/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jaroslaw Staniek <js@iidea.pl> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexiactionproxy.h" #include "kexiactionproxy_p.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdeaction.h> #include <tdemainwindow.h> #include <tdeshortcut.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqsignal.h> #include <tqiconset.h> TDEAction_setEnabled_Helper::TDEAction_setEnabled_Helper(KexiActionProxy* proxy) : TQObject(0,"TDEAction_setEnabled_Helper") , m_proxy( proxy ) { } void TDEAction_setEnabled_Helper::slotSetEnabled(bool enabled) { if (sender()->inherits("TDEAction")) { const TDEAction *a = static_cast<const TDEAction*>(sender()); m_proxy->setAvailable(a->name(), enabled); } } //======================= KexiSharedActionConnector::KexiSharedActionConnector( KexiActionProxy* proxy, TQObject *obj ) : m_proxy(proxy) , m_object(obj) { } KexiSharedActionConnector::~KexiSharedActionConnector() { } void KexiSharedActionConnector::plugSharedAction(const char *action_name, const char *slot) { m_proxy->plugSharedAction(action_name, m_object, slot); } void KexiSharedActionConnector::plugSharedActionToExternalGUI( const char *action_name, KXMLGUIClient *client) { m_proxy->plugSharedActionToExternalGUI(action_name, client); } void KexiSharedActionConnector::plugSharedActionsToExternalGUI( const TQValueList<TQCString>& action_names, KXMLGUIClient *client) { m_proxy->plugSharedActionsToExternalGUI(action_names, client); } //======================= KexiActionProxy::KexiActionProxy(TQObject *receiver, KexiSharedActionHost *host) : m_host( host ? host : &KexiSharedActionHost::defaultHost() ) , m_receiver(receiver) , m_signals(47) , m_actionProxyParent(0) , m_signal_parent( 0, "signal_parent" ) , m_TDEAction_setEnabled_helper( new TDEAction_setEnabled_Helper(this) ) , m_focusedChild(0) { m_signals.setAutoDelete(true); m_sharedActionChildren.setAutoDelete(false); m_alternativeActions.setAutoDelete(true); m_host->plugActionProxy( this ); } KexiActionProxy::~KexiActionProxy() { TQPtrListIterator<KexiActionProxy> it(m_sharedActionChildren); //detach myself from every child for (;it.current();++it) { it.current()->setActionProxyParent_internal( 0 ); } //take me from parent if (m_actionProxyParent) m_actionProxyParent->takeActionProxyChild( this ); m_host->takeActionProxyFor(m_receiver); delete m_TDEAction_setEnabled_helper; } void KexiActionProxy::plugSharedAction(const char *action_name, TQObject* receiver, const char *slot) { if (!action_name)// || !receiver || !slot) return; TQPair<TQSignal*,bool> *p = m_signals[action_name]; if (!p) { p = new TQPair<TQSignal*,bool>( new TQSignal(&m_signal_parent), true ); m_signals.insert(action_name, p); } if (receiver && slot) p->first->connect( receiver, slot ); } void KexiActionProxy::unplugSharedAction(const char *action_name) { TQPair<TQSignal*,bool> *p = m_signals.take(action_name); if (!p) return; delete p->first; delete p; } int KexiActionProxy::plugSharedAction(const char *action_name, TQWidget* w) { TDEAction *a = sharedAction(action_name); if (!a) { kdWarning() << "KexiActionProxy::plugSharedAction(): NO SUCH ACTION: " << action_name << endl; return -1; } return a->plug(w); } void KexiActionProxy::unplugSharedAction(const char *action_name, TQWidget* w) { TDEAction *a = sharedAction(action_name); if (!a) { kdWarning() << "KexiActionProxy::unplugSharedAction(): NO SUCH ACTION: " << action_name << endl; return; } a->unplug(w); } TDEAction* KexiActionProxy::plugSharedAction(const char *action_name, const TQString& alternativeText, TQWidget* w) { TDEAction *a = sharedAction(action_name); if (!a) { kdWarning() << "KexiActionProxy::plugSharedAction(): NO SUCH ACTION: " << action_name << endl; return 0; } TQCString altName = a->name(); altName += "_alt"; TDEAction *alt_act = new TDEAction(alternativeText, a->iconSet(), a->shortcut(), 0, 0, a->parent(), altName); TQObject::connect(alt_act, TQT_SIGNAL(activated()), a, TQT_SLOT(activate())); alt_act->plug(w); //OK? m_host->updateActionAvailable(action_name, true, m_receiver); return alt_act; } void KexiActionProxy::plugSharedActionToExternalGUI(const char *action_name, KXMLGUIClient *client) { TDEAction *a = client->action(action_name); if (!a) return; plugSharedAction(a->name(), a, TQT_SLOT(activate())); //update availability setAvailable(a->name(), a->isEnabled()); //changes will be signaled TQObject::connect(a, TQT_SIGNAL(enabled(bool)), m_TDEAction_setEnabled_helper, TQT_SLOT(slotSetEnabled(bool))); } void KexiActionProxy::plugSharedActionsToExternalGUI( const TQValueList<TQCString>& action_names, KXMLGUIClient *client) { for (TQValueList<TQCString>::const_iterator it = action_names.constBegin(); it!=action_names.constEnd(); ++it) { plugSharedActionToExternalGUI(*it, client); } } bool KexiActionProxy::activateSharedAction(const char *action_name, bool alsoCheckInChildren) { TQPair<TQSignal*,bool> *p = m_signals[action_name]; if (!p || !p->second) { //try in children... if (alsoCheckInChildren) { TQPtrListIterator<KexiActionProxy> it( m_sharedActionChildren ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if (it.current()->activateSharedAction( action_name, alsoCheckInChildren )) return true; } } return m_actionProxyParent ? m_actionProxyParent->activateSharedAction(action_name, false) : false; //last chance: parent } //activate in this proxy... p->first->activate(); return true; } TDEAction* KexiActionProxy::sharedAction(const char* action_name) { return m_host->mainWindow()->actionCollection()->action(action_name); } bool KexiActionProxy::isSupported(const char* action_name) const { TQPair<TQSignal*,bool> *p = m_signals[action_name]; if (!p) { //not supported explicitly - try in children... if (m_focusedChild) return m_focusedChild->isSupported(action_name); TQPtrListIterator<KexiActionProxy> it( m_sharedActionChildren ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if (it.current()->isSupported(action_name)) return true; } return false; //not suported } return p != 0; } bool KexiActionProxy::isAvailable(const char* action_name, bool alsoCheckInChildren) const { TQPair<TQSignal*,bool> *p = m_signals[action_name]; if (!p) { //not supported explicitly - try in children... if (alsoCheckInChildren) { if (m_focusedChild) return m_focusedChild->isAvailable(action_name, alsoCheckInChildren); TQPtrListIterator<KexiActionProxy> it( m_sharedActionChildren ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if (it.current()->isSupported(action_name)) return it.current()->isAvailable(action_name, alsoCheckInChildren); } } return m_actionProxyParent ? m_actionProxyParent->isAvailable(action_name, false) : false; //last chance: parent } //supported explicitly: return p->second != 0; } void KexiActionProxy::setAvailable(const char* action_name, bool set) { TQPair<TQSignal*,bool> *p = m_signals[action_name]; if (!p) return; p->second = set; m_host->updateActionAvailable(action_name, set, m_receiver); } void KexiActionProxy::addActionProxyChild( KexiActionProxy* child ) { if (!child || child==this) return; child->setActionProxyParent_internal( this ); m_sharedActionChildren.append( child ); } void KexiActionProxy::takeActionProxyChild( KexiActionProxy* child ) { if (m_sharedActionChildren.findRef( child ) != -1) m_sharedActionChildren.take(); } void KexiActionProxy::setActionProxyParent_internal( KexiActionProxy* parent ) { m_actionProxyParent = parent; } #include "kexiactionproxy_p.moc"