Changes after KPresenter 1.4
- Fixed Bug 47825 object appeared on the wrong page after save/open in kpr format
- Fixed Bug 118825: Property altering actions are not enabled correctly

- Added auto guidelines
- Now we can or not display object from master page
- Draw objects of the master slide behind the objects of the current slide.

Changes after KPresenter 1.3
- Fixed undo of delete and group command
- Fixed possible crash in presentation mode if not all slides are shown
- Fixed take tmp objects for redrawing in effect from the correct page
- Fixed show the duration for the correct page if not all slides are shown
- Fixed crash in infinite loop presentation mode when first slide is not shown
- Fixed redrawing of lines in drawing mode in case of a repaint event
- Fixed aligning of rotated lines and line with pen.width() > 1
- Fixed that the width/height of an rotated object could be negative
- Fixed copy and paste when one pic is in the copied objects
- Fixed crash in history of group/ungroup commands
- Ignore sticky objects when duplicating a page
- Fixed Object Effects are not correctly done (#64384)
- Fixed drawing of rect with round corners when zoomed and gradient filling
- Fixed no alpha channel set on mirrored pictures
- Fixed objects placed on wrong page after saving and loading in kpr file format
- Fixed picture not updated when only depth is changed
- Fixed saving of document type for webpresentations

- Flip now works as in Gimp. Horizontal flip flips on y-axis
  vertical filp on x-axis
- Group objects: The grouped object is now in the z-order of the upperst
  object grouped and no longer on the top.
- Ungroup object: The objects are now in the z-order where the group object 
  was and no longer on top.
- If a page is shown more than once during a presentation add the time for 
  the duration instead of showing only the last duration.
- Use tdespell2
- Now PresSpeed is into each page
- Now PageUp/PageDown during presentation go to beginning of the next/previous slide
- Each object effect can have it's own speed now
- Copy between kword/kpresenter
- Now we can configure header/footer by page
- Configure Custom Slide Show
- Add statistic variable

Changes after KPresenter 1.3 RC1
- during a presentation variables on the sticky page were not updated (#67515)

Changes after KPresenter 1.3 beta 4
- Fixed When resizing a frame it does not snap to the grid (#63032)
- Fixed after resize/undo size of object is not the same
- Fixed after move/undo position of object is not the same
- Fixed resizing of poly line objects
- Fixed after reload of some objects moved up a little bit
- Fixed moving with key left used y grid
- Fixed header/footer moved in undo

Changes after KPresenter 1.3 beta 3
- Fixed cursor not blinking in some cases
- Fixed "blinking cursor erases formatting characters" bug
- "Adjust object to contents" works as intended now
- Purpose of the 'Notebar' is unknown (#63037)
- kpresenter crashed when I tried to insert the variable
  "section title" (#61735)
- large footer from kpresenter 1.2.1 will crash kpresenter
- embedded spreadsheet (table button) appears at wrong size
- embedded kspread object displayed with wrong size (#33233)
- KPresenter hangs when inserted text wraps to newline
- layer lowering is incorrect (#53277)
- resize handles deceptive when zoomed out (#61602)
- fixed painting garbage at a side of the screen in the presentation mode (on
  weird DPIs)

Changes after KPresenter 1.3 beta 2
- KPR 'forgets' solid line attribute of text frames (#61343)
- fix pasting text objects screwing UTF-8 text
- snap to Grid function aligns relatively, not absolutely (#56181)
- when cutting&pasting a vertically centred text frame,
  the vertical position changes (#61330)

- grid, snap to grid are on now by default, with a finer step of 5mm
  (#60011 and #60013)

Changes after KPresenter 1.3 beta 1
- fixed loading of old documents with invalid paragraph indents
- paste image gives tiny initial object (#59058)
- setting the font size in the toolbar doesn't work (#39786)
- objects disappears on the rightside of a dinA0 presentation (#37370)
- large unwanted offset in print preview and printing (#56123)

New features:
- flip groups horizontally/vertically (#45561)

Changes after KPresenter 1.2
- Add "add to bookmark" feature
- Add font properties : change relative font size when we sub/super script font
- Add support to add offset from baseline
- Now koinsertlink use 'recent document'
- Add support to insert cursor directly
- Add autocorrection : "Capitalize name of days"
- Added support for global language
- Use new kospell API
- Added support for naming objects
- Added flipping support for most objects (not yet for text autoform and kpart)

Visual stuff:
- objects use "forbidden" cursor when they're protected (new)
- display an "End of presentation"-slide at end of presentation; configurable
- transition effect dialog with preview (new)

Text boxes:
- can spellcheck in selection only (new)
- shadow is a text property now (bugfix)
- link manipulation (add/copy/remove) (new)
- access to spellcheck result via context menu
- text formats now include language information (new)
- new line spacing types: at least / exactly / multiple of (new)
- new font attributes: small caps, uppercase, lowercase (new)
- new underline and strikethru type: word by word

- properly draw images with alpha channels (bugfix)
- better loading of background pictures; especially for remote files (new)

- created/modified/printed document date (bug #24242)
- added time/date variable offset (new)
- added new variables: Next page number, Previous page number (new)

- whether and where to create backup files (new)
- path to pictures (new)
- personal dictionary (new)
- list of ignored words when spellchecking (new)
- go with a per-slide default when inserting a new one (wish #22629)
- printing of slide notes (wish #56120)

- web presentation: better HTML generation, usability improvement of the wizard (new)
- copy/paste image/embedded objects between different instances (bugfix)
- comment text can be copied now (bugfix)
- undo/redo shows history of commands (new)

Changes between KPresenter-1.2-RC1 and KPresenter-1.2
- Fix undo/redo move object.
- Fix #45966 kpresenter refuses to update image with same name
- Fix #45991: problems w.r.t. font color and bullets
- Fix mouse move event + vertical alignment
- Fix resize to height : Don't create command when it's not necessary.
- Fix availableHeight + vertical alignment
- Fix save variable.
- Fix recalc page number + sticky object
- Fix draw gradient + rectangle object
- Fix presentation mode : Don't draw grid and helpline in this mode
- Fix update ruler tabs when we switch between two text object
- Fix move up/down style
- Fix restore style shortcut when we remove/rename/add style

Changes between KPresenter-1.2-beta2 and KPresenter-1.2-RC1
- Like all of KOffice: a readonly GUI for embedding into Konqueror
- More DCOP calls

- Fix resize text object
- Fix webpresentation => display real variable value 
- Fix autocorrection (crash/change language etc...)
- Fix update sidebar
- Fix key event when text object is protect content.
- Fix group object : allow to change text object attribute, fix load close object etc...
- Width and height spin boxes in the style dialog are now coupled when
  keep aspect ratio is in effect.
- Fix unselect object : use right button + shift
- Fixed rounded rectangle + gradient
- Fixed saving shadowed objects (when only their color differed from
  the defaults)
- Restored a lot of backwards compatibility (formatting, bullets, numbers,
  whitespace handling etc.)
- Speedup in displaying of the pixmap objects
- Fixed the drawing of the background (no gradient when background is
  an image or a clipart)

- Fixed crash when we close kword and "special char dialogbox" is not closed
- Fixed several memory leaks
- Fixed crash when we cancel insert time/date variable.
- Fixed crash when we duplicate page and there was an embedded document.
- Fixed crash when we split view and we try to open menu when factory() is null
- Fixed crash when we didn't select a slide and try to launch presentation

KPresenter 1.2beta1 -> 1.2 beta 2
- Add support for flip polyline object
- Add support for "protect size and postion"
- When we create a line object and we press shift we draw horizontal/vertical
- Added support for dnd between text objects
- Added support for keeping ratio of objects
- Added dialog for duplicatiing objects
- Add "Apply AutoFormat"
- Add new type of begin/end line (line arrow, Dimension line... )
- Add support for find/replace with format
- Now we can create directly a style from a selection
- Add support for protect content of text object
- Now we can close polyline object
- Fix save/load variable
- Use tripleState in styledia
- Removed settings-toolbar and corresponding menu-entries
- Added tab to properties-dialog according to selected object
- Moved default-settings for rectangles, pies and polygons to
  'Settings' -> 'Configure KPresenter'
- Now we can change grid color
- Add option to "Snap to grid"
- Add support for text object margins
- Improve font style
- New transition effects: Strips
- Add support for vertical alignment
- Now we can change tab stop value
- Now we can save picture from file to disk
- Add Closed Line Object (freehand, polyline, quadric bezier curve, cubic bezier curve)
- Add New Cursor for rotate tool and freehand tool
- Merged actions for lines, shapes and arrangement of objects into
  an appropriate drop-down menu
- Add support for autocorrect with format
- Add option "Allow cursor in text object protected content"
- Add import text style support
- Add save page background image on disk
- Add display field code (for variable)
- We can change autoformat language

Changes after KPresenter 1.1
- Port to kotext
- New effect : kpresenter can play sounds
- Thumbnail mode for the sidebar
- Add notebar
- Add a real statusbar
- Add New Tool : freehand, polyline, quadric bezier curve, cubic bezier curve, convex/concave polygon
- Add zoom support
- Improve undo/redo (now we can undo/redo "insert new page"/"delete page"/"paste page"/"Duplicate page")
- Now kpresenter has real page
- Limit position/size object to page
- spell checking/search/find works on all page
- Add "Show Presentation Duration"
- Add dcop interface : now we can insert text, change text format, etc...
- Add support for style
- Add support for background spell checking
- Add support for manual completion (use CTRL + E )
- Add Help line
- New transition effect: Blinds, Box In/Out, Checkboard, Cover, Uncover, Dissolve, Random,...
- Add grid support
- Add Help Point
- Add support to change zoom with mouse (zoom selected area)
- Add Configure Picture Dialog