Some usefull stuff:              
You can search the source code for FIXME and TODO entries with:
find . -name "*.c*" -o -name "*.h" | xargs grep -E "(###|TODO|FIXME|todo)"

Using -A and -B with grep gives you some additional context around the particular comment:
find . -name "*.c*" -o -name "*.h" | xargs grep -A 3 -B 3 -E "(###|TODO|FIXME|todo)"

The list is not sorted in any order, allthough more urgent things tend to
gravitate to the top. Also it is not limited to what should be fixed 
before the 1.5 release!
Status      Description
Taken       User manual (contact:
            Find a solution for the durationwidget.
            It's now a custom widget mainly comprised by QLineEdits.
            This doesn't work well. One problem is that QLineEdit gives
            sizehints of approx 14 charachters minimum and we use 2-3, so
            it messes up layouting.
            Resourceuseview: Scrap existing and use KChart instead.
            Removed for now. Charting probably not added until after release.
            Reports: Review if/how Kugar should be used and
            design a few usefull reports.

            Task details view: Improve, make it stand-alone? Convert to
            a "infoview"? (as todos in KDE-PIM?)
            Cut, copy, paste.
            Start-to-finish relation.
            Improve menu- and toolbar structure.

            Icons. Would be nice to have a set with a consistent look.
            Add tooltips and what's this.
            Better handling of resources during scheduling.
            - Use Overtime
            - Allow/prohibit overbooking
            - Resource leveling
            - Monte carlo estimation
            - etc
            - Timezone handling
            - Default calendar (See also Bug 123682)
            - Localized holiday files (as in tdepim)

            Improve Progress info dialog/presentation.
            Make it stand-alone, add to task context menu.

            - Static/global IDs for items and tasklink groups.
            - Presentation of "week-ends" when it doesn't match scale.
            - Time-now line.
            - Progress for event (milestone) item.

            Implement periodic/repetitive tasks.
            Implement external events
            Implementing subproject editor-dialog
            Subproject is not supported.
            Handle (re-)calculation of started/finished tasks.
            Restrict modification of started/finished tasks.

            Interface to PIM
            - Issue todos and docs
            - Fetch freebusy info (Prob: how to sync if we recalculate?)

            Decide on the final KPlato file format.
            For now we have these options:
              * leave the format the way it is
              * create a new (OASIS?) specification
              * use PMXML -
              * or find a better suited "standard" format

            Make it possible to form resource teams.
            Make it possible to request resource allocations from groups.
            Write good doxygen compatible API docs in the source code!
            Change source filenames to 'classname'.cpp and d:o .h
            Eg: -> Task.cpp kpttask.h -> Task.h
            Also remove the .ui filename prefix.
Done        Remove Networkview.

Done        Resourceview: Improve

Done        Fix default values for "standard worktime" (and maybe a new name?).
            This should maybe be part of templates.
Done        Implement embedding into other koffice apps.
Done        Fix 'embedding' into koshell.
Done        Calendars:
            - Improve calendars dialogs
            - Implement hierachical calendars

Done        Autogenerate task id.
Done        Implement multiple scheduling. (Expected, optimistic, pessimistic)
Done        Make a summarytask dialog.
Done        Cost Breakdown Structure:
            - Define account class/list and necessary dialogs.
            - Task cost specification (which shall link to accounts, resources).
            - Resource cost specification.
            - Implement calculation of planned cost (part of calculating/scheduling 
              the project).
Done        Remove KPT prefix from all KPlato classes (ask mailing list!)

Done        Requirements specification

Done        Data structuring and class creation 

Done        Implementing basic view

Done        Implementing basic task/summarytasks

Done        Implementing Gantt view
            Uses KDGanttView, which needs some improvements:
            Context menu for links, possibility to present
            progress in different ways (time-now, double taskbars...),
            improved layout of links.

Done        Implementing task editor-dialog

Done        Implementing project editor-dialog 
Done        Implementing milestone editor-dialog
            Uses task dialog. Milestone is a task with 0 duration.

Done        Resources (basic)
            Note: Possibly redesign group/resource so that one resource
                  can be member of multiple groups.
Done        From given project start time.
Done        From given project end time:
            Based on task relations: 
Done            Finish to start.
Done            Start to start.
Done            Finish to finish.
            Based on constraints.
Done            As soon as possible.
Done            As late as possible.
Done            Must start on.
Done            Start not earlier than.
Done            Finish not later than.
Done        Based on resource requests to specific resources.
Done        Allocation of resources and calculates durations accordingly.

Done    Plain
Done        Use KPlato namespace for all KPlato classes