/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kexiproject.h" #include "kexipartmanager.h" #include "kexipartitem.h" #include "kexipartinfo.h" #include "kexipart.h" #include "kexidialogbase.h" #include "kexi.h" #include "keximainwindow.h" #include "kexiblobbuffer.h" #include "kexiguimsghandler.h" #include class KexiProject::Private { public: Private() : data(0) , itemDictsCache(199) , unstoredItems(199) , tempPartItemID_Counter(-1) , sqlParser(0) , versionMajor(0) , versionMinor(0) { itemDictsCache.setAutoDelete(true); unstoredItems.setAutoDelete(true); } ~Private() { delete data; data=0; delete sqlParser; } QGuardedPtr connection; QGuardedPtr data; QString error_title; //! a cache for item() method, indexed by project part's ids QIntDict itemDictsCache; QPtrDict unstoredItems; int tempPartItemID_Counter; //!< helper for getting unique //!< temporary identifiers for unstored items KexiDB::Parser* sqlParser; int versionMajor; int versionMinor; }; //--------------------------- /* Helper for setting temporary error title. class KexiProject::ErrorTitle { public: ErrorTitle(KexiProject* p, const QString& msg = QString::null) : prj(p) , prev_err_title(p->m_error_title) { p->m_error_title = msg; } ~ErrorTitle() { prj->m_error_title = prev_err_title; } KexiProject* prj; QString prev_err_title; };*/ KexiProject::KexiProject(KexiProjectData *pdata, KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler) : QObject(), Object(handler) , d(new Private()) { d->data = pdata; //! @todo partmanager is outside project, so can be initialised just once: Kexi::partManager().lookup(); } KexiProject::KexiProject(KexiProjectData *pdata, KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler, KexiDB::Connection* conn) : QObject(), Object(handler) , d(new Private()) { d->data = pdata; if (d->data->connectionData() == d->connection->data()) d->connection = conn; else kdWarning() << "KexiProject::KexiProject(): passed connection's data (" << conn->data()->serverInfoString() << ") is not compatible with project's conn. data (" << d->data->connectionData()->serverInfoString() << ")" << endl; //! @todo partmanager is outside project, so can be initialised just once: Kexi::partManager().lookup(); } KexiProject::~KexiProject() { closeConnection(); delete d; } KexiDB::Connection *KexiProject::dbConnection() const { return d->connection; } KexiProjectData* KexiProject::data() const { return d->data; } int KexiProject::versionMajor() const { return d->versionMajor; } int KexiProject::versionMinor() const { return d->versionMinor; } tristate KexiProject::open(bool &incompatibleWithKexi) { return openInternal(&incompatibleWithKexi); } tristate KexiProject::open() { return openInternal(0); } tristate KexiProject::openInternal(bool *incompatibleWithKexi) { if (incompatibleWithKexi) *incompatibleWithKexi = false; kdDebug() << "KexiProject::open(): " << d->data->databaseName() <<" "<< d->data->connectionData()->driverName << endl; KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this, i18n("Could not open project \"%1\".").arg(d->data->databaseName())); if (!createConnection()) { kdDebug() << "KexiProject::open(): !createConnection()" << endl; return false; } bool cancel = false; KexiGUIMessageHandler msgHandler; if (!d->connection->useDatabase(d->data->databaseName(), true, &cancel, &msgHandler)) { if (cancel) { return cancelled; } kdDebug() << "KexiProject::open(): !d->connection->useDatabase() " << d->data->databaseName() <<" "<< d->data->connectionData()->driverName << endl; if (d->connection->errorNum() == ERR_NO_DB_PROPERTY) { // //! @todo this is temporary workaround as we have no import driver for SQLite if (/*supported?*/ !d->data->connectionData()->driverName.lower().startsWith("sqlite")) { // if (incompatibleWithKexi) *incompatibleWithKexi = true; } else setError(d->connection); closeConnection(); return false; } setError(d->connection); closeConnection(); return false; } if (!initProject()) return false; return createInternalStructures(/*insideTransaction*/true); } tristate KexiProject::create(bool forceOverwrite) { KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this, i18n("Could not create project \"%1\".").arg(d->data->databaseName())); if (!createConnection()) return false; if (!checkWritable()) return false; if (d->connection->databaseExists( d->data->databaseName() )) { if (!forceOverwrite) return cancelled; if (!d->connection->dropDatabase( d->data->databaseName() )) { setError(d->connection); closeConnection(); return false; } kdDebug() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' dropped ---"<< endl; } if (!d->connection->createDatabase( d->data->databaseName() )) { setError(d->connection); closeConnection(); return false; } kdDebug() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' created ---"<< endl; // and now: open if (!d->connection->useDatabase(d->data->databaseName())) { kdDebug() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' USE ERROR ---"<< endl; setError(d->connection); closeConnection(); return false; } kdDebug() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' used ---"<< endl; // KexiDB::Transaction trans = d->connection->beginTransaction(); if (trans.isNull()) return false; if (!createInternalStructures(/*!insideTransaction*/false)) return false; //add some metadata //! @todo put more props. todo - creator, created date, etc. (also to KexiProjectData) KexiDB::DatabaseProperties &props = d->connection->databaseProperties(); if (!props.setValue("kexiproject_major_ver", d->versionMajor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_major_ver", i18n("Project major version")) || !props.setValue("kexiproject_minor_ver", d->versionMinor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_minor_ver", i18n("Project minor version")) || !props.setValue("project_caption", d->data->caption()) || !props.setCaption("project_caption", i18n("Project caption")) || !props.setValue("project_desc", d->data->description()) || !props.setCaption("project_desc", i18n("Project description")) ) return false; /* KexiDB::TableSchema *t_db = d->connection->tableSchema("kexi__db"); //caption: if (!t_db) return false; if (!KexiDB::replaceRow(*d->connection, t_db, "db_property", "project_caption", "db_value", QVariant( d->data->caption() ), KexiDB::Field::Text) || !KexiDB::replaceRow(*d->connection, t_db, "db_property", "project_desc", "db_value", QVariant( d->data->description() ), KexiDB::Field::Text) ) return false; */ if (trans.active() && !d->connection->commitTransaction(trans)) return false; // return initProject(); } bool KexiProject::createInternalStructures(bool insideTransaction) { KexiDB::TransactionGuard tg; if (insideTransaction) { tg.setTransaction( d->connection->beginTransaction() ); if (tg.transaction().isNull()) return false; } //Get information about kexiproject version. //kexiproject version is a version of data layer above kexidb layer. KexiDB::DatabaseProperties &props = d->connection->databaseProperties(); bool ok; int storedMajorVersion = props.value("kexiproject_major_ver").toInt(&ok); if (!ok) storedMajorVersion = 0; int storedMinorVersion = props.value("kexiproject_minor_ver").toInt(&ok); if (!ok) storedMinorVersion = 1; bool containsKexi__blobsTable = d->connection->drv_containsTable("kexi__blobs"); int dummy; bool contains_o_folder_id = containsKexi__blobsTable && true == d->connection->querySingleNumber( "SELECT COUNT(o_folder_id) FROM kexi__blobs", dummy, 0, false/*addLimitTo1*/); bool add_folder_id_column = false; //! @todo what about read-only db access? if (storedMajorVersion<=0) { d->versionMajor = KEXIPROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR; d->versionMinor = KEXIPROJECT_VERSION_MINOR; //For compatibility for projects created before Kexi 1.0 beta 1: //1. no kexiproject_major_ver and kexiproject_minor_ver -> add them if (!d->connection->isReadOnly()) { if (!props.setValue("kexiproject_major_ver", d->versionMajor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_major_ver", i18n("Project major version")) || !props.setValue("kexiproject_minor_ver", d->versionMinor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_minor_ver", i18n("Project minor version")) ) { return false; } } if (containsKexi__blobsTable) { //! @todo what to do for readonly connections? Should we alter kexi__blobs in memory? if (!d->connection->isReadOnly()) { if (!contains_o_folder_id) { add_folder_id_column = true; } } } } if (storedMajorVersion!=d->versionMajor || storedMajorVersion!=d->versionMinor) { //! @todo version differs: should we change something? d->versionMajor = storedMajorVersion; d->versionMinor = storedMinorVersion; } KexiDB::InternalTableSchema *t_blobs = new KexiDB::InternalTableSchema("kexi__blobs"); t_blobs->addField( new KexiDB::Field("o_id", KexiDB::Field::Integer, KexiDB::Field::PrimaryKey | KexiDB::Field::AutoInc, KexiDB::Field::Unsigned) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("o_data", KexiDB::Field::BLOB) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("o_name", KexiDB::Field::Text ) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("o_caption", KexiDB::Field::Text ) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("o_mime", KexiDB::Field::Text, KexiDB::Field::NotNull) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("o_folder_id", KexiDB::Field::Integer, 0, KexiDB::Field::Unsigned) //references kexi__gallery_folders.f_id //If null, the BLOB only points to virtual "All" folder //WILL BE USED in Kexi >=2.0 ); //*** create global BLOB container, if not present if (containsKexi__blobsTable) { //! just insert this schema d->connection->insertInternalTableSchema(t_blobs); if (add_folder_id_column && !d->connection->isReadOnly()) { // 2. "kexi__blobs" table contains no "o_folder_id" column -> add it // (by copying table to avoid data loss) KexiDB::TableSchema *kexi__blobsCopy = new KexiDB::TableSchema( *t_blobs ); kexi__blobsCopy->setName("kexi__blobs__copy"); if (!d->connection->drv_createTable( *kexi__blobsCopy )) { delete kexi__blobsCopy; delete t_blobs; return false; } // 2.1 copy data (insert 0's into o_folder_id column) if (!d->connection->executeSQL( QString::fromLatin1("INSERT INTO kexi__blobs (o_data, o_name, o_caption, o_mime, o_folder_id) " "SELECT o_data, o_name, o_caption, o_mime, 0 FROM kexi__blobs") ) // 2.2 remove the original kexi__blobs || !d->connection->executeSQL(QString::fromLatin1("DROP TABLE kexi__blobs")) //lowlevel // 2.3 rename the copy back into kexi__blobs || !d->connection->drv_alterTableName(*kexi__blobsCopy, "kexi__blobs") ) { //(no need to drop the copy, ROLLBACK will drop it) delete kexi__blobsCopy; delete t_blobs; return false; } delete kexi__blobsCopy; //not needed - physically renamed to kexi_blobs } } else { // if (!d->connection->createTable( t_blobs, false/*!replaceExisting*/ )) { if (!d->connection->isReadOnly()) { if (!d->connection->createTable( t_blobs, true/*replaceExisting*/ )) { delete t_blobs; return false; } } } //Store default part infos. //Infos for other parts (forms, reports...) are created on demand in KexiDialogBase::storeNewData() KexiDB::InternalTableSchema *t_parts = new KexiDB::InternalTableSchema("kexi__parts"); //newKexiDBSystemTableSchema("kexi__parts"); t_parts->addField( new KexiDB::Field("p_id", KexiDB::Field::Integer, KexiDB::Field::PrimaryKey | KexiDB::Field::AutoInc, KexiDB::Field::Unsigned) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("p_name", KexiDB::Field::Text) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("p_mime", KexiDB::Field::Text ) ) .addField( new KexiDB::Field("p_url", KexiDB::Field::Text ) ); bool containsKexi__partsTable = d->connection->drv_containsTable("kexi__parts"); bool partsTableOk = true; if (containsKexi__partsTable) { //! just insert this schema d->connection->insertInternalTableSchema(t_parts); } else { if (!d->connection->isReadOnly()) { partsTableOk = d->connection->createTable( t_parts, true/*replaceExisting*/ ); KexiDB::FieldList *fl = t_parts->subList("p_id", "p_name", "p_mime", "p_url"); if (partsTableOk) partsTableOk = d->connection->insertRecord(*fl, QVariant(1), QVariant("Tables"), QVariant("kexi/table"), QVariant("http://koffice.org/kexi/")); if (partsTableOk) partsTableOk = d->connection->insertRecord(*fl, QVariant(2), QVariant("Queries"), QVariant("kexi/query"), QVariant("http://koffice.org/kexi/")); } } if (!partsTableOk) { delete t_parts; return false; } if (insideTransaction) { if (tg.transaction().active() && !tg.commit()) return false; } return true; } bool KexiProject::createConnection() { if (d->connection) return true; clearError(); // closeConnection();//for sanity KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this); KexiDB::Driver *driver = Kexi::driverManager().driver(d->data->connectionData()->driverName); if(!driver) { setError(&Kexi::driverManager()); return false; } int connectionOptions = 0; if (d->data->isReadOnly()) connectionOptions |= KexiDB::Driver::ReadOnlyConnection; d->connection = driver->createConnection(*d->data->connectionData(), connectionOptions); if (!d->connection) { kdDebug() << "KexiProject::open(): uuups failed " << driver->errorMsg() << endl; setError(driver); return false; } if (!d->connection->connect()) { setError(d->connection); kdDebug() << "KexiProject::createConnection(): error connecting: " << (d->connection ? d->connection->errorMsg() : QString::null) << endl; closeConnection(); return false; } //re-init BLOB buffer //! @todo won't work for subsequent connection KexiBLOBBuffer::setConnection(d->connection); return true; } bool KexiProject::closeConnection() { if (!d->connection) return true; if (!d->connection->disconnect()) { setError(d->connection); return false; } delete d->connection; //this will also clear connection for BLOB buffer d->connection = 0; return true; } bool KexiProject::initProject() { // emit dbAvailable(); kdDebug() << "KexiProject::open(): checking project parts..." << endl; if (!Kexi::partManager().checkProject(d->connection)) { setError(Kexi::partManager().error() ? (KexiDB::Object*)&Kexi::partManager() : (KexiDB::Connection*)d->connection); return false; } // !@todo put more props. todo - creator, created date, etc. (also to KexiProjectData) KexiDB::DatabaseProperties &props = d->connection->databaseProperties(); QString str( props.value("project_caption").toString() ); if (!str.isEmpty()) d->data->setCaption( str ); str = props.value("project_desc").toString(); if (!str.isEmpty()) d->data->setDescription( str ); /* KexiDB::RowData data; QString sql = "select db_value from kexi__db where db_property='%1'"; if (d->connection->querySingleRecord( sql.arg("project_caption"), data ) && !data[0].toString().isEmpty()) d->data->setCaption(data[0].toString()); if (d->connection->querySingleRecord( sql.arg("project_desc"), data) && !data[0].toString().isEmpty()) d->data->setDescription(data[0].toString());*/ return true; } bool KexiProject::isConnected() { if(d->connection && d->connection->isDatabaseUsed()) return true; return false; } KexiPart::ItemDict* KexiProject::items(KexiPart::Info *i) { kdDebug() << "KexiProject::items()" << endl; if(!i || !isConnected()) return 0; //trying in cache... KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = d->itemDictsCache[ i->projectPartID() ]; if (dict) return dict; //retrieve: KexiDB::Cursor *cursor = d->connection->executeQuery( "SELECT o_id, o_name, o_caption FROM kexi__objects WHERE o_type = " + QString::number(i->projectPartID()));//, KexiDB::Cursor::Buffered); // kdDebug() << "KexiProject::items(): cursor handle is:" << cursor << endl; if(!cursor) return 0; dict = new KexiPart::ItemDict(1009); dict->setAutoDelete(true); for(cursor->moveFirst(); !cursor->eof(); cursor->moveNext()) { KexiPart::Item *it = new KexiPart::Item(); bool ok; int ident = cursor->value(0).toInt(&ok); QString objName( cursor->value(1).toString() ); if ( ok && (ident>0) && !d->connection->isInternalTableSchema(objName) && KexiUtils::isIdentifier(objName) ) { it->setIdentifier(ident); it->setMimeType(i->mimeType()); //js: may be not null??? it->setName(objName); it->setCaption(cursor->value(2).toString()); } dict->insert(it->identifier(), it); // kdDebug() << "KexiProject::items(): ITEM ADDED == "<count() << endl; d->itemDictsCache.insert( i->projectPartID(), dict ); return dict; } KexiPart::ItemDict* KexiProject::itemsForMimeType(const QCString &mimeType) { KexiPart::Info *info = Kexi::partManager().infoForMimeType(mimeType); return items(info); } void KexiProject::getSortedItems(KexiPart::ItemList& list, KexiPart::Info *i) { list.clear(); KexiPart::ItemDict* dict = items(i); if (!dict) return; for (KexiPart::ItemDictIterator it(*dict); it.current(); ++it) list.append(it.current()); } void KexiProject::getSortedItemsForMimeType(KexiPart::ItemList& list, const QCString &mimeType) { KexiPart::Info *info = Kexi::partManager().infoForMimeType(mimeType); getSortedItems(list, info); } void KexiProject::addStoredItem(KexiPart::Info *info, KexiPart::Item *item) { if (!info || !item) return; KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = items(info); item->setNeverSaved( false ); d->unstoredItems.take(item); //no longer unstored dict->insert( item->identifier(), item ); //let's update e.g. navigator emit newItemStored(*item); } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::itemForMimeType(const QCString &mimeType, const QString &name) { KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = itemsForMimeType(mimeType); if (!dict) return 0; const QString l_name = name.lower(); for (KexiPart::ItemDictIterator it( *dict ); it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->name().lower()==l_name) return it.current(); } return 0; } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::item(KexiPart::Info *i, const QString &name) { KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = items(i); if (!dict) return 0; const QString l_name = name.lower(); for (KexiPart::ItemDictIterator it( *dict ); it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->name().lower()==l_name) return it.current(); } return 0; } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::item(int identifier) { KexiPart::ItemDict *dict; for (QIntDictIterator it(d->itemDictsCache); (dict = it.current()); ++it) { KexiPart::Item *item = dict->find(identifier); if (item) return item; } return 0; } /*void KexiProject::clearMsg() { clearError(); // d->error_title=QString::null; } void KexiProject::setError(int code, const QString &msg ) { Object::setError(code, msg); if (Object::error()) ERRMSG(d->error_title, this); // emit error(d->error_title, this); } void KexiProject::setError( const QString &msg ) { Object::setError(msg); if (Object::error()) ERRMSG(d->error_title, this); // emit error(d->error_title, this); } void KexiProject::setError( KexiDB::Object *obj ) { if (!obj) return; Object::setError(obj); if (Object::error()) ERRMSG(d->error_title, obj); // emit error(d->error_title, obj); } void KexiProject::setError(const QString &msg, const QString &desc) { Object::setError(msg); //ok? ERRMSG(msg, desc); //not KexiDB-related // emit error(msg, desc); //not KexiDB-related } */ KexiPart::Part *KexiProject::findPartFor(KexiPart::Item& item) { clearError(); KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this); KexiPart::Part *part = Kexi::partManager().partForMimeType(item.mimeType()); if (!part) setError(&Kexi::partManager()); return part; } KexiDialogBase* KexiProject::openObject(KexiMainWindow *wnd, KexiPart::Item& item, int viewMode, QMap* staticObjectArgs) { clearError(); if (viewMode!=Kexi::DataViewMode && data()->userMode()) return 0; KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this); KexiPart::Part *part = findPartFor(item); if (!part) return 0; KexiDialogBase *dlg = part->openInstance(wnd, item, viewMode, staticObjectArgs); if (!dlg) { if (part->lastOperationStatus().error()) setError(i18n("Opening object \"%1\" failed.").arg(item.name())+"
" +part->lastOperationStatus().message, part->lastOperationStatus().description); return 0; } return dlg; } KexiDialogBase* KexiProject::openObject(KexiMainWindow *wnd, const QCString &mimeType, const QString& name, int viewMode) { KexiPart::Item *it = itemForMimeType(mimeType, name); return it ? openObject(wnd, *it, viewMode) : 0; } bool KexiProject::checkWritable() { if (!d->connection->isReadOnly()) return true; setError(i18n("This project is opened as read only.")); return false; } bool KexiProject::removeObject(KexiMainWindow *wnd, KexiPart::Item& item) { clearError(); if (data()->userMode()) return false; KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this); if (!checkWritable()) return false; KexiPart::Part *part = findPartFor(item); if (!part) return false; if (!item.neverSaved() && !part->remove(wnd, item)) { //js TODO check for errors return false; } if (!item.neverSaved()) { KexiDB::TransactionGuard tg( *d->connection ); if (!tg.transaction().active()) { setError(d->connection); return false; } if (!d->connection->removeObject( item.identifier() )) { setError(d->connection); return false; } if (!tg.commit()) { setError(d->connection); return false; } } emit itemRemoved(item); //now: remove this item from cache if (part->info()) { KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = d->itemDictsCache[ part->info()->projectPartID() ]; if (!(dict && dict->remove( item.identifier() ))) d->unstoredItems.remove(&item);//remove temp. } return true; } bool KexiProject::renameObject( KexiMainWindow *wnd, KexiPart::Item& item, const QString& _newName ) { clearError(); if (data()->userMode()) return 0; KexiUtils::WaitCursor wait; QString newName = _newName.stripWhiteSpace(); { KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this); if (newName.isEmpty()) { setError( i18n("Could not set empty name for this object.") ); return false; } if (this->itemForMimeType(item.mimeType(), newName)!=0) { setError( i18n("Could not use this name. Object with name \"%1\" already exists.") .arg(newName) ); return false; } } KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this, i18n("Could not rename object \"%1\".").arg(item.name()) ); if (!checkWritable()) return false; KexiPart::Part *part = findPartFor(item); if (!part) return false; KexiDB::TransactionGuard tg( *d->connection ); if (!tg.transaction().active()) { setError(d->connection); return false; } if (!part->rename(wnd, item, newName)) { setError(part->lastOperationStatus().message, part->lastOperationStatus().description); return false; } if (!d->connection->executeSQL( "update kexi__objects set o_name=" + d->connection->driver()->valueToSQL( KexiDB::Field::Text, newName ) + " where o_id=" + QString::number(item.identifier()) )) { setError(d->connection); return false; } if (!tg.commit()) { setError(d->connection); return false; } QCString oldName( item.name().latin1() ); item.setName( newName ); emit itemRenamed(item, oldName); return true; } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::createPartItem(KexiPart::Info *info, const QString& suggestedCaption) { clearError(); if (data()->userMode()) return 0; KexiDB::MessageTitle et(this); KexiPart::Part *part = Kexi::partManager().part(info); if (!part) { setError(&Kexi::partManager()); return 0; } KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = items(info); //find new, unique default name for this item int n; QString new_name; QString base_name; if (suggestedCaption.isEmpty()) { n = 1; base_name = part->instanceName(); } else { n = 0; //means: try not to add 'n' base_name = KexiUtils::string2Identifier(suggestedCaption).lower(); } base_name = KexiUtils::string2Identifier(base_name).lower(); KexiPart::ItemDictIterator it(*dict); QPtrDictIterator itUnstored(d->unstoredItems); do { new_name = base_name; if (n>=1) new_name += QString::number(n); for (it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->name().lower()==new_name) break; } if ( it.current() ) { n++; continue; //stored exists! } for (itUnstored.toFirst(); itUnstored.current(); ++itUnstored) { if (itUnstored.current()->name().lower()==new_name) break; } if ( !itUnstored.current() ) break; //unstored doesn't exist n++; } while (n<1000/*sanity*/); if (n>=1000) return 0; QString new_caption( suggestedCaption.isEmpty() ? part->instanceCaption() : suggestedCaption); if (n>=1) new_caption += QString::number(n); KexiPart::Item *item = new KexiPart::Item(); item->setIdentifier( --d->tempPartItemID_Counter );//temporary item->setMimeType(info->mimeType()); item->setName(new_name); item->setCaption(new_caption); item->setNeverSaved(true); d->unstoredItems.insert(item, item); return item; } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::createPartItem(KexiPart::Part *part, const QString& suggestedCaption) { return createPartItem(part->info(), suggestedCaption); } void KexiProject::deleteUnstoredItem(KexiPart::Item *item) { if (!item) return; d->unstoredItems.remove(item); } KexiDB::Parser* KexiProject::sqlParser() { if (!d->sqlParser) { if (!d->connection) return 0; d->sqlParser = new KexiDB::Parser(d->connection); } return d->sqlParser; } static const QString warningNoUndo = i18n("Warning: entire project's data will be removed."); /*static*/ KexiProject* KexiProject::createBlankProject(bool &cancelled, KexiProjectData* data, KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler) { cancelled = false; KexiProject *prj = new KexiProject( new KexiProjectData(*data), handler ); tristate res = prj->create(false); if (~res) { //! @todo move to KexiMessageHandler if (KMessageBox::Yes != KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, ""+i18n( "The project %1 already exists.\n" "Do you want to replace it with a new, blank one?") .arg(prj->data()->infoString())+"\n"+warningNoUndo+"", QString::null, KGuiItem(i18n("Replace")), KStdGuiItem::cancel() )) //todo add serverInfoString() for server-based prj { delete prj; cancelled = true; return 0; } res = prj->create(true/*overwrite*/); } if (res != true) { delete prj; return 0; } kdDebug() << "KexiProject::createBlankProject(): new project created --- " << endl; //todo? Kexi::recentProjects().addProjectData( data ); return prj; } /*static*/ tristate KexiProject::dropProject(KexiProjectData* data, KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler, bool dontAsk) { if (!dontAsk && KMessageBox::Yes != KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, i18n("Do you want to drop the project \"%1\"?").arg(data->objectName())+"\n"+warningNoUndo )) return cancelled; KexiProject prj( new KexiProjectData(*data), handler ); if (!prj.open()) return false; if (prj.dbConnection()->isReadOnly()) { handler->showErrorMessage( i18n("Could not drop this project. Database connection for this project has been opened as read only.")); return false; } return prj.dbConnection()->dropDatabase(); } /*void KexiProject::reloadPartItem( KexiDialogBase* dialog ) { if (!dialog) return; KexiPart::Item* item = dialog->partItem(); if (dialog || !d->connection->setQuerySchemaObsolete( queryName )) return; KexiPart::Info *partInfo = Kexi::partManager().infoForMimeType("kexi/query"); if (!partInfo) return; //err? item(partInfo, queryName); if (!item) return; //err? emit itemSetO }*/ #include "kexiproject.moc"