/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Cedric Pasteur Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexiformscrollview.h" //#include "kexiformview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KexiFormScrollView::KexiFormScrollView(TQWidget *parent, bool preview) : KexiScrollView(parent, preview) , KexiRecordNavigatorHandler() , KexiSharedActionClient() , KexiDataAwareObjectInterface() , KexiFormDataProvider() , KexiFormEventHandler() { m_currentLocalSortColumn = -1; /* no column */ m_localSortingOrder = -1; /* no sorting */ m_previousItem = 0; m_navPanel = m_scrollViewNavPanel; //copy this pointer from KexiScrollView if (preview) { setRecordNavigatorVisible(true); //tmp // recordNavigator()->setEditingIndicatorEnabled(true); // recordNavigator()->showEditingIndicator(true); } connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(resizingStarted()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotResizingStarted())); m_popupMenu = new KPopupMenu(this, "contextMenu"); // setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); } KexiFormScrollView::~KexiFormScrollView() { if (m_owner) delete m_data; m_data = 0; } void KexiFormScrollView::show() { KexiScrollView::show(); #if 0 //moved to KexiFormView, OK? //now get resize mode settings for entire form if (m_preview) { KexiFormView* fv = dynamic_cast(parent()); int resizeMode = fv ? fv->resizeMode() : KexiFormView::ResizeAuto; if (resizeMode == KexiFormView::ResizeAuto) setResizePolicy(AutoOneFit); } #endif } void KexiFormScrollView::slotResizingStarted() { if(m_form && KFormDesigner::FormManager::self()) setSnapToGrid(KFormDesigner::FormManager::self()->snapWidgetsToGrid(), m_form->gridSize()); else setSnapToGrid(false); } int KexiFormScrollView::rowsPerPage() const { //! @todo return 10; } void KexiFormScrollView::selectCellInternal() { //m_currentItem is already set by KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setCursorPosition() if (m_currentItem) { if (m_currentItem!=m_previousItem) { fillDataItems(*m_currentItem, cursorAtNewRow()); m_previousItem = m_currentItem; } } else { m_previousItem = 0; } } void KexiFormScrollView::ensureCellVisible(int row, int col/*=-1*/) { Q_UNUSED( row ); Q_UNUSED( col ); //! @todo // if (m_currentItem) //fillDataItems(*m_currentItem); // if (m_form->tabStops()->first() && m_form->tabStops()->first()->widget()) // m_form->tabStops()->first()->widget()->setFocus(); } void KexiFormScrollView::moveToRecordRequested(uint r) { //! @todo selectRow(r); } void KexiFormScrollView::moveToLastRecordRequested() { //! @todo selectLastRow(); } void KexiFormScrollView::moveToPreviousRecordRequested() { //! @todo selectPrevRow(); } void KexiFormScrollView::moveToNextRecordRequested() { //! @todo selectNextRow(); } void KexiFormScrollView::moveToFirstRecordRequested() { //! @todo selectFirstRow(); } void KexiFormScrollView::clearColumnsInternal(bool tqrepaint) { Q_UNUSED( tqrepaint ); //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::addHeaderColumn(const TQString& caption, const TQString& description, const TQIconSet& icon, int width) { Q_UNUSED( caption ); Q_UNUSED( description ); Q_UNUSED( icon ); Q_UNUSED( width ); //! @todo } int KexiFormScrollView::currentLocalSortingOrder() const { //! @todo return m_localSortingOrder; } int KexiFormScrollView::currentLocalSortColumn() const { return m_currentLocalSortColumn; } void KexiFormScrollView::setLocalSortingOrder(int col, int order) { //! @todo m_currentLocalSortColumn = col; m_localSortingOrder = order; } void KexiFormScrollView::sortColumnInternal(int col, int order) { Q_UNUSED( col ); Q_UNUSED( order ); //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::updateGUIAfterSorting() { //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::createEditor(int row, int col, const TQString& addText, bool removeOld) { Q_UNUSED( row ); Q_UNUSED( addText ); Q_UNUSED( removeOld ); if (isReadOnly()) { kexipluginsdbg << "KexiFormScrollView::createEditor(): DATA IS READ ONLY!"<isReadOnly()) { kexipluginsdbg << "KexiFormScrollView::createEditor(): COL IS READ ONLY!"<clearRowEditBuffer(); m_rowEditing = true; //indicate on the vheader that we are editing: if (m_verticalHeader) m_verticalHeader->setEditRow(m_curRow); if (isInsertingEnabled() && m_currentItem==m_insertItem) { //we should know that we are in state "new row editing" m_newRowEditing = true; //'insert' row editing: show another row after that: m_data->append( m_insertItem ); //new empty insert item m_insertItem = m_data->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(dataColumns()); // updateContents(); if (m_verticalHeader) m_verticalHeader->addLabel(); // m_verticalHeaderAlreadyAdded = true; updateWidgetContentsSize(); //refr. current and next row // updateContents(columnPos(0), rowPos(row), viewport()->width(), d->rowHeight*2); //js: warning this breaks behaviour (cursor is skipping, etc.): tqApp->processEvents(500); // ensureVisible(columnPos(m_curCol), rowPos(row+1)+d->rowHeight-1, columnWidth(m_curCol), d->rowHeight); // m_verticalHeader->setOffset(contentsY()); } } m_editor = editor(col); //m_dataItems.at(col); if (!m_editor) return; if (startRowEdit) { recordNavigator()->showEditingIndicator(true); // recordNavigator()->updateButtons(); //refresh 'next btn' emit rowEditStarted(m_curRow); } } KexiDataItemInterface *KexiFormScrollView::editor( int col, bool ignoreMissingEditor ) { Q_UNUSED( ignoreMissingEditor ); if (!m_data || col<0 || col>=columns()) return 0; return dynamic_cast(dbFormWidget()->orderedDataAwareWidgets()->at( col )); // KexiFormDataItemInterface *item = m_dataItems.at(col); //return item; /* KexiTableViewColumn *tvcol = m_data->column(col); // int t = tvcol->field->type(); //find the editor for this column KexiDataItemInterface *editor = d->editors[ tvcol ]; if (editor) return editor; //not found: create // editor = KexiCellEditorFactory::createEditor(*m_data->column(col)->field, this); editor = KexiCellEditorFactory::createEditor(*m_data->column(col), this); if (!editor) {//create error! if (!ignoreMissingEditor) { //js TODO: show error??? cancelRowEdit(); } return 0; } editor->hide(); connect(editor,TQT_SIGNAL(editRequested()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotEditRequested())); connect(editor,TQT_SIGNAL(cancelRequested()),this,TQT_SLOT(cancelEditor())); connect(editor,TQT_SIGNAL(acceptRequested()),this,TQT_SLOT(acceptEditor())); editor->resize(columnWidth(col)-1, rowHeight()-1); editor->installEventFilter(this); if (editor->widget()) editor->widget()->installEventFilter(this); //store d->editors.insert( tvcol, editor ); return editor;*/ } void KexiFormScrollView::editorShowFocus( int row, int col ) { Q_UNUSED( row ); Q_UNUSED( col ); //! @todo // if (m_currentItem) // m_provider->fillDataItems(*m_currentItem); } void KexiFormScrollView::updateCell(int row, int col) { Q_UNUSED( row ); Q_UNUSED( col ); //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::updateCurrentCell() { } void KexiFormScrollView::updateRow(int row) { Q_UNUSED(row) //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::updateWidgetContents() { //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::updateWidgetContentsSize() { //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::updateWidgetScrollBars() { //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::slotRowRepaintRequested(KexiTableItem& item) { Q_UNUSED( item ); //! @todo } /*void KexiFormScrollView::slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem& item, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result, bool tqrepaint) { //! @todo }*/ /*void KexiFormScrollView::slotRowDeleted() { //! @todo }*/ void KexiFormScrollView::slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, bool tqrepaint) { Q_UNUSED( item ); Q_UNUSED( tqrepaint ); //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, uint row, bool tqrepaint) { Q_UNUSED( item ); Q_UNUSED( row ); Q_UNUSED( tqrepaint ); //! @todo } void KexiFormScrollView::slotRowsDeleted( const TQValueList & ) { //! @todo } KexiDBForm* KexiFormScrollView::dbFormWidget() const { return dynamic_cast(m_widget); } int KexiFormScrollView::columns() const { return dbFormWidget()->orderedDataAwareWidgets()->count(); //m_dataItems.count(); } /*uint KexiFormScrollView::fieldNumberForColumn(int col) { KexiFormDataItemInterface *item = dynamic_cast(dbFormWidget()->orderedDataAwareWidgets()->at( col )); if (!item) return -1; KexiFormDataItemInterfaceToIntMap::ConstIterator it(m_fieldNumbersForDataItems.find( item )); return it!=m_fieldNumbersForDataItems.constEnd() ? it.data() : -1; }*/ bool KexiFormScrollView::columnEditable(int col) { kexipluginsdbg << "KexiFormScrollView::columnEditable(" << col << ")" << endl; foreach_list (TQPtrListIterator, it, m_dataItems) { kexipluginsdbg << (dynamic_cast(it.current()) ? dynamic_cast(it.current())->name() : "" ) << " " << it.current()->dataSource() << endl; } kexipluginsdbg << "-- focus widgets --" << endl; foreach_list (TQPtrListIterator, it, *dbFormWidget()->orderedFocusWidgets()) { kexipluginsdbg << it.current()->name() << endl; } kexipluginsdbg << "-- data-aware widgets --" << endl; foreach_list (TQPtrListIterator, it, *dbFormWidget()->orderedDataAwareWidgets()) { kexipluginsdbg << it.current()->name() << endl; } //int index = dbFormWidget()->indexForDataItem( item ); // KexiFormDataItemInterface *item1 = dynamic_cast(dbFormWidget()->orderedFocusWidgets()->at( col )); KexiFormDataItemInterface *item = dynamic_cast(dbFormWidget()->orderedDataAwareWidgets()->at( col )); if (!item || item->isReadOnly()) return false; // KexiFormDataItemInterfaceToIntMap::ConstIterator it(m_fieldNumbersForDataItems.find( item )); // return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::columnEditable( it!=m_fieldNumbersForDataItems.constEnd() ? it.data() : -1 ); return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::columnEditable( col ); } void KexiFormScrollView::valueChanged(KexiDataItemInterface* item) { if (!item) return; //only signal start editing when no row editing was started already kexipluginsdbg << "** KexiFormScrollView::valueChanged(): editedItem=" << (dbFormWidget()->editedItem ? dbFormWidget()->editedItem->value().toString() : TQString()) << ", " << (item ? item->value().toString() : TQString()) << endl; if (dbFormWidget()->editedItem!=item) { kexipluginsdbg << "**>>> dbFormWidget()->editedItem = dynamic_cast(item)" << endl; dbFormWidget()->editedItem = dynamic_cast(item); startEditCurrentCell(); } fillDuplicatedDataItems(dynamic_cast(item), item->value()); //value changed: clear 'default value' mode (e.g. a blue italic text) dynamic_cast(item)->setDisplayDefaultValue(dynamic_cast(item), false); } bool KexiFormScrollView::cursorAtNewRow() const { return isInsertingEnabled() && ( m_currentItem==m_insertItem || m_newRowEditing ); } void KexiFormScrollView::initDataContents() { KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::initDataContents(); if (m_preview) { //! @todo here we can react if user wanted to show the navigator setRecordNavigatorVisible(m_data); recordNavigator()->setEnabled(m_data); if (m_data) { recordNavigator()->setEditingIndicatorEnabled( !isReadOnly() ); recordNavigator()->showEditingIndicator(false); } dbFormWidget()->updateReadOnlyFlags(); } } KexiTableViewColumn* KexiFormScrollView::column(int col) { const int id = fieldNumberForColumn(col); return (id >= 0) ? m_data->column( id ) : 0; } bool KexiFormScrollView::shouldDisplayDefaultValueForItem(KexiFormDataItemInterface* itemIface) const { return cursorAtNewRow() && !itemIface->columnInfo()->field->defaultValue().isNull() //?? && (m_editor ? m_editor->value()==itemIface->columnInfo()->field->defaultValue() : true) && !itemIface->columnInfo()->field->isAutoIncrement(); // default value defined } bool KexiFormScrollView::cancelEditor() { if (!dynamic_cast(m_editor)) return false; if (m_errorMessagePopup) m_errorMessagePopup->close(); KexiFormDataItemInterface *itemIface = dynamic_cast(m_editor); itemIface->undoChanges(); const bool displayDefaultValue = shouldDisplayDefaultValueForItem(itemIface); // now disable/enable "display default value" if needed (do it after setValue(), before setValue() turns it off) if (itemIface->hasDisplayedDefaultValue() != displayDefaultValue) itemIface->setDisplayDefaultValue( dynamic_cast(itemIface), displayDefaultValue ); fillDuplicatedDataItems(itemIface, m_editor->value()); // this will clear editor pointer and close message popup (if present) return KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::cancelEditor(); } void KexiFormScrollView::updateAfterCancelRowEdit() { for (TQPtrListIterator it(m_dataItems); it.current(); ++it) { if (dynamic_cast(it.current())) { kexipluginsdbg << "KexiFormScrollView::updateAfterCancelRowEdit(): " << dynamic_cast(it.current())->className() << " " << dynamic_cast(it.current())->name() << endl; } KexiFormDataItemInterface *itemIface = it.current(); const bool displayDefaultValue = shouldDisplayDefaultValueForItem(itemIface); itemIface->undoChanges(); if (itemIface->hasDisplayedDefaultValue() != displayDefaultValue) itemIface->setDisplayDefaultValue( dynamic_cast(itemIface), displayDefaultValue ); } recordNavigator()->showEditingIndicator(false); dbFormWidget()->editedItem = 0; } void KexiFormScrollView::updateAfterAcceptRowEdit() { if (!m_currentItem) return; recordNavigator()->showEditingIndicator(false); dbFormWidget()->editedItem = 0; //update visible data because there could be auto-filled (eg. autonumber) fields fillDataItems(*m_currentItem, cursorAtNewRow()); m_previousItem = m_currentItem; } void KexiFormScrollView::beforeSwitchView() { m_editor = 0; } void KexiFormScrollView::refreshContentsSize() { KexiScrollView::refreshContentsSize(); //only clear cmd history when KexiScrollView::refreshContentsSizeLater() has been called if (!m_preview && sender()==&m_delayedResize) { if (m_form) m_form->clearCommandHistory(); } } void KexiFormScrollView::handleDataWidgetAction(const TQString& actionName) { TQWidget *w = focusWidget(); KexiFormDataItemInterface *item = 0; while (w) { item = dynamic_cast(w); if (item) break; w = w->parentWidget(); } if (item) item->handleAction(actionName); } void KexiFormScrollView::copySelection() { handleDataWidgetAction("edit_copy"); } void KexiFormScrollView::cutSelection() { handleDataWidgetAction("edit_cut"); } void KexiFormScrollView::paste() { handleDataWidgetAction("edit_paste"); } int KexiFormScrollView::lastVisibleRow() const { //! @todo unimplemented for now, this will be used for continuous forms return -1; } #include "kexiformscrollview.moc"