/* * Kivio - Visual Modelling and Flowcharting * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 theKompany.com & Dave Marotti * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kivio_common.h" #include "kivio_fill_style.h" #include "kivio_line_style.h" #include "kivio_point.h" #include "kivio_shape_data.h" #include "kivio_text_style.h" #include #include /* * Struct for holding information about a shape type */ struct KivioShapeTypeInfo { const char *name; KivioShapeData::KivioShapeType type; }; /* * Array of shape info used for loading/saving. */ static const int numShapeInfo = 12; static struct KivioShapeTypeInfo shapeInfo[] = { { "Arc", KivioShapeData::kstArc }, { "Pie", KivioShapeData::kstPie }, { "LineArray", KivioShapeData::kstLineArray }, { "Polyline", KivioShapeData::kstPolyline }, { "Polygon", KivioShapeData::kstPolygon }, { "Bezier", KivioShapeData::kstBezier }, { "Rectangle", KivioShapeData::kstRectangle }, { "RoundRectangle", KivioShapeData::kstRoundRectangle }, { "Ellipse", KivioShapeData::kstEllipse }, { "OpenPath", KivioShapeData::kstOpenPath }, { "ClosedPath", KivioShapeData::kstClosedPath }, { "TextBox", KivioShapeData::kstTextBox } }; /***************** * FIXME * * Down the road, this will be phased out because of the KivioTextStyle * class. But it's here for now to keep backwards compatibility with * beta 2 -- even though noone should be using it for anything important!!! ****************/ KivioTextShapeData::KivioTextShapeData() { m_text = ""; m_textFont = QFont("Times"); m_textColor = QColor(0,0,0); m_isHtml = false; m_hTextAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter; m_vTextAlign = Qt::AlignVCenter; } KivioShapeData::KivioShapeData() : m_pOriginalPointList(NULL), m_pFillStyle(NULL) { m_pOriginalPointList = new QPtrList; m_pOriginalPointList->setAutoDelete(true); m_pFillStyle = new KivioFillStyle(); m_pLineStyle = new KivioLineStyle(); // m_fgColor = QColor( 0, 0, 0 ); m_shapeType = kstNone; m_name = ""; // m_lineWidth = 1.0f; m_pTextData = NULL; m_position.set( 0.0f, 0.0f ); m_dimensions.set( 72.0f, 72.0f ); } KivioShapeData::KivioShapeData( const KivioShapeData &source ) : m_pOriginalPointList(NULL), m_pFillStyle(NULL) { // Allocate a new point list KivioPoint *pPoint; m_pOriginalPointList = new QPtrList; m_pOriginalPointList->setAutoDelete(true); // Copy over the point list pPoint = source.m_pOriginalPointList->first(); while( pPoint ) { m_pOriginalPointList->append( new KivioPoint( *pPoint ) ); pPoint = source.m_pOriginalPointList->next(); } // Copy the fill/line styles m_pFillStyle = new KivioFillStyle( *(source.m_pFillStyle) ); m_pLineStyle = new KivioLineStyle( *(source.m_pLineStyle) ); // Copy the fg color //m_fgColor = source.m_fgColor; // Copy the rest m_shapeType = source.m_shapeType; m_name = QString(source.m_name); //m_lineWidth = source.m_lineWidth; // Copy the position and size source.m_position.copyInto( &m_position ); source.m_dimensions.copyInto( &m_dimensions ); // If this is a text shape, allocate a text data struct and copy the info if( m_shapeType == kstTextBox ) { m_pTextData = new KivioTextStyle(); source.m_pTextData->copyInto( m_pTextData ); /* m_pTextData->m_text = ((KivioShapeData)source).text(); m_pTextData->m_isHtml = ((KivioShapeData)source).isHtml(); m_pTextData->m_hTextAlign = ((KivioShapeData)source).hTextAlign(); m_pTextData->m_vTextAlign = ((KivioShapeData)source).vTextAlign(); m_pTextData->m_textFont = ((KivioShapeData)source).textFont(); m_pTextData->m_textColor = ((KivioShapeData)source).textColor(); */ } else m_pTextData = NULL; } KivioShapeData::~KivioShapeData() { if( m_pOriginalPointList ) { delete m_pOriginalPointList; m_pOriginalPointList = NULL; } if( m_pFillStyle ) { delete m_pFillStyle; m_pFillStyle = NULL; } if( m_pLineStyle ) { delete m_pLineStyle; m_pLineStyle = NULL; } if( m_pTextData ) { delete m_pTextData; m_pTextData = NULL; } } void KivioShapeData::copyInto( KivioShapeData *pTarget ) const { KivioPoint *pPoint; if( !pTarget ) return; // Delete the old point list if( pTarget->m_pOriginalPointList ) { delete pTarget->m_pOriginalPointList; pTarget->m_pOriginalPointList = NULL; } // Create a new point list and copy it over pTarget->m_pOriginalPointList = new QPtrList; pTarget->m_pOriginalPointList->setAutoDelete(true); pPoint = m_pOriginalPointList->first(); while( pPoint ) { pTarget->m_pOriginalPointList->append( new KivioPoint( *pPoint ) ); pPoint = m_pOriginalPointList->next(); } // Copy the fill/line styles m_pFillStyle->copyInto( pTarget->m_pFillStyle ); m_pLineStyle->copyInto( pTarget->m_pLineStyle ); // Copy the fg color //pTarget->m_fgColor = m_fgColor; // Copy the rest pTarget->m_shapeType = m_shapeType; pTarget->m_name = QString(m_name); //pTarget->m_lineWidth = m_lineWidth; m_position.copyInto( &(pTarget->m_position) ); m_dimensions.copyInto( &(pTarget->m_dimensions) ); // If this is a textbox, allocate & copy if( m_shapeType == kstTextBox ) { if( !pTarget->m_pTextData ) { pTarget->m_pTextData = new KivioTextStyle(); } if( m_pTextData ) { m_pTextData->copyInto( pTarget->m_pTextData ); } else { kdWarning(43000) << "KivioShapeData::copyInto() - Shape is of type text-box, but our text data doens't exist." << endl; pTarget->m_pTextData->setText(""); pTarget->m_pTextData->setIsHtml(false); pTarget->m_pTextData->setHTextAlign(Qt::AlignHCenter); pTarget->m_pTextData->setVTextAlign(Qt::AlignVCenter); pTarget->m_pTextData->setFont( QFont("Times",12) ); pTarget->m_pTextData->setColor( QColor(0,0,0) ); } } else { if( pTarget->m_pTextData ) { delete pTarget->m_pTextData; pTarget->m_pTextData = NULL; } } } /** * Load this object from an XML element * */ bool KivioShapeData::loadXML( const QDomElement &e ) { QDomNode node; QDomElement ele; // Maintain backwards compatibility with the eariler betas. They saved // fg color and line style in this node. m_pLineStyle->setColor( XmlReadColor( e, "fgColor", QColor(0,0,0) ) ); m_pLineStyle->setWidth( XmlReadFloat( e, "lineWidth", 1.0f ) ); node = e.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { QString nodeName = node.nodeName(); ele = node.toElement(); if( nodeName == "KivioLineStyle" ) { m_pLineStyle->loadXML( ele ); } else if( nodeName == "KivioFillStyle" ) { m_pFillStyle->loadXML( ele ); } else if( nodeName == "KivioTextStyle" ) { // First make sure we are a text box if( m_shapeType == kstTextBox ) { // If we don't have text data, allocate it if( !m_pTextData ) m_pTextData = new KivioTextStyle(); m_pTextData->loadXML( ele ); } // end if m_shapeType==kstTextBox } else if( nodeName == "KivioText" ) { // First make sure we are a text box if( m_shapeType == kstTextBox ) { KivioTextShapeData *pData = new KivioTextShapeData; pData->m_text = XmlReadString( ele, "text", "" ); pData->m_isHtml = (bool)XmlReadInt( ele, "isHtml", (int)false ); pData->m_hTextAlign = XmlReadInt( ele, "hTextAlign", Qt::AlignHCenter ); pData->m_vTextAlign = XmlReadInt( ele, "vTextAlign", Qt::AlignVCenter ); // Search for the font QDomNode innerNode = ele.firstChild(); while( !innerNode.isNull() ) { QString innerName = innerNode.nodeName(); QDomElement innerE = innerNode.toElement(); if( innerName == "TextFont" ) { pData->m_textFont.setFamily( XmlReadString(innerE, "family", "times") ); pData->m_textFont.setPointSize( XmlReadInt(innerE, "size", 12 ) ); pData->m_textFont.setBold( (bool)XmlReadInt( innerE, "bold", 12 ) ); pData->m_textFont.setItalic( (bool)XmlReadInt( innerE, "italic", 12 ) ); pData->m_textFont.setUnderline( (bool)XmlReadInt( innerE, "underline", 12 ) ); pData->m_textFont.setStrikeOut( (bool)XmlReadInt( innerE, "strikeOut", 12 ) ); pData->m_textFont.setFixedPitch( (bool)XmlReadInt( innerE, "fixedPitch", false ) ); pData->m_textColor = XmlReadColor( innerE, "color", QColor(0,0,0) ); } innerNode = innerNode.nextSibling(); } // Now convert it to a KivioTextStyle if( !m_pTextData ) m_pTextData = new KivioTextStyle(); m_pTextData->setText( pData->m_text ); m_pTextData->setHTextAlign( pData->m_hTextAlign ); m_pTextData->setVTextAlign( pData->m_vTextAlign ); m_pTextData->setFont( pData->m_textFont ); m_pTextData->setColor( pData->m_textColor ); } // end if m_shapeType==kstTextBox else { kdDebug(43000) << "KivioShapeData::loadXML() - Loading KivioText, but this is not a textbox!" << endl; } } node = node.nextSibling(); } return true; } /** * Save this object to an XML element * */ QDomElement KivioShapeData::saveXML( QDomDocument &doc ) { QDomElement e = doc.createElement("KivioShapeData"); // FIXME: Do we need to save m_pOriginalPointList // We save all this, but we won't necessarily load it back. // The positions QDomElement posE = doc.createElement("Position"); XmlWriteFloat( posE, "x", m_position.x() ); XmlWriteFloat( posE, "y", m_position.y() ); e.appendChild( posE ); // The dimensions QDomElement dimE = doc.createElement("Dimension"); XmlWriteFloat( dimE, "w", m_dimensions.x() ); XmlWriteFloat( dimE, "h", m_dimensions.y() ); e.appendChild( dimE ); // The FGColor // QDomElement foreE = doc.createElement("Foreground"); // XmlWriteUInt( foreE, "color", m_fgColor.rgb() ); // XmlWriteFloat( foreE, "lineWidth", m_lineWidth ); // e.appendChild( foreE ); QDomElement foreE = m_pLineStyle->saveXML( doc ); e.appendChild( foreE ); // Save if we are a text box etc... if( m_shapeType == kstTextBox ) { if( m_pTextData ) { e.appendChild( m_pTextData->saveXML(doc) ); /* // The text & formatting QDomElement textE = doc.createElement("KivioText"); XmlWriteString( textE, "text", m_pTextData->m_text ); XmlWriteInt( textE, "isHtml", m_pTextData->m_isHtml ); XmlWriteInt( textE, "hTextAlign", m_pTextData->m_hTextAlign ); XmlWriteInt( textE, "vTextAlign", m_pTextData->m_vTextAlign ); // Text font & color QDomElement innerTextE = doc.createElement("TextFont"); XmlWriteString( innerTextE, "family", m_pTextData->m_textFont.family() ); XmlWriteColor( innerTextE, "color", m_pTextData->m_textColor ); XmlWriteInt( innerTextE, "size", m_pTextData->m_textFont.pointSize() ); XmlWriteInt( innerTextE, "bold", m_pTextData->m_textFont.bold() ); XmlWriteInt( innerTextE, "italic", m_pTextData->m_textFont.italic() ); XmlWriteInt( innerTextE, "underline", m_pTextData->m_textFont.underline() ); XmlWriteInt( innerTextE, "strikeOut", m_pTextData->m_textFont.strikeOut() ); XmlWriteInt( innerTextE, "fixedPitch", m_pTextData->m_textFont.fixedPitch() ); textE.appendChild( innerTextE ); e.appendChild( textE ); */ } } // The BGFillStyle e.appendChild( m_pFillStyle->saveXML( doc ) ); // Shape type & name are stored in the shape node //XmlWriteInt( e, "shapeType", m_shapeType ); //XmlWriteString( e, "name", m_name ); return e; } KivioShapeData::KivioShapeType KivioShapeData::shapeTypeFromString( const QString &str ) { for( int i=0; itext(); return QString(""); } void KivioShapeData::setText( const QString &newText ) { if( m_pTextData ) { m_pTextData->setText(newText); } } bool KivioShapeData::isHtml() const { if( m_pTextData ) return m_pTextData->isHtml(); return false; } void KivioShapeData::setIsHtml( bool b ) { if( m_pTextData ) m_pTextData->setIsHtml(b); } int KivioShapeData::hTextAlign() const { if( m_pTextData ) return m_pTextData->hTextAlign(); return Qt::AlignHCenter; } void KivioShapeData::setHTextAlign( int i ) { if( m_pTextData ) m_pTextData->setHTextAlign(i); } int KivioShapeData::vTextAlign() const { if( m_pTextData ) return m_pTextData->vTextAlign(); return Qt::AlignVCenter; } void KivioShapeData::setVTextAlign( int i ) { if( m_pTextData ) m_pTextData->setVTextAlign(i); } QFont KivioShapeData::textFont() { if( m_pTextData ) return m_pTextData->font(); return QFont("Times"); } void KivioShapeData::setTextFont( const QFont &f ) { if( m_pTextData ) m_pTextData->setFont(f); } QColor KivioShapeData::textColor() { if( m_pTextData ) return m_pTextData->color(); return QColor(0,0,0); } void KivioShapeData::setTextColor( QColor c ) { if( m_pTextData ) m_pTextData->setColor(c); } void KivioShapeData::setTextStyle( KivioTextStyle *pStyle ) { if( m_pTextData ) { pStyle->copyInto( m_pTextData ); } } void KivioShapeData::setLineStyle(KivioLineStyle ls) { if(m_pLineStyle) { ls.copyInto(m_pLineStyle); } }