/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <js@iidea.pl> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexidatasourcecombobox.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <tdelistbox.h> #include <kexi.h> #include <kexiproject.h> #include <keximainwindow.h> #include <kexipart.h> #include <kexipartmanager.h> #include <kexipartinfo.h> #include <kexipartitem.h> #include <kexidb/connection.h> #ifdef KEXI_SHOW_UNIMPLEMENTED #define ADD_DEFINEQUERY_ROW #endif //! @internal class KexiDataSourceComboBox::Private { public: Private() : tablesCount(0) , prevIndex(-1) , showTables(true) , showQueries(true) { } int firstTableIndex() const { int index = 1; //skip empty row #ifdef ADD_DEFINEQUERY_ROW index++; /*skip 'define query' row*/ #endif return index; } int firstQueryIndex() const { return firstTableIndex() + tablesCount; } TQGuardedPtr<KexiProject> prj; TQPixmap tableIcon, queryIcon; int tablesCount; int prevIndex; //!< Used in slotActivated() bool showTables : 1; bool showQueries : 1; }; //------------------------ KexiDataSourceComboBox::KexiDataSourceComboBox(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KComboBox(true/*rw*/, parent, name) , d(new Private()) { setInsertionPolicy(NoInsertion); setCompletionMode(TDEGlobalSettings::CompletionPopupAuto); setSizeLimit( 16 ); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotActivated(int))); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotReturnPressed(const TQString &))); d->tableIcon = SmallIcon("table"); d->queryIcon = SmallIcon("query"); } KexiDataSourceComboBox::~KexiDataSourceComboBox() { delete d; } KexiProject* KexiDataSourceComboBox::project() const { return d->prj; } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::setProject(KexiProject *prj, bool showTables, bool showQueries) { if ((KexiProject*)d->prj == prj) return; if (d->prj) { disconnect(d->prj, 0, this, 0); } d->prj = prj; d->showTables = showTables; d->showQueries = showQueries; clear(); d->tablesCount = 0; if (!d->prj) return; //needed for updating contents of the combo box connect(d->prj, TQT_SIGNAL(newItemStored(KexiPart::Item&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNewItemStored(KexiPart::Item&))); connect(d->prj, TQT_SIGNAL(itemRemoved(const KexiPart::Item&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotItemRemoved(const KexiPart::Item&))); connect(d->prj, TQT_SIGNAL(itemRenamed(const KexiPart::Item&, const TQCString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotItemRenamed(const KexiPart::Item&, const TQCString&))); KexiDB::Connection *conn = d->prj->dbConnection(); if (!conn) return; //special item: empty insertItem(""); #ifdef ADD_DEFINEQUERY_ROW //special item: define query insertItem(i18n("Define Query...")); #endif TDECompletion *comp = completionObject(); if (d->showTables) { //tables KexiPart::Info* partInfo = Kexi::partManager().infoForMimeType("kexi/table"); if (!partInfo) return; KexiPart::ItemList list; prj->getSortedItems(list, partInfo); list.sort(); d->tablesCount = 0; for (KexiPart::ItemListIterator it(list); it.current(); ++it, d->tablesCount++) { insertItem(d->tableIcon, it.current()->name()); //or caption()? comp->addItem(it.current()->name()); } } if (d->showQueries) { //queries KexiPart::Info* partInfo = Kexi::partManager().infoForMimeType("kexi/query"); if (!partInfo) return; KexiPart::ItemList list; prj->getSortedItems(list, partInfo); list.sort(); for (KexiPart::ItemListIterator it(list); it.current(); ++it) { insertItem(d->queryIcon, it.current()->name()); //or caption()? comp->addItem(it.current()->name()); } } // setCurrentText(""); setCurrentItem(0); } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::setDataSource(const TQString& mimeType, const TQString& name) { if (name.isEmpty()) { clearEdit(); setCurrentItem(0); d->prevIndex = -1; emit dataSourceChanged(); return; } TQString mt(mimeType); if (mimeType.isEmpty()) mt="kexi/table"; int i = findItem(mt, name); if (i==-1) { if (mimeType.isEmpty()) i = findItem("kexi/query", name); if (i==-1) { setCurrentItem(0); return; } } setCurrentItem(i); slotActivated(i); } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::slotNewItemStored(KexiPart::Item& item) { TQString name(item.name()); //insert a new item, maintaining sort order and splitting to tables and queries if (item.mimeType()=="kexi/table") { int i = 1; /*skip empty row*/ #ifdef ADD_DEFINEQUERY_ROW i++; /*skip 'define query' row*/ #endif for (; i < d->firstQueryIndex() && name>=text(i); i++) ; insertItem(d->tableIcon, name, i); completionObject()->addItem(name); d->tablesCount++; } else if (item.mimeType()=="kexi/query") { int i; for (i=d->firstQueryIndex(); i<count() && name>=text(i); i++) ; insertItem(d->queryIcon, name, i); completionObject()->addItem(name); } } int KexiDataSourceComboBox::findItem(const TQString& mimeType, const TQString& name) { int i, end; if (mimeType=="kexi/table") { i = 0; #ifdef ADD_DEFINEQUERY_ROW i++; //skip 'define query' #endif end = d->firstQueryIndex(); } else if (mimeType=="kexi/query") { i = d->firstQueryIndex(); end = count(); } else return -1; TQString nameString(name); for (; i<end; i++) if (text(i)==nameString) return i; return -1; } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::slotItemRemoved(const KexiPart::Item& item) { const int i = findItem(item.mimeType(), item.name()); if (i==-1) return; removeItem(i); completionObject()->removeItem(item.name()); if (item.mimeType()=="kexi/table") d->tablesCount--; #if 0 //disabled because even invalid data source can be set if (currentItem()==i) { if (i==(count()-1)) setCurrentItem(i-1); else setCurrentItem(i); } #endif } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::slotItemRenamed(const KexiPart::Item& item, const TQCString& oldName) { const int i = findItem(item.mimeType(), TQString(oldName)); if (i==-1) return; changeItem(item.name(), i); completionObject()->removeItem(TQString(oldName)); completionObject()->addItem(item.name()); setCurrentText(oldName); //still keep old name } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::slotActivated( int index ) { if (index >= d->firstTableIndex() && index < count() && d->prevIndex!=currentItem()) { d->prevIndex = currentItem(); emit dataSourceChanged(); } } TQString KexiDataSourceComboBox::selectedMimeType() const { if (selectedName().isEmpty()) return ""; const int index = currentItem(); if (index >= d->firstTableIndex() && index < (int)d->firstQueryIndex()) return "kexi/table"; else if (index >= (int)d->firstQueryIndex() && index < count()) return "kexi/query"; return ""; } TQString KexiDataSourceComboBox::selectedName() const { if (isSelectionValid()) return text(currentItem()); return currentText(); } bool KexiDataSourceComboBox::isSelectionValid() const { const int index = currentItem(); return index >= d->firstTableIndex() && index < count() && text(index)==currentText(); } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::slotReturnPressed(const TQString & text) { //text is available: select item for this text: bool changed = false; if (text.isEmpty() && 0!=currentItem()) { setCurrentItem(0); changed = true; } else { TQListBoxItem *item = listBox()->findItem( text, TQt::ExactMatch ); if (item) { int index = listBox()->index( item ); //if (index < d->firstTableIndex()) if (index>=0 && index!=currentItem()) { setCurrentItem( index ); changed = true; } } } if (changed) emit dataSourceChanged(); } void KexiDataSourceComboBox::focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent *e ) { KComboBox::focusOutEvent( e ); slotReturnPressed(currentText()); } #include "kexidatasourcecombobox.moc"