/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2004 Lucijan Busch <lucijan@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <js@iidea.pl>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>

#include <kexiviewbase.h>
#include "kexiquerypart.h"

class KexiMainWindow;
class KexiTableViewData;
class KexiDataTable;
class KexiTableItem;
class KexiRelationWidget;
class KexiSectionHeader;
class KexiDataAwarePropertySet;
class KexiRelationViewTableContainer;
class KexiRelationViewConnection;

namespace KexiPart
	class Item;

namespace KoProperty {
	class Property;
	class Set;

namespace KexiDB
	class Connection;
	class QuerySchema;
	class TableSchema;
	class ResultInfo;

//! Design view of the Query Designer
class KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor : public KexiViewBase

		KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor(KexiMainWindow *mainWin, TQWidget *parent, const char *name = 0);
		virtual ~KexiQueryDesignerGuiEditor();

//		KexiDB::QuerySchema	*schema();

		KexiRelationWidget *relationView() const;

		virtual TQSize sizeHint() const;

	public slots:
		virtual void setFocus();

		void initTableColumns(); //!< Called just once.
		void initTableRows(); //!< Called to have all rows empty.
//unused		void addRow(const TQString &tbl, const TQString &field);
//		void			restore();
		virtual tristate beforeSwitchTo(int mode, bool &dontStore);
		virtual tristate afterSwitchFrom(int mode);

		virtual KexiDB::SchemaData* storeNewData(const KexiDB::SchemaData& sdata, bool &cancel);
		virtual tristate storeData(bool dontAsk = false);

		/*! Updates data in columns depending on tables that are currently inserted.
		 Tabular Data in combo box popups is updated as well. */
		void updateColumnsData();

		/*! \return property buffer associated with currently selected row (i.e. field)
		 or 0 if current row is empty. */
		virtual KoProperty::Set *propertySet();

		KoProperty::Set* createPropertySet( int row,
			const TQString& tableName, const TQString& fieldName, bool newOne = false );

		/*! Builds query schema out of information provided by gui.
		 The schema is stored in temp->query member.
		 \a errMsg is optional error message returned.
		 \return true on proper schema creation. */
		bool buildSchema(TQString *errMsg = 0);

		KexiQueryPart::TempData * tempData() const;

		/*! Helper: allocates and initializes new table view's row. Doesn't insert it, just returns. 
		 \a tableName and \a fieldName shoudl be provided. 
		 \a visible flag sets value for "Visible" column. */
		KexiTableItem* createNewRow(const TQString& tableName, const TQString& fieldName,
			bool visible) const;

		KexiDB::BaseExpr* parseExpressionString(const TQString& fullString, int& token,
			bool allowRelationalOperator);

		TQCString generateUniqueAlias() const;
		void updatePropertiesVisibility(KoProperty::Set& buf);

	protected slots:
		void slotDragOverTableRow(KexiTableItem *item, int row, TQDragMoveEvent* e);
		void slotDroppedAtRow(KexiTableItem *item, int row,
			TQDropEvent *ev, KexiTableItem*& newItem);
		//! Reaction on appending a new item after deleting one
		void slotNewItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode();
		void slotTableAdded(KexiDB::TableSchema &t);
		void slotTableHidden(KexiDB::TableSchema &t);

		//! Called before cell change in tableview.
		void slotBeforeCellChanged(KexiTableItem *item, int colnum,
			TQVariant& newValue, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result);

		void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem* item, uint row, bool repaint);
		void slotTablePositionChanged(KexiRelationViewTableContainer*);
		void slotAboutConnectionRemove(KexiRelationViewConnection*);
		void slotTableFieldDoubleClicked( KexiDB::TableSchema* table, const TQString& fieldName );

		/*! Loads layout of relation GUI diagram. */
		bool loadLayout();

		/*! Stores layout of relation GUI diagram. */
		bool storeLayout();

		void showTablesForQuery(KexiDB::QuerySchema *query);
		//! @internal
		void showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal(
			KexiDB::QuerySchema *query, bool showFields, bool showRelations, KexiDB::ResultInfo& result);
		//! convenience method equal to showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal(query, true, true)
		void showFieldsAndRelationsForQuery(KexiDB::QuerySchema *query, KexiDB::ResultInfo& result);
		//! convenience method equal to showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal(query, true, false)
		void showFieldsForQuery(KexiDB::QuerySchema *query, KexiDB::ResultInfo& result);
		//! convenience method equal to showFieldsOrRelationsForQueryInternal(query, false, true)
		void showRelationsForQuery(KexiDB::QuerySchema *query, KexiDB::ResultInfo& result);

		void addConnection(KexiDB::Field *masterField, KexiDB::Field *detailsField);

		void slotPropertyChanged(KoProperty::Set& list, KoProperty::Property& property);

//		void slotObjectCreated(const TQCString &mime, const TQCString& name);
		void slotNewItemStored(KexiPart::Item&);
		void slotItemRemoved(const KexiPart::Item& item);
		void slotItemRenamed(const KexiPart::Item& item, const TQCString& oldName);

		class Private;
		Private *d;

		friend class KexiQueryView; // for storeNewData() and storeData() only
