClipartChooser( TQSize iconSize, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KoIconChooser( iconSize, parent, name ) { setDragEnabled( true ); } void ClipartChooser::startDrag() { KoIconChooser::startDrag(); KarbonDrag* kd = new KarbonDrag( this ); VObjectList objects; VClipartIconItem *selectedClipart = (VClipartIconItem *)currentItem(); double s = kMax( selectedClipart->originalWidth(), selectedClipart->originalHeight() ); VObject *clipart = selectedClipart->clipart()->clone(); TQWMatrix mat( s, 0, 0, -s, -( s / 2 ), ( s / 2 ) ); VTransformCmd trafo( 0L, mat ); trafo.visit( *clipart ); objects.append( clipart ); kd->setObjectList( objects ); kd->dragCopy(); } VStyleDocker::VStyleDocker( KarbonPart* part, KarbonView* parent, const char* /*name*/ ) : TQWidget(), m_part ( part ), m_view( parent ) { setCaption( i18n( "Resources" ) ); mTabWidget = new TQTabWidget( this ); //Pattern KoPatternChooser *pPatternChooser = new KoPatternChooser( KarbonFactory::rServer()->patterns(), mTabWidget ); pPatternChooser->setCaption( i18n( "Patterns" ) ); connect( pPatternChooser, TQ_SIGNAL(selected( KoIconItem * ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotItemSelected( KoIconItem * ))); connect( KarbonFactory::rServer(), TQ_SIGNAL( patternAdded( KoIconItem * )), pPatternChooser, TQ_SLOT( addPattern( KoIconItem * ))); connect( KarbonFactory::rServer(), TQ_SIGNAL( patternRemoved( KoIconItem * )), pPatternChooser, TQ_SLOT( removePattern( KoIconItem * ))); mTabWidget->addTab( pPatternChooser, i18n( "Patterns" ) ); //Clipart ClipartWidget *pClipartWidget = new ClipartWidget( KarbonFactory::rServer()->cliparts(), part, mTabWidget ); mTabWidget->addTab( pClipartWidget, i18n( "Clipart" ) ); TQVBoxLayout *mainWidgetLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 2 ); mainWidgetLayout->addWidget( mTabWidget ); mainWidgetLayout->activate(); setMinimumHeight( 174 ); setMinimumWidth( 194 ); } VStyleDocker::~VStyleDocker() { } void VStyleDocker::slotItemSelected( KoIconItem *item ) { VPattern *pattern = (VPattern *)item; if( !pattern ) return; kdDebug(38000) << "loading pattern : " << pattern->tilename().latin1() << endl; if( m_part && m_part->document().selection() ) { VFill fill; fill.pattern() = *pattern;//.load( pattern->tilename() ); //fill.setColor( *m_color ); fill.setType( VFill::patt ); m_part->addCommand( new VFillCmd( &m_part->document(), fill ), true ); } } void VStyleDocker::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * ) { } ClipartWidget::ClipartWidget( TQPtrList<VClipartIconItem>* clipartItems, KarbonPart *part, TQWidget* parent ) : TQWidget( parent ), m_part( part ) { TDEIconLoader il; TQVBoxLayout* layout = new TQVBoxLayout( this ); layout->addWidget( m_clipartChooser = new ClipartChooser( TQSize( 32, 32 ), this ) ); layout->addWidget( m_buttonGroup = new TQHButtonGroup( this ) ); TQToolButton* m_addClipartButton; m_buttonGroup->insert( m_addClipartButton = new TQToolButton( m_buttonGroup ) ); m_buttonGroup->insert( m_importClipartButton = new TQToolButton( m_buttonGroup ) ); m_buttonGroup->insert( m_deleteClipartButton = new TQToolButton( m_buttonGroup ) ); m_addClipartButton->setIconSet( SmallIcon( "14_layer_newlayer" ) ); m_addClipartButton->setTextLabel( i18n( "Add" ) ); m_importClipartButton->setIconSet( SmallIcon( "fileimport" ) ); m_importClipartButton->setTextLabel( i18n( "Import" ) ); m_deleteClipartButton->setIconSet( SmallIcon( "14_layer_deletelayer" ) ); m_deleteClipartButton->setTextLabel( i18n( "Delete" ) ); m_buttonGroup->setInsideMargin( 3 ); //setFrameStyle( Box | Sunken ); layout->setMargin( 3 ); connect( m_buttonGroup, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotButtonClicked( int ) ) ); //connect( m_deleteClipartButton, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( deleteClipart() ) ); connect( m_clipartChooser, TQ_SIGNAL( selected( KoIconItem* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( clipartSelected( KoIconItem* ) ) ); m_clipartChooser->setAutoDelete( false ); VClipartIconItem* item = 0L; for( item = clipartItems->first(); item; item = clipartItems->next() ) m_clipartChooser->addItem( item ); m_clipartItem = ( clipartItems->first() ) ? clipartItems->first()->clone() : 0; if( !m_clipartItem ) m_deleteClipartButton->setEnabled( false ); } ClipartWidget::~ClipartWidget() { delete m_clipartItem; } VClipartIconItem* ClipartWidget::selectedClipart() { return m_clipartItem; } void ClipartWidget::clipartSelected( KoIconItem* item ) { if( item ) { delete m_clipartItem; VClipartIconItem* clipartItem = ( VClipartIconItem* ) item; m_deleteClipartButton->setEnabled( clipartItem->canDelete() ); m_selectedItem = clipartItem; m_clipartItem = clipartItem->clone(); } } void ClipartWidget::addClipart() { VObject* clipart = 0L; VSelection* selection = m_part->document().selection(); if( selection->objects().count() == 1 ) { clipart = selection->objects().getFirst()->clone(); clipart->setParent( 0L ); } if( selection->objects().count() > 1 ) { TQPtrVector<VObject> objects; selection->objects().toVector( &objects ); VGroup* group = new VGroup( 0L ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ ) { VObject *obj = objects[ i ]->clone(); obj->setParent( 0L ); group->append( obj ); } clipart = group; } if( clipart ) { KoRect clipartBox = clipart->boundingBox(); double scaleFactor = 1. / kMax( clipartBox.width(), clipartBox.height() ); TQWMatrix trMatrix( scaleFactor, 0, 0, scaleFactor, -clipartBox.x() * scaleFactor, -clipartBox.y() * scaleFactor ); VTransformCmd trafo( 0L, trMatrix ); trafo.visit( *clipart ); // center the clipart trMatrix.reset(); double size = kMax( clipart->boundingBox().width(), clipart->boundingBox().height() ); trMatrix.translate( ( size - clipart->boundingBox().width() ) / 2, ( size - clipart->boundingBox().height() ) / 2 ); trafo.setMatrix( trMatrix ); trafo.visit( *clipart ); // remove Y-mirroring trMatrix.reset(); trMatrix.scale( 1, -1 ); trMatrix.translate( 0, -1 ); trafo.setMatrix( trMatrix ); trafo.visit( *clipart ); m_clipartChooser->addItem( KarbonFactory::rServer()->addClipart( clipart, clipartBox.width(), clipartBox.height() ) ); } m_clipartChooser->updateContents(); } void ClipartWidget::importClipart() { TQStringList filter; filter << "application/x-karbon" << "image/svg+xml" << "image/x-wmf" << "image/x-eps" << "application/postscript"; KFileDialog *dialog = new KFileDialog( "foo", TQString(), 0L, "Choose Graphic to Add", true); dialog->setMimeFilter( filter, "application/x-karbon" ); if( dialog->exec()!=TQDialog::Accepted ) { delete dialog; return; } TQString fname = dialog->selectedFile(); delete dialog; if( m_part->nativeFormatMimeType() == dialog->currentMimeFilter().latin1() ) m_part->mergeNativeFormat( fname ); else { KoFilterManager man( m_part ); KoFilter::ConversionStatus status; TQString importedFile = man.import( fname, status ); if( status == KoFilter::OK ) m_part->mergeNativeFormat( importedFile ); if( !importedFile.isEmpty() ) unlink( TQFile::encodeName( importedFile ) ); if( status != KoFilter::OK ) return; } m_part->document().selection()->clear(); m_part->document().selection()->append( m_part->document().activeLayer()->objects() ); addClipart(); m_part->document().selection()->clear(); m_part->document().removeLayer( m_part->document().activeLayer() ); } void ClipartWidget::deleteClipart() { VClipartIconItem* clipartItem = m_clipartItem; KarbonFactory::rServer()->removeClipart( clipartItem ); m_clipartChooser->removeItem( m_selectedItem ); m_clipartChooser->updateContents(); } void ClipartWidget::slotButtonClicked( int id ) { switch( id ) { case 0: addClipart(); break; case 1: importClipart(); break; case 2: deleteClipart(); } } #include "vstyledocker.moc"