/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Lucijan Busch Daniel Molkentin Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Wenninger Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mysqldriver.h" #include "mysqlconnection.h" #include "mysqlconnection_p.h" #include "mysqlcursor.h" #include "mysqlpreparedstatement.h" #include using namespace KexiDB; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- MySqlConnection::MySqlConnection( Driver *driver, ConnectionData &conn_data ) :Connection(driver,conn_data) ,d(new MySqlConnectionInternal(this)) { } MySqlConnection::~MySqlConnection() { destroy(); } bool MySqlConnection::drv_connect(KexiDB::ServerVersionInfo& version) { const bool ok = d->db_connect(*data()); if (!ok) return false; version.string = mysql_get_host_info(d->mysql); //retrieve server version info #if 0 //this only works for client version >= 4.1 :( unsigned long v = mysql_get_server_version(d->mysql); // v - a number that represents the MySQL server version in this format // = major_version*10000 + minor_version *100 + sub_version version.major = v/10000; version.minor = (v - version.major*10000)/100; version.release = v - version.major*10000 - version.minor*100; #else //better way to get the version info: use 'version' built-in variable: //! @todo this is hardcoded for now; define api for retrieving variables and use this API... TQString versionString; const tristate res = querySingleString("SELECT @@version", versionString, /*column*/0, false /*!addLimitTo1*/); TQRegExp versionRe("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)"); if (res==true && versionRe.exactMatch(versionString)) { // (if querySingleString failed, the version will be 0.0.0... version.major = versionRe.cap(1).toInt(); version.minor = versionRe.cap(2).toInt(); version.release = versionRe.cap(3).toInt(); } #endif return true; } bool MySqlConnection::drv_disconnect() { return d->db_disconnect(); } Cursor* MySqlConnection::prepareQuery(const TQString& statement, uint cursor_options) { return new MySqlCursor(this,statement,cursor_options); } Cursor* MySqlConnection::prepareQuery( QuerySchema& query, uint cursor_options ) { return new MySqlCursor( this, query, cursor_options ); } bool MySqlConnection::drv_getDatabasesList( TQStringList &list ) { KexiDBDrvDbg << "MySqlConnection::drv_getDatabasesList()" << endl; list.clear(); MYSQL_RES *res; if((res=mysql_list_dbs(d->mysql,0)) != 0) { MYSQL_ROW row; while ( (row = mysql_fetch_row(res))!=0) { list<storeResult(); // setError(ERR_DB_SPECIFIC,mysql_error(d->mysql)); return false; } bool MySqlConnection::drv_createDatabase( const TQString &dbName) { KexiDBDrvDbg << "MySqlConnection::drv_createDatabase: " << dbName << endl; // mysql_create_db deprecated, use SQL here. if (drv_executeSQL("CREATE DATABASE " + (dbName))) return true; d->storeResult(); return false; } bool MySqlConnection::drv_useDatabase(const TQString &dbName, bool *cancelled, MessageHandler* msgHandler) { Q_UNUSED(cancelled); Q_UNUSED(msgHandler); //TODO is here escaping needed? return d->useDatabase(dbName); } bool MySqlConnection::drv_closeDatabase() { //TODO free resources //As far as I know, mysql doesn't support that return true; } bool MySqlConnection::drv_dropDatabase( const TQString &dbName) { //TODO is here escaping needed return drv_executeSQL("drop database "+dbName); } bool MySqlConnection::drv_executeSQL( const TQString& statement ) { return d->executeSQL(statement); } TQ_ULLONG MySqlConnection::drv_lastInsertRowID() { //! @todo return (TQ_ULLONG)mysql_insert_id(d->mysql); } int MySqlConnection::serverResult() { return d->res; } TQString MySqlConnection::serverResultName() { return TQString(); } void MySqlConnection::drv_clearServerResult() { if (!d) return; d->res = 0; } TQString MySqlConnection::serverErrorMsg() { return d->errmsg; } bool MySqlConnection::drv_containsTable( const TQString &tableName ) { bool success; return resultExists(TQString("show tables like %1") .tqarg(driver()->escapeString(tableName)), success) && success; } bool MySqlConnection::drv_getTablesList( TQStringList &list ) { KexiDB::Cursor *cursor; m_sql = "show tables"; if (!(cursor = executeQuery( m_sql ))) { KexiDBDbg << "Connection::drv_getTablesList(): !executeQuery()" << endl; return false; } list.clear(); cursor->moveFirst(); while (!cursor->eof() && !cursor->error()) { list += cursor->value(0).toString(); cursor->moveNext(); } if (cursor->error()) { deleteCursor(cursor); return false; } return deleteCursor(cursor); } PreparedStatement::Ptr MySqlConnection::prepareStatement(PreparedStatement::StatementType type, FieldList& fields) { return new MySqlPreparedStatement(type, *d, fields); } #include "mysqlconnection.moc"