/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KCHART_PARAMS_IFACE_H #define KCHART_PARAMS_IFACE_H #include <dcopobject.h> #include <dcopref.h> #include <tqstring.h> namespace KChart { class KChartParams; class KChartParamsIface : virtual public DCOPObject { K_DCOP public: KChartParamsIface( KChartParams *_params ); k_dcop: virtual TQString chartType()const; virtual void setChartType( const TQString & ); //bar chart config virtual bool threeDBars(); virtual void setThreeDBars( bool threeDBars ); virtual void setThreeDBarsShadowColors( bool shadow ); virtual bool threeDBarsShadowColors() const; virtual void setThreeDBarAngle( uint angle ); virtual uint threeDBarAngle() const; virtual void setThreeDBarDepth( double depth ); virtual double threeDBarDepth() const; virtual TQString barChartSubType() const; virtual void setBarChartSubType( const TQString & ); //line chart config virtual bool lineMarker() const; virtual void setLineMarker( bool ); virtual void setLineWidth( uint width ); virtual uint lineWidth() const; virtual void setLineChartSubType( const TQString & ); virtual TQString lineChartSubType() const; virtual bool threeDLines() const; virtual void setThreeDLines(bool b); virtual void setThreeDLineDepth( int depth ); virtual int threeDLineDepth() const; virtual int threeDLineXRotation() const; virtual void setThreeDLineXRotation( int degrees ); virtual void setThreeDLineYRotation( int degrees ); virtual int threeDLineYRotation() const; virtual TQSize lineMarkerSize() const; virtual void setLineMarkerSize( TQSize size ); //pie config virtual bool threeDPies(); virtual void setThreeDPieHeight( int pixels ); virtual int threeDPieHeight(); virtual void setPieStart( int degrees ); virtual int pieStart(); virtual void setExplode( bool explode ); virtual bool explode() const; virtual void setExplodeFactor( double factor ); virtual double explodeFactor() const; virtual void setThreeDPies( bool threeDPies ); //area chart virtual void setAreaChartSubType(const TQString &); virtual TQString areaChartSubType() const; virtual void setAreaLocation(const TQString & ); virtual TQString areaLocation() const; //hilo chart virtual void setHiLoChartSubType(const TQString &); virtual TQString hiLoChartSubType() const; virtual bool hiLoChartPrintHighValues() const; virtual bool hiLoChartLowValuesUseFontRelSize() const; virtual int hiLoChartLowValuesFontRelSize() const; virtual bool hiLoChartPrintLowValues() const; virtual int hiLoChartOpenValuesFontRelSize() const; virtual bool hiLoChartPrintCloseValues() const; virtual bool hiLoChartCloseValuesUseFontRelSize() const; virtual int hiLoChartCloseValuesFontRelSize() const; //polar chart virtual void setPolarLineWidth( int width ); virtual int polarLineWidth() const; virtual void setPolarZeroDegreePos( int degrees ); virtual int polarZeroDegreePos() const; virtual void setPolarRotateCircularLabels( bool rotateCircularLabels ); virtual bool polarRotateCircularLabels() const; virtual TQSize polarMarkerSize() const; virtual void setPolarMarkerSize( TQSize size ); //ring chart virtual int ringStart() const; virtual void setRingStart( int degrees ); //legend virtual void hideLegend(); virtual void setLegendPosition(const TQString &); virtual TQString legendPostion() const; virtual void setLegendTitleText( const TQString& text ); virtual void setLegendSpacing( uint space ); virtual uint legendSpacing(); //legend font virtual void setLegendFontRelSize( int legendFontRelSize ); virtual int legendFontRelSize() const; virtual void setLegendFontUseRelSize( bool legendFontUseRelSize ); virtual bool legendFontUseRelSize() const; virtual void setLegendTitleFontUseRelSize( bool legendTitleFontUseRelSize ); virtual bool legendTitleFontUseRelSize() const; virtual void setLegendTitleFontRelSize( int legendTitleFontRelSize ); virtual int legendTitleFontRelSize() const; virtual bool showGrid(); virtual TQString header1Text() const; virtual void setHeader1Text( const TQString& text ); virtual void setHeader2Text( const TQString& text ); virtual TQString header2Text() const; virtual uint outlineDataLineWidth() const; virtual void setOutlineDataLineWidth( uint width ); virtual void setThreeDShadowColors( bool shadow ); virtual bool threeDShadowColors(); private: KChartParams *params; }; } //KChart namespace #endif