/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <js@iidea.pl>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>

class TQDomElement;
class TQDomDocument;
class TQVariant;

namespace KexiDB {

//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::columnHeadersVisible()

//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::maximumListRows()

//! maximum value for LookupFieldSchema::maximumListRows()

//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::limitToList()

//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::displayWidget()

//! @short Provides information about lookup field's setup.
 LookupFieldSchema object is owned by TableSchema and created upon creating or retrieving the table schema
 from the database metadata.

 @see LookupFieldSchema *TableSchema::lookupFieldSchema( Field& field ) const
class KEXI_DB_EXPORT LookupFieldSchema

		//! Row source information that can be specified for the lookup field schema
		class KEXI_DB_EXPORT RowSource {
				//! Row source type
				enum Type {
					NoType,         //!< used for invalid schema
					Table,        //!< table as lookup row source
					Query,        //!< named query as lookup row source
					SQLStatement, //!< anonymous query as lookup row source
					ValueList,    //!< a fixed list of values as lookup row source
					FieldList     //!< a list of column names from a table/query will be displayed


				/*! @return row source type: table, query, anonymous; in the future it will 
				 be also fixed value list and field list. The latter is basically a list 
				 of column names of a table/query, "Field List" in MSA. */
				Type type() const { return m_type; }

				/*! Sets row source type to \a type. */
				void setType(Type type) { m_type = type; }

				/*! @return row source type name. @see setTypeByName() */
				TQString typeName() const;

				/*! Sets row source type by name using \a typeName. Accepted (cast sensitive) 
				 names are "table", "query", "sql", "valuelist", "fieldlist".
				 For other value NoType type is set. */
				void setTypeByName( const TQString& typeName );

				/*! @return a string for row source: table name, query name or anonymous query 
				 provided as KEXISQL string. If rowSourceType() is a ValueList, 
				 rowSourceValues() should be used instead. If rowSourceType() is a FieldList,
				 rowSource() should return table or query name. */
				TQString name() const { return m_name; }

				/*! Sets row source value. @see value() */
				void setName(const TQString& name);

				/*! @return row source values specified if type() is ValueList. */
				TQStringList values() const;

				/*! Sets row source values used if type() is ValueList. 
				 Using it clears name (see name()). */
				void setValues(const TQStringList& values);

				/*! \return String for debugging purposes. */
				TQString debugString() const;

				/*! Shows debug information. */ 
				void debug() const;
				Type m_type;
				TQString m_name;
				TQStringList *m_values;



		/*! @return row source information for the lookup field schema */
		RowSource& rowSource() { return m_rowSource; }

		/*! Sets row source for the lookup field schema */
		void setRowSource(const RowSource& rowSource) { m_rowSource = rowSource; }

		/*! @return bound column: an integer specifying a column that is bound 
		 (counted from 0). -1 means unspecified value. */
//! @todo in later implementation there can be more columns
		int boundColumn() const { return m_boundColumn; }

		/*! Sets bound column number to \a column. @see boundColumn() */
		void setBoundColumn(int column) { m_boundColumn = column>=0 ? column : -1; }

		/*! @return a list of visible column: a list of integers specifying a column that has 
		 to be visible in the combo box (counted from 0). 
		 Empty list means unspecified value. */
		TQValueList<uint> visibleColumns() const { return m_visibleColumns; }

		/*! Sets a list of visible columns to \a list. 
		 Columns will be separated with a single space character when displayed. */
		void setVisibleColumns(const TQValueList<uint>& list) { m_visibleColumns = list; }

		/*! A helper method.
		 If visibleColumns() contains one item, this item is returned (a typical case).
		 If visibleColumns() contains no item, -1 is returned.
		 If visibleColumns() multiple items, \a fieldsCount - 1 is returned. */
		inline int visibleColumn(uint fieldsCount) const {
			if (m_visibleColumns.count()==1)
				return (m_visibleColumns.first() < fieldsCount) 
					? (int)m_visibleColumns.first() : -1;
			if (m_visibleColumns.isEmpty())
				return -1;
			return fieldsCount - 1;

		/*! @return a number of ordered integers specifying column widths;
		 -1 means 'default width' for a given column. */
		const TQValueList<int> columnWidths() const { return m_columnWidths; }

		/*! Sets column widths. @see columnWidths */
		void setColumnWidths(const TQValueList<int>& widths) { m_columnWidths = widths; }

		/*! @return true if column headers are visible in the associated 
		 combo box popup or the list view. The default is false. */
		bool columnHeadersVisible() const { return m_columnHeadersVisible; }

		/*! Sets "column headers visibility" flag. @see columnHeadersVisible() */
		void setColumnHeadersVisible(bool set) { m_columnHeadersVisible = set; }

		/*! @return integer property specifying a maximum number of rows 
		 that can be displayed in a combo box popup or a list box. The default is 
		uint maximumListRows() const { return m_maximumListRows; }

		/*! Sets maximum number of rows that can be displayed in a combo box popup 
		 or a list box. If \a rows is 0, KEXIDB_LOOKUP_FIELD_DEFAULT_LIST_ROWS is set.
		 If \a rows is greater than KEXIDB_LOOKUP_FIELD_MAX_LIST_ROWS, 
		void setMaximumListRows(uint rows);

		/*! @return true if , only values present on the list can be selected using
		 the combo box. The default is true. */
		bool limitToList() const { return m_limitToList; }

		/*! Sets "limit to list" flag. @see limitToList() */
		void setLimitToList(bool set) { m_limitToList = set; }

		//! used in displayWidget()
		enum DisplayWidget {
			ComboBox = 0, //!< (the default) combobox widget should be displayed in forms for this lookup field
			ListBox = 1   //!< listbox widget should be displayed in forms for this lookup field

		/*! @return the widget type that should be displayed within 
		 the forms for this lookup field. The default is ComboBox. 
		 For the Table View, combo box is always displayed. */
		DisplayWidget displayWidget() const { return m_displayWidget; }

		/*! Sets type of widget to display within the forms for this lookup field. @see displayWidget() */
		void setDisplayWidget(DisplayWidget widget) { m_displayWidget = widget; }

		/*! \return String for debugging purposes. */
		TQString debugString() const;

		/*! Shows debug information. */ 
		void debug() const;

		/*! Loads data of lookup column schema from DOM tree. 
		 The data can be outdated or invalid, so the app should handle such cases.
		 @return a new LookupFieldSchema object even if lookupEl contains no valid contents. */
		static LookupFieldSchema* loadFromDom(const TQDomElement& lookupEl);

		/*! Saves data of lookup column schema to \a parentEl DOM element of \a doc document. */
		static void saveToDom(LookupFieldSchema& lookupSchema, TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomElement& parentEl);

		/*! Sets property of name \a propertyName and value \a value for the lookup schema \a lookup
		 \return true on successful set and false on failure because of invalid value or invalid property name. */
		static bool setProperty( 
			LookupFieldSchema& lookup, const TQCString& propertyName, const TQVariant& value );

		RowSource m_rowSource;
		int m_boundColumn;
		TQValueList<uint> m_visibleColumns;
		TQValueList<int> m_columnWidths;
		uint m_maximumListRows;
		DisplayWidget m_displayWidget;
		bool m_columnHeadersVisible : 1;
		bool m_limitToList : 1;

} //namespace KexiDB
